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Brandon Queen


The E.A.R. Podcast

Crossing Cultures: Compassion and Conflict in Muslim Outreach


The Ear, Evangelical and Reformed, Christian Podcast. Welcome to The Ear, the Evangelical and Reformed, a Christian podcast that urges you to think deeper and draws you closer to God through faith. Through powerful sermons, teaching segments, and discussions, The Ear hopes to give you a different perspective on secular topics from a Christian worldview. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Crossing Cultures: Compassion and Conflict in Muslim Outreach


You have reached the end of yet another episode from the ear. We hope that God's word remains on the ears of the listeners. We pray that this podcast would urge you to go forth and spread his good news to the world. Thank you for tuning in. Please don't forget to subscribe to our podcast. See you at the next episode. God bless you and may his glory shine upon you.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Crossing Cultures: Compassion and Conflict in Muslim Outreach


Please welcome your host, Brandon Queen.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Be Like Christ in Hospitality!


The Ear, Evangelical and Reformed, Christian Podcast. Welcome to The Ear, the Evangelical and Reformed, a Christian podcast that urges you to think deeper and draws you closer to God through faith. Through powerful sermons, teaching segments, and discussions, The Ear hopes to give you a different perspective on secular topics from a Christian worldview. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Be Like Christ in Hospitality!


You have reached the end of yet another episode from the ear. We hope that God's word remains on the ears of the listeners. We pray that this podcast would urge you to go forth and spread his good news to the world. Thank you for tuning in. Please don't forget to subscribe to our podcast. See you at the next episode. God bless you and may his glory shine upon you.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Be Like Christ in Hospitality!


Please welcome your host, Brandon Queen.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Faith Under Fire!


The Ear, Evangelical and Reformed Christian Podcast. Welcome to The Ear, the Evangelical and Reformed, a Christian podcast that urges you to think deeper and draws you closer to God through faith. Through powerful sermons, teaching segments, and discussions, The Ear hopes to give you a different perspective on secular topics from a Christian worldview. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Faith Under Fire!


God bless you. You have reached the end of yet another episode from the ear. We hope that God's word remains on the ears of the listeners. We pray that this podcast would urge you to go forth and spread his good news to the world. Thank you for tuning in. Please don't forget to subscribe to our podcast. See you at the next episode. God bless you and may his glory shine upon you.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Faith Under Fire!


Please welcome your host, Brandon Queen.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Pens, Purses, and Interfaith Encounters!


The Ear, Evangelical and Reformed, Christian Podcast. Welcome to The Ear, the Evangelical and Reformed, a Christian podcast that urges you to think deeper and draws you closer to God through faith. Through powerful sermons, teaching segments, and discussions, The Ear hopes to give you a different perspective on secular topics from a Christian worldview. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Pens, Purses, and Interfaith Encounters!


You have reached the end of yet another episode from the ear. We hope that God's word remains on the ears of the listeners. We pray that this podcast would urge you to go forth and spread his good news to the world. Thank you for tuning in. Please don't forget to subscribe to our podcast. See you at the next episode. God bless you and may his glory shine upon you.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Pens, Purses, and Interfaith Encounters!


Please welcome your host, Brandon Queen.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Jesus said in Matthew chapter 16, verse 18, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. This promise reassures us that Christ's authority and commitment is to the church. But does that mean we shouldn't focus on numbers at all? Or should we look at numbers to gauge growth and effectiveness in our ministries?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


I don't know, but let's go ahead and explore what the scripture says and how we can balance trust in Jesus with our responsibility to steward the resources he has already given us. So Jesus will build his church. So first let's start with the foundation. Jesus declared that he will build his church.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


This means the ultimate responsibility for growth, both spiritually and numerically, rests in Christ alone. You see, as believers, our job is to remain faithful to the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations, as stated in Matthew 28, verses 19 and 20. We sow seeds, water them, and trust God to provide the increase, as stated in 1 Corinthians 3, verses six to seven.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


