Des Bishop
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
What would your advice be? I thought this call was so funny because they're like, we want to move on. We want to move up from lingerie. And I'm like, well, first of all, you guys are in like a polyamorous relationship, two women, one man. So I feel like you guys have already powered up from the, from the lingerie. So when I heard this call, I was like, God, like, am I the right guy?
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
I mean, I feel like if you're already comfortable with polyamory, the surprise has to be like an extra person in the mix, in my opinion.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
That was my thought. I was like, you know, beyond doing something like entirely inappropriate that might actually be the biggest turnoff of all time for him, I'm not really sure. I don't actually know how broad his sexual spectrum is. I mean, if he's very adventurous, maybe you want to you know, throw in another guy into the mix or something, even if he doesn't get involved.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Cause they, I, it was this the call where they said that, uh, he likes, he likes watching. Right. So I, I believe that they, they said in the call that he likes watching. I mean, maybe if they want to try to get something into the mix, that might be more exciting for him to watch, uh,
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Yeah, I 100% agree with that. I was like racking my brain. I was joking with my wife about like, I mean, I'm not going to say them on the air, but I was making jokes about all these inappropriate things you could surprise him with. But yes, at the end of the day, what I would suggest is racking your brains about
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Some fantasies he may have insinuated over the last amount of time you guys have been together and make a call. Maybe elevate one up from whatever his most adventurous thing you've ever heard him say. But don't go more than one up because you don't want to like ruin it. You know, you don't want him to be like disappointed.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Yeah. But I will say as a straight man that adding one extra woman will probably always go down fine.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
I know these women are really like, they're going too far with this guy. I don't know what sort of hold he has over them. I don't know what sort of mini cult is happening here.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
I think that's great advice. The one thing I will say is whenever myself and my wife, we have people message in on our podcast, we always have follow-up questions. And You can Instagram me. I want to know what you decided to do and what the result was because it's really more the follow-on that I'm interested in because I can't really make a suggestion, but I want to know what the decision was.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Good for them. Good for them. The comfortability is very impressive.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Well, you know, that's actually that bit is like it's sometimes comedians have these like bits that just like they pop up anywhere. Like so it just fits into so many different routines of mine. And I don't know where it came from originally, but I like butt play. I'm like open butt play guy. Love it.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Don't know who introduced me to it, but, you know, and I've, you know, some of my friends are into bup play. We talk about it. Some of them aren't, but the, the sort of like the joke about, well, it's a great joke because it touches on like a taboo, right? A lot of men are not comfortable talking about it.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Now, I have to say, one of the things that a lot of like Gen Z comics talk about is that like eating ass is like a recent phenomenon. So I always go back and I'm like, yo, bro, I was eating ass before the internet, motherfucker. You know, I would get my ass eaten before the internet.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
internet don't this isn't just your thing but anyway they're more they're more open talking about it so i'd say the average younger guy is possibly more aware of like the the erogenous nature of uh of butt play but anyway as a routine it just works because you know it's a taboo people get surprised in another bit that i posted that's not in the special i once asked this guy um
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Have you ever had a finger in your ass? And he said, no. And then his girlfriend went, liar. And the place erupted. The place erupted. And I love that because there is a sort of a secrecy around liking it in the butt. Because as you saw it, but the punchline is always men think the gay button is up there. And once it's pressed, that's it. There's no coming back.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Oh, is that right? Well, that's good. Yeah, because I think the secret's out there, right? And, you know, I'm not 100% all in on the positivities of porn. You know, I think it's pros and cons. But I guess one of the positive things is that has also sort of, you know, gotten into porn where you see a lot more of butt play for, you know, for straight men to watch.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
So, you know, I think that's a positive because it just it feels good. It's always hard to get your partner to get involved. That's the only thing. It's not just that men aren't comfortable. A lot of straight women also aren't comfortable. For some of them, it can be an ick. Why would you be into this? That's the other part of it.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
You have to get two people that are comfortable doing different things.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
It's funny. It's, it's funny. The bits that resonate with people like that, that to me is such a throwaway bit, but of course for you and this you're living, you're, you're in this world and you go like, Oh, this is great. This is like open, interesting stuff. Yeah.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
Well, actually, yeah, it doesn't come up as much as you would think. That's just really a bit because she wants a kid too, but she's so busy right now. She's happy to delay. So right now we're both in our happy place of similar desires.
