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The Brett Cooper Show

Elon Musk Baby Drama & Fake Trad Wife Accounts Exposed | Episode 8

Mon, 24 Feb 2025


Brett Cooper and Amir Odom discuss the Elon Musk and Ashley St. Clair scandal, “trad” X accounts getting exposed, and Amir’s transformation from left-wing activist to conservative YouTuber.The Brett Cooper Show on Youtube: joining Cooper Confidential you are directly supporting me and my team. You’ll get ad-free episodes, exclusive ‘Dear Brett” videos, and a private newsletter  Sign up now: MERCH IS LIVE! Order now: 25% off your first order of Daily Nouri’s Hormone Balance by using code “BRETT25” at checkout! Go to Shop is the easiest and best way to get a suppressor. Visit today!Check out Amir Odom’s YouTube Channel:

Featured in this Episode

Chapter 1: Why are conservatives being discussed on Grindr?

0.129 - 2.01 Brett Cooper

We need to talk about the conservatives on Grindr.


2.03 - 4.772 Amir Odom

I don't care. I've always said this. Half this country's bisexual.


4.912 - 7.333 Brett Cooper

My favorite story is that you got a cease and desist from Beyonce.


7.493 - 26.745 Amir Odom

Oh, yes, I did. My hope is for young people is that they take more control of their own narrative in their own life. I'm not going to let anyone stop me from becoming the best version of myself. I know what my ancestors went through. I know what my papa went through. I know there's a big-ass tree out in your front yard. More than likely have my little cousin swinging from it.


29.147 - 31.688 Brett Cooper

Amir, thanks for coming on the show.

31.868 - 34.448 Amir Odom

It's all right. I'm so glad to be here.

34.588 - 41.69 Brett Cooper

It's very different than my last interview, we were just saying. But that's what I kind of wanted. I wanted to shoot the shit with you. How is your YouTube channel going? You're crushing it.

Chapter 2: How did Amir Odom become a YouTube sensation?

41.87 - 58.133 Amir Odom

Thank you. You're amazing. It's insane. We just crossed, I think, 550,000 subscribers, which is just mind-blowing to me. It's unreal. I'm just so grateful for the support out there and just to be able to share my opinion, and it's heard, and it's respected, and it's very fun.


58.652 - 67.724 Brett Cooper

And I love the fact that you, for people who don't know me or story, you blew up on YouTube first, right? Like back in 2020 for your video, like I'm a black gay man. This is why I don't fear the police.


67.764 - 68.865 Amir Odom

Instagram, Instagram. Instagram.


68.885 - 71.168 Brett Cooper

I thought that you made a viral YouTube video too.


71.188 - 74.533 Amir Odom

It was all Instagram. I did make some YouTube videos, but then I just took them down because it was just.

74.853 - 102.405 Amir Odom

yeah but mainly went viral on instagram okay the reason i thought that it was youtube and then you like came back to youtube but no you were always huge on instagram that's how i found you yeah through instagram and then march of 2023 when i posted my problems with the gay community which and three days later it hit 1.5 million views crazy 40k subs and i have not let my foot off the gas sense it's terrifying but i mean it's rewarding it's fun

102.734 - 114.998 Brett Cooper

The best thing is like texting you and it'll be, you know, an ungodly hour of the night or like ungodly, you know, hour of the morning. And you're up editing the video that you shot the night before. You literally do everything yourself.

115.178 - 123.801 Amir Odom

Everything. And I have some help that I can like go get. But I don't know. It always ends up me just doing it. It's late at night.

124.401 - 132.188 Brett Cooper

What is that process been like diving into something that you like? This wasn't a career for you before this. You were working in marketing.

Chapter 3: What is the controversy about fake 'trad' accounts on X?

2791.294 - 2791.875

That's how it should be.


2791.895 - 2796.778 Brett Cooper

And they let her grow up. They let her grow up. They let her grow through it, dress how you want.


2796.798 - 2797.919 Amir Odom

I feel like if that wasn't


2798.819 - 2820.691 Brett Cooper

take that what was happening put that in today's time frame maybe would have been trans yeah or like put on puberty blockers but instead just let the child be like just yeah explore through life and boom the person that i was thinking of i don't remember i know who you are thinking of with like where all of their kids are trans but the one that i was thinking of is the redheaded woman from sex in the city and she has i think like two trans kids and then she was up speaking after trump was elected she was like oh


2820.811 - 2836.308 Brett Cooper

I don't like these threads. You're attacking them. Whatever. Like holding onto this microphone, crying. She was like, they're all like, yes. Dwayne Wade used to be Alex's favorite basketball player. And now he's like burning all of his Dwayne Wade jerseys. There's this family on YouTube. I think that they might be in the UK. And it's this dad.

2836.368 - 2838.43 Amir Odom

I know. I know what you're talking about.

2838.67 - 2839.95 Brett Cooper

Yeah. Dad and the little tiny boy.

2839.97 - 2842.211 Amir Odom

It's a little weird. Not even a little weird.

2843.012 - 2845.233 Brett Cooper

And you've watched it over like four years.


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