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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2415: The Dangers of Inflammation & What to Do About It With Dr. Stephen Cabral

Mon, 02 Sep 2024


What is inflammation, what is its role in the body, and what happens when it’s off? (2:37) The rain barrel effect. (6:19) A DRASTIC change in Americans’ diet causes inflammation. (8:42) Why what you put into your body is so crucial. (11:06) Defining oxidative stress and how too much hurts us. (17:07) Inflammation’s effect on your mental state. (20:50) Focusing on the symptom rather than the underlying root cause. (22:45) What are senescent cells, and why should you care about them? (26:33) The most dangerous or detrimental things the ‘fitness & health’ space tells people. (32:55) The importance of inflammation testing. (35:09) Revealing the guy’s Inflammation Score test results. (36:22) Justin. (38:30) Sal. (39:24) Adam. (40:35) Doug. (41:52) Recommendations based on their results. (43:47) The value of lab testing and omega-3 supplementation. (46:31) You are what your food eats. (55:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned For Mind Pump listeners only offers a FREE At-Home Inflammation Score test shipped right to your door. (Customer pays shipping and handling and First-time test-buying customers only). Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** September Promotion: MAPS Starter | Starter Bundle 50% off! ** Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout ** The Breakdown Recovery Trap, Why You Aren’t Progressing U.S. consumption of edible oils by type 2023 | Statista The Rain Barrel Effect: How a 6,000 Year Old Answer Holds the Secret to Finally Getting Well, Losing Weight & Feeling Alive Again! – Book by Stephen Cabral Podcasts Archive - Stephen Cabral Inflammation and Brain Health | Harvard Medicine Magazine How Taking NSAIDs Might Make Pain Worse - Mind Pump Media How to kill the 'zombie' cells that make you age - Nature Dr. Cabral Detox- An Equilibrium Nutrition Detox To Wellness The Protocol - Stephen Cabral Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram  

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