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Will Fernell


Pod Meets World



This was just such a movie where they were just slamming it full of stars.

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Well, speaking of winning, DadNap comes in at, are you ready for this? Are you ready for this, Sabrina? Yeah. 90 minutes. We've got a winner, people, right on target. The perfect length for a DCOM. I would like to thank Disney and Team Blue. Also, I mean, it's the perfect length for probably any movie. Great job, everyone. Mission accomplished.

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It was written by Alan Silberberg, who started his career writing the nostalgic game show Double Dare, which is something from back in my day. That's when I was on Nickelodeon. I knew Mark Summers. That was my Nickelodeon day. Oh, I've told you that, haven't I? You know, Robin, the woman who used to bring all the stuff out on Double Dare, it was his co-host.

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She was my legal guardian when I lived in Florida doing the Nickelodeon stuff. Yeah. Robin. No way. Yeah. This Double Dare was my that's these were my friends. And yes. And would also work on a lot of other early 90s stuff like the all new Mickey Mouse Club, Doug and Chop Chop Ninja. But this was actually his only decom. And of course, DadNapped is currently available to view on Disney+.

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So if you want to watch it now, you can. If you want to watch it later, after you listen to us, you can do that too. You can do a lot of things because we believe in you. We just know that you're bad at cooking. So stay out of the kitchen. I don't know that actually. I'm just assuming.

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Okay, the time is now. Let's set a trip trap and get to Dadnapped. I almost rhymed. We open with a DCOM mainstay, one that we have talked about so many times, the trope we can never avoid. It is a pop song playing over the credits while we see details from the room of our young main character. You just keep pointing it out.

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That's all we see. That's all we see.

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Here we go. How many times are we going to see it? Again, none of these movies were supposed to be watched back to back. That's the difference with streaming things right away. It's like, wait a minute. These are all the same people doing the same thing every week. Yes. So we've seen it. It is.

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We've witnessed it time and time again, because, again, as Sabrina just said, it's a very fast way to get to know somebody without any dialogue or wasting any time. And in this case, in this very specific one, we see baby photos, a book series called Trip Zoom. There's girly pink everywhere. And our lead teenager, Melissa Morris. Again, they love the alliteration. Shannon Shipley.

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taking a look at her framed family photo it's her and her mom and her dad but then magically a good-looking young man appears in the pic but then fades away instantly but she seems hurt by even the fact that he was there for a moment all right so this is obviously going to be about books which is one of the things i love to talk about did you have book series as kids that as a kid that you just loved you couldn't get enough of i read the what was it uh goosebumps

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Yeah, great series.

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That's cool. Love that. Yeah.

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No, no. I didn't find comics so much later. The first book I found that changed my life was a book that my third grade teacher read us and then we had to take home and read at night by an amazing author named Lynn Reed Banks called The Indian in the Cupboard. They ended up making a movie about it years and years later, which was terrible, but the book was phenomenal.

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And then that led to like Choose Your Own Adventures. And then that led to then the first fantasy series that changed my life, which is by David Eddings, which is called the Belgaria and the Malorian series. And that then then it's just fantasy, fantasy, fantasy, fantasy, fantasy, fantasy.

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So, yeah, it was I loved it. But anyway. For our film, we fade into Upper Valley High School. It's English class right before the holiday break. And Jeffrey Zimmer is called to the front of the class for his book report. Jeffrey's report is on Neil Morris's new book from the Trip Zoom series, Freeze Dry Dreams. Too many jokes. I'm not even going to go there.

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Now, a small detail that is worth pointing out here. OK, Sabrina, what would your guess be on how Trip Zoom is spelled? Because throughout the movie and the subtitles, we actually see it as both Trip, T-R-I-P-P, Zoom, Z-O-O-M-E, and Trip Zoom, T-R-I-P-Z-O-O-M. So what do you think it is?

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Yeah, I think so too. Disney, D-I-S-N-E-Y-A. So yeah, your guess is as good as ours.

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I like that. That's what it is. From now on, we're rebranding.

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Now, although this class is thrilled about this book report, it seems like it's a massive bummer for Melissa. The teacher points out that Freeze Fried Dreams isn't even out till tomorrow. But Jeffrey explains that his dad knows a guy who works at the paper factory. So he got an early copy. He pulls it out and the class is wildly impressed.

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About our movie today or about something else or about everything?

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And so is the teacher who rushes to a desk to listen as well. Jeffrey starts his report. He explains that Tina is in the clutches of the ruthless Rodolfo and TripZoom is nowhere to be found. Now, as he tells the story, we see it acted out in real time with cut scenes. And this is the only time this happens in the movie. Ever. Yeah. Now, did you think this is how the movie was going to play out?

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That occasionally we'd be cutting to trip zoom stuff? I mean, obviously. Yeah. Yeah. Nope. Never happens again.

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It's like, right. It's exactly so. But this time, just as Rodolfo approaches Tina with a power saw, we see trip zoom in the shadows. And this is the same boy that appeared in Melissa's family photo. So we saw that the boy that appears and disappears is obviously trip zoom. He does a flip off the second story and surprises Rodolfo with a Spider-Man like quip.

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Is it me or are you actually getting uglier? Burn. Rodolfo charges at Trip running into a Trip wire, which maybe made me think that might be his signature move, but who knows. While Rodolfo is stunned, Trip gets the handcuffs off of Tina and runs to the roof.

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By the way, keep that in mind, because if there's going to be a drinking game for this episode, it's going to be the amount of times characters are handcuffed in a decom. So Trip and Tina run to the roof, but that is a terrible place to hide out because there's nowhere to go but down. As they contemplate their next move, here comes Rodolfo. Just in time, our hero picks up a tarp and grabs Tina.

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Me too. Me too.

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He jumps off the roof and uses the sheet as a parachute, landing safely on the ground. They hop on matching dirt bikes and leave in a hurry. Rodolfo yells, this isn't over, Trip. Dune. It's supposed to be Zoom. Dune. Not by a long shot, but the funny thing is it is over because we never see Rodolfo again or any of these characters except the trip guy who comes back. What?

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I'm already now like, okay.

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That's what I thought too. This is when I think I turned on my phone and started to scroll for about a half an hour.

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Eye roll. The drinking game eye roll. You'll be dead by the second act break.

