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How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

Does Love (and Life) Feel Like a Grind? The ‘3 Classes of Experience’ Will Set You Free

Tue, 25 Feb 2025


Ever feel like dating—and life—is just a grind? This episode will change how you experience both so you can feel much more fulfilled. Dating coach Connell Barrett introduces the 3 Classes of Human Experience, a powerful self-improvement framework that Connell and his clients use to make dating fun. (What? Dating can be fun? Who knew!) And nothing’s more attractive to women than a guy who actually enjoys life.You’re About to Learn:01:10: The Mindset Shift that Transformed Connell’s Entire Life06:37: The 3 Classes of Human Experience: How to Go from Coping to Thriving12:05: Why Your Love Life is Stuck in the ‘Class 2’ Grind—and How to Escape20:32: The Most Powerful Self-Improvement Shift You Can Achieve Today29:01: The Key Move that Makes Talking to Women So Much Easier36:55: The Simple Way to Change Your Whole Life, Not Just Your Love LifeHit play and start living—and dating—the way you were meant to.FOR A FREE STRATEGY CALL WITH CONNELL TO LEARN HOW TO HAVE GREAT FIRST DATES: GET FREE ACCESS TO “THE FLIRTY 30,” CHARMING QUESTIONS TO ASK WOMEN ON DATES, ON THE APPS, AND WHEN YOU APPROACH: A FREE COPY OF CONNELL’S NO. 1 AMAZON BESTSELLING BOOK, “DATING SUCKS BUT YOU DON’T”? EMAIL CONNELL AND WRITE “FREE BOOK” IN THE SUBJECT LINE AND YOU’LL GET IT INSTANTLY:[email protected]

Featured in this Episode

What mindset shift transformed Connell's life?

0.049 - 34.969 Connell Barrett

you are going to have to choose your future girlfriend from two, three, four great options because women are just fine men like this who go through life feeling good, giving value, being authentic. They're just like, please, please be my boyfriend. Welcome back to the How to Get a Girlfriend podcast. I am your host, dating coach Conal Barrett.


35.15 - 56.704 Connell Barrett

As always, I'm here to help you flirt with confidence and get a great girlfriend. And do it with authenticity. Do it by being your best, truest, most real badass you. And today's going to be a different kind of episode. Today I'm not going to give you 17 tips and strategies to get her texting you. Although I love doing those episodes too. I'm going to do a departure today.


57.225 - 80.955 Connell Barrett

Because I want to help you... to transform not just your love life, but I want to help you transform the overall quality of your life. Because if you're like a lot of men, and if you're like I used to be, and sometimes I still am this way, then sometimes life just feels really hard. We know that dating is hard, right? If dating was easy for you, you wouldn't be listening to this.


81.876 - 98.344 Connell Barrett

But do you ever feel like, oh man, life is hard too? Dating is hard. Love is hard. Life is a grind. I want to help you transform that in about 30 minutes. I'm not saying this is a magic bullet. I don't mean that in a markety, gimmicky way. 30 minutes, everything will be fixed.


98.905 - 111.497 Connell Barrett

But I do want to give you, I want to help you see the matrix of human experience so that you can get your life a lot more aligned and fulfilled so that you feel better.

112.638 - 136.543 Connell Barrett

in all areas of your life or many areas of your life and that you can just feel more fulfilled and feel good and bring more reward to yourself and also give bring more reward to others because a man who gives a man who gives to the world oh man that man gets so much back in return so you're about to hear what i call the three classes of human experience

137.554 - 162.513 Connell Barrett

This is not a typical dating episode, although I'm going to talk about dating a little bit, but not as much as I usually do. It's the three classes of human experience. So you're about to see the matrix. You're about to see the matrix of why you feel like life is a grind. And then we can hopefully help you fix some of this, or at least learn how to fix it in about 30 minutes. So here we go.

162.533 - 193.849 Connell Barrett

I want to start with a story, and I will start with a dating story before I branch out into non-dating topics. Over a decade ago, in the late 00s, circa 2010. I'm in San Diego. I'm at a bar at a patio lounge on a beautiful, warm Southern California night. The ocean. You can hear the waves lapping on the beach a couple hundred yards away. A beautiful San Diego night.

194.369 - 220.264 Connell Barrett

I'm in a lounge, and I had just begun my journey of trying to meet women in the real world, going out and talking to women, approaching. And I was having a tough night. I was having a really tough night. Three or four different times, I tried to walk up to a really pretty, stylish, long-legged SoCal girl. And man, they are gorgeous in California, in Southern California. And I couldn't do it.


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