Rotten Mango
#409: I Received A Message From A Serial Killer’s Wife Asking For Help…
Wed, 1 Jan 2025
I received an email from the ex-wife of a serial killer. The subject reads: “ I was married to a serial killer for 7.5 years and I need help!!” Her ex husband was sentenced to death for the murder of 3 women. When authorities searched his house they found a soundproof torture chamber. Whips, iron chains, and many many files. Video files of him torturing his victims - plucking out their nails one by one. Now, his ex wife has come forward to ask for help. She was not only one of the first people he tried to kill but now her son (that she shares with him) has been taken. The serial killer’s mother has taken her son and now she’s on the hunt to get him back. This is her GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-reunite-a-mother-with-her-son-after-35-yearFull Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com
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