Savage Lovecast
Savage Lovecast Episode 938
We're getting a lot of texts from women about Miller and his appearances and his appearance. Our audience at primetime believes you're some sort of sexual matador. What do you have to say for yourself?
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
But he really wants, he's huge in the UK. And he's bigger than me in Ireland these days too, to be honest with you. But he really wants to like expand his American audience. I was like, well, You're asking the wrong guy. Yes. Tell them to come on.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Oh, my God. You guys really have been listening. Jesus.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I know. It's funny. It takes a while to figure out exactly what you want to say, though. It's hard. Yeah. That's the hardest part. Yeah. I was just happy to have...
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
similar age man to bounce off like i love doing the burner phone with hannah but like you know she's got that she's got her sense of humor and i got mine and that's great but it's also nice to have like a somebody who's like more like you to also have like different types of conversations but agree more yeah but i still haven't figured out exactly i mean if i had my way we would just talk about the the 90s
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
It's just not going to happen. Yeah, totally. I have that with Hannah sometimes, but particularly Hannah's fans. She's got a lot of fans in their early 20s. Yeah. And very rarely, not lately, but sometimes I would open for her if we were in a cool spot. And I really had to make sure I was doing bits that they got, you know?
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Oh, 100%. Like, we could have absolutely just said we were like first cousins from the jump. And people would have believed it. I do have a brother in comedy, Aidan. But actually, if you see Aidan next to John, I mean, they're very similar. We're convinced... That there's some crossover genetically. But really, it's just a funny coincidence that we're quite alike, you know? Yeah.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
But he's from Liverpool. I mean, I'm from Queens, but living in Ireland. But anyway, we always had this funny bond. Yeah.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Yeah, so the thing about John Bishop is he's one of the biggest comedians in the UK. And when I say that, I think people don't understand the magnitude of it. He is 100% an arena comic. And, you know, the UK, small landmass, but, you know, 70 million people, not like a small country. And he's doing these, you know, these cities all over the UK, and he's doing multiple nights in arenas.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I mean, he is a comparative guy. I mean... In the 2000s, I guess a comparative guy would be like Chris Rock or Bill Burr of the UK. And also in Ireland. I broke out in Ireland before him, but then he actually... He's huge in Ireland too. So he's really like Ireland and the UK, one of the biggest comics. But lately... He has had an itch to do more stuff in the States. To come over to the States.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Yeah. And he's been recording stuff in the States and he's really fascinated by the challenge to him of like leaving essentially like stardom to anonymity, which was part of his motivation for starting the pod because he just basically wants to- Cross over. Yeah. And he wants to have as much stuff out there about who he is, you know?
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Steve said, nah, kids are like farts. You love to smell your own ones, but other people's farts still stink. No, dudes don't even like that. Imagine a fart you can't walk away from. Yeah. wherever you go it's fucking you're still you're still there parenting parenting imagine a fart you can't walk away from on this episode of the commercial break
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
We all go back, actually. We're all the same vintage. John is older, but only because he started comedy very late. He didn't start comedy until he was 36. Russell and I would have started at, like, a similar age. So, like... We go back to like playing football, soccer at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Me, Russell Howard, John Bishop, Daniel Kitson, John Oliver.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Like all of us. Oh, the Flight of the Conchords. Like Edinburgh 2002, like our football and like tip rugby matches were like... John Oliver, you know, Daniel Kitson, John Bishop, me. Who else? Oh, guys, other guys you wouldn't know, like Josh Whitacombe and Adam Hills.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Yeah, just like guys that just like became huge. And Russell, like Russell has been huge in the UK for years. Russell and John are kind of similar in that way, you know? Yeah.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
So, so, so is this, is this the popularity of UK acts in the States or just the popularity of UK acts in general?
