Alex Marlow
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
I'm Alex Marlowe in again for Charlie as he debates Gavin Newsom. And we've got a good one for you today. Peter Schweitzer is here, the number one investigative researcher, I think, in all the world, certainly in conservative media. We go through how China and Ukraine are actually connected and why this will make Trump's foreign policy make a lot more sense.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Peter, I gotta leave it there, but let me plug all your stuff. GAI, the Drill Down podcast, all Peter's books are essential. We love Peter Schweitzer. Thanks, Peter.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Today is a big day because it's the sort of State of the Union. And the White House has sent me some highlights of what we're anticipating. We're not going to bigfoot Trump here. So these are going to be roughly what we're looking at. But the theme of the speech is the renewal of the American dream. There's breaking news here on The Charlie Kirk Show.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Four main parts of the speech can be broken out into four parts as far as we know. Trump is going to review his accomplishments from his first months. And I've got a long list of what those are. And a lot of them are going to be border related. A lot of them are going to be things like stop hospitals not giving out puberty blockers, banning men from women's sports.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
It is still mind-blowing to me, and I know Charlie's, of course, been on this as much as anyone, but the idea that the Democrats' ideal is when all three podium spots and girls' track events go to men. The Democrats will not rest until every podium spot in a women's track event goes to men. It's an unbelievable thing that they tried that for so long, and we were all just kind of
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
All right, this is The Charlie Kirk Show. You're in the right place. I'm Alex Marlowe. I'm the editor-in-chief of Breitbart News and the host of the new Alex Marlowe Show. Great to be Charlie's colleague. You guys might remember Charlie got his start writing at Breitbart when he was just a high schooler. He sent us a pitch and we said, why don't you write this yourself?
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
went along with it to some degree. All right, he's going to talk about what he's done to fix the economic mess. He's going to talk about extending the 2017 tax cuts and not provide further raises in prices to the American voters. It'll be interesting to see if the Democrats applaud that, if Democrats want your taxes to go up, essentially. If the Trump tax cuts are not extended from 2017 and
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
which is coming up very soon, then it is a tax hike. So just know that the Democrats think that with all the struggles you're going through, hiking your taxes will be good. They will not applaud. The reason why they will not applaud at this point is because they want your taxes to go up because they feel like Trump will ultimately get blamed if that causes more problems for you and your family.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
So be on the lookout for that. Trump is going to push Congress to pass more funding for deportations and continue to build the wall.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
This is one report that I have heard from some of my sources that the deportations are somewhat underfunded at this point, which makes a lot of sense because if you think about how aggressive Tom Homan has been and Stephen Miller have been getting out there doing interviews, Kristi Noem with her cool outfits, I always like her outfits, always looking great.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
What she's doing is she's sending a signal to people, stop coming, please don't come anymore, because that is the cheapest way to, deterrence is the cheapest way to do border enforcement, just is. So if you start doing things like having things that are expensive, in terms of border security, then you got to rely on Congress to allocate a lot of those expenditures and a lot of those funds.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
So it's a lot easier when you just are able to message that border's closed. If you come here, we will deport you. It will be a big pain for you. And so that's why they're doing all that. And that's why I think they've been the most vocal wing of the executive branch to this point. All right, so he's going to talk about, yeah, that'll be interesting.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Do you guys think Democrats are going to applaud the Moore Board of Security? No. And he's also going to outline his peace plans, which I think is great. is something I'm really looking forward to. I think that Trump has a unique ability to bring peace to Eastern Europe as well as the Middle East.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
I think that the Middle Eastern countries via a Abraham Accord extension could potentially everyone benefits from it. Literally every country could benefit. I'm hoping he does a little bit on Gaza Lago. I really want to see him take over Gaza Lago. You guys saw that AI video from earlier in the week. Trump Gaza number one. It was so good.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
I would love to see if he could put up some golf courses there. We're building golf courses in Gaza. If he does not announce a Gaza golf course, then I'm going to be a little disappointed. I don't know if he'll do that the first year, but that's, in my heart, that's what I want the most. Of course, he's going to talk about tariffs. The Wall Street Journal is calling him stupid or something.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And he wrote it up, did great, ended up on Fox News, and the rest is history. So we've been friends ever since, which has been very nice. A great guy, really looks out for his friends, and also is a monster on the airwaves. So I love to be here. And if you want to subscribe to my show, The Alex Marlowe Show, I couldn't appreciate it enough. We've got a lot to do. It's a monster news day.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
We have a Trudeau clip quoting the Wall Street Journal. We got Cut 99. Will you guys play Cut 99 for me? I'm going to watch this.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Yeah, so it's dumb all those pharmaceutical companies that are going to be building plants here. It's dumb that Honda's building a civic plant here. It's dumb that HP's announced they're going to build a plant here. All these plants are getting built in Mexico and China, now they're not. So it's not dumb. It might be something you disagree with, but Trudeau is... Look, he's a nothing.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
He's about to go away. And he's been beaten by Trump. He's been vanquished by Trump already. We could annex Canada as the 51st and I believe 52nd state as well, the great state of Canada, the great states of Canada, I think. You got to leave some of the libs behind, but we're going to take a bunch of the good guys.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
But him calling Trump dumb, that's not going to, I think, be a good negotiating standpoint. If you guys want something from Trump, do you think calling him dumb would be the right move? So Wall Street Journal, very upset editorial board. They really don't like it. We know they don't like tariffs. This is the whole issue that I think the establishment Republicans have a religious belief in tariffs.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Despite how bad NAFTA was, and Trump basically redid it with the USMCA, we need to reset global trade. It has not worked out well for America. Part of the reason J.D. Vance is vice president is because of NAFTA, which was the... Both establishments, especially Republicans, put this trade... in place this trade scheme, which basically outsourced American manufacturing around the world.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And it gutted towns like the one Vance grew up in. And that's part of his rise. And that always resonated with Trump. Trump has always spoken to those people in our working class. And those are not the people who are getting crushed by a one bad day in the stock market today. They don't care. They want the tariffs. We like tariffs now. The polls are, they're popular.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Even Republicans, we like tariffs now. We like it. It's a weapon. And it also assures that we're looking at medium, long term. We're looking at America first. That's what it's about. So he'll explain this and it'll be great to hear it because I know he can articulate this vision for us. So he'll talk about how the American economy can actually be strengthened by reshoring.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
