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Health Chatter

Grief and Health

Fri, 01 Dec 2023


Listen along as Stan and Clarence chat about the relationship between grief and health.Join the conversation at healthchatterpodcast.comBrought to you in support of Hue-MAN, who is Creating Healthy Communities through Innovative Partnerships.More about their work can be found at


Full Episode

16.28 - 42.602 Stan

Hello, everybody. Welcome to Health Chatter. Today's show with Jess Clarence and I today, aren't you all lucky, is on the subject of grief and health, which is kind of sad, but hopefully there'll be a positive component to it at the very end. So stay tuned for all the insight on grief. Thanks to our illustrious staff,


43.177 - 69.193 Stan

Maddie Levine-Wolf, Aaron Collins, Deandra Howard, Matthew Campbell, Sheridan Nygaard are really all second to none. They cover all the aspects for us on our background research and marketing and production. And Clarence and I certainly could not do it without them. Then, of course, Clarence Jones is my great colleague. We're having a good time doing this.


70.454 - 107.708 Stan

We have great shows coming up, which we'll talk about. at the end of this show. The sponsor for Health Chatter is Human Partnership, great community health organization. I recommend that you check out their website and all the different activities that they're involved with at And also you could check out our website at Health Chatter. So take a look at that.


108.128 - 141.607 Stan

Basically, everybody should know that we put our research, background research to all our shows on our website. So you can connect in with all the different things that we use as reference points for our discussion. So check us out. And if you like us, Give us a nice review. That would be nice too. All right. So today we're going to be talking about grief. So Clarence, I'll let you start it out.


141.627 - 155.173 Stan

All right. So, you know, I'll tell you, we're living in a time where, unfortunately, there's a lot of grief that's going on at various different levels. But what's your sense of it, Clarence?

156.564 - 183.672 Clarence

Well, I think, Sandy, you're absolutely right. According to our researchers, grief is the anguish experienced after significant loss, usually the death of a beloved person. And I think right now we're in a period of time where there's a lot of grieving. And I believe that we're seeing it at different levels. People are... People are at a loss for a lot of different things.

183.732 - 202.459 Clarence

I think COVID, the pandemic, some of the civic unrest, all those kinds of things have caused us to look at our anguish a little bit different. And so I think this is a great conversation to have, to talk about, and then to give people a chance to process. So I'm glad that we have this conversation.

203.059 - 233.941 Stan

Yeah. keep in mind what we're trying to do here, what Clarence and I are trying to do is connect the concept of grief with health, okay, and how it affects our health. And Sheridan put together the background for this show, and I gave her kind of, you know, a little bit of an outline, and this is the outline. There's personal grief, there's

234.528 - 277.189 Stan

community grief we're going to talk about all these there's national grief what's going on nationally in in our country there's international grief that's that's going on and then as we deal with grief there are acute aspects to it and there are also chronic aspects to it But I think the bottom line is one way or the other, grief elicits for all of us a level of stress and anxiety.


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