A lowly busboy works at a fancy restaurant where everyone is family. But, the family isn't allowed to dine there. Soon, we learn why. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Chapter 1: What is the premise of Azalea's Cookhouse story?
welcome back to creepcast today we are reading the story is it azaleas azaleas azaleas i would say azaleas cookhouse is a family restaurant but please don't bring your family aka this is a cc's pizza this is a buffalo wild wings this is a 54 street grill Um, and I'm very excited.
Chapter 2: Why is Azalea's Cookhouse considered a family restaurant but not for families?
Hold on. CC's pizza. You don't bring your family. No, not the whole point of that was no, no, no, no, no. Well, like a little, there's a CC's in your house and I loved it. It was a family. It's a family restaurant. Please don't bring there's a little arcade corner in the back.
Yeah, no, no, no. It's a family. It's a family restaurant. Please don't bring your family there. Why?
What's your problem with CCs?
Because it's an evil, evil place. It's a tempting, evil place. And I just don't care for it. Did something happen to you in the CCs? I don't want to go into my CCs debacle.
Not going to.
Maybe another time. But this is written by April... Aproil.
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Chapter 3: Who is AP Royal and what is his connection to Azalea's Cookhouse?
Aproil. It's AP Royal. It's like his initials. AP Royal. Aproil. Or you just say Aproil. Aproil. Sure. Aproil. Aproil. So Aproil has his own website. He seems to be a very prolific author on boards like No Sleep and stuff like that. There's a bunch of stories. And...
app royal has also been picked up recently by velix books uh which velix has been pretty cool yeah we've we've worked we've read many velix published books and we've uh you know it's people that we've worked with uh to be able to read some of these stories so really happy that he's with a cool publishing company like that
Yeah, they seem like a cool company. They seem like very in the know about like, you know, cross promotion between like YouTubers and like authors making stories and stuff. So they're chill. So it's cool that AP Royal has got with Felix books and it looks like he has a book called The Kaleidoscope coming out with them late this year, early next year.
but you can subscribe to his newsletter and get updates on that. You can also get like short stories delivered straight to your inbox as a bunch of stories across no sleep. The story itself seems pretty highly rated. So I'm excited. And also the title is just enticing in itself.
Yeah, evil, evil family restaurant. You know, is this going to turn into something more like if, you know, the Glenmont retro thing or Metro where it starts off with or I mean, Dionysus house, whatever, where someone just walks into a restaurant gets their head blown off or is it going to turn into like a, you know, five nights at Freddy kind of meme?
You know, it kind of, it has like a weird, it could go either way. And I'm excited to see.
Does your brain just take all the stories we read and it like lays the titles out randomly and you just like grab one at moments and stuff?
Is Dionysus not the one where it begins with the...
Dude getting shot in the head?
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Chapter 4: What are the hidden secrets behind the restaurant industry in the story?
I recognized the silky voice right away. Should it be like, hello? I'd like to make a reservation for Friday evening.
Yes, there you go. Okay. It was elegant and upbeat. It was Paulina. I didn't take my neighbor for the type to dine at this kind of establishment. And while it was only her voice, she could have been a hundred miles away. It was enough to send me down into an anxious tailspin. Isn't he married? No, no. He had a marriage. He had a marriage. Okay. And a rock band.
Like it's, he lost out on that stuff, but this restaurant is the one thing that's been dependable for him. Yeah. Yeah.
Sorry, ma'am. That's not a problem. And for how many? Four. In less than a minute, it was confirmed. Oh, my God. She was scheduled for tomorrow at 7 p.m. This is the stuff that I was saying. Okay, go ahead. Sorry. For one, the audacity to do it in the first place, to just read the story ahead and say it's a premonition. But then the further audacity to call it out. What is the next line, though?
Her voice had reduced me to a teenager again. Visions of her watering her flowers and walking her dog occupied my mind for the rest of the evening.
Wow. Holy shit. Oh, wow. That is... Dude, I... I am scary at times. I bet I could get psychic pebbles to do this podcast with me. Dude, don't even plant that seed in people's minds because they will want me out immediately. They will want me off of the show immediately.
Who's another YouTube and really any of the only guys would probably do it. Yeah. Who's another animator that I could like sell you for?
I could sell you cheap too. My stock is very low, Isaiah. You have to, you need to, this meme is going to start a literal riot for change. You're going to see another change.
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Chapter 5: How does the protagonist discover the dark side of Azalea's Cookhouse?
You know what I think Mark's doing here, the reason that his wording's the way it is? I don't think, because he's still going along with it, I don't know how much Mark really cares. Because, like I said, in the first part, he's kind of established to be a bit of a jerk, yelling at guys, thinking about sleeping with a married woman. So here, it's almost like he's trying to...
can talk himself out of it. Cause he's going along with it. He's like, no, this is criminal. My, my phone's my proper. You should take it. It almost feels like he's trying to talk himself out of it.
