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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2458: The 3 Best Foods for Muscle & Strength (Listener Coaching)

Fri, 01 Nov 2024


In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The 3 BEST foods for muscle and strength, ranked in order. (2:05) The impact of heavily processed foods. (16:45) The power of the law of thermodynamics. (22:45) Buying toys for your kids because you like them. (25:56) How PRx has completely revolutionized home gyms. (29:40) Challenging masculinity. (33:35) The rise of fitness trainers. (39:34) Adam updates our audience on his muscle-building transformation. (41:52) Using on longer flights. (53:57) Shout out: ‘Watch the guys build a program on IG LIVE 11/13 Livestream 6 PM (PST)’ @mindpumpmedia  (59:17) #Quah question #1 – I travel a lot for work, what kind of isometric exercises can I do while sitting in the car? (1:00:14) #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on posing after a workout? I am hoping to gain a better connection and control over different muscles. Is it something I should incorporate into my training or is it something just for competitors? (1:05:05) #Quah question #3 – I get dizzy after performing every set of deadlifts. I warm up to my PR of 195 lbs. I fuel up before my workouts and I drink LMNT with 5mg of creatine during my workouts. Am I not getting enough o2? Is this due to ineffective breathing? (1:10:04) #Quah question #4 – Before meeting your wives, what quality traits were most important to you when looking for a partner, especially for someone aspiring to be a future husband and father? (1:13:03) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** No Code for a 5% discount that gets automatically applied at checkout!!! ** Visit for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1860: Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Harvard Med Student Eats 720 Eggs in 30 Days, Highlighting a New Trend: N=1 Science Manliness concerns impede forgiveness of coworkers Watch Love Is Blind | Netflix Official Site Tuesday Nov. 12 @ 4PM (PST) – TRAIN THE TRAINER WEBINAR SERIES : The Key for Personal Trainers to Retain Clients During the Holiday Season Watch Mr. McMahon | Netflix Official Site Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  ** Choose which high-quality, lean protein you’ll get for free in every order for a year—wild-caught salmon, organic chicken breasts, or grass-fed ground beef. Plus, get $20 off your first order with our code. That’s up to $404 in savings for the year! ** Do You Have Back Or Shoulder Pain? YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! | Mind Pump Mind Pump #1670: When Lifting Light Builds More Muscle Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram  

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