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Teen Girl Found Dead - Police Find Texts Between Her + “Stepdad” About “New Parent Decision Coin”

Thu, 6 Feb 2025


“New Parent Decision Coin.” It’s a great gag gift for new parents. On one side it reads - “daddy’s turn” and on the other it reads “mommy’s turn.” When the baby starts getting fussy, you flip the coin, and whoever’s side it lands on gets to take care of the new baby. 13 year old Maddie sends the link to the coin with the text - “We need this - can you get this for us?” She sends the text message to her mom’s 37 year old boyfriend, Stephan Sterns. It does not appear that Maddie’s mother is pregnant… so who is the coin for? 2 months later - Maddie is found dead. Her “stepfather” is arrested and graphic pictures and videos of Maddie are found on his phone. Did he kill her? Why did he kill her? Was she pregnant? And how did her mother not know anything about this? Those are all the questions netizens have in the case of Madeline Soto.    Full show notes at

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