So this should give us great comfort, right? If growth seems slow or stagnant, it doesn't mean that we've failed, provided we're being faithful to the mission. It also means that we shouldn't panic or compromise the gospel for the sake of numbers. Why? Because the church belongs to Christ and he will sustain it.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Now, when we talk about, you know, compromising the gospel, you know, there's a lot of churches and pastors that will isogeet the text instead of exogeet the text. It becomes I, or if you do this, your problems are David and are Goliath in life and you're David. And, you know, that's not the gospel.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Okay, David's story was part of God's plan and a reminder to us, but our job as good stewards and preachers and teachers of God's word is to exerge the text. So remember, the church belongs to Christ and he will be the one to sustain it. So let me ask you this question. Are numbers important? So does that mean numbers don't matter at all? Not necessarily.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Numbers can tell a story, but they're not the whole story. You see, in Acts 2, verse 21, Luke records that about 3,000 people were added to the church in one day. This numerical growth was a sign of God's blessing and the effectiveness of the apostles' spirit-filled preaching. Brothers, I urge you to get back to spirit-filled preaching.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


You see, numbers or amounts of people in the Bible often reflect moments of significance, like the feeding of the 5,000 or the 120 believers gathered in the upper room. However, the danger definitely lies in defining success solely by numbers. You see a church with a large attendance, but a shallow discipleship may look healthy on the outside, but be spiritually malnourished on the inside.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


And conversely, a small church that prioritize teaching community and mission may be growing in ways that numbers don't immediately reveal. So. Now for the fun part of the discussion, let me give you some signs of true growth. You see, growth in a church isn't just about filling the seats, right? It's about number one, spiritual growth.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Our members growing in their knowledge of God, their love for Jesus and their obedience for scripture. So scriptural growth is number one. Number two, relational growth. Are people connecting in meaningful relationships, bearing one another's burdens and serving together? That's relational growth. Number three, missional growth.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Good morning, podcast world, and welcome back to the Ear podcast. This is another great segment of Pew Talk on the small church. I'm your host, Brandon Queen. And before we dive into today's topic, I want to kind of get some. good news off my chest, if you will. So Pastor Bill will not be joining me. That's not good news. He is actually preparing for the Lord's Day and also Christmas Eve service.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Is the church reaching the lost and making disciples who make disciples? That's that missional growth. You see, when we focus on these indicators, we begin to shift our perspectives from numbers to faithfulness. And I think that's where every church needs to be in this day and age. We need to shift from numbers and shift over to faithfulness.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Now, I'm not going to say numbers don't matter because numbers can serve as a helpful tool. But they should never, ever become our idol. So. What if there's a lack of growth in the church? You see, if your church isn't growing numerically, it's probably worth asking a few questions. You know, we've been there. We had to do it. Are we praying for growth and relying on the Holy Spirit?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Are we faithfully preaching the gospel and equipping people to share their faith? Are there barriers that we can address such as lack of community engagement or ineffective discipleship models, whatever the case is. Or let me add one is the members of your church tithing. So you can put on more programs. Now that was a joke. Okay. But sometimes a lack of growth is called to refocus on the basics.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Our times. rely on what we do in the basics right so other times what is that relying on other times it's an opportunity to just simply trust god's timing and sovereignty and not overdo things and take things into our own matters and you know make it seem as if we are fixing the problem we just have to simply trust god's timing and his sovereignty

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Why do we have to trust God and his timing and his sovereignty? Because he will build and sustain his church. So here's the bottom line, folks. Jesus promised us something. He promised to build his church. And that promise gives us freedom. Freedom to focus on faithfulness over performance. Let me say that again. Freedom to focus on faithfulness over performance.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Freedom to prioritize spiritual depth over numerical breadth. And freedom to trust that God's plans are bigger and better than ours. Yes, numbers indeed can be helpful indicators, but they're not the ultimate measure of our success. As long as we remain faithful to the mission, leave it to Jesus because he will handle the growth.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Remember that the church, its health, it's ultimately determined by how well it reflects Christ. not by how we fill pews. That's all I have, folks. I want you to remember this. Remember the questions. Are numbers important? You know, remember that Jesus will build his church. It is not our job to build something that's not ours. We build because it's Jesus's church.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


