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Vincent Dowd


Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


It's a massive surprise. If you'd asked any well-informed arts journalist yesterday, oh, what's happening with 007, everyone would have said, oh, well, it's mired in this terrible, painful, slow movement. row between Eon Productions, based in London, who owned the franchise, and Amazon, who are now the distributors. As you say, basic facts, the most recent Bond film was in No Time to Die in 2021.

Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


The next year, the distributors then, MGM, were bought out by Amazon. And that's the origin of the tension there's been since, which has taken a very surprising turn today. And why do we think this is happening now? Partly age. Eon is basically Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli, who are half siblings. Michael is now 83. Barbara is rather younger, in her mid-60s.

Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


She's reported very recently as having been very unimpressed with execs at Amazon and what they might want to do with the franchise. They sort of... co-own it in a funny sort of way. Well, what might have changed their minds? I think basically they may have been made an offer they can't refuse financially. As I say, Barbara Broccoli is in her 60s.

Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


She said she wants to devote more of her life and her time to working with the arts and working with charities. She's still very active.

Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


Well, it's not that No Time to Die was a financial flop. It's made $775 million worldwide. I suspect, however, that Amazon want to make more of that. Think of what Disney did with the Star Wars franchise since they, in effect, took over from George Lucas, spin-offs, films, all that kind of thing.

Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


In the Amazon era already, you would have been very possibly ignorant of the fact that there was one non-movie spin-off, a game show on Amazon Prime called 007 Road to a Million. Nine pairs of contestants... attempt to win a million pounds by competing in James Bond-inspired challenges around the globe. It sounded pretty dire, it was pretty dire, widely considered deeply forgettable.

Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


I think it'll be another four years before we see the film. In terms of who it might be, I don't think it any longer could be Aegis Elba or Tom Hardy, who used to be the frontrunners. The years go by and they're just a bit too old now. So James Norton, Jonathan Bailey, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Paul Meskell, Daniel Kaluuya, all kinds of people.

Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


I would guess it's going to be at least a year before we find out.

Global News Podcast

Hundreds of thousands head home in northern Gaza


The upmarket, gated, fictional community of Stillwater in Cape Town or possibly Johannesburg. Sikle, a black 30-something businessman, encounters a white neighbour. And who are you? Sikle Mbak.

Global News Podcast

Hundreds of thousands head home in northern Gaza


The usual calm of Stillwater is shaken when a mysterious run-down shack somehow appears on a vacant patch of ground. Writer Amy Jefter.

Global News Podcast

Hundreds of thousands head home in northern Gaza


The design and Femi Tomowo's music suggest Stillwater's comfortable way of life.

Global News Podcast

Hundreds of thousands head home in northern Gaza


Sicle and Bonolo, the black couple in the play, have to cope with moments of condescension from their white neighbours, but not outright aggression. Jephthah doesn't portray any character as totally good or bad.

Global News Podcast

Hundreds of thousands head home in northern Gaza


The play's ambitious and funny.

Global News Podcast

Hundreds of thousands head home in northern Gaza


Those uncomfortable and very incisive moments are on stage now in London and Amy Jephter's new play should reach South Africa later this year.

Global News Podcast

Zelensky told to leave White House after clash with Trump


The theory behind the new documentary is that in the early 1960s, the US government used cultural visits to the Congo and elsewhere to disguise and divert attention from intelligence operations.

Global News Podcast

Zelensky told to leave White House after clash with Trump


Recordings by Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie and others make Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat a great listen. But at the core of the Oscar-nominated film is the death of Patrice Lumumba from June 1960, Prime Minister of the Congo, who was shot dead only months later.

Global News Podcast

Zelensky told to leave White House after clash with Trump


Many alleged then that America and the colonial power Belgium were complicit in the death, fearing Lumumba as a dangerous radical. The film's producer is Rémi Greletti.

Global News Podcast

Zelensky told to leave White House after clash with Trump


Does the inclusion of the jazz, is it partly there to make it more palatable to a general audience who don't know a huge amount about African politics?

Global News Podcast

Zelensky told to leave White House after clash with Trump


The film is a highly unusual mix of heavyweight politics and gorgeous music. We'll see what happens at the Academy Awards, but producer Remy Greletti says the film had an effect even before its Oscar nomination.