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Yeah, but YouGov is a polling, it's a polling thing, right? Yeah, it's just a polling thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Are you guys in the room together? No, only that first one, because he was in New York and I was in New York. But now I left to Ireland, actually, the next day. And then he went back to the UK the day after. So we're just recording remote. So we're stuck with the remote stuff for now. But we'll try to get together when we can. Yeah.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
But he also wanted the other useful nature of the word exchange, because we were just looking for like a bishop name, but he wanted it to be like cross-cultural. Like he wanted that to be part of it. He wanted that transatlantic bridge. Yes. I like it. Yeah, but you know, it can be hard too, because like...
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I think it will be harder for us to truly get the Americans to plug in because the British people love chatting about America. Like they love chatting about American politics. And it's not that Americans don't like chatting about British politics. They just don't know. We don't know. We don't know. We're confused. We don't know.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
On one side, you're talking about something everyone has an opinion on. On the other side, it's like, let's educate America about Britain. So we'll see. We'll see if we can manage to bridge, to make that bridge.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
No, I literally, I have actually been in the States until last Tuesday. So I did not do, I was not one of the only people that said, if Trump gets elected, I'll go. Because number one, I didn't say that. And number two, nobody ever actually goes except for Ellen DeGeneres. Yeah. Who was, let's face it, she was fleeing like so much stuff, you know? She's getting hatred from both sides.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
So anyway, no, I just, I had this tour planned for quite a while. I'm here for seven weeks now, but no, I have been in the States. I just, I went into a little bit of a glut of posting just because like- I was touring, doing shows on the road, but I just wasn't recording them.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Well, no, it's not so much that... Honestly, it's getting them up on Instagram isn't my problem. The problem is just getting them recorded. And sometimes I'm proactive. I had some shows before Christmas where I was proactive. I got some content. But then after Christmas, literally, I was just being a bit lazy with some of my... What do you guys do for Christmas?
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Well, hey... Number one benefit of having two dead parents is that you don't have any stress about where to go for Christmas. Fair enough. So it's not a thing. The main thing is Hannah's half Italian. Her mother's side is Italian. So they do the Christmas Eve. Yes. You know, the seven fishes or whatever, which is not actually an Italian thing. It's an Italian American thing. Yeah.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Howard's east. However, Eli Manning is on our side of the canal. He doesn't live exactly near us. And Anderson Cooper is on our side of the canal. Look at Anderson. And Susan Lucci is in my village. Oh, I like Susan Lucci.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
What the fuck is the seven fishes? Oh, you don't know about the seven fishes? I think it might even be like a New York thing.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
All right. Seafood. Seafood. Seafood. Okay, got it. But anyway, it's... I looked it up. There's no evidence of any history. It's derivative. But the thing is that the real history, which I think gets forgotten about a bit, that all the ethnic groups in America... they have their own culture, and those cultures are just as valid.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
So just because it doesn't actually come from Italy doesn't mean it's not a unique cultural experience.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
You're having the unique Irish-American Christmas. For example, a lot of people don't know this. Corned beef and cabbage is not a thing in Ireland.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Really? No, it's bacon and cabbage. It's boiled ham and cabbage is the Irish dish. Somehow it became corned beef and cabbage in America. I have no idea.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Why? Yeah. Now that's the thing. I was like, corned beef and cabbage, but like, no. And I have to tell you something else. Uh-oh. Irish Americans don't make cabbage as well as Irish people. Because I love bacon and cabbage, but corned beef and cabbage is shite. Yeah.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
