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#405: Man From Viral Tiktok Looks Exactly Like Missing Husband- Did He Fake His Own Death For Another Girl

Wed, 4 Dec 2024


Do you trust a random stranger to give you life-altering advice?A TikToker is standing on the sidewalk with a giant pasteboard - “ASK ME FOR FREE ADVICE.” A middle aged man on a bike stops and asks“Do I go to Uzbekistan or stay here?”The whole exchange is bizarre. She asks him why would he move? He tells her for a woman. She asks him why doesn’t he just date an American woman? He tells her that he’s already married with kids…All of this is made more confusing by the fact that the entire time the man appears calm. He’s pleasant and keeps smiling… That TikTok is filmed in June. In August, just 2 months later, a man goes missing in one of the deepest lakes in the state. He’s presumed dead. But why does he look identical to the man in the TikTok video?Did this man actually drown? Or did he fake his death, abandon his wife and kids, to be with a new woman?  Full Source Notes: 

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