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But back in class, the students are hanging on every word from the book report. And by the way, this guy just absolutely spoiled the end of this book or the big part of this book for the people when it hasn't even come out yet. It's like the guy got a copy of Harry Potter, the last one, and just in his book report decided to read the last chapter to the team. So it's like, what?

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But anyway, as he finishes, the class applauds. But Melissa is not moved. The teacher calls it another literary masterpiece, which is definitely not hyperbole, but also reveals that the writer, Neil Morris, is the dad of one Melissa Morris. The class, of course, erupts. Uh, and there's start chanting trip rules just as the bell ring.

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And now on her way out of class, Melissa turns and spots a huge ad for trip at school, you know, like all schools that have huge ads for books everywhere. And that's when we enter a new device in the movie is something we're going to see a lot of. She can talk to trip. In this case, we see his mouth move in the big poster, despite the fact this is a photo and he's a fictional character, uh,

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So and it looked bad with the mouth flaps and the eyes. It was just the whole thing was strange. But Melissa, this is where we figure out that Melissa really seems to hate him and the fact that he takes up so much of her dad's time. So that night, Emily. OK, well, OK. All right. OK. That night at Melissa's mom's house, Melissa is watching a TV report about the new book's release.

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And now the imaginary trip is bickering with her through the TV screen. And that's when her mom enters the room. Melissa hides her possible schizophrenia and certifiable delusions, saying she's just excited for the camping trip with her dad tomorrow. We find out that her parents are divorced, but the split was amicable. And I thought, huh, divorce in Disney.

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I thought we learned that your spouse can be dead and that's okay. But divorce is something they usually stay away from. So I was like, okay. And so many kids come from divorced families. It's probably good to throw more divorce in there. It's real.

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Huh, that makes sense. I buy that totally. The next day, Melissa's mom opens the door to see Trip, but it's actually a cardboard cutout. Neil, Melissa's dad and her ex is hiding behind it. He brags about how much his new book is gonna sell, which is always cool to do in front of your ex-wife who you have divorced before you became JK Rowling.

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she quickly shames him into not asking about their daughter, which he doesn't do, and tells him to make the camping trip the best father-daughter experience possible. Melissa enters, giving her dad a big hug and out from the vacation, but he says he is 150% hers for the weekend and only hers. While he makes this promise, she sees Trip in the corner of the room. Yeah, right, he says.

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He's not so sold on where her dad's attention will be, and this fictional character is probably accurate. Now they're out on the road. The two are in a Mustang convertible, which is a very modest car for the world's biggest author. They're driving with trips cut out in the backseat, like you do. Melissa talks about packing new boots and the game Word Wham and the fun they're going to have.

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But he breaks some news to her. They first have to stop at the Mercury Zoom convention. It'll be filled with real Zoomers, and he's judging a costume contest. Then they can go camping right after. Now, she is obviously nervous about this change in plans, but she agrees to go. And you'll be shocked to hear this... But the cutout comes to life again. Doubts this plan is going to work out.

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This fake trip cardboard cutout guy is just a. Just and it looks so bad. It does look very bad. It looks it doesn't look good. The father and daughter enter Mercury, which is a quiet little town, and they see a long line already waiting for him at this Mercury con. He again promises her, don't worry, it's only going to be one night. They get inside a hotel. Dozens of fans are in it.

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Supposed to be dozens of fans, but there's not enough extras at even a small convention. And it looked very strange. And for some reason, somebody was cosplaying as a scuba diver. OK, I'm assuming that's a character we're supposed to know from somebody. You go to no one cosplays as a scuba diver unless there's. Anyway, I do a lot of conventions and I love them and they're fun.

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I've never seen a scuba diver.

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Oh, yeah, no.

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I will open your eyes to one. I will open your eyes to one, Sabrina. You're going to love it. So, yes, dozens of cosplayers are cosplaying as his characters. They're making a mess of the lobby. He's helped by the starstruck hotel owner, Merv, who puts him in the presidential suite. This is where we see a shady character, Sheldon, hiding out in a phone booth.

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He says into the phone, quote, the package has arrived. And on the other end is a young man named Wheeze at home, devising a plan to quote unquote win the contest. Wheeze hangs up and plays a quick turn of Word Wham, which was the same game, legally changed enough from Scrabble, that Melissa mentioned earlier. No matter his bonus word score move, this all spells trouble. Thank you.

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Yeah, I'm a big fan of those. You know me.

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At the hotel, Merv walks our duo to their suite, supposedly the establishment's finest, but it's basically just two beds, a lava lamp, and a chandelier.

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Later at the hotel's convention, Neil is being hounded by fans with theories and ideas, and he bumps into a big, nervous fan named Skunk, who gets his name obviously because he's got a white stripe down the center of his hair, and he wants to get his book signed. Excited, Skunk runs to show it off to his brother Maurice, who tells him to stop playing around. They're not there for autographs.

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Also, there's a super amount of sketchy people at this event, just like criminals everywhere. And I go to these conventions all the time. They're not criminals. They're incredible people. Melissa watches the activities around her dad from afar, taking notes. Then out of nowhere, a man falls from the rafters, suspended by a rope, just like a low-budget version of that Mission Impossible stunt.

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He brags about how he's going to win the contest, but Melissa is shocked to hear about the challenge. He informs her that whoever at this event can prove their, quote, Zoom enough, unquote, wins prizes. And the prizes are they get to become a character in her dad's next book and the chance to read it before it's published. We also learn that the catchphrase from the book is apparently floss.

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As in teeth floss? Is this a superhero catchphrase? Am I supposed to get this? Because I don't know what that is.

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That should be it. Lost, lost, lost. Yeah, I don't know. I didn't either.

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This is my realm and I still don't get it.

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Maybe, again. Well, it's a great weapon against gingivitis. Right, right. And plaque buildup.

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The next morning, Melissa sees that her dad has been working the entire trip so far, just like the cardboard trip predicted. But Neil reminds her he'll pick a contest winner and they'll be on the road by noon. Cut to, oh geez, it's 1.20 and she is still waiting. Sabrina's favorite dad is doing it again. As a frustrated Melissa makes her way out the door, she bumps into Wheeze.

