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Influencer Lures Followers To Move In, Then Sex Traffics Them To Fund Her Witchcraft

Mon, 17 Feb 2025


In Brazil, this specific prison is known as the “real dungeons.” Because once you get in - you feel like you’re trapped in hell until they let you out. That is - if you can even get out alive. BBC reporters are there to interview one of the most high profile prisoners. Every single prisoner in there has been deemed a dangerous criminal - this one even more so. She walks out. Thin frame. Short blonde hair. She used to be a model in NYC and was reported to have dated Leonardo DiCaprio. What is she doing in here? “Why are you in here?” - they ask her. “They say I can control people minds. Change their brains.” - she responds. “Can you?” “What do you think? Can I? I hope so… when I get out you will see the power that I have and if it is real or not.” “Is that a threat” Did the prisoner just threaten the BBC reporters? This is the case of Kat Torres - the Brazilian Instagram “influencer” with over 1 million followers that has been charged with human trafficking and slavery charges.   Full show notes at 

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