We continue to build and add to that. So thank you for joining me today on the air podcast. And I hope that this episode of Pew talk would encourage you to just trust in Jesus's promise and to lead your church big or small with faithfulness and courage. Brothers and sisters, if you enjoyed this episode, do not forget to subscribe and share it with others who might benefit from this conversation.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


Until next time, stay encouraged and keep pressing on. Thank you for listening to The Ear. Don't forget to subscribe. God bless.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Who Builds the Church: Jesus or Numbers?


So he needs a break away from the podcast for a minute. But most of you may know this or you may not know this, but I recently got engaged and I am still excited about that and still basking in that precious moment, if you will. But moving on from that, Today's topic touches on a question that many pastors, church leaders and Christians wrestle with. How do we measure the growth of the church?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah, absolutely, brother. Absolutely. So now I want to move into the second segment of our episode today. And this will be chapter 37. And in the book, that is page 185. So in the title of that chapter is many Muslims are secretly seeking. So for me, this is an eye opening concept. And I never thought about this.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


And as always, we're doing this episode at such a hot political time. So thank you, brother, for joining us with this episode.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Now, yes, there are Christians that are secretly Christians that live in the Muslim state, if you will. But I never thought about those that were secretly seeking. So, Timothy, have you ever met a Muslim who expressed doubts about their own faith? And how did you respond to that? And also, how can a future missionary or regular common day folk respond to a response like that?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Oh, such a blessing. All right. Let's get ahead and dive on into this thing. So we're going to start with segment one and the title of this chapter is chapter 36. You are sad over a lost game than a lost soul. This is such a convincing and convicting title. We get so caught up in temporary things of life like sports or entertainment. But when it comes to a lost soul, where is the urgency?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


The Ear, Evangelical and Reformed Christian Podcast. Welcome to The Ear, the Evangelical and Reformed, a Christian podcast that urges you to think deeper and draws you closer to God through faith. Through powerful sermons, teaching segments, and discussions, The Ear hopes to give you a different perspective on secular topics from a Christian worldview. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah, I think your approach is very wise and it's a it's a soft approach, but it's also a bold approach because it also allows that person to continually seek secretly. But at the same time, they have a companion that they can trust that that is a Christian that they can run back to and ask questions. And what I love about. about the Christian faith is we are allowed to question our faith.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


And if, you know, we have a Muslim brother or sister that asks us a question and, you know, we're not trained theologians or trained pastors, we can go to people like you to have worked in mission field that are ordained pastors and ministers. We can go to, you know, other pastors and ministers in the denomination and ask these questions so we can bring it back to those who are seeking the

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


So let me ask you this, Tim. How much do we as Christians really care about lost people? Are we in touch with the heart of our father in heaven and with Jesus when it comes to those that are lost?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


christ in a secret manner so that's that is a really wise approach so do you think uh it's more effective to focus on listening compassionately rather than trying to give them an overwhelming dose of biblical truth all at once oh boy well i think it's i think it's much better to focus on listening compassionately yeah if we just if we don't listen to them um

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah, I used to be that person.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


It took me a while, but, you know, once I think at the age of 16 or so, I really started understanding reformed theology and started understanding how to apply these things and And if I was in a conversation about faith and theology and stuff, I would, you know, give a mega dump of everything I knew. And 30 minutes in a conversation, I'm like, I said that 20 minutes ago, you know.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


