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Hasan Piker


This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


It feels like I made so many requests where I'm like, oh my God, I need to have my dog here, all this shit. No, dude, I'm just saying it's all stylish.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Like you go to any outlet, most of them are going to rule it a suicide. No critical, no critical reporting on it whatsoever. Just unconditionally saying like, no, no, no, it was definitely a suicide. Like the average American doesn't feel that way. And also there's very valid reasons as to why they don't feel that way.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Israel is another great example of this where, like, it was like 80% of Americans wanted a ceasefire. And yet, if you look at all the way from CNN to Fox News, every single outlet was just like, no, no, no, you don't understand. Israel has to kill these children. Like, please. No, you don't understand. Like, can you imagine? You got...

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


imagine a role reversal in that situation where like you got you got uh osama bin laden's best lads on cnn immediately after 9-11 being like listen like we we had to blow up the twin towers like you you don't the world trade center it was it was right there it was asking for it one of them was a little askew yeah yeah we had to fix it um

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


It was almost just Sinclair Broadcasting. Yeah. So that's actually that's ironically a lot of right wingers spread that one. Is that true or not? No, it is. But that but that's right wing. That's Sinclair Broadcasting. It's like a right wing media company that basically bought out all the remaining local news broadcasters. Wow. So it's like an umbrella.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Right-wing media is all over the place, actually, and a lot of people don't realize it. Whenever Fox News talks about mainstream media lies, I'm like, bro, you are the most popular news network in the country. What do you mean mainstream media? You're dominating everybody else.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


This is the top. I mean, both are Japanese, I think, actually. Oh, yeah, that's what it is. Yeah, it's a Japanese brand called Color with a K. And the pants are Adidas Y3, Yoji Yamamoto collab. Damn. You don't fuck with fashion at all. I mean, yeah, I don't. I mean, you got a look, though. I mean, I don't like to have a lot of... Should we save this for the pod? That's normal. Oh, we're rolling?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, right-wing media is so dominant. And in the independent side, right-wing media is dominant as hell too. But like on the mainstream side, right-wing media is incredibly dominant. They dominate the local news with Sinclair Broadcasting and also all the way up to Fox News, which is the most famous, which is the most like successful network news broadcaster in the country.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Is Fox News the most watched news network? Yeah. By widest margins. Really? Yeah, it's not even close. CNN and MSNBC, Trump always talks about how CNN and NBC are, you know, in the pooper. Their ratings are awful. These guys love presenting themselves as vulnerable victims, and I really always get annoyed by that. Like, they say that about... They used to always say that about like Facebook too.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


They're like, oh, they're banning stuff. And I'm sure they banned like vaccine denial or whatever, right? Because Facebook wanted to be woke and liberal until Mark Zuckerberg got hit with the Dominican ray.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


They are. No, no, for sure. Like a lot of like the New York Times, you got CNN, ABC, CBS, like NBC. These outlets are liberal. Now, obviously, I'm a little bit of a radical, I guess. So I'm definitely not fond of the Democratic Party either, even though my criticisms of the Democrats are because of their closeness to the Republicans in general. But yeah, they are.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I would say that they're definitely liberal, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're like on the side of the people or anything like that or on even the progressive side of many, many of these issues. And that's why I said there is this uniparty attitude like liberals and Republicans. They basically come together and agree when it comes to giving more money to Israel.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, not not the voters. I'm talking like institutions. I'm talking politicians.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Trump. The other day, Trump was like, yo, we can't give any more money to Ukraine, right? You're done. He's like, Zell Disney, you're out. And then he turns around and he's like, also, we're sending $3 billion of weapons and bulldozers to Israel pronto. Did they really? Yeah. Bring that up. $3.4 billion, I believe, on the same day. Yeah, Rubio bypasses Congress to send Israel $4 billion in arms.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


They were like, oh, we have to expeditiously send this out to Israel. Arms for what? What do you mean? To continue killing Palestinians?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, there's still a million plus Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. They're basically just like living in the rubble, trying to rebuild. I mean, these are some of the most resilient people on the planet. Like they just, they've been through hell a million times over, you know?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, I think that was real though. I don't think that was AI. I saw people taking photos of that. Yeah. I mean, also the other side of this is like the Gaza strip is, is like overwhelmingly children. Like we're talking like the average age is 14. People are on like 50 plus percent are, are minors.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


No, I mean, look, I've been actively and openly pro-Palestinian emancipation for the past decade, and I've seen a major attitude shift.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Wait, what do you mean? Because he, yeah, he's been. When I was in third grade, I thought I was gay. Did he do that? That's what his song was.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Oh, okay. All right. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. My bad. That's why I didn't have it on the... That's why I didn't have it in my mouth because I thought we weren't filming yet.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. I mean, look, I'll never, I'll never discard allies. I'm, you know, that's an amazing thing to, to look at the situation with clarity, with moral clarity and just be like, listen, I didn't know enough about this. And now I've recognized the cruelty of, of what we are doing.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Like, cause that's the other thing, like America, whether we agree to it or not, or whether we recognize it or not is like participating in this in a pretty meaningful way. They're offering political cover at the UN. They, uh, You got the basically war crime cops out there at the ICC and ICJ, the International Court of Justice, which prosecutes state on state prosecutions.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


You have the International Criminal Court, which is a court that prosecutes war criminals. Right. And both of them have issued for Netanyahu to be prosecuted. Yeah.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


So South Africa has a case against Israel for genocide. That's ongoing at the ICJ. And at the ICC, the International Criminal Court has a prosecutor that has issued arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Galan for the crime of doing a genocide, for being war criminals, intentional starvation of a civilian, captive civilian population. It's a pretty obvious war crime. So –

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Do some covert op shit. But just to be like... No, their military is ass, though. That's the problem. They just have like... They just have... Overwhelming firepower and air superiority. That's it.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


No, I think we are complicit. I mean that's how I feel about it at least. But that's why I actively urge people to protest and do everything in their power to try to put an end to this because I think we have a lot of power in this regard in the United States of America. I don't think that America is like a true democracy by any means and this kind of stuff basically –

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


uh puts that on display for everyone to recognize um or you know whenever people go hey can we get health care and the government's like fuck you then you're like what like this would be nice to have you know socialized medicine um but uh but you still you still got to keep trying it's that time baby it's that time to get that thing on you get that thing on yeah

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I wouldn't say it's like complicity in terms of like your hands are bloody individually, but the least you can do is not actively champion America doing this stuff and also go out and protest and try to give a voice to voiceless people that are just being massacred for no reason. Yeah.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Candace Owens got a lot of thoughts on that stuff. I think I think there's like two different camps here. You got people who critically analyze the relationship with Israel and you got people who are like, it's the Jews. You know, I am in the critically analyzing the situation camp rather than just being like, oh, it's Jews because they got mind control powers or whatever the fuck people say.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


It's because it is an unsinkable aircraft carrier in a resource rich region. And it has its own espionage facilities. And that is the reason like we basically carried over from the British this this settler colony in the region that we can just kind of use or have a collaborative relationship with. And it's incredibly valuable for us. So valuable that like.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I mean, Israel's blown up USS Liberty like an American Navy ship. And basically... That was in the 50s, I think. Yeah. In that process, it was an incredibly valuable Cold War ally because we were terrified of Israel going and collaborating with the USSR. You got pan-Arabic nationalism happening all around the region.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


All these countries that are developing nation states are doing so on the boundaries of defeating... They're colonial occupiers, whether it be French colonialism or British colonialism. And simultaneously, they're looking to the USSR. Right. And they're like, you know, maybe you guys will help us out. This seems like a cool thing that you guys got going on over there.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


The socialism stuff ain't too bad. America goes, fuck that. And they basically hit the Israel button as hard as they could, where they were just like, you guys are going to be our extension. It's like some of my friends say there are favored client states and then there are client states that America just discards.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Bro, you got to look. You can't be saying I need to get into fashion and you're making a deliberate choice to not have a mustache and grow a beard out. You think so? I feel like that's a look.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Ukraine is obviously a non-favored client state, and that's what happens when you're done with Ukraine, where you're like, I'm done with this, you know, pack it up, give me all your minerals, even if you have any, who knows, I don't care, you know, know your place. America does this to the Kurds all the time as well, where they'll just like arm them and be like, yeah, you guys need to get...