And my grandmother, my grandmother was from Ireland, like, you know, like a proper strong Irish accent, but she did adopt the, we used to have corned beef and cabbage in her house on St. Patrick's Day. That was like, that was always a thing. But we'd march in the parade and then we'd come home and have corned beef and cabbage in my grandmother's house.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Jen's right down there. Gen X people love Susan Lucci. Yeah.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I know, it's colder where you are. Like we have, oh no, sorry, you're in Atlanta, right? Well, actually you had your own- Oh no, it's cold. Yeah, we just had snow. Yeah, you had some snow there. I caught a little bit of that sort of, I caught the first little cold wave in the South because I was in North Carolina and South Carolina. I was in Charlotte and Greenville. Yeah.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
So that was a letdown. But then I was in Minneapolis, which was absolute torture when I was leaving. But no, here, honestly, Irish winters are cold, but on the mild side of cold by proper American winter standards. But I did come back the day before Christmas. one of the worst storms Ireland's had in a long time. Oh, that's right.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Yeah, Storm Eowyn, they were calling it. Eowyn? Eowyn, it was a weird, E-O, I'd never seen it, E-O-W-A-N.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
No snow, just... It was basically... Some parts of Ireland basically experienced a hurricane. But we had a show that night, and we thought the warning was going to be later. But anyway, in the end, it was a bit hairy. People started leaving at like 10 o'clock. I thought, oh, I'm bombing here. But actually, people started getting warnings on their phone.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Now, that was an hour and 15 minutes into the show, so it wasn't an issue, but... I, I, I, I did notice some people walking out, but I just wasn't paying any attention. I was just like, ah, they're probably stressed about the storm. But then when I got off stage, Stephen Mullin, my opener was like, bro, we got to go, bro. I think we might have to, maybe we have to get a hotel.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Cause I was driving back to tough, but we made it back. But it was actually, it was a little hairy. I actually hydroplaned a little bit twice, but not, not crazily, but just like enough that like, you're like, Oh yeah.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Ireland doesn't get a lot of snow, so actually they don't deal with it well at all.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I mean, we get... you get dustings. But honestly, all you need here is an inch and everything shuts down.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
It's like Atlanta. Yeah, everything shuts down. No, all the way they were talking in the South about the snow coming, because I did have to cancel. What am I talking about? I had to cancel a show in Charlotte because of it. I ended up doing the Saturday, but they shut it down, even though they ended up really not having any snow that night.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
But they basically deal with snow the same way in Atlanta where you are as they do in Ireland. There's no difference.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Well, I mean... There's something going on with the guy, right? Because he's a little loony. Well, he's become insanely obsessed with the MAGA agenda. And listen, you like Trump and you like MAGA. I think that's fine. I agree. He's the only... I don't, by the way.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I agree that it's your right to support... No, I know, but I was just clarifying that because I actually got attacked on TikTok. I had a very centrist take about just the way the internet works. I wasn't even really taking a position, but I still got attacked. Of course. I actually got attacked for basically not taking a stand. Anyway...
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
We get it all the time. I get it all the time. You can't win for losing. You just can't win. But the thing about Elon is he's the only insanely wealthy billionaire or those high, high billionaire group that's just gone all in. A lot of them, obviously, right now, they're pandering, they're cow-towing, they're trumpeting. But he's just admitted his whole personality. He's tweeting all day.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
There's just something not... quite right and i i'm sorry but like i can't get behind supporting the afd in germany and i think it's all a bit dangerous and whatever agree right i agree yeah So the rest of the take is that, so all that aside, that I was already like, what's going on with this guy?
