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#401: American Streamer Plays “I Want To S*x Children” Audio At Korean Children's Park

Thu, 7 Nov 2024


It’s the middle of the day in South Korea. Koreans are at work, grabbing lunch, picking up their kids from school, minding their own business. Amongst them is an American man named Ramsey- who clearly does not look like he’s up to any good. He’s live-streaming on his phone while glancing from side to side. When he feels the coast is clear he takes out his portable speaker… and starts playing… Diddy’s song “Last Night.”He runs in front of the camera, takes off his shirt, and starts pouring baby oil down his torso. He starts dancing on the female figure in front of him. Sexually rubbing his body on her frame. This video will go viral in South Korea. And a new game will start - hunting Ramsey. Objective of the game?Hunt Ramsey. Find Ramsey. Punch Ramsey.Because the female figure he tried smothering in baby oil is not any random statue. It is the statue representing the hundreds of thousands of young girls who were taken, enslaved, and SA’d dozens of times per day for years during the war. 

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