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


You guys need to develop a nation state. It'd be nice. Kurds are an ethnic minority in the region. Okay. In where? 35 million people. In what region? In the Middle East. Okay. 35 million people don't have a nation state. A lot of them live in Turkey. So kind of homeless kind of? Iraq. Well, yeah. Yes and no.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And there's like varying degrees of cruelty that they're subjected to in these countries as like an ethnic minority. My country included in Turkey. Wow. And... They want to they want to build a nation state. They got an autonomous region in Iraq now. They're in Syria as well. They're in Iran as well. And then they're trying to figure it out. Turkey. Yeah.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


So America will go up to them and be like, we're going to arm you guys. We're going to train you guys. Go fuck shit up. And then as soon as they're done, they they just discard them. And they're like, OK, go. You can they'll tell Turkey you can go and bomb these villages that they're in. Who cares? It doesn't matter anymore.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I never thought about that. Yeah, I guess. You got the flannel. It's that little bit like a sock for your chin kind of, I guess. Yeah. That's brave, by the way. I just got to say. To do just this? Yeah, I think it's brave.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


No, I get it. What you're exhibiting is a very normal contradiction that a lot of Americans – When faced with the reality of American foreign policy, they come to terms with this. They try to resolve this contradiction where on the one hand, you're saying, well, I'm an American. I like the security blanket that I exist under, right?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


But also simultaneously, you're like, but damn, we're doing a lot of fucked up shit around the world. I mean, look, I'm a... People always yell at me and say, oh, Hassan, you only say America bad. But I don't just stop at that. I want America to be good. I think America has an incredible potential. It's the wealthiest nation on the planet.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


It should be doing so much more to help its own citizens and so much more to lead the way, pave the way for a new evolution of the way that we look at international relations than the way that we engage with conflict. The reason why America is the way it is is because I see it as basically 50 corporations in a trench suit.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


It's a holdover to extract tax revenue from everyday Americans and then give it directly back to corporations in the form of subsidies without ever regulating them and demanding anything in return. I think one of the best examples of this was when Russia invaded Ukraine. And then Russia is also part of OPEC+, so they went back to Saudi Arabia.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Why are you throwing them under the bus? I know. I am. My bad, guys.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Is that right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Basically, exactly. It's a cartel.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


That's what it is. It's a group of countries that have oil reserves that basically set the price of oil barrels. Okay. And Saudi Arabia is pretty dominant because they have... Um, you know, I mean, they, they are the oil gods basically. Yeah.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And yeah, the organization of petroleum exporting countries and, uh, Russia basically went back to OPEC and was like organization of petroleum exporting countries. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. At the time, Russia had a lot to, you know, a lot to gain from and all these other countries had a lot to also gain from basically limiting the price of, or limiting the supply of oil.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Sometimes. I mean, we don't got Amish people. Normally, the only time you see the beard and the no mustache combo is if they just go with the full one. Oh, yeah. And it's just like, I don't know why they do that.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Um, you know, we're in the post COVID era too. And then like, they're also, They were also making a lot of money or they had lost a lot of revenue. So they wanted to recoup because nobody was like flying around or using oil because everyone was like starting home. So they were recouping on those losses by just basically saying demand is on an all time high. We're not going to produce, you know.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


We're not going to keep up with that demand to make sure that we stabilize the prices.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Oh, yeah, they could have produced way more. Right. So the point I was going to make is Brandon went back to Saudi Arabia. You know, he shook hands with MBS and was like, hey. Who did, Brandon? Brandon, Joe Brandon, Joe Biden. Oh, Joe Biden. Yeah, he went to Saudi Arabia. He was like, come on, Jack, you know, produce more oil. Come on, don't do it. And they were like, nope.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


The reason why I'm telling this convoluted story is because then we have American oil and gas industry providers, right? Like we have our own oil. Everybody always talks about how we have independence, like energy independence in America. So he went back to the American oil and gas industry and was like, all right, you guys have to produce more oil because you have to offset what OPEC is doing.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And you know what they said? Fuck you. That's what they said. They rely, the oil and gas producers in this country, the fossil fuel industry gets 80% of our energy subsidies. It's like billions of dollars that they get.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Not even a kickback, like government collects taxes and then government gives these companies, whether they're in agriculture or whether they're in the oil and gas industry, they give money to these companies to keep prices relatively low, to keep up with the cost of the production. Right. They're like, hey, we're going to give you this money. So you keep prices low.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, exactly. I didn't even know that. And they didn't provide – they just didn't supply the federal government with more oil. Like they just did not – They did not produce more in the time to stabilize prices. And you got like the oil lobby guys going on CNBC and actively being like, we have a fiduciary responsibility to our shareholders to maximize profit.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


We don't care if the you know, we don't care if the prices are high, you know, sucks to suck because our profits are great.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


and the reason why i explained all this is because i think that's a perfect demonstration of how america operates like the american government operates rather where it serves corporations not the people and then you got china on the other hand where like it's you know they got billionaires too they got massive corporations too but those corporations serve the government

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Now, that can be bad, but if the government is interested in uplifting the public good and doing even development or whatever, then ultimately they just can force corporations' hands to do whatever they want.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


No, it does. Yeah, no. What you're describing, like I said, is what leftists call living in the imperial core. Because if you're in the heart of empire, you at the very least don't suffer the repercussions of being the victims, right? Right. Like you're not in Guatemala, so you're not getting destabilized by the American government in many instances, or at least throughout your history.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


So you haven't been kept down. And therefore your situation in comparison to them is going to be a lot better. And then what do I want my life to be like day to day?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. So that that that what you were describing right there is is basically the heart of I wouldn't say the problem necessarily, but that that is why a lot of people just like tune out because they feel just powerless at the end of the day. You know, you got your protests, you vote, and then these guys do whatever the fuck they want to do.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


What am I supposed to do is like the the attitude that the average citizen has in this country, right?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


and you know that's why things slowly but surely seemingly get worse year over year maybe not for you and i because like i mean we're relatively successful but for like average people for everyday people shit is fucked up and they recognize it but they don't know who is responsible for it and they become so malleable and so open uh to to responding to anybody that will look at

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Anybody that will recognize their frustration and say, it's actually because of this and that. And I think Trump tapped into that so perfectly. And that's why he won. That's why he defeated the Democrats so handily. Because he was like, yes, you're angry. I'm angry too. Why are you angry? Because woke libtards, because DEI, because trans people, because undocumented immigrants.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


undocumented immigrants aren't your fucking landlord. They're not the one who's raising the price of rent. They don't own the, they don't own the mega corporations. They don't, they're not, they're not sitting at the board of BlackRock. You know what I mean?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


It's not a Guatemalan migrant that's sitting at the board of BlackRock, uh, purchasing all the fucking houses or they're not the real estate developers that refuse to, you know, uh, uh, add to the like much needed supply of housing.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


i don't know man but no you're probably the most style i'm trying to think of somebody else more stylish that's come in here oh here's some facial hair types right here this is very important bro this is like that that russian ethnicities uh photo grin you know what i'm talking about like in the ussr this is crazy it does look like yeah they're like they're showing us the different kinds of armenians it does look like 40 degrees of uber that's what it looks like yeah see look that's what i'm talking about

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, he did, like, a fake State of the Union. It was a joint congressional address. Joint congressional address. Yeah. Because he talked about some of those things, like DEI. Yeah, bro, they cut DEI. Now planes are fucking falling out of the sky, man. We need to bring Pete Buttigieg back as the transportation secretary. He needs to fix the problem. Was he a dog in there? No.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I don't know about the jumping. I don't know how they would factor into the pilot program.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Now I think, you know, if I get on a plane and I see a white man, that dude better be in a polyamorous relationship, okay? I need that dude sucking dick, okay? No, dude. I need something. If he's straight and he's a straight white male, that plane is falling, dude. That's what's going on. Trump came in, he killed DEI every day. There's another fucking plane crash. What?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


but is it white dudes doing it here's the thing i'm around it's not i'm not being serious even though even though republicans do think that that is real where they're like oh if there's a black woman pilot that's why planes are falling it's like no dumb ass it's because of capitalism like they've they've literally undercut every aspect of production to make more money they constantly outsource they constantly send certain aspects of manufacturing to to other countries where there's like less regulation and less restrictions that makes them more money

