PreSales Unleashed | Sales Engineering im B2B Software Vertrieb
🇬🇧 The 6 Habits of Highly Effective Sales Engineers (040)
Tue, 13 Oct 2020
You don’t know Covey's “7 Habits”? Well, then you should rather stay away from this episode and read that book first ... we will wait …. Okay, so you’re done? ;-) Perfect! Long time listeners know that Jan and Tim appreciate the sentiment of Covey’s messages of what it means to lead a full life. Nevertheless, we are here to create meaningful connections between buyers and sellers. And today’s guest could not be a better fit to our mission as he has gone back to the drawing board and came up with the SIX habits for our beloved profession. We go through what it means to Partner, Probe, Prepare, Practice, Perform and Perfect. This episode is enriched with anecdotes and examples of real life sales situations. In our conversation with Chris, we bring you the most tangible insights to become the best version of you in regards to Sales Engineering. Links for this episode: - Chris White LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nhmf4o - The 6 Habits on Amazon: https://amzn.to/33vhCvu - Demo Doctor Coaching: https://bit.ly/33v1iep ---------- 👍 Viel Spaß & Inspiration beim Zuhören wünschen dir Jan & Tim ☎️ Unverbindliches Kennenlernen: https://serockstars.com/#book 📥 Free PreSales Downloads: https://serockstars.com/downloads 🥋 Discovery Training: https://serockstars.com/discovery 🥳 ARRtist Circus Berlin – das PreSales Event in DE: https://www.arrtist-circus.com/presales-track 🤘 Webseite: https://serockstars.com/ 🃏 Online-Shop: https://discodeck.shop/ 📚 PreSales Buch: https://amzn.to/3xErqQ9 Du möchtest dich mit uns austauschen? 🔵 Jan https://www.linkedin.com/in/janerikjank/ 🔵 Tim https://www.linkedin.com/in/tbroemme/
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