Cory Booker
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
Thanks for having me on on a really awful day for our nation. Frankly, it's an awful day for Ukraine and our nation. The one nation that really is celebrating right now is Vladimir Putin in Russia.
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
I had a European leader in my office who came and asked to come meet with me privately to express his distress over Ukraine, who told me about what does it say about our world that for the first time, to his knowledge, we've ever seen in a U.N. resolution around the Security Council, America side with China and Russia. and condemning what Putin did and not their European democratic allies.
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
We are seeing a world shift right now that belies what Republicans and Democrats have been saying in lockstep. We've taken trips together over into Europe to stand with Ukraine. We've had Zelensky multiple times meeting with us, meeting with us as senators and private, him receiving standing ovations.
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
We had a joint session of Congress where he addressed us and we stood up and people have said time and time again, That this is a stand not just in defense of Ukraine, but defense of democracy.
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
And if we lose in Ukraine, then authoritarian leaders around the world will be more emboldened and America will be dragged into more and more conflicts defending democracy against autocracy and authoritarianism. So this is a significant moment and a significant shift in American history.
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
where we have our president who is taunting a world leader, lying about his approval ratings, lying about who started the war, lying about who is the dictator, accusing Zelensky of being a dictator, not the obvious one in Vladimir Putin, taunting him before he came in. This is the guy who was impeached
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
Once, one of his two impeachments was over him trying to extort Zelensky, withholding weapons unless he got commitments to do his political bidding in his attacks against Joe Biden. This is a sad day for our nation. This is a shift in global geopolitics. And this is something that I am praying and hoping that we can overcome.
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
But unfortunately, we're seeing a Republican Party right now that would rather bow to political pressure than stand tall for policies and principles.
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
You know, again, this is a shift in our politics, that the Senate used to be a place where, right or wrong, people would criticize a president when they stepped out of line, even one of their own party. And here is a situation that is so grave. And my colleagues know this because we meet with these leaders. I was in communication today with an Estonian leader
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
This has struck fear in their country because Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, these countries know the threat of Russia and worry because Putin is using the same rhetoric with them he used about the Ukrainian people. This has grand implications beyond just Ukraine. And we know our history, but yet are failing to learn from it. If there's ever a time for political courage, even if it means
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
undermining one's ability to get reelected. This is a time for courage. And we know from our history, when good men do nothing, that is the ingredient that is necessary for evil to be triumphant.
The Rachel Maddow Show
'Who's that good for?': Maddow connects the dots on Donald Trump's behavior toward Russia
Thank you, Rachel.