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And that's why fucking planes are, you know, the doors are exploding and shit while they're flying. Is that one of the real reasons you think it's going on? That's 100% the reason why it's going on.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Well, that's also because, you know, minor incidents happen all the time. But the media hyper focuses on them when it becomes like a hot button topic. That's what it is. And there are obviously freak accidents as well. Like they all freak accidents happen. But I think there's never really like a like a perfect example, like a perfect demonstration of why these things are happening more frequently.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker



This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, but the difference is the... the severity of like one big crash and then people hyper focus on it. This happened with, uh, Palestine, Ohio. Uh, remember when the train derailment happened and everybody was like, why aren't they covering this? Well, you know, I'm, I'm a little bit of a foamer. I love, I love trains.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Maybe it's because of the autism, but like, you know how many train derailments happening every year, every single year, a thousand. Some of them are minor. Some of them are major. Um, Right. So every single person hyper focused on this, understandably, because like they try to do a shitty ass cover up for it and be like, oh, no, everything is fine. And there was gas leaking.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, there was death. Oh, you just feel itchy. It's normal. Yeah. Keep drinking the water. It's fine that it's green. You know, shut up. But.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


uh because of that then everybody started focusing on all these derailments and they were like what the hell is going on and it's like there's a lot of that that happens all the time it's just the media doesn't pay attention to it because if you paid attention to it all the time you go crazy it's like crime right crime in big cities it's a constant oh yeah you know that is uh a buddy of mine was staying with me and he's from like the suburbs of portland right just like a very white neighborhood

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


and i'm living i live in the middle of west hollywood and you know la is not like new york or whatever but it's still a city right every time he heard firecrackers or whatever like uh fireworks or whatever he would freak out he's like is that gunshots i'm like no man that's just fireworks like what are you talking about And then he would hear ambulances or police sirens, and he'd freak out.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Because if you live in a suburb and you hear police sirens, yeah, something crazy happened, right? But if you live in a city, you hear it all the time, this background noise, because you know there's always shit happening. There's tens of millions of people around. So how are you saying that relates to this? What I mean by that is,

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


if you pay attention to it with apps like, you know, next door and citizen and ring and all this stuff, you start realizing that like it's happening all the time and it makes you go crazy. Uh, same with train derailment, same with plane, uh, you know, plane crashes and whatnot. There are, there are normal part of this process and you got to look at the data and, and,

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


No, no. This is like look at all the different ethnicities in the USSR. It's to be better at racism.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Try to figure out if this is like truly unique or not. And in terms of the plane crashes, the deadly nature of some of them is unique. There have been some big ones, right? Like with the Ronald Reagan Airport one. But outside of that, like, you know, minor bumps at the Seattle airport or whatever, like that's normal.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


What do you consider yourself? No, I'm a leftist. That's what I say, where I'm very critical of both parties in general. I don't think that either party really represents my interests. The Democrats sometimes will point to things that I care about, and they are, I guess, a little bit closer to the way I see the world than the Republicans are. But, you know, I'm actively critical of both parties.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. Because I don't care. I don't care about party affiliation. I care about like doing right by people. I care about, you know, helping putting the interests of people over the interests of profits for corporations.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. I think that there's one thing that transcends party boundaries, and I feel like you exhibit that tendency as well, and that is dissatisfaction with the government and the two-party system anyway.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And I think Trump also captured the attention of a lot of people by making it seem like he was totally outside of this dynamic, where he was like, I'm an independent, I'm a billionaire, I'm rich, I don't give a fuck about either of these parties, vote for me. And that's why you have a lot of people who love Bernie Sanders, Because he's he's earnest. He's honest.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And it's obvious that he's not like, you know, a Democratic Party dick rider. And he has a long track record of like constantly doing right by others, constantly advocating for things that like, you know, help people, even if he doesn't have much success. That earnesty has, I think, created this this unique phenomena of people that like Bernie and also Trump, people like yourself, who are

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, I hate that. God damn it. Racism needs to be so easy.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


who think, well, these guys are anti-establishment.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker



This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


You want to know something crazy about The Apprentice? It was one of the most diverse shows on network television at the time. It literally was one of the first shows that prominently featured a bunch of black and brown people in it. A bunch of gay people in it, too. He was woke as hell. That motherfucker was doing DEI before anybody else. Now he's switched up. You see this?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. But then he was president for four years and people were like, oh, okay, maybe this wasn't so good. And then what did the Democrats do? Who did the Democrats put forth? They put forth a cadaver who was like, no, we're going back to business as usual, baby. And Americans were so fatigued by Donald Trump, but they were just like, I don't want to pay attention to the television anymore.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, I think it's just extra difficulty now. That's what it is. So you have to be smarter as a racist.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Like, sure, I'll vote for this guy instead. And then Brandon wins. And then everyone's like, oh, my God, things are awful. Wars all over the place. Biden, you mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Biden. I just keep saying Brandon. I'm sorry. I'm so used to I'm so used to calling him Brandon.

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E567 Hasan Piker


But then I just don't want people to get confused. Yeah, my bad. So Biden comes in and, you know, wars everywhere, cost of living crisis, like a lot of the resentment and anger that people felt in 2016 towards Hillary Clinton because their situation wasn't so great that caused them to vote for Donald Trump. Never. It was left unexamined. Like it was never recognized. It was never fixed. Right.

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E567 Hasan Piker


So when all the stuff piles on, people are resentful again. And lo and behold, they want to put that mallet, they want to bring the mallet back in to just like hammer the federal government because there's like, we fucking hate this. We hate the way things are going. So we'll give this guy a shot again. And that's how you arrive at Trump too. And now he is doing the mallet.

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E567 Hasan Piker


He's ripping over the administrative state. He's doing mass layoffs of the federal regulatory agencies. And it's crazy to me that people don't understand that like these are the same people

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E567 Hasan Piker


problems that have persisted that he's basically worsening um by by also you know removing tens of thousands of people that work for the federal government with like decent paying jobs i'm a big advocate for more government employees i think we should have millions more Not less. Give everybody a fucking job.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, yeah.

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E567 Hasan Piker


They would never do that, though. That's the problem. There was a case for it at one point. Yeah, I know, but I'm saying Republicans especially, Democrats won't do either because both parties kind of like the austerity stuff.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Austerity is belt tightening, like fiscal belt tightening, as in lowering expenditures and cutting social safety nets, basically.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, there's a there's a barrier entry to doing racism. It's like it's unironically a more difficult process now. But what I was going to say is if you want to go back to the to the facial hair chart, bring it up again, please, because I want to know what we're doing.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. And that's just what it is. Yeah. It's never been about people, in my opinion. It's like. New Deal with a lot of like socialist communist pressure at the time. FDR's New Deal. Yeah, FDR's New Deal. What was it? Bring it up. FDR's New Deal definitely brought forth a lot of prosperity to America, like got us out of the muck of the Great Depression.

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E567 Hasan Piker


The New Deal was a series of domestic programs.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, he did a lot. Look, he dealt with the pressing bank crisis through the Emergency Banking Act, 1933 Banking Act, Federal Emergency Relief Administration. We set up Social Security. I mean, there's so much. There's so much that they did in that era because Americans were experiencing tremendous, tremendous hardship. So you're saying a lot of this felt like it was done for the people, right?

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, it was done for the people because it was a necessary... It was basically necessary for them to do this at the time because of all of the deregulation in the banking side with oil barons and all these robber barons basically picking apart... and dominating everyday American existence and the economic collapse that came with that. And then someone had to come in and fix this shit.

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E567 Hasan Piker


And I think Donald Trump is basically not doing the FDR thing, but the reverse. He's fucking it up and taking it back to like a pre-New Deal era. And giving it more towards corporations, you think? Oh, 100%. I mean, you got Elon Musk right there. He's the richest guy on the planet. He's just... Putting his dick through his weird, ugly, egg-shaped penis through every single regulatory agency.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Have people seen his penis? I haven't seen that. I don't know. I don't see that kind of stuff. Yeah, they were saying he's got a weird dick. Really? I believe it.

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E567 Hasan Piker


See, that's the problem. We already have an auditing agency. So these guys unironically created an additional agency, which is redundant, to eliminate redundancy. That's interesting. The unfortunate side of this is that... they don't know what the fuck they're doing.