This is the words they gave. They're sending out reshoring industries. I like that. Reshoring is very good. Manufacturing, steel production, etc., So how is the left going to carry? Okay, I got to do it. They got it for me. Okay, give me the Gaza AI clip. You guys are good. You guys are fast.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
The sort of State of the Union is tonight. They don't call it the State of the Union for some reason. On the first, I guess the president doesn't have a great sense of the State of the Union yet, is the... lore, the history of it after the first 50 or so days of his administration. So we call the State of the Union the other three years out of four. But that's basically what it is.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Oh, man, if that is not an earworm, then I mean, that's just gonna be stuck in your head the whole day. I was just completely grooving to that. Here's how the Democrats counter that stuff. Give me cut 109. This is Congresswoman Velasquez. Play this one.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Yeah, so Musk should go back to South Africa. It's just pure xenophobia. Trump has the Democrats completely in knots. You watch them all weekend say that Trump is the biggest threat to democracy because he's not giving enough money to Ukraine, which is run by a dictator. Zelensky is now a dictator. Look, I know some of you are smarty pants.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
You're going to do some technicality that his constitution allows for him to declare martial law. And when there's martial law, then he doesn't have to have an election. But he skipped elections. He is not of habeas corpus, which means that you can just arrest people. You guys have seen all the viral videos online of people getting a forced conscription.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
He does not have a free press, and he's banned all the major political parties that oppose him. So what tenants of dictatorship are we missing? It's kind of a fascist dictatorship as well. Part of the fascists over the years, they would have the military uniform that they would wear all the time. Think about Castro, think about Mussolini. That's another overlooked tenant of fascism.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
So think about that. And look, I'm not entirely unsympathetic to Zelensky's plight. It's not a black and white thing. Putin's not a great guy. But when you suspend elections, you don't have these corporates, you don't have free press, you don't have an opposition party. That's a dictatorship is what it is. So the Democrats going all in for Zelensky all the time.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
where you saw them openly rooting against the United States and for Zelensky last week after he completely wet his pants during that Oval Office meeting with Vance and Trump, where he's threatening us wildly, doing all sorts of things to blow up deals that we were told were already done.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And if people came out on his side, just know that you're on the side of a dictator over a guy who just got elected by every single swing state, the plurality of the popular vote, and a huge electoral mandate. So they're countering it with xenophobia. We're going to send Musk back to South Africa. If I had said something like that, it would be nonstop. Be the lead story in the Huffington Post.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Go back to Charlie and said something like that. Imagine the New York Times, the hand-wringing that'd be going on. Xenophobia coming from the turning point and Charlie Kirk's show host. Ridiculous, but they don't have anything. And this is where I get very excited because I don't think that they're able to counter us in an effective way.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
I gotta say the Trump Gaza number one, I love how Musk is eating the whole time and he's also very svelte. The AI made Trump the same way, but Musk lost a bunch of weight, but he's still eating the whole time. They don't know how to handle Trump because they can't announce he's a dictator anymore.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And so what they are trying to do is they're trying to act like Musk is really the president, but Musk is also illegitimate. And so Musk has no authority, but he also has taken over the presidency, which is odd because Trump was the bad guy for so long, and he was installed by Russia, and he's a Putin puppet. But they can't say that about Musk.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And I will have some preview. I've got some details from a source, I would say close to the president, on what we can expect for tonight. I'll have some of those at the bottom of the hour. today, plus a bunch of other news. But I do want to welcome in right now Peter Schweitzer, who is the number one New York Times bestselling author of many, many books.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And it adds to this sort of muddled messaging that is incoherent. That probably explains why in the first hour of the show, I played how they all, all the Democrats are saying exactly the same talking points today. 20 plus Democrats all cut the exact same ad with the exact same script to message against Trump and Musk. Look, it's a tough day if you're in the opposition party right now.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
It is a tough day when you've got the president who is riding high, is plus nine in some of the polls, approval rating, highest he's ever been. And then he gets a State of the Union where he's going to speak to tens of millions of Americans directly. He always has great stagecraft. It's just incredible performance art for Trump who understands TV. He understands his medium.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And so Trump is going to have a great day. He's going to have a great night. And the Democrats don't much, there isn't much they can do But everyone just repeating an inauthentic script is kind of pathetic, isn't it? That's the nature of what they were. If anyone wants the Oscars this weekend, I couldn't stop thinking of the word pathetic. Pathetic was the word. They have nothing.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
You know, they didn't say Trump's name once. They didn't say Donald Trump once at the Oscars. It proves they're feckless. They have nothing. They're not pushing back at all.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Then he evaluates his take on Doge and why all the cutting is necessary and how it's all really about elections, a brilliant theory that Peter has that we explore. Before I do a preview straight from the White House of President Trump's speech to the Congress, the joint session of Congress, This is straight from the executive branch inside the White House. Very cool.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
So one of the Democrats' main tactics that they like to use, and the whole left in general, is they use projection, where they say exactly what they're doing and they accuse their opponents of doing that. That was the nature of the Russian collusion hoax.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
This is where it came from initially, is that Hillary Clinton's one of her main weaknesses was Russia, because her State Department had allowed for the sale of our uranium to Russia via some of the reporting that Peter Schweitzer came up with, that a lot of us broke at Breitbart News, which was very cool that we had this.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And this was a big deal, not to mention the fact that Bill Clinton had gone to Russia, had given a 45-minute speech, got half a million dollars for that. And they had traditionally been soft on Russia in terms of policy. So when that vulnerability was coming out, they accused Donald Trump of being a Russian assent.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
