The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway
Scott’s Career Advice: Will AI Take My Job? Advice for Entrepreneurs, and How to Find What You’re Good At
Wed, 05 Mar 2025
Today, we’re wrapping up our special two-part series all about careers—navigating them, advancing them, maybe even surviving them. In this episode, Scott offers guidance to a wealth manager concerned about AI disruption, shares advice for an aspiring entrepreneur, and closes with insights on becoming a true domain expert in your field. Subscribe to No Mercy / No Malice Buy "The Algebra of Wealth," out now. Follow the podcast across socials @profgpod: Instagram Threads X Reddit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Chapter 1: What is discussed in this career advice episode?
Let's bust right into it. First question.
Hey Scott, my name is John and I'm a recent college graduate based in Florida. I'm pursuing a career in financial services, specifically wealth management for households with a net worth between 1 and 5 million dollars. Like many white-collar professionals, I'm concerned about the impacts that AI could have on my industry.
Chapter 2: Will AI disrupt the financial services industry?
While I see AI as a valuable tool, I worry that the chatbots could offer potential clients a faster, more knowledgeable and ultimately free service, posing a pretty big challenge for myself. Wealth Management has always faced issues from robo-advisors, fee-cutting firms, but fortunately compliance has always saved us.
What advice would you offer a young professional like myself to future-proof my business against AI-driven disruptions, all while continuing to grow and provide value to clients, especially as a 20-something-year-old with a young face? I appreciate your time.
That's a really thoughtful question. And I think kind of information intensive white collar industries that to a certain extent trade in complexity. There's a lot of regulation. There's a lot of different assets. People have taxes. It's complex once you get above any reasonable set of assets. And so people want to feel comfortable.
Security, they want an absence of fear, they want someone nice and young and attractive and bright such as you to show up and actually, to a certain extent, youth is a bit of a disadvantage here, but give them a sense of confidence that they're doing the right thing with their assets. And in exchange... Manchmal, oder viele Male, sind Menschen bereit, 1-2% ihrer Asset zu bezahlen.
Meine Mutter hat diesem Mann 1,5% pro Jahr bezahlt, um eine Menge dreckiger Stocks zu kaufen. Und ich habe mir das angeschaut und gesagt, okay, das macht keinen Sinn, investiere in Vanguard. Dieser Mann kann keine Stocks wählen, er ist ein... 65-Jähriger sitzt in einem schlechten Büro irgendwo in Las Vegas und er hat den Markt untergebracht, aber er ist wirklich teuer.
Die Mehrheit der Wealth-Manager in dieser Klasse könnte als teuer, aber schlecht beschrieben werden. Sie haben eine hohe EQ, sie machen dich besser fühlen, sie kommen zu deinem Haus. Jemand, der dich zu Abend oder zu einem Sport-Event bringt, bedeutet, dass ihre Kosten viel zu hoch sind. Weißt du, wer dich nie zu einem Nix-Spiel nehmen wird? Vanguard.
And you are in kind of ground zero, I think, unfortunately, for disruption around AI. So what do you do? First, let's look at some data. According to Brookings, those in business and financial operations occupations are at the third highest risk level for disruption from large language models.
Additionally, Citigroup believes that over 50% of jobs in the financial services industry could eventually be replaced by AI. Pew Research found that 62% of Americans believe that AI will have a major impact on workers, but just 28% believe that it will have an impact on them personally.
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Chapter 3: How can financial professionals future-proof their careers against AI?
Recent data suggest that AI adoption rates are just 5% in some industries, creating an enormous opportunity for those who do decide to utilize the new technology. So, my kind of saying around this, if you're going to go into this industry, you have to go in with your eyes wide open. And that is, you're going to have to get to scale within three to five years.
And that is, if you're just managing a bunch of like 100,000, 500,000 million dollar portfolios, at some point, they're going to figure it out and just go to Vanguard. What you need to do is get to a certain amount of scale such that you can charge low enough fees such that, quite frankly, you're worth it. And what does it mean? What is value? It's fees over the services you're offering.
Or maybe it's the opposite. Anyways, you get my point. Und im Geldmanagement, die schlechte Nachricht ist, dass es so schwierig oder so einfach ist, 10 Millionen zu managen, wie es 1 Million ist. Aber die gute Nachricht ist, dass es so einfach ist, 10 Millionen zu managen, wie es 1 Million ist. Also Finanzielle Services ist viel wie ein Real-Estate-Broker.
Es ist ein dreckiges Geschäft für die ersten zehn Jahre. Es geht zu jedem fucking Event. Es gibt deine Karte an die Leute. Es macht viel freies Arbeit. Es macht eine Menge Arbeit und findet heraus, dass niemand, dass sie nicht wirklich Aspekte haben. But once you have a stable of clients, it turns into a really good business.
Now, the first thing is you are going to have to acknowledge the following or really adopt the following as religion if you want to be successful. AI is not going to take your job. Someone who understands AI is going to take your job. And that is AI still hallucinates and the majority of people still do not want to use an AI robo-advisor to figure out which funds they allocate.
Even if they decide to go all vanguard, there are still some decisions to be made. There are robo-advisors, but most people don't want to do that. You are also going to have to become exceptionally talented around the integration of how to make money and how to keep it. Now, what do I mean by that? Taxes.
I would say the majority of my value add, Goldman Sachs manages my money, but really they don't manage my money. What they do is they manage my personal finance. What do I mean by that? I have several entities. They coordinate my lawyers when I'm creating LLCs. They give me tax advice, which is really their kind of value add.