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E567 Hasan Piker


So they go in and they just like pull data and they basically make these public declarations about, you know, a billion dollars is going to this or that. Like they, they straight up lied. They were like, Oh yeah, we already cut like $200 billion of funds. And then like the New York times and all these other like actual investigative reporters went in, looked at the data and they were like,

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E567 Hasan Piker


No, no, that was just a USSR race chart.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Dude, that's a lot. Like, there's one instance where they claimed that they cut $8 billion, and they actually cut $8 million. Like, how do you carry over so many goddamn zeros? They're just like, ah, fuck it. Who cares? No one will fact check it. No one will look it up.

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E567 Hasan Piker


I'm not saying all that's true. I think it sucks now. I used to love Twitter. Twitter's gotten bad. It's scary. It was already like – Kind of lame because, like, yeah, when it was owned by liberals, it was, like, also – it also wasn't, you know, the most fun platform, I will say.

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E567 Hasan Piker


But at least there was, like, some semblance of regulation where it didn't feel like, you know, it didn't feel like the madhouse that it is now where – I mean, I know that it's like my algorithm as well, I'm sure, because I'm in politics. So I see a lot of political shit. But bro, there's like, I mean, here, I saw this this morning.

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E567 Hasan Piker


There's a guy who straight up said Adam Schiff raped a minor at Chateau Marmont. And it has 70,000 likes. And I'm like, what the fuck? It's like a QAnon thing. I know. I saw that. There's so many. No, it's not even this. There was a dude who like. No, this is. That's not even Adam. That is. That's fucking. If you look at. No, no. That's Anthony Bourdain.

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E567 Hasan Piker


But what is this one? What do you got? You got the chin curtain? No, you got the goatee. That's what you have.

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E567 Hasan Piker


They're saying Anthony Bourdain saw him rape the minor. And that's why they actually killed Anthony Bourdain. That's their. QAnon loves talking about how Anthony Bourdain saw like Hillary Clinton chop babies up or whatever. And he was right about to come out against them. But if you look up Truanon, Truanon actually, no, no, Truanon on Twitter. What is Truanon? Is it a cool source?

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E567 Hasan Piker


Truanon is my friend's podcast. It's the number one anti-pedophilia podcast out there. No way. And then keep scrolling. They posted it. Oh, here it is. Here it is. Awakened Outlaw. That's the one. The witnesses anonymously. One of the most persistent QAnon beliefs is the huge number of people think that, you know, some of us remember when you raped a dead child. 76,000 likes. Bro, that's crazy.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Like, I fucking hate Adam Schiff, okay? Yeah, Trump's funniest thing is when he calls him Adam shit, okay? I hate him. He's my fucking congressperson. He sucks, all right? Massive pro-Israel guy. That's an insane thing. You are a fucking schizo.

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E567 Hasan Piker


hypothetically got molested by a... By a sitting American congressperson? Yeah.

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E567 Hasan Piker


But that's what I mean. It was... It was different crazy before. It was definitely not whatever the fuck this is. And there's so much bottom of the barrel shit too because of the monetization stuff. People...

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E567 Hasan Piker


One of my favorite, funniest things that I experience all the time on Twitter is, like, you got, like, you know, Genoa Radio or, like, Saving the White Race or We Gotta Save the West accounts, right? Like, they have all these fucking accounts. Every single motherfucker on those accounts is from India.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Every single motherfucker that does the We Must Preserve the White Race, every single one of them is operating those accounts out of India. Wow. Why, I wonder? What do you mean? Cause you make like 10, $15. That goes a long way in India as opposed to, as opposed to like a, like a real racist in America at another level. Yeah. They're using all of those accounts.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Like there's all of those big prominent, like, you know, uh, white culture. Oh yeah.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Well, I don't know about the honkies one, but cause honky seems like, uh, you know, I don't think a dude in India knows what a honky is, but, but I'm talking like the, the, um, the cultural critique, uh, save the white race accounts and all those like defend Europa accounts. Like every single one of them is like, it's like a Malaysian dude. You know what I mean?

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E567 Hasan Piker


And he's just like, yeah, I'm gonna make $50 this month. That's a big, you know, that's good. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, you know, they post like the, the shittiest fucking videos as well.

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E567 Hasan Piker


There's so much porn, too.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Bro, that's.

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E567 Hasan Piker


You got to resolve that, man. There's nothing wrong with jerking off, especially before you go to sleep. You know, it's like a nightcap.

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E567 Hasan Piker


I don't know. I mean, I've never – I feel like there's a time and place for that in my regimen, you know what I mean? It's like right before I go to sleep. That's the perfect time to do it. There's never been a moment where I like in the middle of the day, I'm like –

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E567 Hasan Piker


Shit, I got to crank it. But I feel like a lot of those like porn addiction guys are like that. So I'm like, yeah, it's not it's not for me, but maybe you should stop porn. That's how I feel when I when I hear about some of their stories.

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E567 Hasan Piker


what the yo that dude needs to be institutionalized what do you mean no put a fucking stray jacket on that motherfucker stop you he's gotta he's gotta be put in a room like like train spotting like he's gotta quit cold turkey like he's quitting heroin in soho that's considered off broadway yeah no no way dude no render him immobile for like a week and Oh, my God.

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E567 Hasan Piker


The amount of energy that he probably has in there, trapped in there, if he doesn't jerk off for a week, he's going to start levitating. He's going to come out of there like a god.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, he's the man. I love Bernie.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. Yeah, I love that, especially when, like, dudes have that situation going on, and then they'll just, like, grow out their beard and basically try to, like, line it up so that there's, like, a chin there. It's like, bro, you are not fooling anybody. And I don't even know what to do in that situation. Like, if you got that no-neck edge shit, then you're kind of cooked regardless.

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E567 Hasan Piker


During RFK's hearing, he claimed that Bernie was taking money from him. Yeah, that's not correct. He never got money from the pharmaceutical industry, like from the big corporate lobbyists. He probably got – So the way this works on open secrets is like – Let me just read it.

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E567 Hasan Piker


So what that is is the way that when you make a donation to a politician as an individual, it gets filed with the FEC, right? And in that filing, you write what your job is, right? And if you work in the pharmaceutical industry, if you work for Johnson & Johnson as a janitor, that basically gets tracked as like Johnson & Johnson in the...

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E567 Hasan Piker


uh section of like whichever sector you're a part of so like uh a lot of nurses gave donations to bernie sanders so that's like technically still lobbed under like health care and uh it was not yeah it was never it was never from like the executives it wasn't like executives giving millions of dollars it's like the fucking janitor works there or like you know like an accountant that works for this company but it gets filed yeah so that it looks like that in some sort of

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E567 Hasan Piker


well they just it's good to have like uh knowing what sectors are donating knowing what sectors are donating but yeah there is room for nuance of course there and um and rfk was falsely claiming that he was getting money from like ceos and like the industry uh industry packs or whatever when that wasn't the case it was just like random people that work for these companies you know

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E567 Hasan Piker



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E567 Hasan Piker


I think RFK knows better. I don't, I don't trust any of these guys. I'll be honest with you. Like whether it's RFK, Trump or any number of these people or, you know, Democrats as well, like Kamala Harris, like I think RFK definitely knows better. He's just saying that because it's a good line and people will believe him. And I mean, look, that's how it works.

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E567 Hasan Piker


I know because like Joe Rogan talked about it, too, where they were talking about like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders getting money from like these, you know, big pharmaceutical corporations. That wasn't the case, but it got a lot of mileage on that side of the Internet. That's the other thing that I am frustrated by, where there's, like, no consensus on this stuff anymore.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Like, what does a consensus mean? Like, we all agree on one thing? Yeah, and you don't have to agree on one... Like, not everybody has to get together and agree on the same thing, but, like, there's no established truth anymore, where everybody's just, like, operating on whatever the fuck they think is the truth and heavily leaning into their biases. And I feel like the internet has become...

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E567 Hasan Piker


way more echo chambered in that regard. And it's very frustrating to see, you know, there's no, there's no,

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E567 Hasan Piker


But, I mean, good luck. I don't know.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, but we're dumbasses. I agree. You know what I mean? I'm stupid. I can't gut check everything. Dude, I can't even fucking keep up with you, dude.