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In their exchange, she mentions, word wham. And the two get a little flirty, realizing they're both impressive whammers. Too many jokes again. Not going to get into that. They go their separate ways and Wheeze, his little brother, and his little brother's friend Andre make their way to a van.

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Back at the con, a presentation by a contestant trying to prove he's Zoom enough ends with an explosion of slime and Wheeze's little brother emerging to tell Sheldon that the distractor is locked and loaded. Sheldon radios Wheeze and the whole gang puts on safety goggles, but we have no idea what we're in for.

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Then Sheldon turns on a mysterious machine that starts churning onions, pushing the smell right into the convention, which makes me wonder if it's an odor thing, why do you need goggles? But the fan starts to become repulsed by the odor. I guess if it's onions, you start to cry. I get that. You'd be blinded. Okay. That one makes sense.

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To do something I didn't know. It's also the giant hose that he just lays at the bottom of the ground. No one sees the 35 foot hose. That's a foot in diameter that he just brings into the convention.

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No, no.

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I promise you it's much smaller hoses, which much fewer onions.

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So he turns on the machine. It starts churning onions. It pushes the smell into the convention. The fans start to become repulsed by the odor. But Melissa is safe outside talking to her friend on the phone. But inside, everyone starts coughing and tearing up. And again, there are actual onion goggles. You can buy them on Amazon. They head for the doors thinking it's a ventilation problem.

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Neil is also evacuating, but is approached by Andre and pulled out the side door. This catches Skunk and Maurice's attention, who apparently also want a piece of Neil. Outside in a move that has become as predictable as clockwork, Trip appears and continues to ridicule Melissa. She calls him a jerk and says soon he'll be walking out that door when vacation starts.

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Well, wait, how do I get it for when I'm going to go dancing? Then how does how does one find this stuff?

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But we know that won't happen anytime soon. In fact, Weez's brother is with Neil introducing him to the tearjerker onion machine in person. It's actually one of his ideas straight from the Trip book. And Neil is impressed just as he's thrown into the van to meet Weez and Sheldon. They tie him to a seat with dental floss, as Jensen had said. So maybe that explains the floss catchphrase.

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But as they speed away in this really expensive van, Skunk and Maurice steal a uniform delivery truck to chase after him. This is their guy too. I'd also like to point out they stole this giant truck that they then have the entire movie. Like no one's going to see them in this giant yellow stolen truck that they have for days.

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But anyway. Days. Melissa searches for her dad at the con but can't find him anywhere. She does notice a nearby surveillance camera and realizes this might help find her dad. Merv shows her the footage, and it shows her dad being kidnapped by random teens.

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Now, in response, she calls the local police to report a missing person, but the cops are skeptical and technically extraordinarily lazy and bad at their jobs. She's been told to wait 48 hours to fill out a report. By the way, that is not accurate. You don't even need to wait the 24 hours. You can report somebody missing immediately. Just so you know.

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Just when she thinks there's nothing she can do, she's visited again by imaginary Tripp. He's surprised she's not taking the opportunity to be Tripp herself, doing whatever she can to get her dad back. But she explains she hates Tripp. Zoom hits her again while she's down, saying that's why her dad writes about him and not her. Ouch.

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Wheeze, Sheldon, and Andre are spinning around in the van with Neil, flaws... He's now flossed and gagged in the back. So maybe that's what it is. It has to be flossed because they keep using the floss. They're talking about mint and all this kind of stuff. It's very strange. This is when I felt like, okay, yeah, somebody dosed my drink.

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Skunk and Maurice's uniform trails very nearby them until the van stops. Then Skunk hops out and hides in a bush, slowly making his way to the hostage. We still don't know what's going on here. He's been dad-napped at this point with these now two other guys following in another giant stolen van.

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Now, while in the van, the kids reveal all the trip traps they used to abduct Neil, and he's actually very impressed, but also ready to be released. Instead, they stuff the sock back in his mouth and say, you wrote it. We do it. The van speeds off again, leaving skunk knocked out in the street somehow.

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Melissa, finally, with some trip motivation, calls her dad's phone and wheeze answers and starts to explain the situation. He says once Neil agrees to their one demand, they'll let him go. But wait, Melissa recognizes that voice. It's the word wham guy. He also puts two and two together.

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Okay, cool. Because my problem when I'm doing my extensions is not that my leg slips out of my hand, it's that my hip slips out of its joint. So I don't know if that is, do these pants help that or do you still have to dance? They don't teach you how to dance, right? Unfortunately, it does not teach you. Gotcha.

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And just as a car wash employee comes up and asks what type of finish they want for their van, because, of course, when you're abducting somebody, you stop to get your car washed. Melissa hangs up and wonders if she just got a clue about their location. Merv, but now why not just go through like a drive-thru? Like, hey, we want to stop and get food.

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Who stops to get their... Merv appears and tells her where the nearest car wash is. We are now back at the car wash and the boys are putting some finishing touches on the van, like you do, when Weez accidentally drops his word wham guide and sees Melissa and Merv arrive in a red convertible, which is technically a nicer car than the millionaire author has, by the way. But anyway...

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Melissa surveys the scene while Merv makes a call back to the hotel. But while his attention is diverted, the kidnappers push his convertible into the car wash. Melissa and Merv try to stop it, but instead find themselves completely drenched and soapy from the wash. The car is filled with water.

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It's actually a very cool stunt I've only seen maybe once or twice in a movie, but never to this extent, except maybe... on a Pod Meets World movie that we recapped Camp Nowhere. That's the only time it has been this full. It's usually like, it gets a little full, but this, they really filled up. I also don't buy that at 15, you know, you're gonna learn to drive in another year.

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You don't know where the brake on a car is. I'm sorry, I don't drive that. She gets in, she's like, I don't know where the brake is. I don't buy that either. She's also very smart in the movie. So you're gonna know where the brake, just hit any pedals. The car wasn't on. Eventually it'll stop. Melissa, this is where you see, this is where I'm like, yeah, something.

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Anything. Hit a button. Melissa sees the dropped word wham guide and notices it's a library book that is due today. We are now back in the kidnapper van and Neil is losing his patience, but he also notices their library books are due today. What timing. And weird. What a weird. He warns them of the late fees and the group instantly makes a rush turn to avoid the fine.