Und das ist, ich sage, okay, ich denke daran, dieses zu kaufen, oder ich kaufe ein Haus. Soll ich es in ein LLC einsetzen? Wenn ich es in ein LLC einsetze, könnte es einen Ausstieg in den Steuern verursachen, weil das Haus wieder vergrößert wird. Aber wenn ich es in ein LLC einsetze, kann ich es in 2% pro Jahr reduzieren.
Und wenn ich es für zwei Jahre behalte und ein bisschen Geld davon erhalte, ist es für den 1031-Ausgleich qualifiziert. Wenn Sie sich überrascht fühlen, vertraue Ihren Instinkten. Es ist wirklich verrückt. Und behalten Sie fest, dass im Grunde genommen der Taxcode von sehr reichsten Menschen gewehrt worden ist. Es ist von 400 Seiten, glaube ich, bis zu 4.000.
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Chapter 4: What entrepreneurial advice does Scott offer to introverts?
I work at a mid-sized physical goods supply company maintaining and developing some of their warehouse and other logistical operations software. I'm curious about starting my own distribution type business and I wanted to talk to real life people about this.
What advice would you give to find and talk to actual people in an industry that you're curious about entering, especially if you're a little introverted and scared of sounding stupid?
So Anonymous, so you're a 23-year-old and my understanding is you're thinking about starting your own type of distribution business. I always thought, so I started my first business, I've been starting business my whole life, but Es ist gut, dass du mit Leuten sprichst, und ich empfehle dir nicht, dass du nicht sprichst. Aber die Art, wie du ein Geschäft startest, ist, ein Klienten zu bekommen.
Ein Fehler, den ich ständig gemacht habe, den ich ständig gemacht habe, ich mache es immer noch, ist, dass man glaubt, dass man Geld spart, ist ein Geschäft zu bauen. Nein, das ist es nicht. Es ist Geld zu machen, das ein Geschäft baut. Also, der beste Weg, diese Idee zu testen, ist, zu sehen, ob man einen Kunden bekommen kann.
Und ich weiß nicht, ich weiß nicht über die kompetitiven Dynamiken hier oder die Situation mit deiner aktuellen Firma, aber ich würde versuchen, einen Kunden zu finden oder einen potenziellen Kunden zu pitchen. Yeah, talk to people, get some advice.
If you're an introvert and you aren't comfortable selling, then you need to either find somebody who can sell and make them your partner or you shouldn't be an entrepreneur. Let me be clear. Entrepreneur is a synonym for salesman or salesperson. You know what being an entrepreneur is? It's getting out a big spoon every day and eating shit. Du verkaufst ständig.
Ich spreche nicht nur von Kunden, sondern auch von Investoren. Der größte Verkauf, den ich je gemacht habe? Ich hatte immer gute Produkte in meinen Firmen und ich fühlte mich mehr als verkaufen, als zu beenden, weil ich Content Marketing kreieren würde, um Content zu kreieren, damit wir dann Inbound-Leads bekommen. Ich habe unseren Sales Team genannt.
Du verkaufst nicht, du beendest, weil wir einen wirklich guten Job mit Content Marketing gemacht haben.
The biggest sell I ever did was trying to find really talented people and then convince them to join my firm when they had offers from Google and Salesforce or trying to convince people to stay that we would get to a liquidity event and they would get economic security with me as opposed to C above.
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Chapter 5: How important is salesmanship in starting a business?
Das andere, was du dir fragen würdest, oder vielleicht eine Küchenkabinett zusammenbringen und sie fragen würdest, ist, würdest du aus einigen Jahren Erfahrung bei deiner aktuellen Firma profitieren? Lernst du? Hast du ein Senior-Level-Sponsorium? Wenn du diese Dinge hast, wirst du vielleicht etwas über das Sticken denken.
Ist es eine Möglichkeit, mit dieser Firma zu wachsen, wenn sie herausfinden, dass du abgeholt bist? Was mich immer wirklich überrascht hat, war, als junge, talentierte Leute weggingen und ich sagte, wo gehst du hin? Und ich denke, das ist einfach der schlechteste Job jemals. Was machst du? Und sie denken, na gut, ich will in einer Position sein, wo ich Leute managen kann.
Na gut, warum musst du mich nicht fragen? Ich würde dich managen lassen. Is there an opportunity at your current firm? Develop a kitchen cabinet. Think about whether you might benefit from staying a year or two years. And think about how you get that first client. And if you are not comfortable selling, then you need to find someone to bring in the organization pronto that is comfortable selling.
Because that's what it means to be an entrepreneur, my brother. But again, 23 thinking this way, you're doing really well. We have one quick break before our final question. Stay with us.
Suppose in the future there is an artificial intelligence.
Let's give this super intelligent AI a simple goal. Produce paperclips. Via paperclip? Another woman cast AI as an octopus. We posit this octopus to be mischievous as well. And yet another story sounded like it was out of the Bible.
She seems likely to drown. What should you do?
Imagining AI as a savior. Like a god. And all of these fantastical tales from the greatest minds in AI made me wonder, maybe even these people don't know what to think. I'm Julia Longoria, Good Robot, a series about AI, coming March 12th on Unexplainable, wherever you get podcasts.
We're taking Vox Media podcasts on the road and heading back to Austin for the South by Southwest Festival, March 8th to the 10th. What a thrill! We'll be doing special live episodes of hit shows, including Pivot. That's right, the dogs go into the great state of Texas. Where should we begin?
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