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Tom Suozzi


The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


It's going to be way more than that, even. It's going to be way more than $328 billion. You know, he's talking about the rosy assumptions. What they're doing is completely irresponsible, is they are trying to reenact these tax breaks that they gave to the wealthiest people in the country and the corporations again, and they're not paying for it.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


And at the same time, they're trying to talk about the deficit and cutting some of the most important programs in the history of our country. So it doesn't make sense. The numbers don't add up. It's completely irresponsible.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


We're very proud of our favorite son and the fact that you have broken the record for the most downloads of anybody.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


I don't think anybody in America who's paying close attention to what's going on is happy that these young guys who've never been vetted. I mean, there's a reason that we have these confirmation hearings for people to join the cabinet. There's a reason that people get security clearances and background checks because you're dealing with highly sensitive information.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


And these 20-something-year-olds who are hackers, who are gamers, who are just looking, like in gaming, looking for a win, looking for something to get, who knows what they're doing with this personal information that people have? Who knows what the keystrokes that they're leaving behind are? Who's supervising what they're doing?

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


And it's almost, there's such a disdain that Musk seems to have for the importance of government and the importance of these records. And he almost like laughs it off. He doesn't realize how serious. If you have somebody in your family, he's got a mental illness. Somebody's got AIDS or somebody's, you know, on on SSI or your bank account.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


Who wants to give out that private information to somebody who hasn't even been properly cleared? It doesn't make any sense to me. So I think that people are upset by the way this is being done so cavalierly. I'm all for going after waste, fraud, and abuse. I'm all for disrupting things, but you should have a plan at least.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


You don't fire people who are responsible for safeguarding the nuclear stockpile. You don't fire the people that are responsible for preventing the avian flu or measles outbreaks in the middle of an avian flu or measles outbreak pandemic. I don't wanna say pandemic, it's the wrong word. You don't wanna fire people at the IRS when you're in the middle of tax season.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


I mean, they told the people, they said, we're going to give you a buyout and you can take the buyout, but you can't take it until after tax season because it's too important. We need you here during tax season. Then they went and laid people off. Why are they laying off the people at the lowest level, the probationary employees, at the lowest possible salaries?

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


Why not wait for the senior people to retire? Because there's a tradition every single year in the tens of thousands of people, let those people retire and don't replace those positions. I don't understand what they're doing. It's so chaotic. It's irresponsible.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


26% of the federal workforces are veterans, 26%. So in society, 5% of people who work are veterans. 26% of the federal government are veterans. We're laying these people off. What about their lives? What about their service to the country? What about the fact that we encourage them to apply for a job with the federal government? And now we're just like taking away their livelihoods?

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


That doesn't make any sense to me. It's like you said, it's cruel. You know, it's not only chaotic. It's not only cruel. It's unconstitutional. The way that they're doing this is unconstitutional. And some Republicans, thankfully, are starting to stand up and recognize that what's happening is unconstitutional. I think they're hearing from their constituents.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


Some of them actually have a conscience and believe in the Constitution. And they realize that what's happening now is the executive branch and Musk are violating the Constitution right as we speak.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


I don't get it. I mean, in the Constitution of the United States of America, it clearly says that this is Congress's responsibility. Now, I can buy the argument that Congress has not done its job for a long, long time in trying to clean up a lot of what's going on in the federal government. I can buy that argument. I'm not going to dispute that. Why doesn't

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


Make a list of all the things that he thinks he's found that are waste, fraud, and abuse or programs that he wants to cut. Make a nice long list. Bring it to the Congress, which is controlled by the Republicans. The Republicans control the Senate. The Republicans control the House. Republicans control the presidency. Bring the list.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


to the Congress and let the Congress implement what you think should be done. But the idea of it just being done with a press release and willy-nilly and no plan whatsoever, I mean, we're not even getting to anything. They've been enumerating these things to try and get everybody all excited because it sounds so wild with no debate.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


I bet you that Elon Musk gets more in federal contracts than he's identified in things that he wants to cut. Elon Musk personally and his companies get more money in the billions of dollars, tens of billions of dollars, than have been identified in things that they think should be cut.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


Listen, I'm all about trying to work together and find common ground. I will never find common ground on this. I'm so pissed off about this. It doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. Trump came out and said that Zelensky is a dictator. That is just complete bull. Putin is the dictator.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


Zelensky was elected by 73% of the population of Ukraine in an election certified to be a free and fair election by the commission that oversees free and fair elections in Europe. Putin is the dictator. Zelensky is democratically elected. Putin and Russia invaded Ukraine. It wasn't Ukraine's fault. It was Putin that invaded Ukraine.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


Ukraine, where they are killing people, they are raping people, they are abducting children and kidnapping them, taking them into Russia and telling their parents who are working at the power plant, for example, hey, if you don't do your job at the power plant, you're not getting your kids back. I mean, it's just so cruel and so brutal what they've done.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


The idea of treating Putin like, I'm going to go negotiate with Putin and we're going to make a deal. This guy cannot be rewarded for his behavior. What message does this send to our allies? What message does it send to the little countries in the area, Lithuania and Latvia and Estonia and Moldova and Poland?

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


What message does it send to them that they're up for grabs next when Putin decides he wants to invade their countries because he's not happy with something or because he wants some assets that they have? This is the wrong message to send to China. That, oh, you go invade, you go fight. We may fight for a little while, but we'll give up in the end.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


This is an existential legacy defining moment for the members of Congress, for the Republicans and the Democrats to push back against what President Trump is proposing here. because we cannot reward Putin for his actions that are violating everything we believe in, everything that we've stood for for decades.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


And by appeasing him, we're being no better than Neville Chamberlain was with Hitler during World War II.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Congressman Tom Suozzi on Republican Budget Chaos


Hey, congratulations again on moving to number one.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

French President Puts the Dagger in Trump to All of France


I'm a person who wants to work together across party lines to get things done. I pride myself on that. I'm the co-chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus, Democrats and Republicans trying to find common ground to work to get things done. When I saw what happened to the Oval Office the other night, I was so angry. I mean, really angry, because I felt that Zelensky was ambushed.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

French President Puts the Dagger in Trump to All of France


When that guy asked him a question, he said, you don't have a suit? You're coming here without a suit on? That guy was Marjorie Taylor Greene's boyfriend. Why is he asking questions in the Oval Office? And why does he ask that question when Elon Musk shows up with a T-shirt and a ball cap on?

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Democratic Leaders Destroy Trump in Red Districts


Can I ask you, is it also a little bit because they're afraid to go up against Elon Musk and Donald Trump?

The MeidasTouch Podcast

Democratic Leaders Destroy Trump in Red Districts


Listen, everybody's freaking out. Everybody's like, I'm Mr. Let's work together, let's try and find common ground. What happened in the White House yesterday, I was so pissed off. I wanted you to get that out of your