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So they have no fear about kidnapping a grown man, but late fees? No way! Not going to happen. I am not paying a nickel. I'll do 30 in the slammer as I'm charged as an adult for kidnapping, but five cents on an overdue book? No. Not going to happen.

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Kind of. They're all wearing their seatbelts as they're mowing down pedestrians. And once the kidnappers do arrive at the library, they make an innocent deal with Neil. If he shows them the book slap trip trap, they'll release him. He agrees and starts the challenge in the library. So then why did they kidnap him in the first place? Why did they kidnap him?

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Nothing. Nothing. Why did they dadnap this guy? I did not understand. It's like it was this amazingly planned out thing for nothing.

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Well, that's really cool. Is it just pants? Is it pants and tops?

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Then we see the sudsy convertible arrives at the library to still followed very closely. Nobody even held back slightly in this movie, followed closely by the uniform truck. And Melissa runs inside to get her dad still being heckled by the piece of imaginary trip. Melissa enters the library trying to find her dad. Neil just finished the book trap for the next librarian to feel the effects.

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So apparently some poor librarian is going to get trip trapped. But Melissa blindly approaches, checks the book and is splashed with blue paint. The boys applaud and Neil hugs his daughter. You found me. She's confused. I am too. What the fuck is happening at this point?

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What are we doing here? I don't know. I truly do not. At this point, I was looking around my room going like, is this fake? Like this can't be. The story didn't make any sense.

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Yes, I didn't get it. I just didn't understand it.

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This is why it felt like a Nickelodeon movie to me, which don't seem to be on the same level as the Disney movie. So he says, you found me. And now Neil is cool with his kidnappers. Like he's Patty Hearst. Like they haven't been cool with him at all.

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Yeah, what are you doing?

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And so Melissa thought she was saving her dad. He admits he's been having fun with Sheldon, Andre, and Wheeze. Has he? He hasn't. It's Stockholm Syndrome that happened very quickly.

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Yes. Yeah. Wheeze tells Melissa they got off on the wrong foot and they flirt some more, but she's had enough. She's ready to leave with her dad and start camping. He apologizes to his new crew and follows her out. Neil doesn't understand his daughter's angst somehow. She says she's been thinking of this vacation for weeks. She wanted everything to be perfect for them.

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But every time she's with her dad, he brings Trip along and everything is ruined. She argues that Trip Zoom is not a fictional character. He's a pain in her butt. Then Skunk and Maurice pop up now in sheriff's uniforms. Neil recognizes the duo as they try to cuff him.

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Proud of you. That's really cool. Thank you. That's really cool. Wait, say the website one more time so everybody has it.

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coughs remember shot this was funny they come up to him and they've got like karate yeah they're doing karate i'm like where's your gun yeah what have you got i know where's by the way uh all the producers can you please isolate the sound of sabrina saying karate hand jobs and send it to me immediately what just i'm gonna need to have that on a perpetual loop thank you i Thank you very much.

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So they're wearing sheriff's uniforms. Neil recognizes the duo. They try to cuff him. Only then, boom, Melissa forces herself into the other cuff. Weas, Sheldon, and Andre watch the new bad guys put their father and daughter into their truck and decide to chase after them. He's now been dad-napped twice. It's a double dad-napping.

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And everybody knows you get double dadnapped after you get karate handjobbed. So Sheldon decides to call the police station. But again, the cop, just keep it in fun, Sabrina. The cop doesn't believe anything regarding Neil Morris. And maybe this town just has a terrible police force. That's what it seems like. The gang realizes it's up to them.

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And they very closely follow the laundry truck through the night, eventually landing at a creepy drive-in theater is where he follows them. Skunk and Maurice eventually throw their prisoners into their abandoned trailer, and it's covered in notes. Neil and Melissa are getting scared, obviously. Skunk has a knife, but also a plate of snacks.

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Neil assumes they want money, but Maurice has other plans. He reveals a notebook filled with papers for Lights Out Lenny, a book that his brother Skunk has been writing. Maurice wants a real writer to finish the book, and that's where Neil comes in. And until the book is fixed, they can't leave, no matter how long it takes. So this is where it kind of turns into misery.

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Neil starts reading chapter one, quote, The sky was dark and the air was cold and the man held the gun so tight his fingers felt like cheese, unquote. Oh, this could take a while. As Neil works on the awful book, the brothers watch a public domain movie outside. Melissa says they need to make a distraction. Her dad isn't so sure. He doesn't want to risk her life on some silly plan.

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Cool. So everybody go check it out. Go get some awesome dance clothes. I know I'm going to get some because hopefully they're going to teach me how to dance, which maybe they won't.

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She's furious that her ideas are always quote unquote silly. Yet everything he writes for TripZoom is genius. She wants to know why he doesn't write about her. He explains that his characters are larger than life and extraordinary. She tears up. She pushes back. He doesn't know any of her interests. He's missed all of her dance recitals and knows nothing about her awards in writing.

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She wants him to finally admit it. Trip comes first. And just then we hear sirens. Everybody is spooked, but we know it's just the boys van. Skunk and Maurice don't know that, though, and they immediately grab their hostages and try to take off. But Melissa sneakily grabs a Zoom book from Skunk's pile on their way out.

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Skunk then pushes the captives into the uniform van, telling Neil to keep writing. So he's going to be writing as they drive around in this big stolen van that's bright yellow and has now been missing for days. In the van, Melissa starts giving Skunk's book notes, and her dad actually agrees with everything she's suggesting.

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But when the uniform truck hits debris in the road, it shakes the car, and Maurice spots his tail. He knows he's being followed, and he didn't even have to look in the mirror. There are three feet They're the only two vans on the road and they're right behind him. So he's following him. He quickly turns off road, putting them through a dirt obstacle course.

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Skunk opens the back door and starts doing what you do, throwing pants at them, eventually forcing them to avoid the clothing rack. And boom, they're slammed into a ditch. Skunk celebrates as they leave their last possible detractors in the rear view. But just as things are looking good for the baddies, they realize they're almost out of gas. Oh, no. Steal a bigger van next time.

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Yeah, exactly. They're pants. They are not talent. They are pets and dogs. Exactly. Well, congratulations on that. Thank you. Thank you. And welcome back, everybody, to Magical Rewind, the show that makes you want to grab your friends, your PJs, and your popcorn and go back to a time when all the houses were smart, the wave tsunamis. and the pants had little grippy things on them.