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E567 Hasan Piker


I think it's good to have a healthy diet of both. You still need to have trusted resources that you can go to and rely on that will every now and then be like, that's wrong. You know what I mean? And I try to urge people to not get their media diet exclusively from me either for that reason. And even my media diet itself is incredibly diverse.

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E567 Hasan Piker


I probably watch more Fox News than I watch CNN and shit, partially because they're more entertaining. But, you know, I look at everything so that I can develop a better understanding of like what people are saying and what people are believing in general.

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E567 Hasan Piker



This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


My my the way I see my goal, like the way I see my job is to basically get people to understand why they're angry and then get angry at the appropriate vectors like where who's actually causing harm in their immediate lives. That's why I actively urge people to unionize and work to organize in their communities and organize in their in their workplaces in general.

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E567 Hasan Piker


So they have a network of support with like. Not necessarily even like-minded people, but like people that have the same interests, right? You don't have to like your coworkers all that much, but no matter what, your boss is still fucking you over in the exact same way, right? He wants you to work the most amount of hours for the least amount of pay.

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E567 Hasan Piker


You want to work the least amount of hours for the most amount of pay. This is a contradiction, right? So how do you resolve that? The only way to overcome the unlimited amount of power that your boss has over you is by getting together and being like, hey, man, you got to give us a better contract, right?

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E567 Hasan Piker


Like those are the things that I advocate for so that people develop a better understanding of who's actually harming them and they improve their lives immediately in the short term and then build on that momentum, right?

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E567 Hasan Piker


with that said do you think we should have like a higher minimum wage you feel like I mean I think that's one part of this uh story but I do too I've thought about it a lot I've listened to people talk about it yeah I think it's good but that's still a band-aid solution I think like there needs to be more uh labor-backed control in general like unions and stuff yeah labor unions yeah we have we have uh 10 union participation rate in this country is lower

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E567 Hasan Piker


than other countries that we fucked up, like Chile. We fucked up Chile. We did a coup there. We set up a dictatorship in Chile. And they still were able to unionize more than us. Yeah, and we rewrote their constitution. And they still have a higher union participation rate than we do. They have 15% in Chile. We have 10%.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Oh, yeah. You have Sean O'Brien? Yeah. He was interesting. I've interviewed him before. I've had some convos on him. He has a podcast now.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, otherwise they're going to clean out your pockets. Look, every union member will tell you the motto for unions is united we bargain, divided we beg. You can either go and be like, I'm such a good guy. Please, look at how hard I'm working. And then in the off chance, maybe get recognized by your boss and maybe get a little bit extra money on the side.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Or you can get together and engage in the act of collective bargaining and force the company's hand into offering you better benefits and basically claw back the profits that you're generating for them. Because without the workforce, you got nothing. What do you think, the fucking CEO is going to build the table? No. You know what I mean?

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E567 Hasan Piker


He doesn't know the first thing about building tables, right? All it's going to be is a bunch of wood on the factory floor without you, right? Yeah. Workers are the ones who add the value, who generate the value.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. So, I mean, AI is a perfect example of this, right? Like it's very disruptive to the to the environment. I don't like that. But more importantly, also on top of that, it's used as a way to displace the existing labor force. Right. Because now you can just get the machine to do the job of the person that was doing the job beforehand. Right.

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E567 Hasan Piker


I'm an advocate that like, no, you should still keep that person employed, pay him the same amount of money, make him work less. Why? I mean, why are you firing this person now? Because AI is a tool, right? But the way that we, the way that companies work under capitalism is whenever there's a technological advancement like this, Right? This has allowed us to be on 24-7.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Now you can have so much more output as a worker. Right? You can be online at all times. Productivity rises in that process. Your boss can get a hold of you at all times. Yeah, your boss can get a hold of you at all times. You're more tapped in. You're more aware of what's going on in the world. And you can be a better worker because of that.

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E567 Hasan Piker


But in that process, bosses look at that and go, okay, now I can make one guy do the work of five. I'm going to fire four fucking people and I'm going to make the one guy do the work of the other four people. And that is how that is under capitalism.

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E567 Hasan Piker


That's how it works, where they use technological advancements that increase productivity to displace the existing labor force to just basically fire them. And instead of lowering the hours that the existing workforce worked and maybe even increasing their pay in the process, because basically, they're still doing the same work. You know what I mean? And cause they're fucking human beings.

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E567 Hasan Piker


People call me radical for that.

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E567 Hasan Piker


count or one of the one of our like bosses or whatever like i want to know what why see because that is fucking overthrowing the system i know but think about the way you presented that you want to count or a boss to to be the leader of the revolution somebody's gonna have to have some sort of i agree but it should be people back revolution

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E567 Hasan Piker


Oh, yeah, people, but one of us gets mildly elected or something. Yeah, but not a boss or a fucking politician or a count. It's going to be an organizer, an activist, someone with a background, someone who understands the needs of the people.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. I mean when conditions worsen to a certain degree, yeah, people go, all right, enough is enough. We're backed into a corner, and they start recognizing that they're being fucked over. But that can also lead to a dangerous path where – Tell me about that.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Well, the dangerous part about that is like if there if the people are not steered in the right direction to recognize who's actually doing the harm to them, they can be deluded by misinformation and think it's the Jews or think it's fucking Anthony Bourdain.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Or, yeah, I think it's Adam Schiff who's apparently having sex with dead children in their minds or think it's like the Guatemalan immigrant. You know what I mean? That motherfucker is not controlling your life. He is worse off than you, and he has the exact same interests as you. He just wants to put food in his belly and to have a roof over his head.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, yeah. That's what I mean. Like, a Guatemalan immigrant or a Honduran immigrant is not like... He's not dominating your life at all. They're not here to do evil. They're not here to do bad. They're here to just like work. They're fucking pick strawberries all goddamn day. So our asses can eat those strawberries cheap as hell. You know what I mean?

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E567 Hasan Piker


And then we turn around and we're like, yeah, they're all rapists, drug dealer murderers. We got to fucking purge the country of these people. And it's like, it's really fucked up.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Trump had them at the victims at the congressional – joint congressional hearing.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Oh, like the maple version like that? Yeah, the 365, the Whole Foods, that matte finish one. Yeah, the one that looks like a liquor bottle. Yes. Yeah.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Think about that. We say there's 20 million undocumented migrants in this country. They come from every part of the planet. I agree. They do, no doubt. And to think that they're all one collective hive mind that's here to do evil rapes and shit is psychotic. I'm like, bro... Like, they don't even speak each other's language. Like, what are you talking about?

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E567 Hasan Piker


Like, they have no unified hive mind here. But you basically learn to think that way. You learn to hate in that regard. And I think the media plays a big role in this, like right-wing media specifically. Is it hate, though, you think?

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E567 Hasan Piker


That's why they also factor undocumented migrants into the census as well. But if they're fearful of the federal government, if they're fearful of the federal government, they're not going to open the door for a census guy. That's part of the reason why sanctuary cities began to begin with. It was actually advocated for. This is something that this is old lore.

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E567 Hasan Piker


People don't even know this at this point because everybody thinks like, oh, sanctuary cities is woke, libtard bullshit. Bro, it was the fucking cops and the FBI that was advocating for Sanctuary Cities. Why? Because whenever a murder or some kind of violence happened in an undocumented neighborhood, cops would come in and nobody would talk to them.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Sanctuary Cities initially were proposed by law enforcement because... they realized that whenever there was violence or drug dealing or a murder that took place in an area where the witnesses were undocumented migrants, they wouldn't talk to the cops because they were fearful that if they talked to the cops, they were going to get fucking deported.

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E567 Hasan Piker


So in order to open up more collaboration and actually solve crimes like rape, murder, and all these other violent crimes, they were like... We have to tell every undocumented migrant, we're not going to arrest you. We're not going to collaborate with ICE or INS at the time before ICE existed. We are just here to serve you as public servants.

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E567 Hasan Piker


And that was the reason why it was law enforcement that initially suggested sanctuary cities. It wasn't like woke activists or whatever. And it's so interesting that like now Republicans say – use that as a catch-all term to be like, oh, you're letting criminals go basically. That's what they make it seem like. That's what they imply.

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E567 Hasan Piker


But they've come to support them for public safety reasons. In the 1980s, when churches in the United States provided refuge for individuals escaping civil unrest in El Salvador, sanctuary cities specifically emerged from protests against federal immigration policies that denied asylum to refugees.

