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The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump’s Assassination Paranoia | JB Smoove

Thu, 23 May 2024


Michael Kosta reports on a new poll from "The Guardian," showing that Americans believe the economy is shrinking, the stock market is down, and unemployment is at a 50-year-high. Also, RJK Jr. issues an appeal to amateur traders on Reddit, and Trump claims that Joe Biden tried to assassinate him during the Mar-a-Lago raid two years ago. Thankfully, Josh Johnson joins to explain what’s really going on behind the scenes at Biden HQ. Then, Troy Iwata meets Biden's (only?) superfan and gets his advice for pumping up Biden supporters, and maybe pumping up Biden, himself. And comedian/actor, JB Smoove, talks about the final season of the hit series “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” They discuss the differences between him and his character, Leon Black, making Larry David laugh, and how stand-up comedians are like therapists.See for privacy information.

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