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Melissa also announces she has to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, Maurice doesn't trust her. But Skunk says he'll stand by the door when they make it to the gas station. And once they arrive, he does just that. He uncuffs her. Shot. He puts on a jacket and waits for her to either number one, number two, or number three. Sabrina, do you think it was one, two, or three? What do you think?

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She set it up as number two, don't you think?

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Okay, I thought so too.

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If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you. Just be lucky we don't get to four and five. Once inside, it's number zero, actually, as Melissa just surveys the... Well, when you're full of it, that's when number four and five happen. Melissa just surveys the restroom. Eventually seeing her imaginary Zoom once again in the mirror, he explains he's just in her head, but she keeps him there.

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And this forces her to realize if he's in her head, then she can think like him. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the trip book she stole from Skunk. She finds a page for the quote-unquote presidential pickle, which... Incidentally, was my nickname in high school. And then she finds her lip gloss and circles the word presidential, leaving the paper jammed in a mirror.

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Right. We're in the presidential suite. They're taking us here. They're taking us here because that's not confusing. And this movie is confusing, Sabrina. Well, you've got you've got pen and ink and you just circle one. She circled the word and we've got to go find her. Like, yeah, why not just write? They've taken us to the presidential suite on the mirror or something. Maybe here.

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OK, play to play devil's advocate. Maybe she thought she had to do it that way. So if he walked in to check to see if she'd left any clues, it wouldn't be that blatant. I don't, again, I'm going for a stretch. I think it's just because it's supposed to be confusing. Yeah, so she jams it leaving the, okay. She exits with a long piece of toilet paper stuck to her shoe, leaving a trail to the truck.

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She removes her jacket, tosses it to the floor and get back in the handcuffs shot for the drive. Meanwhile, Maurice is on the phone defending his actions to someone. Maybe they aren't the bosses of this plan. After all, they drive off and Neil returns to writing the book again in the back until Melissa argues that he needs better conditions to write.

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And Maurice actually agrees they're just going to go back to the hotel. Which, how did we know that after? Already. All right. She already, she circled the, okay. Just then, Andre, Andre, Sheldon and Weez stumble on the drive through. They see Melissa's jacket, the trail of toilet paper from the bathroom and find her page with presidential circled. But pickle, of course, was sadly ignored.

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Weez smells her lip gloss on the paper and knows it's Melissa. Sheldon reveals that his idea, he thinks it's a clue for a pickle farm. But Andre knows this means presidential suite and they leave for the hotel. Again, would have just been easier to write. They took us back to the hotel. The uniform truck arrives back at this hotel and they're greeted by the real bad guy, their boss, Merv.

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That's right. It's a hotel owner all along. He helped Melissa earlier, but all it did was lead him to her dad. Now he tells his henchman to get Neil to his room to finish the new book. What a turn of events. Did you see this coming? Did you know Merv was going to be the bad guy?

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No, and the high school's musical, I'm Will Fernell.

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teeny tiny roll what yeah no so they didn't it's Merv Merv's here and we're now in Merv's room it looks like a 70s bachelor pad I loved his room by the way outdated and swanky it was the best it was such a good set it was great such a good set this is where so Melissa follow me through this is handcuffed to the hanging egg chair shot and Neil is placed in front of a laptop okay but now we're back keep that in mind keep that in mind

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Well, it's time to tackle a new DCOM here on Magical Rewind, and it's one with a very common theme for kids' movies, taking hostages. It's 2009's crime comedy, Dadnapped. This movie, filled with a lot of very familiar Disney faces, debuted on February 16th, 2009 to a large fanfare, actually, 4.6 million viewers to be exact.

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We're now back on the road. The boys have forced a pizza delivery guy from Ralph's Pizza Shack to bring them to the hotel. Also, the pizza has the best crust in town. And for some reason, they dance and listen to cool music on the way in their car. Back at the hotel, Melissa notices a sketch for the Merv. And how does she notice this? By getting up and walking around.

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Wait, she was just handcuffed to the chair.

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She's just not anymore. They're just bad handcuffs or she just doesn't want to be in them anymore. So she notices sketches for the Merv, an idea for an expensive Vegas like high rise redesign of this particular hotel. And apparently this is his motivation to do this whole plot, which makes no sense.

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Somehow Skunk is getting better at writing and Melissa and Neil are bonding as father and daughter in the same process. The next day now, the hotel convention is still bumping with book fans and is as messy as ever. The pizza man finally arrives, too. So where were they coming from if the other people got there so much faster? But dropping off our teens, how were they driving through the night?

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OK, by this point, I'm just going, OK, let the colors wash over me. Back inside, Melissa is finishing up the book while Maurice and her dad sleep with Skunk also in the shower. She sees an opportunity. Trip appears, but she's so sick of him only talking in catchphrases, but still asks him what he thinks of her plan. But she knows the answer. She found the confidence within herself.

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She has a good plan. Voss. Meanwhile, the boys barge into the presidential suite only to realize Melissa and her dad aren't there. Where is she? Then Sheldon redeems himself and figures it out. It's like the climax from Zoom time boom time. I think it's called the signal of strength. It is a signal Zoom uses to lead the cloned rebels to his location.

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Weas realizes she's brilliant and Andre warns him, if you don't ask her out, I will, which was a very funny line. They just need to find the signal and they need to find it now. We are back on the con stage. There's a Zoom debate going on until Weez and Andre break it up. They announced that Neil is in trouble and he needs the Zoomers help. Floss.

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Unfortunately, Merv hears all of this and now knows he must stop this group from obviously going and wrecking his master plan, the plan of which we still don't know what the hell is actually going on. This is where we get a montage to yet another pop song. Now with a poncho sporting group of zoomers making water balloons, mixing paint and creating new trip traps throughout the city for their plan.

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Later on, Melissa still needs to figure out what her signal is going to be. That's important. But her dad reveals that a lot of trip is actually based on her. She's in the plot. She's in the humor. She's in the heart. And she is the reason that he writes. This beautiful moment is interrupted by Merv, who just needs this book finished. He knows a zoomer firestorm is brewing outside.