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E567 Hasan Piker


However, many law enforcement officials, including police chiefs, have advocated for sanctuary policies.

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E567 Hasan Piker


That's interesting, man.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, this is perplexity, but they have all the sources cited.

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E567 Hasan Piker


I'm not saying one is right or wrong or anything. I don't think it's a bad thing anyway because I'm an active amnesty advocate. I think if – first of all, this is a civil offense. Amnesty. Crossing –

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E567 Hasan Piker


He didn't seem—he didn't strike me as, like, a very nice guy, but, I mean, who knows? Oh, I'll jump on a hate wagon in a heartbeat, dude. Oh, I know.

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E567 Hasan Piker


crossing the border is a civil offense right right and you have a five-year period where if you haven't done any crimes like the statute of limitation is over now there's different legal uh there are different legal interpretations of this and people go back and forth on it but like the way i think about it is like if a dude is in here and they're working right and they're not trying to do a you know they're not here to do evil shit they're here to just simply work and

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E567 Hasan Piker


Give them documentation. The difference between an undocumented migrant and a documented one is just a piece of paper. It's paperwork. Process these people and allow them to contribute to our coffers in more meaningful ways because they already pay taxes, but they could be paying more taxes as well. Do they pay taxes if they're undocumented? Yeah.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Because they still, I think they still pay into social security because they have to get a social security number, some sort of social security number. They pay for sales taxes, things of that nature. You know what I mean? Like there's a bunch of different contributions that they make and they can't take advantage of any of the government programs anyway. That's why a lot of Republicans lie.

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E567 Hasan Piker


They'll be like, oh, undocumented migrants are like stealing our, you know, our social safety nets. And I'm over like, I'm over here like, what the fuck? What social safety nets do we have? We don't have health care. Are they taking advantage of health care that we don't have? They don't have health care. The thing is, Republicans will literally factor in their natural born U.S.

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E567 Hasan Piker


citizen children into the equation to be like, see, they're sending their children to public schools. It's like, bro, that's an American citizen.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, one in 15 households in this country is a mixed status household. One in 15.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Mixed status, like as in one parent is undocumented, like a non-citizen. Oh, yeah.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, I mean, there's definitely an incentive structure among politicians to advocate for certain things. But ultimately, I don't really care what the incentive structure is. If the if the legislation is good, if it's a good thing, if Trump were to do a good thing, I would advocate for it as well. You know what I mean? Do you think that's true? Because it seems like I have.

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E567 Hasan Piker


In the past, when Trump, last time he was president, when he basically said, I'm going to back away from this North Korea, South Korea shit, and I'm going to let you guys handle it on your own. And in the process, he actually reduced the military campaigns that were taking place around the Korean peninsula to allow these two countries to talk to one another.

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E567 Hasan Piker


It's one country, technically, that we fucking cut in half, but that's a long history lesson I'm not going to get into. North Korea and South Korea? Yeah. Yeah. And that was an objectively good thing. I said it at the time. And Rachel Maddow was very mad. He was like, oh, you're doing this because you love Vladimir Putin or whatever the fuck. But no, that was not a bad thing.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Let these guys hash it out and let them rebuild their nation. Why the fuck are we... Why do we have 80,000 to 100,000 troops stationed all the time? Yeah, I mean...

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E567 Hasan Piker



This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I'll tell you what made recruitment numbers explode.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I mean, I know where you're coming from, but what made recruitment numbers explode initially was 9-11. That's it. People joined after 9-11 and after 20 years of just like going out there and guarding like poppy fields and getting your dick blown off by some fucking dude who's hated you because you invaded his country when he was like 14 and probably killed his cousin, you know,

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


After 20 years of doing that, everyone was like, oh, this shit sucks. We kind of lost it here, huh? Like we did a Vietnam in Afghanistan and we had to pull out. So and that was a good thing. Objectively, I think it's good that we pulled out of Afghanistan. But I think that's the real reason why people are like, why the fuck would I join the military?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I can't even get a fucking Charger anymore, you know? A Dodge Charger? The Dodge Chargers. Or was it the Camaro? Were they giving those out? That's the common military car. Oh, that's true, huh? You sign off on one of those. The worst loan of all time. Oh, yeah, dude. I would... And then your high school sweetheart is fucking the neighbor while you're out there. Sometimes, I mean, yeah.

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E567 Hasan Piker


While you're out there jerking off in a fucking bunker in Korengal.

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E567 Hasan Piker


That's what I mean. You're like, why the fuck are you doing that? And then you come back and the American government's like, all right, we'll give you healthcare. But now you're busted. You need it desperately. And they're like, all right, we'll pay for your college. Okay. You go to college. You get a communications degree.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Now you're six years behind the rest of your counterparts, and you're in the same shit-ass job market, sucking the man's dick every day, working a dead-end job that you despise. And you're fucked up. And now every time you go to the grocery store to pick out cereal, you're having a crisis, like a mental health episode. It's fucked up.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, I do a little bit of everything.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, no, for sure. I don't think that regimen is bad. I'm a very regimented person. I just think that the military's output overall is you're just sending poor people from different parts of the country overseas to go dominate some other poor people so that rich people in fucking California can make more money. So the Raytheon can send more missiles and make more missiles.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And you got to use those missiles when you make them. If you don't use it, you lose it.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


yeah oh your missiles are going yeah there's somebody said there was an email one time that like oh your missiles are expiring soon you should use them it's like what the fuck but they do that they they any uh if you got homies who uh were active duty they'll tell you like you just dump so much money because they know that like it's gonna go bad yeah like you just fucking shoot it out into the sea if you're in the navy you're just like pop

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


that bitch off get out there after lunch today yeah we're gonna fire a couple of these off at an island you're like that's an island like nobody's there yeah you're dumping payload into an island that is more than your salary times 10 because it's gonna go bad how is that not waste and fraud and abuse why the fuck are they not working on that my argument always is this the american military is a jobs program

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


you seem very poignant but also like aggressively open to things you know which I think and that's a judgment and maybe I shouldn't have said something like that but anyway I just admire the way that you do things dude so I appreciate you coming and hanging out that's all I should have said thanks for having me I think streamers are basically like the bottom of the totem pole as far as content creators goes like it's definitely laborious but I wouldn't say that it's like super difficult because like

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


That's what it is. I think it's the second largest hiring body in the country after Walmart, if I'm not mistaken. It might be the largest. And I think instead of making those guys, making these corn-fed boys from Arkansas go out and force them to eat MREs all goddamn day and be constipated for a fucking week... Make them build shit, you know? Make them build shit in America. It's a jobs program.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Who cares? Make the output be good rather than bad. That is what my argument is. The world's biggest employer is the Ministry of Defense, U.S.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, the Indian Ministry of Defense is the largest, and then the world's second largest employer, I guess the U.S. Department of Defense is bigger than Walmart. Walmart and Amazon.

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E567 Hasan Piker


I just want like, I, or how things you've learned. I don't hate people. I just want them to, to have better lives. You know what I mean? Even people that I disagree with vehemently, like, I always stress this point where I say Medicare for all means for everybody, right? Even if you're a fucking Nazi, you're going to get health care.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Even if you don't want health care, I'm going to fucking give you that health care. I don't give a shit, okay? You can cry about it all day, every day. It's just... And I think that's the attitude that other people are supposed to have in this process, too. Like, there's got to be a universality to these proposals because, like...

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I think we got to do right by others, and we are not doing that right now. The American government is not doing that at every step of the process. And that's why the military is a great example of this. We're just using and abusing these dudes and making them do a whole lot of awful shit overseas. So that some rich asshole can make more money, you know? Yeah.

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E567 Hasan Piker


And then they're broken in that process. They come back. There's no way of, like, repairing them. And we basically lie to them, too. We're like, oh, yeah, you'll get a great job. You'll go to college. You'll be able to uplift yourself. And it's like that should be available without you having to serve in the military. Yeah.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


But if that was available, if free college existed, if free healthcare existed- You wouldn't go to the military. And no fucking buddy is going to the military. Why the fuck would you do that?