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
And just like the misinformation that he puts out or just like the simplistic whataboutism that's just like so not helping the debate. It's just so indicative of the problem, you know? You're so right on. And then he... I literally think he was trolling. I think it's not a safe way to troll. I think it's like really a problematic way to troll because I think he knew what he was doing.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
And I think he just kind of thought it would be hilarious to sort of like do it in a way where he could try to say that he wasn't. And it was just like, listen, he owns a platform that thrives on this type of conflict. And so for me, it's like, You're one of the smartest guys in the world. You're incredibly wealthy, incredibly successful.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Like, it would require the most incredible stupidity to not know that it's just like the one thing that you don't do unless... You wanted to. Or if you really were that dumb to do it stupidly in that way, that you wouldn't immediately come out and be like, you know, I got excited and I'm just not great at like showing love because I didn't come from the hip hop community or something.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
But he didn't even do that, which shows me that he's trolling. And the whole thing is that everyone jumps on it. You're saying he's a Nazi. It's like, no, I mean, I'm not really saying he's a Nazi. I mean, he's showing like fascist tendencies or like he's showing like to be at least slightly enamored with fascism. I don't mean fascism like... Hitler, Nazis.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I mean, fascism historically, because there's been many. Pinochet, Franco. There's been plenty of Stalin. And across all parts of economic belief systems, there has been fascism. So I'm not saying, oh, he's like Hitler, even though he happened to do the Hitler salute. But he has been flirting with fascism. But I don't think he's really like a Nazi. But I do think that he was trolling.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Yeah, I mean, he definitely has some hero worshiping going on because, you know, you can see by the comments, like some people are just immediately annoyed. Now, the one, I guess, like slightly... I don't know, what put my mind at ease a little bit is within a couple of days, like a calmer, more honest analysis of what went down came out.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
But just like the fires in L.A., just like all the big stories, the first two days are everybody jockeying for position on everything. The biggest take, and the biggest takes often rely on just fake news. I agree. Trump's favorite term, but he only cares about fake news related to him. He doesn't care about fake news related to anything else. But again, I'm not even just singling out Trump there.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I'm singling out everybody. Everybody's using... just quick takes that have not been researched. So the first two days of all stories, I find, are, like, not where the information is. You calm down. Like, even Shane Gillis, I saw, had, like, a nuanced take on Elon. He literally said... Because, like, you know, Shane doesn't take actually hard political positions.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I like Shane's take on a lot of things. And I could see a lot of the... What do they call it? There's a... But anyway, the bro-sphere, you know?
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Yeah, that sphere. Yeah. I think largely was immediately taken the, because they like, there's a trolldom there that they like, which is like, oh, this will irritate all the woke people that Elon did this. But eventually, like even somebody like Shane Gillis is like, it's hard to defend. Like you gotta, like it's all well and good to be like, what are you talking about?
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Of course I wasn't given the Nazi salute. Well, it's like, well then apologize because it clearly is. Yeah, absolutely. And then the other thing I want to say is that a lot of Jewish groups came out saying he's a big supporter of Israel and he's clearly not a Nazi. And it's like, okay, I'll 100% accept that.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
However, you're just making the assumption that his target of hate isn't a whole new crop of people. Just because he's down with the Jews and Israel doesn't mean that he's not going to other a bunch of people and use the fascist handbook, which is we have an enemy within and we need to destroy it for the purity of our nation.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I had to be in my bonnet with Elon anyway. I had to be in my bonnet with Elon anyway, because he literally, I don't know if people were paying attention, but he was trying to rewrite the history of Hitler, which that actually, that I had a...