So when they're complaining about that Trump does not like democracy, you have to look at the way the Democrats have behaved. They wanted to jail Trump. They tried to use lawfare to disqualify him. They rigged their own primary in 2016 for Hillary Clinton. They never accept the results of the 2016 general election.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And he is also one of our senior contributors at Breitbart News. and one of my, I would say, mentors in the research space. Blood Money is his latest book. It's out now. He's the president of the Government Accountability Institute and the host of the Drill Down podcast, which I never miss. Peter, it is always great to talk to you, Breitbart senior contributor as well.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
They rigged their 2024 primary for Joe Biden, and then they removed Joe Biden and installed Kamala Harris without anyone voting. And in the meantime, you've got them backing Vladimir Zelensky and not caring at all that he's completely suspended elections and that he is behaving like a dictator, a fascist dictator, if you include the strange uniform, the Al Sharpton suit that he wears.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
So all that stuff shows you that they are accusing us of what they're doing. Remember, Trump sold weapons to Ukraine proactively. Biden didn't sell Ukraine weapons until there was an invasion by Putin. Trump killed hundreds of Wagner troops in Syria, which was the Russian special forces group that they have.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And Trump crushed the Russian energy sector by trying to block the Nord Stream pipeline and tapping a lot of America's energy resources. The Democrats have been much softer on Russia traditionally. They talk a big game, but they are not as strategic as Trump. So just note this. All of this stuff, all their backing of Ukraine, it's all politics. They don't really care.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
I bet you anything they say stuff totally different in private as they're saying in public. I'm so grateful to Charlie Kirk, my friend, who has done so much to help me out over the years. And the latest has given me the opportunity to host his amazing show. So thanks to Charlie and producer Andrew, as well as Ryan, Dalen, Michael. Kylie, Daisy, who's been in my ear, helped me out.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Mr. D, Riley, and Blake, if you do like what you hear today, please subscribe. Give me a five-star review. The Alex Marlowe Show is out now, brand new show. Wherever you get your podcasts, YouTube, Rumble, any subscription or review helps me a lot trying to beat the algorithm. Very, very, very tough on us. Ooh, I'm getting a shot of Charlie and Governor Newsom.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
The influencer, Governor Newsom, who has nothing to do in terms of governance. The best thing he could do right now is debate Charlie. I love it for Charlie. I don't know how Newsom's going to do in this, but I'm looking forward to this. Can't wait. And I just had a great photo of it. I will say, I will add that one other thing I didn't get to left on the cutting room floor.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
I'm really excited about Governor Cuomo. He's going to run for mayor because this is one of my main points I'm trying to make today is how the Democrats have nothing. They just found, is there anyone in New York who's not a crazy left winger? Is there one guy who's not totally crazy? Okay, this guy's not entirely crazy. We'll just run him again, even though he was disgraced. For me, two stuff.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
And not to mention, he allowed for all those people to die in the nursing homes. That I think was the big deal. His nursing home policy during COVID led to widespread death. That he trapped people in confined spaces who were the most vulnerable to the coronavirus. And then because he was good at doing TV press conferences, he got away with it. So just horrible, horrible stuff.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
He should be completely banished from public life in general, but instead he's going to run for mayor of New York, and I wouldn't be surprised if he wins. Because New York right now, they hate everything that's going on. They hate the subways. They hate the illegal immigration. It's sort of become ungovernable there, but he did good press conferences. So I don't know.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
All I have to say is all of those people who died thanks to Andrew Cuomo, they cannot vote in this election. Some of them might try. Some of them might try. The community organizing gets really good. But if the dead can't vote, he's going to have a shot. All right, I promised a view clip, so I don't like to let people down. I like to keep my promises.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Peter, this first 50 or so days of the Trump administration, all roads lead to China. All of this is about countering China. And let me give you a rundown of what I'm talking about. Pressure placed on taking back the Panama Canal or at least not having Chinese companies run the Panama Canal. That's about China. Greenland is about Chinese encroachment into the Arctic.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Promises made, promises kept in the spirit of President Trump. Let us play this cut. I don't know what the number is, but this is Joy Behar and Stephen A. Smith. Guys, roll this one.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
So Steve DeSpanth is a sports broadcaster and he's an interesting guy. He's got strong opinions. He articulates stuff very, very well. But what I think is most interesting here in what's not being said and is a theme to a lot of the content we've talked about today is the left does not have any sort of leadership.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
New York City, obviously not producing leaders, because if you got Cuomo coming back in there, if you've got all of these inauthentic, pathetic, old, old, old Democrats cutting the same exact ad, who's the leadership? Who's running this party? It's not Joe Biden anymore. It doesn't seem to be the Obamas. Who's going to step up for them? It doesn't seem like they've got anyone.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
They were hoping it was Vladimir Zelensky, which was kind of odd. He's not even tall enough to ride all the rides at Disneyland. Guy's going to lead the world. It doesn't make any sense to me. And it is something that we got to run up the score right now. This is why it's such a big night with Trump's big speech, his State of the Union type address tonight. We've got to run up the score.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
We've got all the momentum. It is time to celebrate, but it's time to keep cracking down, keep working hard. That's what Turning Point's all about. That's what I'm all about. That's what Breitbart News is all about and the Charlie Kirk Show as well. Thanks, everyone, for listening.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
If you want to support me, please subscribe to The Alex Marlowe Show and head over to and join our Fight Club, which is our premium membership. All that would be really terrific and a great way to support some real fighters who've been in it for a long time and are creating content that hopefully you'll all enjoy. Thanks again to Charlie and Andrew and the whole crew.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Ukraine mineral deal is about Chinese dominance in minerals around the world. tariffs, et cetera, on Mexico and Canada. All this is about that they've allowed their countries to get overrun with Chinese fentanyl and they've allowed Chinese police stations, other things like that at various points. I think the list goes on.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
I love doing this show, and I'll talk to you next time.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
I think the icing out of Ukraine in that negotiation in Saudi Arabia and only including Russia, that was all about trying to pull Russia away from the Sinosphere. and to the United States. This is what it's all about for me. I feel like everything is actually about China, though Trump will not say China. I think this is brilliant, and it gives us in the commentariat space a lot of room to play.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
But you know China better than anyone. What's your take on all this?
