BUY YOUR TICKETS TO THE "MAN ON WATER" TOUR NOW!https://www.thegeorgejankoshow.com/Watch Chris Distefano Perform at Madison Square Garden's September 11th!https://www.chrisdcomedy.com/Sponsored By:Find CELSIUS near you: https://www.celsius.com/buy-locate/celsiusbrandpartner celsiuslivefit CelsiusOfficial Use my code JANKO20 at http://Manscaped.com for 20% off your order and FREE shipping!Text Me To Perform In Your City!(602) 932-8118Get Your "Kingdom Come" Apparel Today! https://theheartofdavid.coFollow George!Instagram: / georgejanko Twitter: / georgejanko TikTok: / georgejanko Follow Shawna!Instagram: / shawnadellaricca Youtube: / @shawnadellariccaofficial Follow Reed! (Video / Edit)Youtube: / @reed.mp4 Instagram: / reed.mp4 Business InquiriesEmail: [email protected]:0:00 Intro3:01 Chris's Father Nearly Beat Up His High School Priest Principle10:59 Reflecting On The "White Meetings" After 9/1112:48 George Question's Chris's Faith15:06 Why Chris's Children Brought Him Back To God19:59 Chris Thinks George Might Be Jesus20:34 Why Chris Doesn't Want More Kids22:42 Never Sacrificing Family Time For Fame & What "Being Rich" Really Is27:32 Chris's Hypocritical View On Flashing Wealth29:08 What Made Money Not Your God?32:01 Does Your Family Appreciate Your Sacrifice?35:07 How The Different Generation's Of Chris's Family Show Love Differently39:06 Healing Relationship's With Your Parents As An Adult40:48 Getting In Trouble For Telling Jokes About Family Members43:38 How Chris's Comedy Could Affect His Children45:58 The Beauty Of Jo Koy's Audience Getting To Watch His Son Grow Up48:05 Everyone's Famous & Chris's Favorite Part About Stand Up51:01 Would You Let Your 9 y/o Daughter Make Social Media Content?52:13 The New Generation Is Hungry For Conservative Values55:19 Societies Balance Between Religion & Science57:26 Chris's Trans Relative (Titi Jerry) Who Did 30 Years In Prison1:01:37 The Hilarity Of Hitler Losing WWII Because Of The Weather1:03:51 America Is Jesus's Favorite Country1:09:16 We're The War Clan & We Now Officially Have Lasers1:12:02 Wrapping Up!
Chapter 1: Who is Chris Distefano?
I've shot from the hip for so long. Like, I've said so much . I have a sitcom right now in development. And then they had an intern look into it. They were like, you've said so many things that we actually think they all cancel each other out. And there's nothing really to pin it on. We actually feel like we're safe here. Like, you just kept digging.
They said the intern in one hour found over 500 things that could be flagged. So they were like, we don't know that the networks are even going to sift through all this. So we could just move forward. And everything's great. And I was like, nice.
That's lovely, George. I love it. It's a real gift to be around.
That was awesome.
That's very good.
Chris, I love you guys. You've given me something to think about. I'm excited about this episode. Are we rolling, Reed? Reed is literally about to hit roll and then just take off and get my man Chris some muffins.
Hell yeah, dude. That's what it is. Get me some muffins. I love it. I love sweets.
Before we even got started, I asked him how many times he's been here, and he goes, as least as possible. You hate L.A. You're a New York guy.
I don't hate L.A. I don't hate L.A. I'm happy that it's an American state and part of the continental United States.
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Chapter 2: Why does Chris Distefano prefer performing in the original 13 colonies?
I got an apple fritter.
That ASMR is... An apple fritter?
The way he's eating it in the mouth. I like you. Do a nice ASMR eating. I met him on Craigslist. Really? And I invited him to my house at 11.30 at night. I literally had a pistol tucked away because I thought he was going to kill me.
He looks like a very, very nice guy, but he showed it to Ted Bundy.
He had long, long hair, too. He had long, long hair. It looks good now. It's so funny. Now we took merch pictures of him the other day, and I was like, oh, my God, he's a model.
You have hair like a bob. You have hair like a 16th century knight. You know what I mean? Like Lancelot. I like it, though, dude. It's good. Very medieval.
I think it's very 70s music.
It's nice. It's very heroin-y. I don't know. But, dude, congrats on your mountain. Thank you, dude. I appreciate for giving me half a fucking plastic wrap muffin from a Chinese deli off the side of the highway in L.A. I thought I was a guest.
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Chapter 3: What impact did 9/11 have on Chris Distefano's life and comedy?
You know, hopefully it gets on the air. But they were like... you've said so many things that we actually think they all cancel each other out and there's nothing really to pin it on. So we actually kind of feel like we're safe here. It would be worse if it was just kept digging. They said, we found, they said the intern in one hour found over 500 things that could be flagged.
So they were like, we don't know that the networks or the powers that be are even going to sift through all this. So we could just move forward and everything's great. And I was like, nice. They were like, so that's the way to do it. Because you can't, you know what I mean? That's the thing with me is I've never, I've never come out publicly and said that I'm anything that I'm not.
Like I've never been a clean comic or a guy that's like Mr. Guru teaches. I've told you from the beginning, like this is, I'm a fucking wild guy. So it's like anything you say, I'm like.
Dude, your laugh is diabolical by the way.
I'm like, yeah. Like anything somebody would bring up, they'd be like, yeah, yeah.
Has there been one though that's caused like a real problem in your family? Like it caused a big argument.
Yes, yes, it's, I have had multiple, you know, mainly with like my wife, you know, like where I've said, like I've went too far, like, you know, talked about, not even about her, but like I've talked about like my ex or I've talked about like sex stuff or whatever. And she's like, you know, like started yelling at me.
And then it got like the one time, cause she would yell at me, like she yells at me or whatever. And she would just like, I would just get screamed at. I'm just used to it. And then, and then, And then, but one time she was like, and this really stuck with me. She was like, I made some like hypersexual joke. And then it was, we had our both daughters, but the older one was like seven.
And she was like, you know, now, like, like tomorrow, your daughter is old enough that these kids, some of them have phones. Okay. It, they see that bit on TikTok, seven, eight year old kid doesn't know how to process that, they're gonna start making, they're gonna start asking your daughter questions, and it's your fault.
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