Murder, Mystery & Makeup
She kept her secret lover in the attic for 10 YEARS and no one knew?!
Tue, 04 Mar 2025
Hi friends, happy Tuesday! How far would you go for love? Well... for one woman named Dolly... there was no such thing as "too far." I mean... I gotta hand it to her. This woman knew what she wanted romantically and she went and got it. But at a certain point, Dolly's thirst for steamy, sultry romance turned into something much more sinister. And a whole bunch of men got caught up in her web of destruction. Also, let me know who you want me to talk about next time. Hope you have a great rest of your week, make good choices and I'll be seeing you very soon xo Bailey Sarian I sometimes talk about my Good Reads in show. So here's the link if you want to check it out. IDK. lol: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/139701263-bailey ________ FOLLOW ME AROUND Tik Tok: https://bit.ly/3e3jL9v Instagram: http://bit.ly/2nbO4PR Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mdZtK6 Twitter: http://bit.ly/2yT4BLV Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2mVpXnY Youtube: http://bit.ly/1HGw3Og Snapchat: https://bit.ly/3cC0V9d Discord: https://discord.gg/BaileySarian RECOMMEND A STORY HERE: [email protected] Business Related Emails: [email protected] Business Related Mail: Bailey Sarian 4400 W. Riverside Dr., Ste 110-300 Burbank, CA 91505 _________ Get the right life insurance for YOU, for LESS, at https://www.SELECTQUOTE.com/MAKEUP. Personal styling for everyone—get started today at https://www.StitchFix.com/makeup. That’s Stitch Fix dot com slash makeup.
Chapter 1: Who is Dolly and what is her story?
Hi friends, how are you today? My name is Bailey Sarian, and today is Monday, which means it's Murder, Mystery, and Makeup Monday. If you're new here, hi, my name is Bailey Sarian, and on Mondays, I sit down and I talk about a true crime story that's been heavy on my... and I do my makeup at the same time.
So today's story, listen, we delve into like one of the strangest, most twisted stories of the 20th century. A tale that begins on a quiet farm, winds through secret lovers and ends with a murder that will leave you questioning the very essence of love, loyalty, and obsession. So our story begins over a hundred years ago with a girl named Valbuga Corchel.
Though most would come to know her, they would call her Dolly, okay? And thank God, because Valbuga was like, it's a hard one for me. So she goes by Dolly. She's born in Germany in 1880. And Dolly's family soon left for the promise of America, the idea of America, where they settled on a modest farm in the rural Midwest. So little Dolly grew up on a quiet farm where she learned early on
That life in the country could be unforgiving, isolated, and lonely. And perhaps in isolation, Dolly began dreaming of a different life. And you know, when I was reading this, you know what it reminded me of? Did you see the movie Pearl? You see Pearl? It was giving Pearl. Where Pearl's like, mama always told me I'm gonna be a real big star. You know? Did you see Pearl? Okay.
That's what it was giving me. In her early twenties, Dolly left the farm and found what she thought was an escape. A man named Fred Osterich. Fred was a wealthy, respected businessman. And he was also like the owner of a successful apron factory in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. So the two meet, they fell in love, they got married.
on the surface it seemed like dolly had found her perfect match he was wealthy he was well connected he was kind of charming, I hear. It was like, he wasn't that charming, he was kind of charming. But life inside the ostrich home was a different story. Fred, Mr. Fred, he loved drinking whiskey, which made him pretty gruff and unpredictable. And also, I guess it left Dolly sexually unsatisfied.
I mean, she had her own desires. So there were rumors going around town that hinted that Dolly kept like a line of lovers to escape the unhappiness that she felt within the home. I'm not judging, but rumor had it she had like a lot of lovers. Good for her, but you know. She's married, so. But in 1913, Dolly's life took a fateful turn. So it was a quiet day in 1913.
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Chapter 2: How did Dolly's affair with Otto begin?
Dolly, home alone, asked Fred, on the phone, to send over one of his men to fix her sewing machine. It was broken and she needed some help with the repairs, you know? so that someone was Otto Sandhuber. And he was said to be a very like shy, lanky 17 year old with a soft spoken demeanor and downcast eyes. Now to most, Otto would be unremarkable, hardly noticeable. But Dolly saw him differently.