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And Melissa just wants to know what this is all about. Merv says that he cares about what her dad writes, not what skunk's been doing. He want now try to follow me here because hopefully as I read this out, I'll understand it, too. He wants to sell the manuscript to the new and last Neil Moore's book to fund his new hotel idea.

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And until that book is perfect, Neil won't see his princess and locks Melissa in the bathroom. Now even Skunk and Maurice are a little disturbed. This isn't what they signed up for, but Merv says they're looking at jail time either way, so they better do what he says. So he wants...

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To hold this guy, have him write his last book, Not What Skunk Wants, kill him, sell the book rights, and then build a hotel. That's the Disney Channel plan, folks. That's the plan.

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This was a big hit for the channel, even besting the huge Nickelodeon movie of the year, Spectacular, by over 39%. And frankly, I'm never going to watch that, so I won't know which one's better either way. Here's the thing about this movie, though, is despite its Nielsen success, Dadnap was not a favorite for critics, scoring a 45 percent on the popcorn meter with critic David Nusser.

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This is where we are. This is when, by this point, I think I was looking at everything else in my room going like, oh, that needs to be cleaned up. It was, yes, it was just, okay. So outside, we're back outside now. The Zoomers are ready to go. As Melissa paces the bathroom, she needs to give them the signal.

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She pulls down a shower curtain and starts raiding the medicine cabinet, working quickly to create something. Eventually, she writes a very large Z on the sheet and places it outside the window, giving the group the signal that they need. They immediately then...

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storm the hotel which again why not just lean out the window and say come get me or write something else on the thing but anyway they storm the hotel slingshotting super stinky cheese bombs right into Merv and his hotel plans it's an all out attack water balloons spray guns paint toilet paper it's actually really disgusting and gross it reminds me very much of Nickelodeon stuff this might be the dirtiest movie we've seen yet

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And it forces Merv to retreat, grabbing Neil and Melissa for an escape. But they quickly realize every route is blocked by Zoomers and they're attacking from every direction. The fans steal off the streets while Melissa loses her captors with a slip-slap Zoom trap and reunites with Weez to dental floss up Skunk and Maurice. So yeah, floss, floss. Maybe that is what it is.

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But they never explain that at the beginning. No. The only bad guy left is Merv. He still has Neil and is trying to just get to his car. But that's when Sheldon spots him again, making up for that one time he had a stupid idea and wanted to go to the pickle farm. He yells, charge. And it's a full on brave heart attack. Hundreds of kids turn the corner and they ambush Merv until he's trapped.

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But he fakes his retreat and runs away again. He's still getting away, but as he's about to round a corner, Maurice and Skunk still flossed up, see the mob coming, and for their own redemption, Skunk tells his brother to spin, and they create a tripwire, forcing Merv to fall into what can only be described as a large pile of coleslaw that's there for some reason that I don't understand.

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Do you understand what the reason for that was? No, you've lost me at this point. You've absolutely lost me. Yes, okay. I'm glad I wasn't the only one.

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Trying to get through this at this point. This was a rough one for me.

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Yeah. And no, it just this did not feel like a decom at all. It felt like a bad Nickelodeon movie.

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You know, like the vibe was just wrong.

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Agreed. And this felt like that.

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Yeah. So it was strange. Yeah. Strange. Yeah. So the kids celebrate as the real police finally arrive. And with no sign of the lazy cop who, of course, could have ended this movie an hour ago. Yep. Thank you. We are now back at the convention without the threat of evil looming. Neil speaks to his fans. He thanks them for their triptastic efforts.

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Everyone there will get a signed copy of his next book. He also says it's time to reward the winner of the Zoom Enough Prize. He picks Andre, Sheldon, and Wheeze, some guys who really stepped up in the face of danger, ignoring the fact that they were actually his first kidnappers and definitely had awful intentions and put socks in his mouth repeatedly. But who cares?

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As Wheeze then yells, reading rocks! Good message. Weird way to say it. Zoom appears once again for Melissa, but instead of getting into their normal war of words, she thanks him. She couldn't have done it without him, but he's not hearing it. She did it. She did it all on her own. And Neil announces he has one more prize for his inspiration. He's awarding his daughter. That's right.

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I think I'm saying that name right. Calling it, quote, the lowest common denominator, quote, and quote, underwhelming. Second, unquote. But we are not going to let that sway our votes. We are of the people. And of course, despite these critical insults, it did get a sequel in the form of a young adult book. Dadnapped junior novel was released around the same time as the movie.

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There you go. She gets the prize. She's been the inspiration for everything. The fans give her a standing ovation as the father and daughter embrace on stage. The crowd chants floss as a handcuffed shot. Skunk and Maurice watch on. Skunk is still optimistic. Dostoevsky wrote some really cool stuff while in the slammer. And just like that, they're taken away to prison.

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It's finally time for Neil and Melissa's vacation. Wees shyly gives her his number in case she wants to, you know, go out. She says yes, but makes him promise it'll be a normal date. No weird costumes, no dental floss, and no police intervention. That's a pretty lame date if you ask me. He agrees.

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And hey, man, if you're not wearing costumes and using dental floss for something, you didn't get lucky that night. He agrees. And then the Morris duo drive off as the Zoomers once again chant floss. And then we get bloopers, but not even the bloopers weren't good. It's just characters getting hit in the face with slime and doused with water as the credits pass by.

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And we hear Emily Osment's end track called Hero and Me. Did you know at the time this was an Emily Osment song? Oh, that's cool. And that is our movie. There we go. I figured. Yeah, I kind of did too.

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This was a really rough one for me.

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You hate that you don't like them as much as we don't like them.

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Here's the thing. We have to be okay. I don't care if you've got $5 or $500 million. Some movies are going to be good. And some movies are going to be not that great. And some movies are going to be terrible. And there's going to be everything in between.

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That we are getting spoiled by some of these movies. A, because I know I'm watching them in the wrong state of mind. And I know that they're good movies for what they're supposed to be. And I'm trying to get better at being like, this is a good movie. I'm just being a jerk about it because I'm watching it in the wrong frame of mind or whatever.

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And this just wasn't a good movie. Great cast. Great director. It looked nice, but the story and the script were terrible. I'm sorry. I don't understand the movies. I don't understand the motivation for kidnapping either time. None of it made any sense. They didn't explain anything. It just wasn't a good movie.

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To be this off? Yeah.

