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Tate McRae


Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It's just a little empty sounding. Totally. Like it's like full, but then also empty in a way. Like I could hear every sneaker. That's so crazy to think about. This is like crazy.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think so. Yeah. The weird part about dancing and singing is when I was a dancer, I used to like hold all my nerves in my throat.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Oh, right. And then I could just cough on stage and then no one would hear me because the music was loud.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I'm an asthma legend. Yes. So that's a crazy way.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


No, I do embrace it.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I mean, it stuck with me.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I do. I embrace it.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Right, because it's there.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I think You Broke Me first changed like a little bit and then Greedy I think changed just like the way people like maybe looked at me. Right. Just because they didn't know I danced.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Because it really doesn't... It's so polar opposite.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think it unlocked a lot for me. I think figuring out how to write over a beat that I would actually dance to was like mission impossible for me. I was just like, I write ballads and I know how to write over piano and chords and things that make me feel things. And then I basically just had to train myself to write over beats. And it's hard. It's just like a... Learning how to do something.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I mean, yeah, I think you're just times are different now. Like I used to write songs for my middle school and high school emotional self. And that was just like my form of expression and very therapeutic for me. And now it's like my career. So it feels like now I envision it on tour.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I envision it like, I think there's just like way more components that come into the songwriting room that just change it for me. And that's like very inspiring thinking about tour and thinking about performances while you're writing. It has to be.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. I love acoustic sets too. Cause then it feels like that full side of me that, you know, isn't like the one I usually do on stage.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. I think my, my real fans know that sometimes it is difficult because people only see like me doing a dance break online and they'll be like, she never sings. I'm like, fuck me. I'm singing this whole show.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I've been singing. Yeah. And sometimes they just like, they only see the dance break. So then I'm just like, oh, like, it's sometimes like, you need to watch the whole show. You don't know. You don't know the whole picture.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thank you.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thank you.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It was mostly just because I feel like the album was like a lot of it just was around like these road visuals. Every time that I would like write a song, I would just envision like a never ending road. And maybe that was because I was literally on the road all year and like felt like things were never ending.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


But I had that like constant visual in my head. So when I heard Two Hands, I was like, we could do a video like this. That could be really sick.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And then sports car just happened to be named sports car.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I mean, luckily I love tour.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think it's very fun. This is also my first time doing arenas.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Which has been like a lifelong dream of mine. So I'm very like excited for that.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It feels like a new chapter. I also, as a dancer, I feel like you are just used to just like never stopping.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I think so. As a dancer.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It is. It's crazy. It's exhausting. Honestly, that, ballerinas, I think, have, like, one of the hardest jobs in the world.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Sometimes being a pop star feels a little, like, easier in some way. Like, a little bit. Oh, my God. Like, a little more relaxing.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Of like pop girls.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I mean, we luckily, I think right now we're in a time of just like, there's so much hate on the internet and so much hate in the world that like internally, it's just like very supportive, the most supportive.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And all we want to do is see each other win. Like all my friends and I, we just have very wholesome relationships. Anytime we hang out, it's just very wholesome. I think that's very lucky right now because it is like, we all know how much we get like beat up on the internet. So it's like nice to have friends that like are actually really nice.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, it is weird. It is weird because sometimes, like, you're just like, I just started writing for fun.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It becomes huge. You're like, whoa, like, you don't expect to get... We know that you're, like, meant to be judged and music is subjective, but you never expect, like, the personal attacks. No. The war that breaks out. The war, like, you're like, oh, this is a huge deal for no reason.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And that is crazy.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I started working with her on Think Later and this album.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. I mean, Amy Allen is one of the most talented songwriters I've ever met in my life. She's so incredible. Such a badass girl. I worked with her and Julia Michaels a lot on this album. I think it's just interesting. Like no one understands a girl perspective quite like another girl. So like you can like have other producers in the room, but it's just like she gets it. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I can kind of just like say, this is happening with my boyfriend and she'll be like, oh my God, exactly the same. And it's easier to like put into words.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


But it is, it's very inspiring. We have two different like processes in songwriting and obviously different perspectives because we're just have grown up differently. So it's, it's been really fun. I just feel like I get new knowledge every time I work with her.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like, what is it?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay. Well, it kind of depends. So if I'm in the studio alone and I'm just writing on my own, someone will play chords or whatever. And I'll like sit in the corner for like a couple hours, right? Go into the studio track and that's it. Yeah. Um, if I'm with like a co-writer, like an Amy or a Julia or a Ryan, usually we'll start a beat or whatever. We'll kind of get like the vibe for the song.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Then we'll discuss what the song is about. Cause you both need to be on the same page. Right. You're working towards the same goal.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And then it usually just becomes like this, like you find the magic at some point of what the song is and what you both relate on. And then you kind of just like spit back and forth, like different lyrics back and forth. And until the song is like built.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