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
You know, one thing that people might not know about Peter is that he first got connected with us at Breitbart when he was our editor of Big Peace, which was Andrew Breitbart's first national security foreign policy blog that he started. So Peter's got expertise in this way as well. And again, personal biases aside,
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Peter, what do you make of Zelensky's sort of meltdown in the Oval Office where he was vaguely threatening us? And then the mineral deal, which was as good as signed, apparently just didn't end up getting signed. And then he went on Fox News and really apologized for anything. He sort of doubled down in a lot of ways. All this, I don't fully have my mind around what's going on.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
We got that first here in the Charlie Kirk show for you. You guys are going to enjoy that. And then I explain how I think the Democrats have a huge leadership crisis as evidenced by the fact that Andrew Cuomo, yes, that Andrew Cuomo, is running for mayor of New York City and is quite likely to win. So all that plus a bunch more exciting stuff today. This is fun. Fun show. Buckle up, everybody.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
From your perspective, what do you think is really happening?
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Yeah, him relitigating the origins of the war, which was, I don't understand who allowed him to do that. Maybe he doesn't have good advisors. Maybe he's not that bright of a guy. I don't get it because that was not what Trump cares about at all. Trump wants to bring this thing to a close. He doesn't care about really who started it.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Yeah, Putin started it, but Putin started it because Joe Biden's weakness. I have a whole chapter on this in my book, Breaking Biden, explaining this. And a lot of it was that the Biden administration for years said, And prior to that, Obama had had these overtures, Ukraine, that they could one day join NATO.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
This is a total non-starter with the American people and anyone who I think wants to avoid nuclear war. What did you make of Zelensky's repetition that he needs security guarantees? What does that look like to you? Security guarantees, that basically means a promise that we'll go to war with Russia. That's insane. Why is he suggesting that?
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
J.D. Vance summed it up best. He said the minerals deal is a way better security guarantee than European troops. It's a long-term investment in their sovereignty. Perfectly put.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Peter Schweitzer is with me, president of the Government Accountability Institute, senior contributor to Breitbart News. multiple time New York Times number one bestselling author and host of the Drill Down podcast, which I absolutely love. Peter, I want to talk about Doge. Give me your 30,000 foot on Doge. The left thinks that they've got us on this one.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
They think that cutting government waste to all sorts of transgender initiatives in foreign countries is what Americans want right now. I think they're nuts, but they're trying to make it seem like Musk is infringing on people's privacy and getting private stuff and Uh, it is essential for us to fund, you know, trans Sesame streets all over the world.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
I don't totally get their take, but do you feel like they've got anything here? And what's your personal opinion of how Doge is going so far?
The Charlie Kirk Show
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Yeah, this is exactly right. And this is why I'm completely obsessed with the Stacey Abrams NGO that started with $100 and somehow had $100 in 2023 and somehow got $2 billion in 2024. Peter, I understand how this isn't just a monumental, earth-changing scandal. It feels like the sort of thing that if Andrew Breitbart was alive, he would have spent...
The Charlie Kirk Show
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every day for 90 days, just talking about this and only this until everyone got the picture. And I feel like we just moved on from it. I asked Lee Zeldin, who's the EPA administrator about it, because I guess it went through the EPA for this environmental fund, about this on my Alex Marlow show yesterday. And he told me he's working with the FBI and the DOJ to investigate.
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
But I mean, who knows if we're gonna get the bottom of this? Did that one jump out at you as a bad one? Were there any lowlights for you thus far, the DOJ's uncovered?
The Charlie Kirk Show
DOGE Potential and SOTU Predictions
Peter, this is such an important point that you made also that I think this money is going to those AstroTurf town halls that we're seeing popping up. I think this is about electioneering. It's not just about handouts and moneymaking. I think it's even deeper than that. It's about creating a permanent structure for these Democrats.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
I'm Alex Marlow, editor-in-chief of Breitbart News, and I'm in for Charlie as he debates Gavin Newsom today, my governor, sad to say. But it is a huge news day, so it's a great day to be in Charlie's captain chair. First of all, I go through my theory that everything Trump is doing when it comes to foreign policy and international relations is all about China. It's a unifying doctrine.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
It's not very much, but it's a little bit. So I think Trump's got them where he wants them, but we'll see what he has got tonight at the State of the Union.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
All right, guys, when I play that clip, the content of it is less relevant than I think the optics. So they're all doing the same thing. They're all in lockstep. It is the point of the Democrats right now is that they're an inauthentic group of people. They're trying to get people motivated because they're saying that you're a threat to their various groups and they act in group behavior.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Hello, everyone. I'm Alex Marlowe, editor-in-chief of Breitbart News. Thanks so much to my friend Charlie as well as producer Andrew for inviting me in today. It is a massive news day today. It's Fat Tuesday. Lent is tomorrow. Mardi Gras is tonight. The State of the Union, sort of. We don't call it that tonight as well. and tons and tons of news. I'm editor-in-chief of Breitbart News.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
They don't like the American individual. Donald Trump's the quintessential American individual. Musk is another one. We're trying to elevate individuals. One of the things I think makes America special is how we empower individuals. Charlie's one of them, just a total classic, a one of a kind. They don't like that. They like this groupthink. And making fun of Musk because he had the chainsaw.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
You guys know that the chainsaw was hilarious. We're taking the chainsaw to government waste. We are. They're acting like the whole goal is tax cuts. How often does Charlie come on the show talking about tax cuts? Is it never or rarely? I'm cool with tax cuts. I like tax cuts. It's not what we're all about anymore. It's not what MAGA is all about.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
We want to cut waste because what have we been funding in the past? What was the USAID doing? I've got a few of them in front of me. A transgender opera in Colombia. a transgender comic book in Peru. We got helping in Tajikistan, helping disabled people become climate leaders. Come on, contraceptives in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan?
