Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2496: Machines Are Better Than Free Weights for These 3 Things (Listener Live Coaching)
Wed, 25 Dec 2024
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Machines are better for THESE three things. (2:25) How FIT you are is a better predictor than your BMI. (18:25) This is an important tip if you are taking thyroid medication. (24:21) The drone conspiracy. (26:28) If you have hormonal imbalances or PMS symptoms, listen up. (34:42) Tornadoes in California? (37:13) Funny pranks. (42:06) Family time at church. (45:25) The benefits of grass-fed ground beef vs. grain-fed. (48:58) Starbucks drive-thru does it again. (51:13) California is doing California things. (52:56) Shout out to our three Park City giveaway winners! (58:56) #ListenerLive question #1 – Why is it important for kids to play various sports for their overall athletic performance? (1:03:23) #ListenerLive question #2 – Can you speak to if/how weight and muscle training principles can be applied to the face? (1:13:02) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can eating healthy make you fat? (1:22:39) #ListenerLive question #4 – Should I extend maintenance/bulking through the time it takes to run Symmetry first and then run a cut through something like Maps 15 or even something like the heavy portions of Maps Strong? (1:30:34) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: [email protected] Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! ** New users will receive 2 lbs. of grass-fed and finished ground beef in every box for the LIFETIME of their subscription + $20 off. ** December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic | MAPS Symmetry 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1782: When Machines Are Better Than Free Weights Mind Pump #2455: The 5 Gym Machines You Need to Stop Using ASAP Why Weight? Researchers Say It’s Fitness That Matters Police arrest two men posing as construction workers attempting to enter Kyle Field for A&M-Texas game EPA allows California to ban gas-powered new car sales by 2035 Mind Pump’s First Ever Luxury Destination Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #952: Chad Wesley Smith of Juggernaut Training Systems Supertraining Mind Pump #2277: The Five Best Sports for Kids Does Jawzrsize Work? - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #962: Jawzrsize Inventor & CEO Brandon Harris The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance Muscular Potential Calculator | MAPS Fitness Products The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Michael Israetel (@drmikeisraetel) Instagram LAUREN FITZ, M.D. (@drlaurenfitz) Instagram Elena Reese-Arroyo (@elena.reese.arroyo) Instagram Jillian Harbarcuk (@jillianrfit) Instagram Kevin Bates (@kevin_bates07) Instagram Chad Wesley Smith (@chadwesleysmith) Instagram
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