For sure.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. Cool.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Um, it's honestly just different. Like you, other people have different strengths. Like Ryan Tedder is so good at a pop chorus. Like, and that is his strength. So I'm just like, God, if I'm going to like melodically.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like if I want to walk into a room and I want to write a pop song, like Ryan, Amy, those are like pop courses that like, yes, usually right. The first thing they sing is like, feels really good.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


But if I'm writing something that I feel like is hard to communicate, sometimes I feel like I can't really... I have a hard time discussing my emotions. Totally. So explaining it to someone is really even more complicated. So what I do is I need to be alone. I need to have my subconscious thoughts spit it out for me. And then I can find perspective on the situation, the relationship.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Because I just really am not great at communicating. And that's why I started... writing in the first place. So, but if I have like a concept, it's less deep, deep, deep in the back of your head, then it's fine with another person.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And there's a lot of times where concepts are really obvious. And they're like, oh, this is what I need to write about, whatever. And then there's a lot of times where... You can only find perspective at the end of the process because then you figure out what you actually meant. And that just takes a lot of digging. And that's where I need to be alone.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


But if it is an obvious concept and it's just something that is happening in my everyday life, there's some things that are sometimes buried so deep that you're just like, I don't even know where this came from.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I would say an obvious concept... Like a song called Signs.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Signs is like the most obvious because I'm like, okay, can you please fucking read my mind? You need to just like do better. You need to be able to read me.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


No, literally. You should just know already. I get it. You should know already. So this was me and Amy walking in. It was a five minute combo being like literally read my mind. And then we started writing the song. So that was very obvious.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, of course. What's a Webby Award?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Quick conversation. Nothing too deep. I would say a song like Purple Lace Bra took a second to like, it was me writing some concepts on my own and then came into the room and I cracked it with Amy because I had an idea and she helped me like shape it a little bit. So that one was like a little less obvious.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Um, I've always just been obsessed with dance.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Not really. It only started to get ugly at like age 16, 17, where I was like, I want to go to high school and I want to be a kid. And I remember feeling that with like, I want to go to school with my brother. I want to go to a party.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I want to drink alcohol. I want to like, it was just like that feeling of like, I need to be normal.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, it was like, it was a catch 22 because I felt like the coolest I ever felt was when I was like in my element. Like I didn't feel like cool in school or like my personality always felt like a little awkward. And so I was like, oh, I'll feel myself when I am in my art and in my craft. And that's when people will like fully understand me.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


So it was weird because then I went to high school and I was like, oh my God, like now I have even more feelings because I feel so out of place. And it was like, I'm not at ballet school anymore. And so then it drove me after that to like, you know, I think really get into it again.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


To go back. No. No, I felt the same. High school was interesting.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Probably the same. No, honestly, it was like, it was like normal. It was just like.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Oh, whoa. Okay.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like probably Calgary. I don't know.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Congratulations. Thank you so much.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. It did make me feel a little crazy. Because I was just like, oh, I feel really out of place.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And I... And I feel so, I thought I like overthought and overanalyzed myself before this. Now I'm like, my personality is like the biggest problem in the world.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. So that's when I like really started to, I mean, I loved writing since I was a little kid. I write short stories and poems all the time. But that's when I really started to get into songwriting because I felt so fucking crazy. But I was just like... People need to understand me.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


For sure. That's what it's always been for me. It's just like...

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


literally not being able to explain myself and then being able to explain myself fully through dance and singing and feeling so seen exactly how I want yeah that's weird you feel like when you listen to your albums like is that the number one thing you want is like I feel like I got myself across there like or what is it that's the goal yeah I think it's hard to do that because sometimes you're so locked in a bubble that of perfecting songs that you're just like whoa what was that yeah but that's I think at the end of the day the goal out of every album

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I think... You need to hurt... It sounds so depressing.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


The 2024 Webby Award winner goes to Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang. Oh, my God.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


You know, I think I'm a pretty happy person.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


No, no, it was a great way. I mean, it's exactly what it is. I feel like I'm a very... normally happy and like stable person. But then there's like one little hole inside of me that's so fucking sad. And I don't know what that is. And it just like, that's what I write from.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


The answer is always yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get that. No, I really don't know what it is. It's always like, it's been since I was like a little, little kid. It might be because I'm a Cancer.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay, you're Pisces. Scorpio. Okay.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I know more about Pisces than I do Scorpio. Okay.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That we don't have the edge.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Right. We're like a little spicy, but really sensitive.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Right. Cancer and Pisces get along really well. Same with Scorpio. We all get along really well.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


