On May 17, 1968, a woman was found in the woods, murdered and wrapped in tent fabric. For over 30 years she remained unidentified in a Kentucky grave with a donated headstone that bore the name "Tent Girl". But '90s internet and a superhero named Todd come together to give this girl a name and give her family the answers they waited so many decades for. For current Fan Club membership options and policies, please visit https://crimejunkie.app/library/. Sources for this episode cannot be listed here due to character limitations. For a full list of sources, please visit https://crimejunkiepodcast.com/murdered-tent-girl/ Don’t miss out on all things Crime Junkie!Instagram: @crimejunkiepodcast | @audiochuckTwitter: @CrimeJunkiePod | @audiochuckTikTok: @crimejunkiepodcastFacebook: /CrimeJunkiePodcast | /audiochuckllc Crime Junkie is hosted by Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat.Instagram: @ashleyflowers | @britprawatTwitter: @Ash_Flowers | @britprawatTikTok: @ashleyflowerscrimejunkieFacebook: /AshleyFlowers.AF You can join Ashley’s community by texting (317) 733-7485 to stay up to date on what's new!
No persons identified in this episode.