Tim Jerns
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
Dan, it's a pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me on.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
Well, first off, that's misleading. Typical depressed that they would put it out there like that. These are optional strength and conditioning sessions that we're having. These are team building exercises, purely optional. And fortunately, I've got a great crop of young men and every one of them has decided to show up for this.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
Well, look, here's the bottom line, and you know the way it is with what you do with your radio show. Like, if you tell your people, hey, I'm having a barbecue at my house on Sunday, it'd be great if you could come by. You're the boss. Everyone knows they should show up. So, yeah, there's a little bit of that going on. People care about this team.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
You know, there's a lot of pride in my young men, so they're showing up. They're getting stronger, and while the nation is hiding, these young men are looking for an edge. Dan, I think the thing you don't understand is we're a small little school. We're a little school that wakes up in the morning. We pull ourselves out of bed by our nutsack. We get to work and we're scrappy.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
We don't have the money of an Alabama and Auburn. So while everyone else is taking a playoff, we got to go in and we got to hit it twice as hard.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
I have nothing but respect for what everyone's doing out there, and I understand what's going on, but I'm going to tell you something right now. We're being safe. We're working hard. But also, we're aware there's a greater danger out there. There's an unseen danger out there that's even greater than what we're going through, and it's called weakness. There was some controversy.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
I was strength and conditioning coach at Dawson College, a small school up in northern Florida, a fine institution. And we had a ritual before the football season would begin where every player would turn to his right. They would then produce a serrated blade and cut the arm of the player to their right and put a little bit of blood in their mouth.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
And the theory behind this was we got to lack the taste of blood in our mouths because we're not going to win just by getting five star recruits and laying back in a Barker lounger. We got to work extra hard. And we did have a player who got sick. And AD at Dawson College, a fantastic man named Ted Beeman. He sat down with me. We shook hands like gentlemen, and we both agreed to move on.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
Someone did get we don't know if it was directly from the blood, but someone did get sick. Yes, that is correct, sir.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
Well, it's not any kind of strength and conditioning is going to push people into new thresholds of pain. So I'm sure when you look at it on the printed page, it doesn't look as great. But all I can tell you is every young man who is here wants to be here. These are optional. These are not these are not mandatory workouts. These are voluntary workouts.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
And yeah, I've invented some workouts on my own. There's one where we do a fireman carry. That's two young men will carry another man up the dorm stairs. And then when they get to the top, they rotate and they carry a man back down. These are 10 story dorms. So it's a bit of a workout. There's another one. We call it 20 men in the bubble.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
And what I do is I rent a local fantastic business around here called Luby Party Supplies. We get a bouncy castle. And I get 20 young men in there. They all go down to their skivvies. They're in their underwear. And it's sort of like King of the Hill. They're bouncing around in there. It's awful hot. Everyone's grappling, wrestling.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
And you have players throwing each other out of the bouncy castle. And there's one man left. And that man gets an hour break if he wins that drill. We've got a couple others. We've got no water Tuesdays. Tuesdays we work out, there's no water. You feel the pain, you feel the burn, you plow ahead. Are there doctors around watching what you guys are doing? We have actually my my she's not my wife.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
She's my girlfriend, but she lives with me. So essentially, my wife, my wife is a school nurse at a local elementary school. So she oversees our workouts. No water Tuesdays. If anyone's feeling dizzy or anyone's feeling off, they take a little break. No one's happy about it. We may give them a little barking while they're taking the break.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
letting them know that you know we're not lacking the way they're playing it but uh but my wife she uh she oversees this uh sharon she's a beautiful woman she's 10 years my senior she's got a couple kids that i love i treat them like my own and she's there she's making sure everything is walking the straight and narrow we've only in four years of doing this program i think we've had to call 9-1-1 at the most eight times wait a
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12
Yeah, yeah. We've never lost a player. We've never had anyone suffer permanent injury. But a couple times, yeah, we've had players where we need some EMTs to take a look at them. And guess what? We're all stronger for it. They move on. Two of the players did drop off the team. But otherwise, it's about getting harder. It's about seizing the opportunities when you have them, sir.