The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
508. Anti-Semitism and the Fall of Trudeau's Canada | Terry Glavin
Thu, 19 Dec 2024
Jordan Peterson sits down with journalist and author Terry Glavin. They discuss the ongoing circus of Justin Trudeau’s government and the shocking rise of anti-Semitism across Canada.Terry Glavin is a journalist, author of seven books & co-author of three. Assignments in recent years have taken Glavin to Afghanistan, Israel, the Russian Far East, the Eastern Himalayas, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Geneva, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Central America. His books have been published in Canada, Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom. More than a dozen literary & journalism awards.This episode was filmed on December 17th, 2024. | Links | For Terry Glavin Substack https://therealstory.substack.com/ In the National Post https://nationalpost.com/author/tglavinnp/ "Justin Trudeau went all in on China a decade ago — and nothing can shake his resolve."https://nationalpost.com/opinion/terry-glavin-4 "Year of the Graves"https://nationalpost.com/opinion/the-year-of-the-graves-how-the-worlds-media-got-it-wrong-on-residential-school-graves Books of relevance: “Come from the Shadows: The Long and Lonely Struggle for Peace in Afghanistan”https://www.amazon.com/s?k=glavin+come+from+the+shadows&i=stripbooks&crid=FQ8JTAN4X6NQ&sprefix=glavin+come+from+the+shadows%2Cstripbooks%2C150&ref=nb_sb_noss “The Lost and Left Behind: Stories from the Age of Extinctions”https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Left-Behind-Stories-Extinctions/dp/0863566065 “Amongst God's Own: The Enduring Legacy of St. Mary's Mission”https://www.amazon.ca/Amongst-Gods-Own-Enduring-Mission/dp/0968604617
Full Episode
Hey, everybody. I had a chance today to sit down and speak in person with Terry Glavin, who's one of Canada's premier journalists. And I've been following his work for quite a long time, as has many Canadians. But there was a particular reason for talking to him now, and that was that he penned a piece called
for barry weiss and the free press i've had dealings with barry complex dealings with barry for quite a long time and i read terry's piece on the rise of anti-semitism and all of the associated what would you say pathological political and quasi-political movements that accompany by necessity, a rise in antisemitism.
He detailed that out quite extensively in this Free Press article, which is notable not only for its description of a relatively radically transformed Canada on the social front, on the political front, the ethical front, but also because Terry was pointing to a phenomenon, the rise of antisemitism in the West in general after the atrocities of October 7th.
And so not only is it a detailed analysis of something particular that's happening in a particular place and country, Canada, it's also a broader description of a movement that threatens the integrity of the West in a fundamental way, much more broadly. And so I was very interested in the article. And when I read it, I thought I should really talk to Terry and maybe to Barry on my podcast.
Four hours later, Barry Weiss wrote to me and said, you should talk to Terry Glavin about his recent article. And I thought, well, she thinks so too. And so, well, so we did that.
And Terry probably made me more pessimistic about Canada's future than I was, which is really saying something because after nine years of the unmitigated catastrophic disaster of the Trudeau administration, I was already plenty pessimistic. But he detailed out, for example, the pernicious effect of the Chinese Communist Party on the political situation federally in Canada.
And I was less cognizant of the depth of that than I was after the podcast. So you can listen and weep if you're Canadian. But, you know, again, that is also something with international implications, because it's not as if the Chinese are only... producing their machinations to the detriment of the West in Canada. It's a threat to the West in general.
And so Canada is a strange canary in the coal mine. We talked about, well, the pro-Hamas protesters in Canada, the absolute devastation of Canadian universities, the terror that Canadian Jews are feeling, tiny minority of Canada's population, much smaller, by the way, than the Muslim population, which is relevant in this instance, given what's happened in Palestine.
We talked about, well, our sorrow as older Canadians to see our country descend into this kind of 1930s-like Kristallnacht demonstrating that characterized Toronto and Montreal and Vancouver and Calgary and things we never saw, never thought would happen in Canada, and the threats to Canada's integrity economically, politically and ethically in general.
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