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Brendan (Jace's father)


Global News Podcast

Israel accuses Hamas of 'evil' violation of ceasefire


Also in this podcast... I opened the window and the light shone through really bright and he squinted. I remember welling up because that was the first time that Jace ever had any reaction to any sort of light stimulus.

Global News Podcast

Israel accuses Hamas of 'evil' violation of ceasefire


It was the morning I took Jace down to our living room. At the time, we had a big back bay window, and it was a sunny day. And I was holding him. He was still an infant or a baby at that point to me. And I opened the window, and the light shone through really bright, and he squinted. And he kind of pulled himself back. It wasn't just even an eye shut. It was kind of more of a physical reaction.

Global News Podcast

Israel accuses Hamas of 'evil' violation of ceasefire


And I remember welling up and getting really emotional because that was the first time that Jace ever had any reaction to any sort of light stimulus or anything of the sort.