So, you know, and of course, I learned. As I got older to actively listen and that and if I can, I'm going to tap into my career as a law enforcement professional. You know, we're taught to actively listen. And if we can apply active listening skills.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


in our approach to preach and teach the gospel to those that are lost i believe that we would go a lot further than someone cutting us off because we know too much yeah oh man yeah you know i'll just tell you something humorous i have alluded to these um north african

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah. And I get it. You know, you just taught me something. I'm. I'm constantly using the Apple Notes app on my phone, you know, to do my current job and also use it to prepare for podcast.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


You know, and I can't wait until we get to the the episode about the appendix in the book, because there's a lot of good stuff and a lot of good tools in there that, you know, I want to talk about in detail when we get there. But. With all of that said, Tim, where would you point a Muslim seeker, kind of like Nicodemus or Joseph of Aramaus, in the Gospel of John?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Which Bible verse, books, websites, or even phone apps would you recommend to them?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


You can find my podcast and other podcasts similar to mine on the Christian Podcast Community at

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah, that's awesome. That's there's so many tools out there in today's world. And I'm telling you, man, God is just making it so much more easier for us to share the gospel. We have we literally have no excuse today not to share the gospel.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah. Right. OK, so now I want to get into Chapter 38, which is a tough one. And the title of this chapter is When a Terrorist Attack Happens, How Do You Respond to the News? We live in a world where terror attacks can stir up a lot of fear, anger and even hatred. So, Timothy, why do you think so many people jump to the conclusion that Muslims hate us?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Or is there a better question we should we should be asking?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


I mean, who does like our politics? Come on.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah, absolutely. You know, when we talk about offenses and why Muslims hate us and whatnot, what's your first thought when someone offends you, like especially in the context of your faith or your culture?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Oh, yeah. I want to hear this.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah. You know, you said something. Why don't we Christians love Muslims more? And I want to expand on that question. You know, could it be out of fear, ignorance or something else?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah, I've seen that, you know, and it's. I've learned you can't do that with people. No, no. Even with with a criminal, you know, you can't put all criminals in the same basket because they all operate the same. You know, the only thing they have in common is that they're sinners. And guess what? So do we.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah, we're sinners. We're all sinners.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Absolutely. You know, and if I can close with this, Matthew chapter five, verses 44 to 45 says this. I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be children of your father in heaven. He causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and he sends and sends the rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


With that being said, you know, we must remember that God is sovereign and he reigns eternally and forever. So whatever happens on this earth, God is sovereign. We have to love our Muslim brothers. We have to love those who don't believe in Christ. And we have to see them as the image of the living God. And we also have to get them to understand that they are the image of the living God.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


And if they don't understand it, then it's either God's will or sin. they're ignorant like us. And the only difference is that we accept Christ as Lord and Savior, but we have to love them. We have to see them where they are and at least attempt to love them when they may show hatred toward us.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Amen. Amen, brother. Timothy, thank you so much for sharing your heart and again, your insight today. It's been an incredible conversation and all of our conversations have been great. And I hope that our listeners are inspired to care more deeply about the loss, including our Muslim brothers and sisters. And as we wrap up, I want to leave our listeners with this.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Jesus calls us to love, not just those who are like us, but everyone, including those from different faith backgrounds. And let us be intentional about reflecting his love and compassion in all of our interactions. That's all I have for this episode of the Ear Podcast. Don't forget to like and subscribe and leave a review and share this episode with others.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Until next time, keep on loving, keep on seeking, and keep on sharing the gospel with grace and truth. God bless you.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