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Of course the Taliban got some of that fun cut into for the other condoms that had to go to Mozambique. Which, remember that dunk on Musk in the Oval Office, where they pointed out to Musk that the condoms are going to Mozambique and not to actual Gaza? It's all crazy stuff. This is what we're cutting. And you don't get a permanent job just because you work for the government.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
This is the same way in the private sector, you don't get a permanent job. And there's such an outrage that if you can't write down five things you did last week that were productive, then you do not deserve a job. I think most Americans agree with this. And you have to be lied to by a lot of people very, very often for you to get convinced otherwise. So that's the plan. That's all they got.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
I don't think it's very much. All right, do we have John Carney with me? John's our economic and finance editor at Breitbart News. He is also the author of the Breitbart Business Digest, which I co-author with him, but he does the heavy lifting. That's the open secret. John is, I believe, the single most knowledgeable person on Magonomics. John, it's great to see you in this context.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
John and I speak, I would say, at least once a week, either on my show, The Alex Marlowe Show, or on our premium membership, Breitbart Confidential at the Breitbart Fight Club. Those of you who support us over there, I really appreciate it. That's where you get an in-depth, deep dive with one of my consigliere's of Breitbart News, one of my cabinet secretaries, if you will. every single day.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
So those are a blast. John, we have slightly less time than usual. We got about 10 minutes here. I want to just start with what is happening today? What has Trump done? And what is the reaction to it, both domestically and internationally?
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
If any of you are not familiar with me, if you are familiar, thanks so much for helping us at Breitbart be so big and so robust and so strong. It's all thanks to grassroots audiences like these. If I'm new to you, Breitbart is, I would say, the OG MAGA outlet for the anti-establishment media I guess MAGA before there was MAGA.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Well, I'm up for it, and as of today, the polls show the American people are up for it. We're much more inclined to do this. Why do you think the American people have shifted and they're accepting of this and they want to see this out, at least for now? That's kind of the general consensus poll-wise.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And so we love to be the pioneers of this space and are so proud that people like Charlie, who got to start writing for us at Breitbart News, have gone on to do such amazing things. And this is a day, I think, to reflect on how far we've come as a movement. Donald Trump is playing absolute 4D chess right now. And all of this, and this is what today is going to all be about.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
So one thing that I think a lot of people are probably wondering right now is that how much this is going to affect Americans in terms of prices, because this is one of Trump's biggest tasks is he's got to get prices down or at least slow inflation. tariffs don't cause inflation, but they could cause a one-time price hike.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And that's something that people are not going to have a lot of tolerance for, especially the media. I think a lot of people at home are looking for Trump to drive down prices. So what's the path here?
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Okay, so what do you say to people who are trying to dunk on Trump and act like he's no idea what he's doing now because the Dow's down a little bit?
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
For me, from my vantage point, John, it seems like a win-win because we're already seeing all this evidence of people announcing massive levels of expansion into American manufacturing companies staying here because they don't want to get caught up in this trade war. And also, we're not just trying to get, he's got a few missions here. One of them is to get fentanyl out of our country.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
One of them is to send a message to these overseas countries that there's a new sheriff in town and you're going to have to stop taking advantage of us. But what is your top arguments to people who are skeptical of what we're into right now?
