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The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Jon Stewart on Israel, Lebanon & The Widening Mideast War | Christine Lagarde

Tue, 24 Sep 2024


Jon Stewart tackles the growing war in the Middle East, from the recent Hezbollah pager attacks in Lebanon, to Israel’s plan of de-escalation through escalation, to the Biden administration's futile efforts to contain the conflict, while looking at criticism of Netanyahu from Americans and Israelis. Then, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde talks to Jon Stewart about the global economy, inflation, and Artificial Intelligence. They discuss how factors like the pandemic and Putin’s invasion of Ukraine led to high inflation rates, what stable inflation should look like, and how people feel the effects of inflation more dramatically because price increases far outpace wage increases. With the UN General Assembly happening this week, Lagarde also stresses the need for global governance of AI to ensure that it enhances workers and their role in the economy, rather than replacing them.See for privacy information.

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