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I had my antenna out for him, to be honest, which is why I had a big reaction to the salute, because he did actually try to say, oh, Hitler was actually a leftist. And he was trying to say that because it's obviously, you know, socialism is in the Nazi title. You know, he was trying to use that. like already, like, it's just so, it's not even that it's debunked.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
It was just, it was never real trying to argue that like Hitler was a socialist. I mean, his main enemies were communists and you know, like you're, you're looking at the 1930s and trying to compare the way society breaks down today and then trying to make it seem like Hitler aligns with today's left. Like not a chance.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
It was, it was literally rewriting history, trying to sort of like fob Hitler off on
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
But let's play. They've been flirting. Trump flirted with them. You know, he couldn't come out hard in Charlottesburg. And they'll say, oh, he was misquoted about the both sides. But he just he always has a hesitancy to come out hard against the extreme right. I don't need him to come out hard against Ben Shapiro. Or even Charles Kirk, for that matter.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I don't need him to come out hard against them. But people marching, you've got to come out strong. So this isn't the first time that they've given little signals. Oh, and can I just add? Please. Not that political, but... Enrico Tarrio gets out of prison, right? And then he's on these interviews in his Fred Perry. They have a uniform, the Proud Boys. They have a uniform.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
And he's in there on his uniform. And you're just like, guys, how can you not see that this is fascist behavior? Of course it is.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Maybe Hannah was saying, I have to go, guys. We're supposed to do a renovation, but we're procrastinating. But there was probably a reason. Well, actually, because the building's old, so there's always somebody doing work. So she might have been rushing out because it was about to get loud.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
But we had just bought the house in West Hampton. When I was talking to you, we just got that place, actually.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Oh, really? Yeah, yeah. You guys are like mini real estate moguls. What's going on? Well, I had a place in Dublin and a place in New York, and then we met. And Hannah's done all right, so she got a place. So anyway, it sounds bad. Trust me, none of them are fancy. All right. The West Hampton one is a little fancy. Yeah. Okay, let's be honest. Yeah. But that was an upstart.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
That was... Our family, my family always had like a small little house there. So we... We upgraded it. Yeah. Just a little bit. We upgraded. So it seems fancier than it is in terms of... We didn't start from zero.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Yeah, so we're in West Hampton, so it's really not like the Hamptons that people have in their head. What's the difference, for those who don't know? Geographically, it's just the first one. Some people in the Hamptons proper don't consider it the Hamptons. They say you need to be east of the Shinnecock Canal. Ah. So you don't get the people that want to be in the Hamptons to be seen.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
You don't get the sort of aspirational people. But you do get some fancy people, but they're people that aren't interested in that nonsense of like, we're in the Hamptons. But like... And you're at the beach and the village is so cute. And it has everything that the Hamptons is supposed to have. It just, it doesn't have the status hungry people, you know? Yeah, that's nice. So it's quite nice.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
By the way, it's also quite a bit cheaper than that part of the Hamptons. So I do want to point out that I'm not just saying it as if to make it seem like we're not fancy. Like, it's really not the same.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Howard's east. However, Eli Manning is on our side of the canal. He doesn't live exactly near us, but Anderson Cooper is on our side of the canal.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
And Susan Lucci is in my village. Oh, I like Susan Lucci. I know. Jen's right down there. Gen X people love Susan Lucci. Yeah. Exactly. In fact, the dressing room in the West Hampton Beach Performing Arts Center is called the Susan Lucci Room.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I love that. Look at that. Yeah, and my mother was a big All My Children watcher. Of course. Yeah, that's right.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Go ahead. It's so funny that you asked me that because I was about to answer that question without you asking. That's crazy. I have a reason though. Were you going to say, what do I watch when I'm on the road? Yeah. Well, I'm obsessed with Sevens right now.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Yeah, but the thing is that I was triggered because you said, and she was in the break room, and my immediate thought wasn't about a break room at work. It was the torture chamber in Sevens.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
There's a whole thing. Oh, yeah. I'm deep, deep in it. Actually, their podcast that you mentioned has been so fascinating to me. Yes. Not only did I sort of, I rewatched the show along with the podcast, which was great. But beyond that, beyond the show, you learn a lot about like filmmaking and casting and creativity. Like you learn so much about like the crafts themselves.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