You have reached the end of yet another episode from the ear. We hope that God's word remains on the ears of the listeners. We pray that this podcast would urge you to go forth and spread his good news to the world. Thank you for tuning in. Please don't forget to subscribe to our podcast. See you at the next episode. God bless you and may his glory shine upon you.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Please welcome your host, Brandon Queen.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah, I would agree. I would absolutely agree.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Welcome back to the Ear Podcast. I'm your host, Brandon Queen. And today we have our special guest returning back to the show. Please welcome Timothy Harris. He is the author of Loving Your Muslim Neighbor. Timothy, as always, it is such a blessing and an honor to have you back with us as we dive into the next couple of chapters of your book.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah. Yeah, I would agree. You know, and I want to do I want to read something from the book real quick. Page 179. It says that real sadness and grief over the loss of a soccer match, regardless of the country. These fans are disheartened, depressed, dismayed and dejected. Now, where am I going with this?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


if we're sharing the gospel with someone and they never come to Christ and, and they die, we ought to, we ought to be disheartened, depressed, dismayed and dejected. You know, for example, I remember when Stephen Hawking died some years back and, you know, he never accepted Christ. And some was like, well, you know, he's burning in hell. No. Why would you be so happy about that?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


You need to be disheartened about that and you need to try harder with the next person that God puts in your path. So we can be less disheartened, less depressed, less dismayed and less dejected so that God gets all the glory and the folks that he puts in our path. They're beginning to understand and accept Christ and more souls are won for the sake of his name.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


And for the listeners, if you have a copy of this book, it is chapters 36 through 38. These titles are a real eye-opener. And the titles of these chapters are you are sad over a lost game than a lost soul. Many Muslims are secretly seeking. And when a terrorist attack happens, how do you respond to the news? So, Timothy, thank you so much for being here with us.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Exactly. And, you know, are we really in tune with the father and the son? And are we seeing ahead regarding the horrible future for people who are willingly rejecting Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross? And that reminds me of Romans chapter one. I'm sorry. Romans chapter nine, verses one to three. That comes to mind to me when Paul expresses deep sorrow for lost people.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


And he even says that he would be willing to be cut off from Christ if if it would save his people. So, Timothy, when. When was the last time that we found ourselves in sorrow or grief for those who don't yet know Jesus, including Muslim people? And that's important.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah. Yeah. Well, OK, let's not let's not convict too many people here.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


Yeah. And we were supposed to have a heart like that. You know, I mean, look, we're not going to be Jesus. Obviously, we're not going to come close to it, but we should at least strive for it. You know, when when when we recite the our father prayer, the Lord's prayer, and we say our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Lost Souls, Seeking Muslims, and Responding to Tragedy!


We like that should mean something to us. That should stir up our souls to go out and actually preach the gospel to bring people in.

The E.A.R. Podcast

We Need to Deliver the Gospel!


The Ear, Evangelical and Reformed, Christian Podcast. Welcome to The Ear, the Evangelical and Reformed, a Christian podcast that urges you to think deeper and draws you closer to God through faith. Through powerful sermons, teaching segments, and discussions, The Ear hopes to give you a different perspective on secular topics from a Christian worldview. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The E.A.R. Podcast

We Need to Deliver the Gospel!


You have reached the end of yet another episode from the ear. We hope that God's word remains on the ears of the listeners. We pray that this podcast would urge you to go forth and spread his good news to the world. Thank you for tuning in. Please don't forget to subscribe to our podcast. See you at the next episode. God bless you and may his glory shine upon you.

The E.A.R. Podcast

We Need to Deliver the Gospel!


Please welcome your host, Brandon Queen.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


Yeah. Okay. Bonus round. This is just questions. Okay. All right. How can a small church pastor or how can small church pastors balance their personal duties? Correction. How can small church pastors balance their pastoral duties while engaging meaningfully with their congregation?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


You gave a lot to that question. I like that. So how can small church pastors engage growth and community engagement with resources and volunteers and availability of what their limits are?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


So last question. Yep. What advice would you give to a small church pastor or pastors that are discouraged by the challenges of leading a smaller congregation?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


Awesome. Well, that's going to close us out. I want to thank you guys for listening into this episode of Pew Talk, our conversation on understanding the church. If you want to find out more or hear some of Pastor Bill's sermons, you can check out our YouTube page. I want to get it wrong, but I'm just going to tell you the name. The name of the church is Bayou Christian Church.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