When Otto arrived, he didn't just find a broken sewing machine. No, I think she would have done this for anyone who was going to show up. It just happened to be Otto, you know? But when she answered the door, she was wearing nothing but a silk robe and stockings. She's like, hello. So yeah, imagine young man, 17, face to face with like a wealthy woman in such a state. She's like, hello.
Chapter 3: Why did Otto live in the attic?
Are you here to fix my sewing machine? It's over here. I could show you where it's at. Dolly and Otto, they began an affair that grew more intense with like every passing week. At first they were like meeting in hotels away from the small town prying eyes, but soon their meetings just moved straight into the Osterich home while Fred was away. Like they just were over it.
They were over trying to be sneaky. So the neighbors, of course, You know how bored housewives, they're watching. They notice a strange young man coming to the couple's home and Dolly, ever resourceful, spun a tale saying that Otto was her vagabond half-brother. So she's telling everyone this and she's realizing like over time, it became clear that simply deflecting attention would not be enough.
So Dolly decided to start a new plan. A odd, odd plan. She had Otto move into the attic and live in there. This was her plan. So they could be together. Yes. Oh, yes. You heard that right. Otto, the quiet 17-year-old lover, agreed to move into the Osterix Attic. As we grow up, we now have all these responsibilities, right? And that's okay. That's just part of the trade-off.
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Otto agreed to abandon all human contact except for having sex with Dolly. This is a real story. He agreed to this. It's not funny. It's just like, okay. And I was like, well, wouldn't people miss him? No, he didn't have any family. I guess he didn't really have any friends or anything. So like he personally didn't mind according to him. I mean, looking back, he's a child. He's only 17.
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Chapter 4: What led to the climax of Dolly and Fred's turbulent marriage?
858 North Andrews Boulevard in Silver Lake, Los Angeles. And fun fact, the house still stands today. It's now like 858 North Lafayette Park Place. The street name changed at some point, but the house is still there. So I looked it up on Zillow and I was like, Ooh, I wonder if they knew what happened in this house. So they move and guess who came along? Otto. Bizarre, bizarre.
So Otto, I guess, was sent ahead of everybody else. So he goes to Los Angeles and he already moves into the attic by the time that the Osterichs had moved into the house. So he's already all settled. So by this point, Otto was not just Dolly's lover, but also the housekeeper. And now he was...
considered he would even say this later he was considered like dolly's sex slave i know i was like what this poor guy but otto also thought of himself as dolly's protector literally watching over her from the attic willing to do anything to like keep her safe so after moving to los angeles the marriage between dolly and fred seemed to just Go to shit, okay?
Look, well, it was already bad, but I guess it got worse. Like Fred began drinking more and more, and then they would get into arguments all the time. And it was said that sometimes the arguments would become violent. So August 22nd, 1922, Dolly and Fred, I guess they were in another one of their heated arguments. And this like fight was fierce. Their voices, were rising in anger, filling the air.
Okay, not great. So hearing the commotion, Otto decided that he had to protect his lover and he had had enough. He had had enough of this fighting and this bickering and he needed to step in. So he hears a fighting going on. He creeps down from the attic. Oh yes. He creeps down from the attic. He's like silent as a shadow. And with him, he was carrying two 25 caliber pistols.
Now, without a word, Otto aimed and fired three shots into Fred's chest. So the sound of gunfire like shattered the house's silence and Fred fell dead. Dead before he hit the floor. Dead. Spring is springing. And without fail, I open my closet and I realize, hmm, I have sweaters, sweaters, long sleeve, and more sweaters. Maybe it's time I'd need a little refresh, huh?
I've been wearing the same stuff forever and it's fine. I don't like buying new clothes. I don't even like shopping. I know, unpopular opinion here. But look, I do need a little refresh. Thankfully, there's an easier way to get clothes that I kinda need with Stitch Fix. Stitch Fix is an online personal styling service that takes the stress out of shopping.
You get a stylist who is assigned to learn your style and budget. And once they have all that information, get to work figuring out personalized pieces for you in just the right size. And they do all the shopping for you. The stylist feature is such a huge help because they really go out of their way to find pieces that not only look great, but feel good too. Like they'll feel great, good quality.
Plus, Stitch Fix doesn't force a subscription service on you. You can order boxes when you want and how you want. No subscription required. Plus, you can keep what you love and then send back the rest. It's so easy. They even send you outfit recommendations and styling tips as a bonus. No stores, no crowds, no stress, just personalized looks you'll love. Stitch Fix makes it all so easy.
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