Court Official
48 Hours
The Cyanide Killer
A health care professional takes an oath to preserve life, not destroy it.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Mr. Dortek, thank you, sir, for coming in. You are excused at this time.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Could you hand the verdict forms to the bailiff, please? Thank you. Madam Clerk, please read the verdict.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
We will probably never know all of the participants in aiding and abetting either before or after the fact of this homicide.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Does that in any sense mean that Jane Dortick was not the killer? Absolutely not. The fact remains that there is substantial evidence tying defendant to this crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Defendant is committed to the term prescribed by law of 25 years to life.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
If you have a cell phone on, please turn it off. Check your cell phones.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
The court has reviewed the motion and the court grants the motion to vacate the conviction and sentence and orders the release of the defendant.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
Not so his delirious family. It's just a great feeling for me today, I'll tell you that. It's a long time coming.
48 Hours
The Imposter
We are on the record of the matter of the people versus Gerhardt's writer. Did you kill John Sellers?
48 Hours
The Perplexing Death of Susann Sills
We, the jury, in the above entitled action, find the defendant, Eric Scott Sills, not guilty of the crime of first degree murder. We the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant, Eric Scott Sills, guilty of the crime of second degree murder.
48 Hours
The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon
Good morning, everybody. We are on the record in the state versus William Budd Ackerman.
48 Hours
The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon
Okay, Mr. Swirling, any cross-examination? I have no question. Step down, ma'am.
48 Hours
The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon
Have you reached a verdict in this case? Ladies and gentlemen, it's my understanding that the jury has reached a verdict.
48 Hours
The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon
Mr. Ackerman, if you'd please stand, sir. Sentence of the court is, Mr. Ackerman, you be committed to the State Department corrections period of 45 years.
Dateline NBC
A Little Patch of Perfect
Did you look out at her right there in the courtroom, small courtroom right there sitting in front of you?