You can search that on YouTube. And actually, as of right now, we're going through the 50 days of vitality. So those sermons are powerful. Go take a listen to them and stay tuned for more episodes of Pew Talk with the small church.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


And I want to encourage all of my listeners, if you are part of a small church or even part of a bigger church, I want you to reflect on the impact that the small church may have on a community. Until next time, keep loving God, keep worshiping, and I'll see you next time on this conversation of the small church. Thank you.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


I like that. Now, I do want to ask more of a personal question, but it's also a question that you can probably give to younger pastors coming into the ministry. So how do small churches provide pastoral care and emotional support to their members during hard times or crises or, you know, whatever personal hardships they may come up with?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


Good morning, everybody. Welcome back to part two of surviving strategies of the small church. Today, we're going to dive right into the conversation with Pastor Bill Crawford to continue what we started last week. Join in.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


Now, I do, briefly, because this is a whole other series, if you will. We've been a huge part of disaster relief. And when I asked that question, I was actually trying to wade into that a little bit. So we've had some major hurricanes and they can get tiresome, they can get annoying. If you live in South Louisiana, you know what I'm talking about when we say hurricanes. We hate them.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


several small churches around here has stepped up their game as far as being there for people whenever hurricanes hit. And I know we've done a decent job at that.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


And we do see people deeply impacted. What I will do for all my small church pastors out there and to all the elders and if you're even not Presbyterian in other denominations, if your pastor goes out and does the work of disaster relief, I'm going to urge my elders to step in and help fill the pulpit whenever he's doing that work or be able to call other people in, pastors in to help preach.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


Because one of the things that happened for Ida was, and I was very big on this, like, okay, Pastor Bill, you need a break. Like, I know you're doing a lot. I know you love preaching. I know you love helping with disaster, but let's get some people in to help, you know, help you keep going. active at the disaster relief.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Survival Strategies for the Small Church Pt 2


So I do want to encourage whenever disaster hits, and don't go looking for them if you don't have to, is to be available for those communities that were hit by hurricanes or tornadoes or whatever, and just be pulpit supply.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Oh, amen. Absolutely. I love that. You know, we have to be balanced with our application because let's be real. If we're going to do any type of evangelism, people are watching us. They're watching us. Everything that we do, they watch us. So if I stumble, they're watching that and they're going to they're going to want to see how how is he going to recover from his fall and so forth and so on.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


All right. So let's move into segment two, which would be chapter 34. And the title of that one is, Do You Look Different to Muslim People? So with that being said, Timothy, what do you think this means in the context of how we as Christians should present ourselves in our daily lives? And I just alluded to it.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Awesome. Awesome. Well, picking up on our last episode, you talked about a guy a few episodes back about a guy, you know, wanting to hit you and how you ended up just hugging him and just diffusing, you know, that situation. So we're going to start off with the first segment of our conversation today, and it's going to be chapter 33, which is titled, Can we both be right about what we believe?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Amen. Absolutely. Absolutely agree. That's a big amen. But now here's a tough question that is often avoided. And obviously, this is a practical question for for the listeners, but you can answer it to me if you choose to. You know, does your church take a position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? And if so, have you heard your pastor or others talk about it?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


And the reason why I bring that question up. It's because you have innocent people from a worldly perspective, not a biblical perspective. You have innocent people on the Israeli side. You have innocent people on the Palestinian side. And I can tell you right now, I have no issues against that.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


palestine or the palestinian people my issue is with the terrorist groups that pop up within and then you know use the people of that land to commit evil uh harms toward other nations and stuff so you know that that question you know does your church take a position because that actually sets the precedent of how a person will interact with a person of the muslim faith

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


It also sets the precedent of how a person will act to a Jewish person. All right. And when we're talking about folks that are going into the mission field, our hearts have to be for all people, no matter what. And we have to be able to pray. We have to be able to share the truth, share grace with people, even if they're different from us or even if they want to kill us. It's plain and simple.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


