Family Member
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
I felt like I couldn't give up hope. Giving up hope would have been giving up on her. I couldn't do that.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
It's very scary. This is such a quiet neighborhood. We keep our doors locked.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
Why didn't it happen to me? Would it have happened to me if I had stayed? What would have happened?
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
When I got the phone call that he had been arrested for this crime... I believe my first words were, I'm shocked, but I'm not surprised.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
I met him for the first time when I began waiting tables, cocktail waitressing actually. He was sort of the house DJ. He was very shy. Everyone knew who he was because he had made a good name for himself in our little small town.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
When we first started dating, it was fun. It was exciting. It was dangerous. He was married. He was the cool DJ. After we kind of had settled into our relationship, he became very jealous. He became very possessive.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
Would just quietly say, you're worthless. Those red flags started to come up more often. The insults, the put downs, the controlling behavior.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
He caught me smoking and sort of drug me back inside from outside, reading me the riot act, saying, since you can't sort of abide by the rules, you're going to clean the kitchen floor. I felt horrible. I felt demeaned. I felt scared.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
I had worn sandals with socks out to dinner, and that was something that he totally hated. And he sent me to the car to sit in the car while everyone else had dinner. I started thinking about how I was going to exit the relationship at that point.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
So then my mind went to, why didn't it happen to me? Would it have happened to me if I had stayed? I truly believe that his relationships with women were not healthy.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
It's been such a long time. I mean, a lot of people have worked hard on this. I don't doubt anything they did, but to find out this is how we're gonna find the person who did this, it's just amazing. We thank you.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
She came downstairs and she said, Chrissy didn't show up for work.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
Giving up hope that they would find the person that did this would have been giving up on her
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
And Arm & Hammer power sheets deliver an effective clean at a great price. Think of all the laundry we'll do.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
He said it was probably in our best interest, not the viewer, just remember how she was.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
He said it was probably in our best interest, not the viewer.
True Crime Vault: Overboard
When we were there, we looked for their car. We, you know, walked around a couple of blocks. It's kind of where they would park. Couldn't find their car.
True Crime Vault: Overboard
And we went over to the dinghy dock, and this well-deserved dinghy was there. It wasn't properly tied. And I just told Jim, I go, you know, this is not right. Something's going on here.
True Crime Vault: Overboard
As we came up on the boat, I noticed that the tarps were all off, all the controls were just kind of peeled back, and there was a towel hanging out one of the portholes. And I got a sick feeling in my stomach, just like something wasn't right.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
April's friends and family were devastated. And they felt like it was a slap in the face. But the people who support Jim Kaufman say, you know, he's a widow. And he's moving on with his life.
Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2
It could brighten any room. It was a very sad service knowing that she wasn't going to be back. Just like any parent loves their child, James was devastated James will not have any grandchildren. James will not be able to give his daughter a hug ever again because of this creep.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
The two of them were well known individually as well as together. They really wanted to be involved in the community. They also like to have some fun.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
Investigators say that same day they seized more weapons from Kaufman and at least $100,000 in cash. That was a game changer.
Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2
We believe there are other victims in other states. We are continuing our efforts to identify those victims. We have been analyzing financial records, travel records, any other records that are available to us over the last several years.
Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2
I'm Jennifer Currier. I'm Bill Currier's baby sister. He didn't have kids, so it was always his nieces and nephews. He loved his nieces and nephews a lot. He was planning on a family reunion that summer. He loved his house. He picked that area because the neighborhood was beautiful. It was safe. He wanted his wife to be safe.
Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2
And of course, as a family member, you already know that there's foul play.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
As the media got there and they started to realize who it was, that's when they knew, okay, this is really a story. It was chaos.
The Lies Beneath
We used to have this band we called the Rifles and Dandelions instead of Guns and Roses. That was our silly way of coming up with a band.
Dateline NBC
A Walk Through the Woods
We just ask that you do the right thing. Do the right thing for our girls and keep this from happening to the next family.
Dateline NBC
A Walk Through the Woods
It is sad. Nobody even here thought that we would still be looking for somebody in two years in a town this size, but we are.
Dateline NBC
A Walk Through the Woods
Now that the sun is up, the search here has resumed outside Delphi and Carroll County.