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E567 Hasan Piker


But I mean, yeah, those guys are- But I'm saying you would still have some.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I don't know. I'm fairly tapped into all of the shortcomings of the American government. And yet I enjoy myself. I mean, I still jerk off before I go to sleep. I still watch anime. I play basketball. I focus on myself. I think like there are certain things that you have control over. And that is your own body, right? Your immediate friends and your family.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And you should actively work on those things.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Overall, a Hollywood production, if that is the highest stage of content creation, and you have hundreds of people working all around the world, working around the clock to put two and a half hours of content together where everyone's going to sit there and watch, Twitch streaming is the lowest of the low, where it's just a dude like me, half the time, picking at his crotch, watching YouTube videos, picking his nose.

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E567 Hasan Piker


to to to basically not lose sight of your own humanity because it's easy to get lost in the sauce in the everyday cruelty that you that you recognize is happening all around and it makes you go crazy and in order to combat that i always urge people to to engage in self-improvement set goals for yourself and try to achieve them that's at least how i've always managed this stuff

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And also being around other people who aren't immediately agreeing to your worldview. Like, I love parks for that reason. I love third spaces. Parks and recreation? No, not like parks and recreation as in like the TV show. I mean like literal public parks. Oh, yeah, dude.

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E567 Hasan Piker


No, no.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Trump is firing those guys too, by the way, right now. Like the Army Corps engineers is like what you just described. When there's a flooding happening, like they build the levees, they build the bridges, right? Trump literally is firing those people too. It's crazy. Why is he doing it? Is it because he hates the Army Corps engineers? No, because he doesn't give a shit. That's my point.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


He doesn't care. He's like, yeah, go Elon, do whatever you need to do. Fire these probationary employees. nobody knows what probationary means. So they think like, Oh, you know, it's good. It's good that we're like downsizing a little bit. It's like, no dude, you're going to start slowly, but surely five years down the line, notice it.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


You're going to start noticing that things are just not working. Like air traffic control is a great example of this since the Reagan era. Um, Like the numbers of air traffic controllers, even though air traffic has increased, the number of air traffic controllers have not kept up with the increase of air traffic. So you got towers where there's like one dude.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


There's got to be like 30 dudes in that tower. I don't want the fucking plane. I don't want planes to crash. You know what I mean?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


If that's true, is there less FAA people? No, there's probably more FAA people, especially with like TSA and whatnot. But I'm saying that it hasn't matched up to the rate of air. Like there's more planes in the sky is what I'm saying. When there's more planes in the sky, you need more air traffic controls.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


where she was like, oh, we didn't actually cut the LAFD budget. They did. They cut the support budget. But when you cut the support budget, yeah, sure, you're not cutting the actual firefighters, right? You're not reducing their numbers. But when you cut the support staff budget, you're cutting mechanics.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


When you cut the mechanics and your fucking fire engine is busted, you send it over and it just sits in a goddamn yard for months because now there's no fucking mechanics to fix the goddamn car. So all of a sudden you're down one fire engine. It all works together.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Trump is a major Israel dick rider. He's not changing that at all.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, no, especially in the American government. It's really, really awful. Yeah. Um, I, I want things to get better and I hope it does. But the reason why I say I'm certain that it won't is because like of what you just mentioned, right? 800 billion, $800 billion of Medicare and Medicaid that I want to cut.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And it's, you know, it's you have to be on for eight hours at a time. And it's like usually one person doing that. And that's annoying. And you got to be like constantly listening to people chirp at you. And that part sucks. But overall, I would say it's like the lowest tier of content, lowest effort of content. Would you say that it's the purest of content, though, in a weird way?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Mike Johnson goes on stage, says I, uh, goes on Caitlin Collins on CNN and says, Oh, there's a lot of fraud happening. Uh, there's not fraud happening in Medicare and Medicaid on the point of the recipient. It's happening on the point of the providers. And that's why I got banned recently on Twitch yesterday. I saw you got banned, and I saw you just got back.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, Libs of TikTok was posting about how I said something, and they misconstrued it as though it was a call to action to assassinate a sitting U.S. senator. Because I said... Um, to Mike Johnson, because I was listening to him back and forth. I said, like, if Mike Johnson actually cared about Medicare fraud, he would tackle Medicare fraud happening at the point of the providers.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


But he's obvious that he doesn't care about Medicare fraud, because if he did care about Medicare fraud, he would break Scott. who is responsible for the historic $1.7 billion worth of Medicare fraud. And is he still working? Bro, he was a corporate executive at HCA at the time in the 90s. The DOJ came after him, and he basically quit his job.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


He got a $10 million compensation package after doing $1.7 billion of Medicare fraud.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


worked in the private sector he got 300 million dollars in stock options didn't see a fucking moment of jail time for that okay and then now and then he became florida governor and now he's a fucking florida senator and he's a prominent figure in the republican party i think he was like their head of their fundraising or some shit i forget what his uh position in the trump campaign and the republican party is beyond the fact that he's a senator

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Oh, for sure. I mean, that's one aspect.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


That guy should be in jail. That's what I think. I think if you do $1.7 billion in Medicare fraud, you should be in fucking jail. What are we talking about? You shouldn't be a Republican senator from Florida.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Um... Yeah, I mean, look, I don't necessarily care about how much money people have. I care about how they make their money. But no, I agree. How does this guy, how do you keep from... Like this LeBron James. Right. 50,000 points. He crossed over that boundary. 20 plus years of dominance in the league. He gets paid a wage.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


He's a, what is known as one of the few people is like a wage billionaire, basically. If he makes that kind of money, that means he's making somebody else a fuck ton more money, right? And I don't mind that he's getting paid these big bucks, partially because he's my goat and I love him. Okay. And I think he deserves it. But also partially because...

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Like because it's... You can't hide. Yeah, what I do is AM radio. But what I do is basically AM radio, but for Zoomers. That's the way I describe myself. I'm sure you know Rush Limbaugh. Yeah. That's the way that I describe what I do to older people in general, where I'm like Rush Limbaugh, but without the brain rot. Yeah. Quite literally and figuratively. I mean, he did die of brain cancer.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


he's not making that by like hiring people and then forcing them to work to the bone. He does have businesses. He's also obviously an owner of capital as well. So he does a capital accumulation as well. But ultimately I just want people to be comfortable. And I think that if you are working a job and, Like, you should be able to have a house. You should be able to live comfortably.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And it doesn't matter what job it is. You could be picking up trash. I think that's still obviously valuable. It's worthwhile. Also, I guess sanitation is one of the worst examples because they do have pretty solid unions. Yeah, we had a garbage man on.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


So that part, that's what I'm saying. That part I don't agree with. But I'm saying if he was just making all of his money from just balling and he's getting a wage, who cares? I don't have an issue with that. Especially if the – hold on. I got to open my door. Sorry. Sorry. I got FedEx at the door, and it's raining. I feel bad. Oh, it's raining out there, huh? Yeah. All right, I got it. I did it.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I did it. We brought them inside. We know who sent the rain in probably, too. What, the weather machine? Oh, the juice?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


See, like, this is another example of, like, you know, you could normally, under normal circumstances, you can make this joke, but then, like, then there's motherfuckers who really believe it. When there's, like, dudes who are like, no, you're... Marjorie Taylor Greene was talking about how they have a weather machine. She wasn't saying Jews, but she was like...

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


That would be the saddest. I agree with you. I love comedy. You know, Bill Burr is my goat. Yeah, dude. I think he is, you know, I mean, you're a comedian as well. I'm obviously very good friends with Stavi as well. I know you always link up with him.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Oh, dude, me too, yeah.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


No, I'm joking. It was so sweet of him.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Did he also shill his fucking calendars? His naked calendars? Those shits have been sitting on my desk every time. I'll have like... Bro, I'll have, like, you know, prominent figures like activists and shit at my house, and I'm interviewing them. Like, there was Motaza Ziza. I'm interviewing him. He literally survived the genocide. He's a photojournalist from Gaza.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And fucking Stavi's naked body is just sitting there on the fucking desk. I'm like, oh, my God. Like...

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


That's the other thing, yeah. Stealing my people's food, saying it's his.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


It's Turkish.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Fuck yeah.