So let's start off with. this chapter okay now we live in a world that is full of different beliefs and these questions come up a lot especially in our interactions with people of other faiths backgrounds such as muslims in a political world you know we have this thing where absolute truth is no longer truth it's your truth and my truth And nobody can refute my truth or I can't refute your truth.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


The Ear, Evangelical and Reformed, Christian Podcast. Welcome to The Ear, the Evangelical and Reformed, a Christian podcast that urges you to think deeper and draws you closer to God through faith. Through powerful sermons, teaching segments, and discussions, The Ear hopes to give you a different perspective on secular topics from a Christian worldview. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Yeah. And that is so important for us to know that, Timothy. You know, in any discussion, especially such complex issues like this, compassion and grace has to lead the way.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. I think in preparing for these kinds of conversations, it does require us to focus more on the people involved than the politics.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Yeah. I mean, if you think about it, we get caught up in, you know, political politics and a person's policies, which don't take this the wrong way. It is very important, especially as a Christian that is participating in a civic duty movement. That we're called to participate in. You know, we have to keep the people involved in mind.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


So, Timothy, with that, let me ask you this. Have you seen examples of Christians being too forceful in evangelism?

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Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


They have to be at the front of our prayers more than the policies of a person that's running for a particular office.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


than about uh politics and policies right and i don't want i don't want people to take this the wrong way you know as to say that i'm i'm for certain things that are against the bible you know i'm not going to mention them but no that's not what i'm saying what i'm right you know what i'm saying is christ came so that we could live we being the people that accepted him as Lord and Savior.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


And then he gave us that great commission and told us to go and to teach all nations and to baptize them. So that means that the people that we're preaching and teaching to and the people that we're reaching out to in other nations, they have to be at the forefront of our prayers and not the politics.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Yeah, I just it reminds me of Proverbs 8 chapter. I'm sorry, Proverbs 8 verses 14 to 16. It reminds me of that passage where it says that, you know, basically God is the one that's sovereign over all authorities on Earth. And we have to put that trust back in God's hand. It's not ours. It is.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


So with all of that being said, what do you think is the best way to prepare for a possible encounter where this might come up, where, you know, the topic of Israel versus Palestine or whatever? What is the best way to prepare for that encounter?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Yeah, I love it. I love it. So that moves into segment three. And this is chapter 35 in the book, if you have the book. And that one is titled, I love you too much to be silent. And this chapter really challenges us to resist the temptation to stay quiet about our faith.

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Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


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The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Now, Timothy, when you're talking to people from different faiths, like the Muslims, like your book is about, do you have a mindset from the onset to get them to the gospel? Like, how do you what's your mindset when dealing with people from different faiths?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Yeah, I love that. And it gives us a way to really put Christ on display because at the end of the day, that's who we're preaching about. That's who we're teaching about. That is the person that we're trying to bring those that are not of the faith. We're trying to bring them to Christ. We're not trying to bring them to ourselves.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


That that's amazing is, you know, they're calling on Jesus's name and they may not realize that when they do that, he responds. And it's our job to help them understand that when we call and all of those who call upon the name of Jesus Christ will be saved.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


And it's our job to help them to understand that. And we don't have to be theologians to do it. We don't have to be ordained to do it. We're already ordained once we accept Christ as Lord and Savior.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


So based on the previous question, so how can we resist the temptation to be silent about our faith, especially when the culture around us tells us to keep our religion private?