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So it does appear that Disney had high hopes for this film. Interesting. Dadnapped was shot on a very decent decom budget of $4.5 million, and they shot it in, wait for it, Utah. We're back, baby. Finally, I feel like I haven't seen Utah in so long.

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Yeah, I know. No, I will say this. I was very impressed with Emily Osment.

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I thought for what they gave her, I thought she... She did great. They should have had her star in a number of other DCOMs because they didn't give her a whole lot and she... Every beat was real. Yes. And you easily could have made this where this was terrible. But she was great. So there's some bright lights. But yes, this was a tough one.

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Right. OK, so we asked this a couple of questions to start the show. What was your expertise when it came to Dadnaps? Had you heard of Dadnaps? Did you know Dadnaps? Were you a Dadnaps fan?

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Well, let's see what other people thought about it and let's do our real reviews. Do you want the five star or the one star?

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You want the one? All right. I will take the five star. And the five star is written by our old friend Unamid. Unamid is back. Here we go. Everyone experiences being written as a book. Every day we realize something is always missing. But in fact, it was beside us all along. Treasure someone you love and never let it go away without regrets. Five stars. I'm not sure that person even saw the movie.

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But there you go. Can you give us the one star?

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It's a logical question. One star. Okay, well, we are going to come to the fun part, my favorite, and of course, Sabrina's favorite part of the podcast. We are doing our feature game this week, and our feature game this week is called Lit or Miss. Thank you very much. Producer Jensen can come up with them, can't he? We're going to be given the names of classical books and four choices of authors.

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If we get three of five authors correctly, we win. I'm going to let you pick first every time because I just glanced at them and I think I know the answer to all of them.

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So go ahead. We're going to start. Number one, Pride and Prejudice. Was Pride and Prejudice written by A, Emily Dickinson, B, Jane Austen, C, Charlotte Bronte, or D, Judy Blume?

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Charlotte Bronte is who you think. Okay, I'm pretty sure Pride and Prejudice is actually a Jane Austen novel. It's B, Jane Austen. It's B. Okay. She had a 30% chance. Number two, Moby Dick. Was that A, Mark Twain, B, William Faulkner, C, Herman Melville, or D, Dan Brown?

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Say D. Oh my God, Moby Dick would have been great written by Dan Brown where it's like Moby Dick is actually, you know, Jesus's dad. B. William Faulkner. Okay. I'm going to go with the right answer, which is C, Herman Melville.

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Number three, To Kill a Mockingbird.

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No, don't ask your phone. Just percentage. You're supposed to get this one. Here we go. Is it A, Truman Capote, B, J.D. Salinger, C, Harper Lee, or D, Jackie Collins?

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I agree. The cast was great.

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It is C. Harper Lee is the answer to Kill a Mockingbird. She was Truman Capote's assistant and that was the book she went off and wrote on her own.

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Uh-uh. Never. No, I've never seen Dadnap.

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Why? Is she literature? She's such a big reader. Oh, my gosh.

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Picture of Dorian Gray. A, Edgar Allan Poe. B, Oscar Wilde. C, Charles Dickens. Or D, J.K. Rowling. A. Okay, it's B, Oscar Wilde is the answer.

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I don't. I don't think of Dadnap. No. Everybody knows when I think of DCOM, I think of, well, no, I'm not even going to think of it. I'm not going to say a bad title because we've been through it. Go back and watch our old feed. You'll know the ones I like and the ones that I don't like. So here we go. Floss, floss, floss. It's time we get into the synopsis.

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I mean, it's the same chances. It's A, Victor Hugo, B, Emily Zola, C, Gustav Flaubert, or D, Jim Davis. A. You're going to go with A?

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I'm sorry. But by the way, Jensen, I'm going to need a copy of Moby Dick written by Dan Brown. Sounds like a job for ChatGPT. Thank you so much, Producer Jensen, for once again making my day. That is absolutely wonderful. Can we do some Sabrina C's?

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Well, it just seemed to be written by somebody who's never really been to a con. That's what I mean. Yeah. That's what I mean. would be sitting behind a desk with his book set up and there'd be a line of people waiting to meet him and sign there. He's not just what, you're not just randomly walking around signing autographs at a convention.

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You're like, you have a table set up and people come and talk to you and do a, so they were, let's say if I'm being generous, they were playing it fast and loose with the con world.

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young melissa moore you'll understand that hopefully young melissa morris is desperate to gain more attention from her best-selling author dad so when her father gets kidnapped by obsessive fans she must come to the rescue like the protagonist in one of his popular spy novels sabrina early thoughts on dad nap take it away what'd you think

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to not ever go to them like yeah i mean again they got some of it right but a lot of it not right just way way off and i want to take you to one because they are so much fun and so inclusive and everybody's welcome and everybody can just be weird and nerdy it's the greatest thing it's awesome so fun so fun you know but i feel like that that was something that was kind of going i bet you will's

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That's the thing is 99.9% of the fans you meet are the nicest, coolest fans.

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That just, you just want to hang out with them. They're respectful. They're the greatest people in the world. It's that tiny, it's that 0.1% that you.

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All right. All right. Can we rate our film, our options for this week? Yeah. I'm not even gonna make a joke on it. One to 10. One bad, 10 good. Our options this week, one out of 10 spoiler book reports, one out of 10 legally acceptable Scrabble ripoffs.

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Onion Smells, Floss Floss Flosses, 1 out of 10 Book Splat Trip Traps, 1 out of 10 Stockholm Syndromes, 1 out of 10 Double Kidnappings, Presidential Pickles, 1 out of 10 Best Pizza Crust in Town, or 1 out of 10 Large Piles of Coleslaw. I think I get to pick this week, don't I? You do. And just because it's so difficult to say, I want to do 1 out of 10 Book Splat Trip Traps. All right, all right.

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Yeah, the cast saved it a little bit, but not enough for me. This was, I mean, it just was all over the place. This was such a strange movie. Again, great cast. I didn't even think about this before you said it, and you're 100% right. It was a great opportunity for the seconds and thirds on the call sheets to have something to do. And they all did great with what they were given.

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But the problem is what they were given was not good. Um, so yeah, this is, this is going to be a four for me, four book splat trip traps. Um, this just, this was not a good movie and some of them aren't going to be good. And I, I think most people know that we're fans and fans don't want to be, I don't want to sit here and bash Disney.