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
We have tariff wars breaking out. We've got a big speech breaking out. All of it is about China. No one understands this, but this is all about China. Let me start with what's going on with these tariffs. Tariffs are now in place on Canada and Mexico, 25% starting today. He's also raising tariffs on China by 10%.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Right. This is not some sort of massive global recession. And what are we trying to do here? We are trying to right some of the wrongs from opening up America to the Chinese market and getting completely rolled.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
So I'll share with you guys why I'm in for Charlie today. Those of you who caught some of last week's shows, and I'm sure you brought up yesterday as well, that Charlie is heading to Gavin Newsom's podcast, which is very interesting to me as a Californian. I lived in California most of my life, and I'm here now. Newsom is a true charlatan.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He's one of these people who acts very slick, and he acts like he's very confident, knows what he's doing, but has a horrific record. And he's always been this way. I followed his career for an incredibly long period of time, because of my interest in politics. So over 20 years when he was kind of a junior guy in the Bay Area. And he's always had this move where he could give a good speech.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He acts very compassionate. He acts like he understands the issues. But he doesn't actually have a lot of the substance. So I'm very excited to see him debate Charlie, who is an expert debater. And I have to say, a lot of these freaks that Charlie's been debating on college campuses are probably tougher debaters than Newsom. So I think Charlie's going to do incredibly well.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
But I hope what comes up is some of all the horrible things that Newsom has done while presiding over the state during the fires. The fire budgets were cut in my area. We did not clear brush, and then we were lied to about it. We were told that local officials need to figure out all the problems that were going on with regards to fire safety.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Canada has now threatened retaliatory tariffs against us, and a lot of people didn't believe that Trump would go through with it. They didn't believe that he would actually enact these things because the Republican Party, the conservative movement for so long, has always been allergic to the idea of tariffs. We've always thought that tariffs are just going to raise prices on Americans.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
There have been no new reservoirs built in the state since... I'm sorry, there have been no new dams built in the state since Newsom's been in public life, no new reservoirs in the LA area. Famously, the reservoir near the Palisades fire was completely empty for maintenance that was long overdue and had not been completed.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
But the thing that is most interesting to me is there's no culture of fire safety. Because people in California have had this approach that we're only going to prepare for the best. We're never going to prepare for the worst. And because of that, we were completely caught off guard. And now Newsom, he'll have some vocabulary, ingress and egress.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He'll come with all these words he learned after the fire had already devastated people's lives. And so he's just a terrible governor. And he will give you the impression he cares. He knows he's doing. Doesn't. And he wants to be president. He wants to be president in four years. That's what he's doing. That's why he's trying to influence your strategy of podcasting.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And Charlie's a pro, so I can't wait to see how he does. And we'll see you very soon. All right, I brought up something earlier that is really important, that this Bridge Colby confirmation that's going on right now. He was introduced by J.D. Vance. Vance gave a very positive and upbeat speech. Kind of the highlights were that he is a big character advocate for Colby.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He is speaking softly and carrying a big stick in this regard. But I talk about all these maneuvers he's making and why it's all about China. Before we get into all things trade, big trade news day, John Carney is here with me. He is our economic and finance editor at Breitbart News. He's a total guru on the subject matter.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Colby is one of these guys where he's a conservative and he's an America first guy, but he also was correct on things like the Iraq war, which was very important to me when I was kind of realizing that I didn't quite line up with the Republican establishment. When I was my entire adult life, I've been a Republican. I was registered as a Republican when I was 18.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And I've never not been a Republican, but it's always been very reluctant. And part of it is because our political class, our establishment, has always been so irresponsible. The Paul Ryans of the world, the Mitt Romneys of the world, the Bushes, the Cheneys, all these people, you got the impression that they were in it for the wrong reasons and their values were not exactly where I was at.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And when very smart conservatives started to explain to me just what a quagmire and a boondoggle the Iraq and Afghanistan wars had become, how much was being wasted, and how much of the money was being misallocated in places that would enrich certain people in our consulting class. This is very informative to me. It changed my worldview a lot. And Rich Colby is one of those guys.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He's one of those guys who's understood that for a long time. And a lot of you are in Charlie's audience. You guys are the hardcores. You know this stuff to be true. But having grown up in the sort of George Bush era of Republican politics, We were all sold these wars.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And even some of us who were 17, 18 years old being told how important it was for America to go to Afghanistan, Iraq, and spend all this blood and treasure. This was a guy who was a conservative who was there who was holding up his hand and politely saying, no, that's not it. That's not what this is all about. And those are the type of guys who need to be in our Department of Defense.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
They're, I think, going to make it more likely, guys like Colby, guys like Hegsess, who are going to make it more likely that we're going to have a recruiting boon for this country, where we're going to be able to have some of the best and brightest because they're going to have confidence. Confidence is going to be restored. Look at it about how people talk about vaccines now.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
What they are is they're a tool. They're a tool used to gain leverage globally. And these nations, Mexico and Canada in particular, have not helped us keep China at bay. One of the things that's going on is fentanyl streaming into our country, starting through Mexico, but also through Canada as well. And these nations have not done a good job stopping it. Americans are dying.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
The overselling the coronavirus vaccine made it so that there's going to be massive skepticism of even basic medical stuff that it was presumed to be true.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
One thing that Colby can do is he can, I think, reassure people that there are adult, safe pair of hands who are involved in our major foreign policy decisions as well as defense decisions, the way we're spending our budgets, where we're focusing on things that will hold accountable the people who have been part of this establishment, permanent political bureaucratic class in Washington.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
We got some audio of him from his hearing. Let's play some of this. Let's play cut 105. Let's see what that sounds like, guys.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Okay, great. We got one more. Let's play 106, please.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Yeah, it's all great stuff, and it's all the America First focus is what we want, and the Peace Through Strength approach is what we want.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And I feel like that if this has been the crucial thing that has been lacking, I think why the marrying of America first with Doge is so important because a lot of what we need to be doing as a country in order to be prepared for the next war is to make sure that the funds that we are getting extracting at gunpoint from taxpayers are