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E567 Hasan Piker


No. I mean, I've talked – well – I mean, you talked to Sanders.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I talked to Bradley Martin multiple times after. Like, I mean, he – Like I'm not above like going on, you know, right wing podcast. I'm not above talking to people who talk to Trump because I think like I don't care about like the partisanship angle of this at all.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Did he?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I want to be able to communicate to people exactly where the problems are and why people like Trump, just like people like Kamala, are not the perfect solution to any of these issues. And I would talk to Trump. I just don't think he would come on my stream like because he is at the end of the day.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, he also had a, yeah, he had a hole, I think, in his brain from all the perks. He was perked up. He was a perked up shouty.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


He wants to go on a he wants to go on a show where they're not going to like, you know, push back too much. Right. He wants to come across as like he wants to be humanized. And he wants to come across as like a personality that is not devoid of charisma. And he's very telegenic. It was actually my turning point when I listened to him and you talk about cocaine.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


When you were talking about doing coke and he was like genuinely expressing interest in it. I was like, oh, fuck, this motherfucker's going to win, dude. This podcast shit is working so good. Because first he did the Aiden Ross thing and that was like a bit of a dud. Yeah, I thought that was kind of weird. Because that just like didn't work out at all because it wasn't like a normal conversation.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, exactly.

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E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, like the whole dancing and stuff in front of the Cybertruck with the photo of him getting shot. I didn't love that either. Like, that stuff, it didn't work at all. But then I saw your podcast, and I was like, oh, my God, this motherfucker is going to win the goddamn presidency.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, but that's also because, like, you're not—

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Because you talked to Bernie Sanders like a week before, no? Yeah. That's what I mean. That's what I mean. So it's like you're not going to hit him on shit. You're not going to hit him on stuff that he has no answer for.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


My podcast is a cooperative corporation, so everyone has equal say, equal pay. Yeah. And there are different formations of that. You don't have to make it equal pay, but I just thought it would be the best possible way to go about it. But most importantly, aside from the equal pay, the equal say part is really important. We get together, and if someone has an obligation... They're not showing up.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


It's fine. You know, we make do. We figure it out as we go along. And I think that's how you get the most successful business, like for sure. That's something that I stand by. And we still obviously have to hire contractors every now and then too. Yeah, for sure.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I don't know. I feel like those guys don't fuck. I don't know why. Unless they're... Unless they're gay. The gay conservatives, like the ones in the closet, like they fuck. Okay, never mind. She's kind of a looker, huh? I mean, she's better looking than him. I mean, that's not saying much. That's true, but still.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Like the other... uh the other day i had the the no other land the the palestinians who who made a documentary about like they were on your show yeah i had them no we tried to get them i had them on my i had them on my house like i they they rolled up deep they had like 10 people like the whole family was there dude no other friends that's what i'd say dude the fucking we invited

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


to you guys yeah they I mean they also like straight up came from you know occupied Palestinian territory like they flew into America and and you know we were chilling we were just like talking about talking about their experiences and I interviewed them and then in the process like the organization that actually brought them here who works with you know a lot of Palestinians on the ground like they were like oh can you share this link to fundraise

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


So I did. And in the hour-long interview that we did, we fundraised $100,000. Now it's sitting at $135,000. But that's the type of stuff that I love being able to do because I feel so powerless a lot of times when I see all of this death and destruction. And I feel like it's a meaningful way to be able to help, to actively fundraise.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


It gives myself and a lot of people that watch me the opportunity to say like, You know, at least we're trying to do something, anything. You know what I mean? So I try to do that to the best of my ability. We've fundraised for Palestinian aid organizations to the tune of, I think, like almost more than $3 million at this point since October 7. Wow. Yeah.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And obviously the margins are incredibly slim for that reason. American Giant? Is that dude does your merch or no? No, it's Bayside. It's my garment manufacturer. My garment provider. It's one of the only union shops that is a garment manufacturer in the country that can like keep up with the demand that we have. Because there's a shit ton of people that are buying the t-shirts.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And sometimes I'll just... Like I will fundraise like by, by saying all the proceeds, like every single point of profit is directly going to a labor union. Like we, uh, I gave, uh, the Amazon labor union, uh, I think it was like $170,000 or something like that off of just that. Um, we fundraise like, I think Amazon packaging. The Amazon Labor Union, yeah.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Like the people that work at the distribution facilities. Another thing I did this past year was for, I don't know how to say the name correctly, but RAICES. It's an organization that works with undocumented migrants in Texas specifically. And they give them, you know, translators and lawyers and, you know, they pay for lawyer fees and stuff like that.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


So I'm actively working on fundraising initiatives like that. Uh, because I feel like there's a lot of stories that don't get told in mainstream media. That's why I, uh, interviewed the incarcerated, uh, firefighters, uh, that were combating the wildfires in LA. You know, there's prisoners that fight wildfires, right? Oh, they send prisoners out to fight. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


There's like a training program and stuff. I'm working with, uh, with an organization, uh, to, to go and actually see them at their prison, their training camp. Fuck. Yeah, dude.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


It's so creative, man.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


She kind of looks like, in that photo where they're kissing, she kind of looks like Walter White's wife. You know what I mean?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


No, I love it. The things that I just told you in the last three minutes is exactly why I love what I do, because I have a giant community with a big heart, and I think that that is... What makes everything worth it? Because like I said, there will be people swearing up and down that I'm the worst person that you've ever met, no matter where I go. It's just noise.

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E567 Hasan Piker


It's mostly people that are online. That doesn't translate to real world experiences at all. But...

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


um in spite of all of that in spite of like people constantly working to actively smear me to say i'm anti-semitic or i love terrorism or whatever the fuck with clips out of context and all this shit at the end of the day i get to make an impact and that's how i see sleep soundly at night you know yeah where i where i know that uh all of this is worth it why did jewish friend recommend you to me who's the jewish friend about podcasting they said do not name them

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


From Breaking Bad. The blonde-haired lady?

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. But, like, hotter.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, I mean, it'd be weird if you were just like out there Googling Rush Limbaugh's wife. I do that all the time. I look at all my favorite conservative commentators' wives.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah. I'll say it like this. Back in the day, Joe Rogan used to always talk about how when you do a three-hour podcast, there are so much that people can just clip out of that and then take out of context, like rob it of its nuance and rob it of its context. And it was funny because at the time when he was saying this, podcasting was a relatively new medium.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I'm talking like 2014, 2015 when he first was building out the Joe Rogan experience, right? Mm-hmm. Every other week, seemingly the media would yell at him over some shit that he said on his podcast. And he was like, we're having an honest discussion. It's three hours. It's back and forth. It's going to happen. Like things are going to get taken out of context.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


I think for Twitch streaming, that's tuned up to 11, where not only am I live, I'm talking about politics, which are, you know, I mean, I'm talking about some really crazy issues, hot button topics. And also, I'm doing that with a live audience who's constantly chirping at me in real time, trying to constantly piss me off.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


And then when they do successfully piss me off, they'll clip that shit and post it on Twitter, post it on Reddit, be like, call out post, call out post. This guy's bad. Look at what he said. And, you know, when you got like crazy dedicated haters, too, especially because you're doing politics in general, you're going to have a lot of crazy dedicated haters.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


They they just do you know, they just compile all of that to be like, this is a bad person over and over and over again. You'll see it in the in the comments section of this video. There will be a ton of people who are going to come in and be like, this guy is a bad dude. Like he said this, he said that because like. The major reason, obviously, for that is because I'm anti-Israel.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Like, I'm pro-Palestine. I've been pro-Palestine for quite a while, and that really brings out the crazies. Does it really? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You haven't encountered this? I mean, you had Gabor Mate on. Yeah, we had Gabor Mate. We had a rabbi...

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


No, for sure. I mean, that's how it's always been though. It's not just for Israel. It's just in general, like when it comes to American foreign policy, the American media is fairly one note. Our politicians are one note on it too. They're bipartisan on that. Right.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Yeah, yeah. They all agree. It's always uniparty when it comes to American foreign policy, when it comes to giving money to Israel, when it comes to a lot of that stuff, like going to war with Iraq, right? You got the media also presenting that lie that they have chemical weapons, they have weapons of mass destruction, and uncritically reporting on that to justify going to war

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


With Iraq going and invading a foreign nation that we had no business invading. Right. So that is that happens all the time.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

E567 Hasan Piker


Oh, for sure. I think that... Just because people have a voice. Yeah, the independent media sphere definitely is like dominating partially because of that reason. Sometimes for bad reasons, people have lost confidence in media when they just don't like what they're reporting, even if they're reporting the truth. And then there are plenty of major reasons like... Like Jeffrey Epstein's death.