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I don't want to bash actors that we like and not every movie is going to be good. And this unfortunately is, you know, we're going to be able to count on one hand with four fingers left over the amount of Paul Hoan movies that aren't good on the Disney channel. Um,

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Yeah, no. And I think they both just think it's just weird because it is. It's just weird. It's fever dreamish. Nothing makes sense. Nothing comes back. Wait, why are they even kidnapping? It is a very strange movie all the way around.

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Yeah. Well, OK. Well, thank you, everybody, for joining us for our next movie. We're actually going to go back for a few years for a more recent edition of the collection. It's 2021's Spin. available now to watch via Disney+.

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And this week, as we've talked about many times now on our dedicated Magical Rewind feed, we are absolutely thrilled to have chatted with a Disney legend, Merv, from Dad Napped Himself and from another little something. What was that thing he did? Hannah Montana. Hannah Montana. It's Jason Earles. Hannah Banana, as he calls it. Hannah Banana. And we talk about everything.

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It was a really, really fun conversation. It really was. Here is a small taste of what's to come.

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That was a good one. And Decom Icon. Try saying that five times fast. Decom Icon. Decom Icon. In our opinion, he's great. So make sure you subscribe to our dedicated Magical Rewind feed on Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, or wherever you get your podcasts. And for more info, you can always follow us at Magical Rewind Pod on the Instagram machine. Go do that now. Thanks, everybody. Bye.

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Well, he's also a good guy, somebody I've known for a long time. That's George Newbern, who's the voice of Superman in Justice League. No way!

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Did you like the movie, though?

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Oh, Sabrina Bryan. This was a tough one for me. This movie is bananas and not kind of in a good way. This did not feel like a DCOM to me. You know what this felt like to me? This felt like a Nickelodeon movie.

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No, at all. That's why, and you know, little spoiler alert, we got to interview Jason Earles for our Park Hopper episode and I specifically asked, did this movie start with a different director and then Paul Hohen took over because nothing felt the same. The story doesn't make any sense. It is super weird. The characters are weird. The main girl is having like some sort of a meltdown mental break.

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It is this movie was I watch. I had to watch this movie in chunks like this was not a movie that I was able to sit down and watch from beginning to end. This was a rough one for me. Yeah, totally.

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Disney, Disney banger after Disney banger when it comes to the cast. Nobody's acting was bad. Like nobody's acting was bad. Not at all. This was not a character thing.

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It is. This movie for me, it was like... The things they were having this great young cast try to accomplish were next to impossible, and it was one after another.

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So much fun.

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This one didn't do anything. Oh, I know. Yeah, this was a rough one for me because we've seen some good ones.

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physical actor that like it makes it totally fine but poor guy poor guy wait this was this was a this was like a fever dream wrapped in a tab of acid that was then dipped into ayahuasca like this was a weird movie but anyway it was it was overwhelming for me for sure As we said, Dadnapped is another Paul Hohen joint, a director that we have covered extensively here on the podcast.

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He is currently at the helm of Zombies, a modern-day DCOM hit franchise, and is no stranger to the medium, having directed Let It Shine, Luck of the Irish, You Wish, Read It and Weep, Jump In, and Cheetah Girls One World. We've already interviewed this Disney legend. He's a great guy. So as we sit and patiently wait for Zombies 4, go check out our talk with him currently sitting there on our feed.

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Great interview. Awesome guy. Great director. Just didn't this one didn't feel like him. But anyway, like we said, this movie is filled with Disney Channel faces. It was a pipeline to get their promising talent into a movie. First up, we've got Emily Osmond as Melissa. Sixth sense star Haley Jo Osmond is her brother. And we just saw her in the Hannah Montana movie playing a role.

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She started in the series of the same name. Best friend, Lily Truscott. She is also a bit of a pop star of her own during her Disney days. You actually get to hear one of her songs in this movie at the end. She also released a duet with Magical Rewind Dreamboat, Mitchell Musso. And at one point, they were singing together. She was also part of the Disney machine. And she was...

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great in this movie she really was with what they gave her she carried the whole thing it was a strange character but she hit all the beats she did it very well she was funny when she had to be funny she was sincere when she had to be sincere she did everything she possibly could with what they gave her uh most recently now you can see her uh on young sheldon as mandy mcallister roshi is now revisiting in the just renewed cbs spin-off starring in george and mandy's first marriage

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And then David Henry is Weez. David is a Disney star of the past and current day is starring in the original Wizards of Waverly Place series and the current reboot, as well as the show's DCOM we recently watched for the podcast. He also played Ted Mosby's future son in How I Met Your Mother and shared the role of Ronald Reagan with Dennis Quaid in the 2024 movie Reagan.

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Jason Earls, new friend of the podcast. You'll get into it. You'll understand what that means when you go check out our Park Hopper episode. Is the villainous Merv Kilbo. Like he just sounds bad.

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Merv Kilbo. Earls is another Hannah Montana star. He played Jackson and also starred in the Disney XD series Kicking It. Fun fact, Earls also worked as the recent on-set acting coach for high school musical The Musical The Series, which is arguably the best named thing ever. And eventually appeared on the show as camp counselor Dewey Wood. Moises Arias is little brother Andre.

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Moises has turned his childhood stardom as Rico, also on Hannah Montana, into a full fledged acting career, appearing in movies Ender's Game and Nacho Libre, and was most recently seen in the hit limited series Fallout as Norma. I mean, he's everywhere. Denzel Whitaker is Sheldon and has also appeared in some impressive movies over the years, including Training Day and Black Panther Man.

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And another character actor regular that we've seen is Charles Halford. He plays the quirky skunk. You've seen Charles in a ton of stuff later in life, looking totally different now in True Detective, Outer Banks and The Walking Dead, just to name a few. And of course, Phil Lewis plays Maurice.

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Lewis is a longtime character actor as well, seen in movies like Heathers and City Slickers, but is best known to our listeners as Mr. Mosby in The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. He also transitioned into a very prolific TV director on shows like Good Luck Charlie, Mike and Molly, Side Hustle and Bunked.

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All right, Sabrina, how many of these people did you go to the Disney Channel games with and were any on your massively losing teams?

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I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. I was listening to the winners. What were you saying?