associated with making a film, you know, like the artists that make, you know, the different things that they use, the props that they use. Like, it's really fascinating to, particularly with Ben Stiller, the detail that goes into creating this world. And, you know, every now and then just... You just get a perfect combination of cast and story and director. And I think this has the potential.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Obviously, plenty of shows have disappointed long term. Agreed. But currently, it has the potential to go down as one of the great shows of all time, in my opinion.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
But it requires, it's a complicated story, and it requires those first two eps. But the thing is that even in the first two eps, Yes, there's a lot going on, and it's a bit slow, and you're trying to figure it out. But even within those ebbs, you're just in this insane world that is just fascinating on its own.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
It's so visually stimulating. It is. And mentally stimulating to try to figure out what's going on.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
It's received differently in different communities.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Now, I have to tell you that I know Jerry Adams, and I have interviewed him. What? Yeah, so I'm going to go on the record right now and say that... It's a bit of a hit job on Jerry Adams. And I'm not saying that some of the, like, The Troubles was very complicated. Of course. Say Nothing is about a very complicated time in history.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
And there's a lot about what they're- For those of us that don't know, what is it about? Okay, so let me just get- Oh, I'm sorry. We need five episodes, man. Give me your take. Give me your take first.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Yeah, sort of, but it's so complicated. Right. Honestly, really people just need to see it because what happened to Gene McConville is like a real tragedy. There's no... One of them missing. What Say Nothing does well is it shows just the tragedy of... society breaking down into violence and how really nobody is safe from that.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
And that the morality as we know it in like peacetime gets extremely complicated, right? What Say Nothing does terribly is it kind of suggests that certain injustices, of which there were many throughout Irish history, and many throughout the microcosm of Irish history, which is the Troubles, there were many injustices.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
In the end, like, why does one injustice get more attention than another unless there's a political motivation behind it? Which is, in my opinion, is dangerous because if you know the history... It's better to watch, so I'll just give this sort of, like, take for the end of it. If you know the history, right, ending the Troubles was very complicated and it took a lot of political will...
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
to get the peace process over the line, to sign the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, right? And part of that Good Friday Agreement was the sense of that we all have to accept that there has been horrible things that have happened throughout the process, and we need to try to find a way forward.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
And then when they took the case against Jerry Adams over Gene McConville and the missing because of the Boston tapes, which is its own controversy in itself, but without even getting into the recordings, the fact that they decided to go after him for that specifically was so dangerous because it's like, oh, so how come we're not relitigating
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
almost all of the past except for this one thing and this guy happens to be the guy that's the head of Sinn Fein and they're getting powerful in the Republic of Ireland because at that time Sinn Fein was really starting to get powerful in the south as well as in the north you know like why is it just we go after him and again I know Jerry Adams but I am no great defender I've never understood why he keeps denying that he's in the IRA I think it's really just a fuck you I'm never going to admit it now but like everybody everybody knows that he was you know like yeah
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
That part's not even that controversial because everyone knows that he was, but he just does that for whatever reason and that's fine. But why that one was okay to relitigate, but not all the other ones. And that's so dangerous because you have a situation where peace is so delicate.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Because everyone's pissed off. Everybody has grievance. On every side of the community, there is grievance.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
but now you're going to allow one grievance to surface because you can actually just bring everybody's grievances back in and then we're back to square one so I thought that was a bit irresponsible the court case that happens late in the series say nothing however what I will say is that it's an exceptionally good series about the worst part of the troubles and you'd be hard pressed
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
To criticize anything from like the first five or six episodes. And it's very intense. Yes. Watching the suffering of Dolores Price and her sister. And it's very intense watching them have to do things that in hindsight are fucked up. Fucked up. Fucked up. And a lot of it's fucked up.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I mean, the bomb is fucked up, you know, but like, but they don't feel bad about the bomb, you know, but anyway, like, you know, it's, it's a great series. Just the last two episodes are, are, are, I have a big reconcile.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I have a big problem with them and I'll, I did a bit of research on it and like the people behind the Boston tapes, particularly Ed Maloney, you know, he's written a lot of different histories of the IRA, but he was very against the, And he was very against Jerry Adams. And here's the thing.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