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
is not going in the pockets of people like the Lloyd Austins of the world who are in a revolving door from places like Raytheon into our Defense Department and then back presumably to some board to make a bunch of money. That's not what it's about.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
It's about making sure we have the cutting edge technology, that we have the best intelligence, that we have integrity with the American people so that the money is being spent in a wise way and that we're focusing on the things that are the true threats to us And we have the technology updated so that we can take on not just foes from the past, but what is coming next for this country.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And I like these forward-thinking guys, people who've had a track record of getting stuff right before the rest of us. Those are the type of people you want in the room. And so that's why people that I know, the people that I trust, are excited about this appointment. I think that's why Charlie has rode so hard for Bridge Colby, why people like Don Jr. and others. J.D.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Vance, of course, introduced him today, which I thought a very... poignant speech. All this is good stuff and it shows you that America First is not just some campaign promise. This is the real deal. Thanks everyone for listening. If you want to support me, please subscribe to The Alex Marlowe Show and head over to and join our Fight Club, which is our premium membership.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Americans are dying at a rate that is not sustainable. It is hurting the soul of our people. And a lot of this is coming directly from China, and no one is seemingly willing to crack down on it. Trump is doing what he can. He's got the border enforcement going. He's got ICE at the border. We're trying to shut things down, but it's not enough.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
All that would be really terrific and a great way to support some real fighters who've been in it for a long time and are creating content that hopefully you'll all enjoy. Thanks again to Charlie and Andrew and the whole crew. I love doing this show and I'll talk to you next time. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He needs to convince these governments that they need to start helping us out some more. So he's putting the pressure on. A lot of people saw this as a bluff, but you can't only bluff. You've got to be able to enact these things. And it's a basic negotiating tactic that's going on.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
So one thing you guys may have seen yesterday is this New York Times story announcing that, oh, the cartels are in such disarray. They're in such dire straits all because of Trump's crackdowns. I'm sure that's true to some degree, but a lot of this is planted stuff to try to get Trump to back off. They want Trump to back off these tariffs. They want him to release the pressure.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
They want him to be able to start going slow, to calm down. He's not doing that. The market's testing Trump today. It's down as we're recording the show. We'll see how this goes on. But investors might be trying to control Trump. They don't want him to do this. They don't want him to actually flex America's economic might. But that's exactly what he's going to do.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
You might notice throughout the day that we're going to be talking a lot about Ukraine. All of Trump's Ukraine policy, what is it all leading towards? Mineral rights. Why does Trump want these mineral rights? Because so far in this world, it's dominated by China. China's got all these minerals, and he's trying to get these minerals from Ukraine.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
We thought that was a done deal, didn't we, last week? But now all of a sudden, maybe it's not. Maybe it's not a done deal. Maybe we don't know exactly what kind of minerals are there. Russia would tell you Ukraine doesn't have that many minerals. The EU would tell you that they have a lot. But that meltdown that Zelensky had was in the Oval Office. That would go down in infamy.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Something that completely blew up a deal that was a one foot pot. It was a concession layup and he couldn't get it done. Why was he freaking out? I'm wondering if it had to do with those minerals. I'm wondering if it wasn't just that he lost his fastball, which he certainly did. He didn't have to have this posture that he had in the Oval Office where he was insulting us.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He was saying that war is coming to our shores. All of that was totally unnecessary, but it was partially because he'd been dealing with Joe Biden for all these years where all he would do is get a yes. All these Democrats giving him a yes all the time. Trump doesn't like that. Trump wants to be able to hold people to account and to be able to look him in the eye and get the truth out of him.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He's not getting that from Zelensky. And I got a feeling that Trump was pretty suspicious that maybe these minerals were not exactly what Zelensky was purporting to have. So anyway, Trump is trying to get these nations on their back foot. And the point is, is that he is not satisfied with the way these governments are dealing with the prospect of China looming into various regions on the earth.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He will give you all the arguments you need to debate your liberal friends on trade. And then I break down the Bridge Colby confirmation process and why it matters so much to Charlie and why it matters so much to me. That's it. It's going to be a good show, guys. Buckle up, everybody, because here we go.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
They're encroaching in the Arctic. That's why he wants Greenland. They've encroached on Panama. That's why he wants the Panama Canal. All this is going to come out tonight. I just want to break down China's relationship with Canada. This is super important. Because when you look at Canada, Canada has had Chinese secret police in their country.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
They've had their level four bio lab infiltrated by Chinese. Two Chinese nationals connected the Wuhan lab and infiltrated the Chinese bio lab. They have governments, businesses, institutions, political parties, trying to try to interfere in Canada's election to help Justin Trudeau win. So there's a national public inquiry into this and nothing was done about it.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
There's no significant regulation that's being done to curb China's infiltration into Canada. So they're in Mexico via the fentanyl. They're in Canada via those ports. They're in Greenland, essentially, via the Arctic. They've got dominance over our minerals throughout the world. Trump's sick of this stuff.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
You see this thing that's happened in Vancouver, money laundering of trying to get Chinese money into Canada to try to be able to power through and be able to get things they want. There's this strategy they have called the Vancouver model, where you bring money into a casino and then you can bring it home. They wash money through Canada.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And it's so common that they've actually named it the Vancouver model. These casinos, of course, are owned by the government. So who's getting these kickbacks? You don't know. And they want to come here in the United States. They've already been here.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
But at least here, where we've had these secret Chinese police stations, what's ended up happening is that we've tried to investigate them, at least shut them down. Now, I can guarantee you, not everyone in the U.S. government's happy about that. I'm sure they would love to just take the Chinese cash and move on. But we've at least tried to deal with it to some degree.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
We're also looking at the Bridge Colby confirmation hearing today. He'd be the number three guy in the Pentagon. He's a guy that Charlie's really championed in a lot of the America First movement. One thing that Bridge Colby understands is the number one threat is China. He's also a very serious technologist. He looks at the future.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He looks to make sure that we've got the right technology available to counter countries like China who have us way outnumbered when it comes to populations. So this is another thing that is an affront to the American establishment that has been completely content to get rolled by China on trade and to get rolled by China when it comes to dominance in the geopolitical space.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
