Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2502: Hormone Therapy for Aesthetics With Dr. Lauren Fitzgerald
Thu, 02 Jan 2025
Hormone Therapy for Aesthetics for Women Dr. Lauren Fitzgerald Why she believes you should go on hormone therapy once you are past a certain age. (1:26) Normal does NOT mean optimal. (2:56) The difference between BHRT and HRT. (3:47) Her journey of becoming an MD, a Beachbody coach, and how she got into functional medicine. (7:51) How is she different from traditional functional medicine doctors? (16:02) Why hormones place a MASSIVE role on your progress. (17:44) Her experience with GLP-1s and busting the myths surrounding them. (20:15) The most common hormones she starts her clients with. (24:23) Which provides the most aesthetic benefit? (24:58) What does progesterone provide for women? (25:40) Why labs are NOT nearly as important as symptoms. (26:33) Why she prefers creams for men and women. (29:46) You can have a good libido and have TERRIBLE testosterone. (32:23) Her preferences when it comes to thyroid medication. (33:05) Why she prefers to be OPTIMIZED and not natural. (36:23) To whom doesn’t she recommend hormone replacement therapy? (37:56) The benefits of DHT. (40:37) The sooner you invest in yourself the CHEAPER your healthcare will be when you get older. (41:43) The rise of the female hormone optimization movement. (44:34) The order of operations for a female looking to make a shift in their health. (46:05) The best form of exercise for hormone optimization. (51:46) The muscle-memory investment. (52:54) Why getting back to the way our ancestors lived just helps support how our hormones are designed to work. (54:38) PCOS needs to be renamed. (55:35) Weak muscles, weak bones. (57:07) The importance and value of protein. (57:55) Why nothing happens fast with hormones. (59:15) If you’re taking thyroid medication, DO THIS! (1:01:42) Her primary business. (1:05:29) Make America Hard Again. (1:06:14) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump January Promotion: New Year's Resolutions Special Offers (New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle 2.0 ** Savings up to $350! ** Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - Healthline FITz & Healthy with Dr. Lauren Fitz - YouTube Mind Pump #2500: Weird Performance Enhancing Supplements That Work With Jay Campbell DHT (Dihydrotestosterone): What It Is, Side Effects & Levels Mind Pump #2232: Age-Proof Your Muscles, Bones & Brain With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon The Intensity and Effects of Strength Training in the Elderly Legal Muscle: Performance Enhancement | Victory Men's Health Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram Keith Nichols, M.D. - Tier 1 Health & Wellness Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Amy Stuttle (@somethingstuttle) Instagram
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