It really makes it seem like there was a divide down the middle of people that didn't want the peace process, people that didn't. That's not a fair reflection. It doesn't even mention Martin McGinnis, who's Jerry Adams' partner in all this, who's like, he was... like officially the leader of the Derry Brigade of the IRA. He wasn't hiding that he was a leader of the IRA.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
He's not even mentioned in the whole thing. So it's not even like good history because to really go at Jerry Adams, and a lot of people don't like Jerry Adams. I'm sure there was a lot of people that were delighted with the way that Jerry Adams was tarnished there. But like... They go after Jerry. They don't even mention Martin McGinnis as also part of the peace process part.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Not the Gene McConville part, but the peace process part. Like Martin McGinnis is like front and center on all that. So the last two episodes. Yeah. Yeah, the last two episodes are like a little bit agenda driven. But honestly, the first six, I would say, is one of the better shows about the troubles.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
That's not what's happening in the North. The truth is that the North is about truth and reconciliation. It's not about unsolved crimes. So it becomes a series about an unsolved mystery. I don't disagree with you. It's a story vehicle. In real terms, that's not what's going on. everybody knows that Jerry Adams denies being in the IRA.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
When they say that he's denying being in the IRA, it makes it seem like he's saying he wasn't involved in this shit. Like, we all know he was involved in this shit.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
But it's a horrible 30 years for nothing. You know, like, that's actually, it's an interesting sort of loop back to what we were talking about before, is that like people take for granted, civil society holding. People in Ireland, even the north of Ireland. Ireland's had quite a violent history, but in the 1950s in the north, there was sectarianism. There was bad shit being done to Catholics.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
It wasn't an equal society. But even amidst like the fight for civil rights that actually was the precursor to the Troubles, nobody could have imagined that this would lead to 30 years of violence, like 30 years of instability, of people being moved out of their houses. Nobody could have imagined that.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
And nobody could imagine that still to this day, the city is divided, like there's literally a peace wall. And that's what I think sometimes when people are just so... haphazard with antagonistic language. And then our leaders are haphazard with antagonistic language. It's like, it can break down. It's not as, it's not as solid as you think it is. Exactly.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Well, actually, can I just, since we're talking about watching stuff, if you actually want to watch a movie about the hunger strikes, you know, because the 12 IRA men, you know, died. Yeah. But it's called Hunger. Michael Fassbender plays Bobby Sands. He was the first guy to die in a hunger strike. And it's very good, very intense.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
it's hunger just one word hunger hunger and it's I'm gonna watch it but it's very intense though okay I'm ready for it this is not like honey let you you want to watch something fun yeah I mean this is a movie this is a movie about a man starving himself to death in similarly gory detail as they did with Dolores Price okay
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Oh, yeah. Right back in March. I'm back in Long Island, Phoenix, Denver. I got a lot of shows. They're all on my website. I need to add Atlanta. I need to add Atlanta. I was in the punchline before, but I haven't. I actually didn't sell a lot of tickets, but I feel like I would do better now. So I have to get back there.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Oh, great. And we can go live. We can be in the studio together.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Actually, I'm overdue. I've had a lot of people asking me, so that'll probably come soon. I'll let you know.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
I've seen him in three continents. I've seen him in Australia, in Europe, and in the United States. Do you guys know each other? I know him, but I got to know him originally from watching him and just being mesmerized by what he does. You know what we should do?
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
That's exactly right. And we've done a few things together before, because I do have a secret little couple of hip-hop skills. And I'm very open to Reggie's style of improv. He's such a great guy. He is. I couldn't love that guy more creatively.
The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
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TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
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The Commercial Break
TCB Infomercial: Des Bishop
Oh, yeah, that's great. We'll help promote. I'm always... I'm always willing and able. And John, so I'm doing this podcast called The Bishop Exchange with a comedian called John Bishop. We've been listening. Yeah, we've been listening. Yeah. Yeah, so we're not related, you know? Yeah. But we have had this weird connection through our name and our friendship for like a really long time.