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Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Amen. That is so true. You know, and as we come to a close, we we have to understand grace, truth and boldness.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Whenever we accept Christ and we invite Christ to live in our hearts, there is no way that neither you or I or anyone that has called upon the name of Jesus Christ can be silent. We are a people that are made to shout from the mountaintops how good our Jesus Christ is and what he has done for us. And I can't be silent because the people I encounter and I befriend, I don't want them to go to hell.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


I want to see them on the other side when I make it there, too. And I'm not I'm I'm a dirty old sinner. I am not perfect. But the fact that I have Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I know that I can make it to the other side because of my faith and belief in Christ.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Yeah, absolutely. But anyway, Timothy, thank you so much for joining me today. You have brought a lot of powerful insight to these difficult questions. And as we wrap up, I want to encourage the listeners to take these challenges seriously. Think about how we're engaging with the people around us. Are we showing grace and truth? Are you speaking up when you need to?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


And are you staying silent out of fear? That's all I have today of this episode of The Ear Podcast. And as always, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review and share this episode with someone who needs to hear it. Until next time, keep loving, keep encouraging and keep proclaiming the gospel with grace and truth.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


God bless you all. You have reached the end of yet another episode from the ear. We hope that God's word remains on the ears of the listeners. We pray that this podcast would urge you to go forth and spread his good news to the world. Thank you for tuning in. Please don't forget to subscribe to our podcast. See you at the next episode. God bless you and may his glory shine upon you.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Awesome. That is a perfect example of how I've seen people push their way through. And I've seen it with not Christians sharing with Muslims. I've just seen it with, you know, people on the street corners. And look, I respect the street preachers and some of them, you know, they do it for the right reason. They do it to bring about God's grace and also the truth.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


But then I see some that are just out there to harass people. And they end up pushing people away and they forget about the balance that the gospel is supposed to bring.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Please welcome your host, Brandon Queen.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Well, welcome back to another episode of the Ear podcast. I'm your host, Brandon Queen. And today we're joined by a special guest, a good friend of mine, Timothy Harris. And we're diving right back into some powerful, challenging topics based on his book, Loving Your Muslim Neighbor. Now, if you have a copy of this book, we will be in chapters 33 to 35 of the book.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Right. So my question would be, do you focus more on truth or grace?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Well, for anyone. I mean, if we're going to be training future missionaries, what would you focus on more, truth or grace or both? And what would be the consequence of doing either or?

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


And we've been studying this for quite some time and we are making our way to the end. So these chapters bring up questions that really force us to reflect on how we live out our faith in today's world. So, Timothy, it is great to have you back with us, brother.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


Hmm. It's good to know. Very good to know. So I want to read something from the book that I found to be a good point. And it's on page 167 and it's under the heading that says Grace and Truth. And the bullet point says this. We need to offer relationship, respect, kindness, service, humility and love in our outreach to Muslims.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


All of this balanced by sharing the truth claims of Jesus and inviting Muslim people into faith discussions and commitment to follow him. That is the perfect example. And I mean, look, Jesus gives us this balance of grace with truth. OK, now he shows us how to how to be graceful and to share the truth. But then he shows us how to be balanced with grace, with grace, with truth.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Grace, Truth, & Boldness with Muslim Neighbors


And and only like when we talk about that. Something that comes to mind for me is the conversation he had with the Samaritan woman at the well. He didn't ignore her sin, but he showed her immersed kindness first. Okay. He greeted her with kindness first to draw her in. And then Jesus gives us that blueprint of how to engage with people based on his word.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Led by the Spirit in Boldness!


The Ear, Evangelical and Reformed, Christian Podcast. Welcome to The Ear, the Evangelical and Reformed, a Christian podcast that urges you to think deeper and draws you closer to God through faith. Through powerful sermons, teaching segments, and discussions, The Ear hopes to give you a different perspective on secular topics from a Christian worldview. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Led by the Spirit in Boldness!


God bless you all. You have reached the end of yet another episode from the ear. We hope that God's word remains on the ears of the listeners. We pray that this podcast would urge you to go forth and spread his good news to the world. Thank you for tuning in. Please don't forget to subscribe to our podcast. See you at the next episode. God bless you and may his glory shine upon you.

The E.A.R. Podcast

Led by the Spirit in Boldness!


Please welcome your host, Brandon Queen.