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Teen Model Marries Malaysian Prince - Then Runs Away Alleging Nightly Razor Torture

Sun, 9 Feb 2025


16 year old Manohara is walking up towards the private plane. Her mother and sister are grabbing their bags from the black car behind her. She’s walking up the private jet steps… when she feels something. It’s a wave of panic? A sixth sense? Something in her body is telling her this is not where she should be right now. She turns around and starts heading back down the steps when she hears footsteps behind her. 5 burly men come up behind her and grab her by the arms, dragging her onto the plane. They slam her down onto her seat and refuse to let her leave. They refuse to let her family get on board. The instructions were allegedly very clear. Kidnap 16 year old Manohara and make sure she is returned to her rightful place in the palace. To her husband. The Prince of Malaysia.    Full show notes at 

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