Best and Worst Exercises for Each Body Part Why every exercise that exists, given the RIGHT context, is a great exercise. (1:06) Best and Worst Exercises for Each Body Part: LEGS (8:18) Best: Squats Worst: Adductor/abductor machine GLUTES (13:23) Best: Hip thrust Worst: Cable kickback CHEST (17:38) Best: Incline press Worst: Svend press BACK (22:41) Best: Pull-ups/Barbell row Worst: Single-arm cable rows SHOULDERS (25:50) Best: Overhead press Worst: Front raises BICEPS (29:13) Best: Dumbbell curls Worst: Standing front double bicep curl TRICEPS (30:51) Best: Close grip bench Worst: Reverse grip press down/Dumbbell kickbacks Listener Questions: When should we include the worst exercises? (34:00) Is the ability to create a pump valuable? (35:31) What are the best rep ranges? (36:18) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** November Promotion: MAPS Resistance | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code NOVEMBER50 at checkout ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump TV - YouTube (Search most exercises mentioned) Mind Pump #2155: The Art & Science of Building Perfect Butts With Bret Contreras Mind Pump #1827: The 3 Best Rep Ranges to Build Muscle & Burn Fat Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Michael Israetel (@drmikeisraetel) Instagram Bret Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1) Instagram
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