Max Lugavere Max’s new film and the story behind it. (2:38) The troubling rise of dementia/Alzheimer’s. (5:39) What he learned about our medical system regarding this disease. (9:25) How these genes act with their environment. (15:49) Eastern vs. Western medicine. (17:55) Looking back, would he have done anything differently? (22:09) What prompted him to document everything? (25:16) The skills learned from being a journalist. (28:22) Giving a raw portrait of what it’s like to have dementia. (33:43) Did the storytelling change throughout the course of filming? (36:51) His stem cell experience with Dr. Khan. (41:04) The connection between certain pollutants and the risk of dementia. (41:57) Exercise, medicine for the brain. (48:08) Approaching your exercise with methodology. (56:39) His first experience seeing the film with an audience. (1:00:00) Releasing expectations and doing what you want to do. (1:02:55) A caregiver's disease. (1:09:18) The importance of creatine for the brain. (1:10:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Little Empty Boxes Visit Xero Shoes for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Enter to win one of FIVE FREE pairs of Xero Shoes! ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Type 3 diabetes is sporadic Alzheimer׳s disease: mini-review New Genetic Form of Alzheimer's Identified in People With Common Risk Factor Ambient air pollution and the dynamic transitions of stroke and dementia: a population-based cohort study Ending Parkinson's Disease: THE BOOK Mind Pump #1547: The Hidden Benefits Of Lifting Weights Leg exercise is critical to brain and nervous system health Muscle-strengthening activities and cancer incidence and mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies Prof. Darren Candow, PhD | Creatine For Health Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Website Podcast Joe Rogan (@joerogan) Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram Dr. Oz (@dr_oz) Instagram Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram Ray Dorsey, MD (@raydorsey01) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Darren Candow (@dr.darrencandow) Instagram
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