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Sun, 23 Feb 2025


The Trump/Musk administration is proving that Putin's plan to destabilize America has worked. Pre-order our new book, join our Patreon Cult, and more by clicking here:


Chapter 1: What is the focus of this podcast episode on democracy?

5.1 - 23.332 Primary Host

Jesse Waters is either spending an incredible amount of time trying to prove to everybody how manly he is and how unmanly other people are, which I will leave to the psychiatrist to dissect. But sometimes he throws out some nuggets that I think are worthy of our dissection. Kylie, please play the clip.


Chapter 2: How is information warfare shaping political narratives?

24.082 - 45.296 Jesse Waters

It's not really the same. Dana, we are waging a 21st century information warfare campaign against the left, and they are using tactics from the 1990s. They are holding tiny press conferences, tiny little rallies. They're screaming into the ether on MSNBC. This is what you call top-down command and control.


45.316 - 69.032 Jesse Waters

You get your talking points from a newspaper, and you put it on the broadcast network, and then it disappears. What you're seeing on the right is asymmetrical. It's like grassroots guerrilla warfare. Someone says something on social media, Musk retweets it, Rogan podcasts it, Fox broadcasts it, and by the time it reaches everybody, millions of people have seen it. It's free money.


69.872 - 75.857 Jesse Waters

And we're actually talking about expressing information. They are suppressing information.


77.461 - 106.705 Primary Host

Okay, he's 100% correct. This is 100% spot on. And I see James Carville on TV and Bill Maher complaining about the Democrats and their woke policies and all of this stuff. The only Democrats that sit around and talk about all this woke stuff nonstop are people like James Carville and people like Bill Maher who cannot move with the times.


Chapter 3: Why does misinformation spread rapidly in the MAGAverse?

107.365 - 133.486 Primary Host

And I think that here's one point that Jesse Waters left out. One random person tweets something in Trump's America, in MAGAverse, that's 100% not true. And then all of a sudden, millions of people see that misinformation. And then in their minds, it is true. And one of these original tweets probably came from a Russian troll farm straight from Moscow.


134.166 - 163.59 Primary Host

And so I think the Democrats have got to start organizing. I hope that podcasters like us can form an alliance to message every single day because we need to be dismantling, uh, The reputations and the swagger that these people think they have. And honestly, it's a layup. I mean, it's really not that hard. Elon Musk is not that likable. And contrary to what everybody says, oh, he's a genius.


163.79 - 167.495 Primary Host

He's so smart. The more I hear him speak, the dumber I think he is.


168.55 - 195.613 Co-Host

I completely agree. And that's the most important part of all that. I think you're 100 percent right. The right wing media complex is so far advanced from the Democrats. It's not even remotely close. The lies, it's all lies. It's just lie, lie, lie, because the truth doesn't matter to them. Integrity doesn't matter to them. Jesse Waters' eyeliner in that shot, did you notice? He looks ridiculous.


195.853 - 200.757 Co-Host

Mr. Alpha Male, he and J.D. Vance have the same makeup artist. Okay, sorry. I just had to say it.

Chapter 4: How can Democrats counter right-wing media strategies?

202.398 - 228.238 Primary Host

I just, I think that the Democrats have got to start messaging certain things every single week. Number one, like a big story that we could message this week is Putin owns Trump is the weakest president ever, and it needs to start from people like us and then build its way up. And this is something that requires some coordination with independent media.


228.258 - 242.088 Primary Host

And the landscape has changed, and they do have an upper hand. Now, I will say there is a stronger appetite psychologically on the right for hating on shit. Like they love the red meat.


Chapter 5: What is the impact of right-wing media on public perception?

242.328 - 263.913 Primary Host

They love the cruelty of all of that because they have been indoctrinated for all of that from a very, very long time from their hellfire and brimstone pastors growing up to the Rush Limbaugh's of the world to now we've got the Tucker Carlson's and Ben Shapiro and all of that. But this is a really interesting take that I want y'all to listen to from start to finish.


264.294 - 272.168 Primary Host

This is James O'Brien on the Trump-Musk-Vance pro-Putin regime from the UK perspective.


273.484 - 294.957 James O'Brien

later convicted him. Silent prayer is not criminalized under buffer zone. You can pray wherever you want. Of course you can. It's about the rules of a buffer zone. The extent of the dishonesty being displayed publicly by the vice president of the United States of America about our country.


Chapter 6: Why are global perspectives important in understanding US politics?

295.937 - 318.377 James O'Brien

You'd think, wouldn't you, if you were the Vice President of the United States, you'd check before giving a speech whether or not its contents were true. But that's not the point, is it? The point is the audience wants to hear what he has to say. And what audience is he talking to? What on earth is going on? Because I'll tell you something for nothing.


319.537 - 342.606 James O'Brien

The bad stuff happens when you ignore it or you let it slide, or you don't fully acknowledge the sheer scale of what is unfolding. This is unprecedented. This is the kind of speech you would expect Vladimir Putin to give to Russians who haven't got access to proper media. He would say things like, you don't know how lucky you are living in Mother Russia.


342.986 - 359.842 James O'Brien

Over in England, you're not even allowed to say prayers. That's the sort of speech that a propagandist would give about an enemy. And it's the vice president of the United States giving it about a supposed ally. What is he playing at?


360.363 - 383.218 James O'Brien

United States vice president could tell you not to worry about Russia, which invades foreign countries and sends murderous goons to this country to kill people, but to worry instead about your own government. Here's the thing. If you get a transcript... of J.D. Vance's speech in Munich, right? I'm sure it's quite easy to get hold of. This is your homework for today.


383.238 - 404.449 James O'Brien

I want you to go through it with a highlighter and highlight anything in that speech that Vladimir Putin would be unhappy about. At this point in proceedings, I can't see anything. He could almost have written it himself, Vladimir Putin. Don't worry about old Vladimir. He's okay. But let me tell you a story about something that didn't happen outside an abortion clinic in Bristol.

404.489 - 408.017 James O'Brien

That's what you should be really worried about. Who is this designed to appeal to?

410.3 - 435.422 Primary Host

That to me is breathtaking that when you take J.D. Vance's speech in Munich and you try to find one thing to highlight that Vladimir Putin wouldn't approve of, that you can't find one thing. And James O'Brien there asks, what is he playing at? And I'll tell you what they're playing at. One thing all of these people have in common, Peter Thiel, J.D. Vance,

436.57 - 465.538 Primary Host

Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin, as they all want to dismantle Western democracies. That is the through thread. Trump is their useful idiot. Trumpism has a very hard time surviving outside of him being the leader. Look no further to after January 6th, the white voters thought, oh, this is too far. This is a little too trashy for us. We're going to roll out kitten heels DeSantis.

466.298 - 491.255 Primary Host

and they thought he was going to be the great leader of the MAGA movement. Faceplant city. He couldn't do it. Look no further than J.D. Vance's personal approval ratings. Look no further to Elon Musk's personal approval ratings. Donald Trump is a useful idiot. He doesn't give a shit about policy. He wants to go play golf. He wants to think he's popular and he wants to sue people.


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