So this is where Trump is fed up with it. And whenever you see the maneuvers Trump is making throughout the day, note whether or not this has to do with tariffs, whether or not these tariffs, whether or not his pressure he's put on Canada and Mexico, whether or not to take it literally or to look at it as a bigger global play to counter our number one geopolitical foe, which is China.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Now, a lot of good is going to come from that process. I think we're going to get a lot of favorable deals for America. We're going to reshore a lot of manufacturing in the process. We're seeing all these reports about companies building factories in the United States. We just got word that a new Honda Civic plant is going to be built in the United States.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
We got word that tens of billions of dollars worth of new pharmaceutical facilities are going to be built in the United States. These are big deals. These are things that are going to generate tens of billions, if not hundreds of billions of dollars for the US economy.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And a lot of it's coming through because people are afraid that if Trump is seen as uncontrollable when it comes to tariffs and you got J.D. Vance warming up in the bullpen, then they might not be looking at four years of MAGA economic policy. They might be looking at 12 years.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And if that's the case, then why would they start building factories and stuff overseas in Mexico, et cetera, when they could build it here and then they won't have to worry about any of that.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
They're not going to have to worry about if the America First team that's currently in the executive branch of the United States, whether or not they're going to make it so that it's untenable to ship in those products into our country without getting tariff to death. Trump has completely reset global economic trade. It's something to be congratulated. We've got to stand strong today.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
A lot of people complaining. A lot of people whining. They don't like what they're seeing. It's a momentary thing. It's a temporary thing. We're going to get you all the details on today's Charlie Kirk show.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Jesse Waters had a great graphic yesterday. Investments in the U.S. under President Trump, $14 billion from Nippon Steel's Japanese company, $20 billion from Hussein Sajwani. 500 billion over four years from Apple, 500 billion over four years from Stargate, 600 billion from Saudi Arabia. $100 billion from Taiwan Semiconductor, that's a new one. And there's more, these will keep coming.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Pharmaceutical industry, again, pouring more money in to the United States, which is huge, because a lot of these companies, these patents, you get something approved by the FDA, and then you've got about, I think it's about 10 years on a patent for you to get production going, to make money, and then it's going to go generic and you're not going to be able to make any more money.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
So it's a big gamble where these pharmaceutical companies build plants. They're now building them in the United States. Eli Lilly just announced that they're going to be doing I think four new plants here. All of that is because they're in fear of Trump's tariffs. So don't freak out. Do not panic. These are very powerful when it comes to dealing with the Chinas of the world.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
It's also incredibly powerful when it comes to encouraging American innovation to come back here, American jobs come back here, and the Democrats can be totally powerless against this. One other thing that I think is a huge deal when it comes to Zelensky's panic This guy calling for security guarantees. You know what security guarantees means?
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
It means we're going to have to go to nuclear war on behalf of Ukraine. It's essentially what it is. It's even worse than a NATO guarantee. Now, we're never going to get a NATO guarantee. Any of you who've heard any of my content, I think most Charlie's content that you guys understand this, that Ukraine's always wanting to get into NATO.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
The Democrats want them in NATO because they just love Ukraine so much. But once you're in NATO, it obliges all of us to go to war with Russia should Russia ever invade Ukraine. Russia has always drawn that as a red line, and yet the Biden administration and much of the Democrats, even some establishment Republicans, have had that flirtation with Ukraine. Never going to happen.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Trump will never allow for it. He's too smart for that. When Zelensky comes in, he starts demanding security guarantees. That means he's demanding war, but it's even worse than the NATO thing because with NATO, at least people had to pay in. Has Zelensky offered to pay in, by the way, if he does get into NATO? No, probably not, right? It's just the thought of it is laughable. He needs our money.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
So here's the thing. He wants us to defend him against nuclear Russia. We're not going to do any of that. But all this comes back to the fact that Donald Trump's policy is putting pressure on all the right people in so many different ways. We're reaping so many benefits from it. We're going to be seeing the economic boom. It will get here. It's coming.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Just be patient, those of you who are panicking today. I don't think any of you are, though. I think people get it. I think people understand the level of 4D chess Trump is playing is so much deeper than anything you're seeing from the Democrats. Democrat senators all saying the exact same thing about President Trump and Elon Musk. Do you guys think that the attacks on Musk are working?
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
Please email me if you've got a thought on this. Aloha to Because, you know, one thing that's so interesting about the Musk attacks is that it used to just be Trump. They would pick a target. They'd isolate it, personalize it, Saul Linsky style. Now they got Trump and Musk, two people who are kind of untouchable. Musk is world's richest man and also world's most prolific man.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
He's doing the full DJ Khaled routine with his kids. Another one, another one. I think he's up to 14 now. Is that true? Is that confirmed he's at 14? But anyway, the point is that I'm trying to make here is that these guys are very tough to touch. Musk's popularity is very high. Trump's popularity is above water. It's up to plus 9%. and a lot of polls, the highest I've ever seen for him.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
And so just saying Trump, Trump, Trump, like it's a swear word, Musk, Musk, Musk, like it's a swear word, trying to call Musk a Nazi. They can't hang with this stuff. None of this is going to counter the fact that he's bringing all these manufacturing back. He's provided hope that we're going to get out of all these foreign entanglements. We're finally putting pressure on China.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
We're finally cracking down on illegal immigration, working to secure the border. We're going to annex the great state of Canada. Or do you think it'll be two states? All right, we got it. Let's play it. 108, roll it, guys.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
It's all the same script. It's the same script. It's all 22 Democrats. Is this as lazy as it gets? Yes, it is. And they all think that if they just repeat a message enough that it'll get through the American public. But don't underestimate this because this has worked in the past. They did this with the Russian collusion hoax. They did this with the Charlottesville hoax.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
The find people on both sides myth that never happened. The go find me 11,000 votes. That was another lie that didn't happen. All of these things, they are under the impression that if they lie the same way often enough, then enough ignorant people in the public will believe it. The good news is I feel like people have wisened up. They understand that this is all just a game.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Mineral Deal Points to One Thing: China
It's all a ruse to try to get Democrat politics mainstreamed into the American culture. We still have to be on guard, though, to understand, don't underestimate your opponents. It's always a mistake, but it's worth pointing out how lazy these people are, how they have no ability to think outside of some sort of a blob, Borg-like situation. That's all they got.