I think you're onto the right thing, but I don't think he's trying to talk himself out of it. I think he's trying to have other people talk him out of it. I think is what he's doing.
Sure, it's like a cry for help kind of thing.
I think he's looking for someone to validate this feeling of being like, you know what, you're right. We should just stop. But instead, everyone's just basically confirming this almost like confirmation bias or something.
But what I mean by talk himself out of it is I don't know how much he himself... like cares and is willing to do a job like this. It means a lot of money.
That's what I'm saying is I think he's trying to, it's like almost like a narcissistic thing where it's like, yes, pretending to be human, you know, like, come on guys, this is wrong, right? We definitely shouldn't be doing this. It's like fucking young Sheldon. What we're doing here is criminal. It's like, fuck off Mark. God damn.
sure sure you know what you would 100 if this was me in this scenario I would 100% be marked oh my god this is criminal give me back my phone that's my personal property and you would be the guy that's like it's good money shut up put the body in the bag three times god damn three times money all right we're stuffing lobsters here
Good God, boys. Hell yeah.
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Chapter 6: What is the protagonist's moral dilemma in Azalea's Cookhouse?
I could go back to living a normal life. But maybe they wouldn't. And who was I kidding? Life was never going back to normal. For the brief moments that I managed to doze off, all I saw were the cloudy eyes of the victims. They will never let me sleep. Every shadowy corner was a threat, concealing one of Silva's henchmen. Every creak from the floorboards made me jolt.
Nothing felt safe as night faded away. A hint of amber broke through a gray arc of cloud before the harsh reality set in. I wasn't going to figure this out alone. I needed to talk to someone. Someone I trusted to keep quiet. Someone who had information that I didn't. Someone hiding a secret as dark as my own. someone I think I loved, screwed up as that was. It was an impossible thing to explain.
The cold hard facts were there. I stared into her husband's lifeless eyes. I carried out her children's limp bodies, and yet here I was, still in love. The Paulina I knew was warm, inviting, full of heart. I had known that woman for years. Despite my apprehension about that evening, I still held out hope that there was something I didn't understand.
When the sun rose and the songbirds chirped their familiar chorus, I got up from my heaps of blankets and ran a hot shower. After breakfast, I made my way over to Polina's house. The usual characters were moseying around outside. Moe from across the street was firing up his lawnmower, the purr from the engine overtaking the songbird's tunes.
Debbie was putzing around her front yard with her little cockapoo on leash. I only made it a few steps past my driveway before I noticed that she'd had company. parked beside the red minivan was an empty squad car. Shit. I switched gears, darting towards Debbie, the self-proclaimed eclectic neighbor on our block. We stood on the sidewalk outside of her aquamarine-painted home.
The rainbow pinwheel lawn ornament stabbed into her lawn at seemingly random locations. I dove into some polite conversation, all the while keeping my attention on Paulina's home. Ten minutes of chitchat went by with no movement from her residence. I casually asked, Any idea what's going on at Paulina's place? No idea. A hint of a smirk emerging on her face.
She couldn't resist the delectable piece of gossip. You know, I think there's some trouble in paradise. What do you mean by that? Debbie was basically our neighborhood watch. At her age, there wasn't much else for her to do.
Oh, I always knew that Keith was trouble, coming home all hours of the night with that obnoxiously loud exhaust.
She tugged on Romeo's leash, his nose deep in a pile of his own droppings.
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Chapter 7: How does the episode conclude with the protagonist's escape plan?
Okay. Anyway, yes, you are right that it was an affair happening. It was the sexualization of the affair that I was jumping you for. Mm-hmm. Okay, whatever. I rolled down the window a little more, and now I noticed the distinct characteristics of her face. Dark brown hair, eyes blue eyes. Her prominent nose, tall stature. She was sitting at the table next. Mm. Mm. Mm.
Look, just, uh, the only reason I'm attracted, look, tattoos, tall, dark hair, light eyes. The only reason, the only reason I'm attracted is because this is what my wife looks like.
This is what my wife is. How could I resist you? That's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking that.
Well, here she comes. Watch our boy. Okay.
She was sitting at the table next to ours, and up close, she looked incredibly familiar. The resemblance is uncanny. Calm down for a second, I said, stepping out of my vehicle. No reason to get all worked up. We're just friends. Bullshit! You know something. I can feel it. By now, a small crowd of shoppers are enjoying the show.
Their hands are gripping plastic bags full of groceries, their carts abandoned in the middle of the road. With a sudden interruption, the dark-haired woman that could only be Keith's sister shouts back to the crowd. I'm calling the cops. Okay. Nevermind. I was wrong. I was wrong. We were both wrong with the sun eruption.
No dude.
I had not listed bear trap, bear trap into part three. So, so you're still saying that it was an affair, but I'm thinking so.
I'm thinking, I'm thinking so the supper, this is the final part for the final. I'm excited.
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