We do in the ocean.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yes. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, it is. Well, I think then that clicks into my like performer side, which feels like my alter ego, feels like my side on tour, feels like the mode that isn't my like sensitive self is like what I turn on when it's time to perform.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And that's if I'm going to write that kind of song, I have to be in that headspace.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I mean, it's so hard because I try not to approach it that way because you just want to like go in and experiment for like months. And then there hits a point where your label's like, okay.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Experimentation is done. Where's the single? And then it becomes really fucking stressful because then you're just like, oh my God, what's the song? And this is where I become the most indecisive person ever.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like, my team, like, wants to shoot me when I'm picking a single because I can't decide. Don't hurt Tay.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


You can't see it. It's like, you can't see your own work when you're in the middle of creating it. Like so many words and jumbles and you're like hearing yourself talk and sing back. That's like, you can't,

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I literally cannot pick a single. It's so not obvious to me. It all sounds the same, but that shouldn't be part of your job. No, it literally sucks. It is literally part of my job and a very important.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I think everything happens for a reason.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


The reason is like, I think you can always have doubts about songs, not like things about some songs, like things about other songs and wish. The worst part is like you love things and then it's like the week to release, you know, this is the worst fucking song I've ever heard in my life.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yes. And now you're just like processing it too much. But I think singles happen for a reason. I think they've like, they make sense and the album will make it all come together.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Off the album?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay, I'm excited for Blood on My Hands. Yeah. And I'm excited for Like I Do because I feel like it's a little different.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


She's got like... Sounds great. She does sound great. I've just also never done a song like that with a rapper. Right.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I know. Major. It's fun. Major.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thank you. I love Greenlight too.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Greenlight was one that I wrote on my own. That was a hidden one where I was like, I don't know how I feel right now in this relationship. And not in a bad way. I don't know how I feel. It was more or less just being like, what am I feeling? And what I had felt was I was still hurt from a past relationship.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And then I was like, fuck, I feel like I'm like waiting at a green light. And I literally just can't press the gas.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And I thought that was such a weird feeling. And that was like the road metaphor. But that one was fun to write. I like that one too.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thank you.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Of course.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And also, you just can't unhear or undo things that have happened to you in the past.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


They're just stuck with you. You are now just a reflection of your past. And you have to learn how to have a better experience and overshadow that or fall in love again and feel the good things again. But you have to... jump off first before you fall in love.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I know.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It's so weird. Like you never do this with friendships or with things in life where... You are the closest person and then it's all of a sudden just like nothing. Like that is so shocking to the system. It's a death. Like it is a death. Heartbreak is so awful.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


There's like, oh, I was talking about this the other day and I was just like, that was one of the like worst feelings ever. Like any type of heartbreaks, you're just like, what is this? I shouldn't care this much, but I care so much.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


You can't.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That's wrong.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I agree.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay, I've thought long and hard about this because... I'm really not like that into pop culture.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay, but I will say like one moment, I was like a big Disney Channel kid when I was younger. Yeah, let's go. And I really do think that that shaped my personality. And I remember that Hannah Montana was life-changing for me.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Just like me being like, well, I have to become a pop girl now.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I have no other option. Like I have to become a pop star now because that is...

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


so sick I will have a place where I can put that version of me yeah she kind of was doing what you talked about which is like I do want to be a kid but also I know I'm a superstar and that's how they'll understand me totally so yeah no that's how I kind of felt like in high school like not to that extent of course but like a little bit did that open up like country music for you too in a way or no like did it make me want to do country music or just like did it give you an appreciation like you're like Billy Ray like who's this man who's this

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


man I can see you doing country you know what I can too because Calgary for some reason is kind of country like we have like this one month in the summertime where literally the whole place is like haystacks cowboy hats only country music isn't there a festival yeah stampede yeah so weird like it's just for one month like awesome the whole town goes, goes country, straight country.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


There's, yeah, whatever. So I'm like actually into country music. Yeah. But I did feel that like coming home, like when Miley would come home and she'd sing the climb and she'd take off her wig and she'd be like, it's just me.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I just like remember being like, this is going to be me one day. Like,

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. Manifesting. It's giving Hannah Montana. Right. Yeah, for sure.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I think that was really shoved in our faces at that age of, like, Disney Channel was glamorizing pop stars.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I remember every show, like, Camp Rock even.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That was our era. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


High school musical, they were singing. Yes. Yes, exactly. Just being, like, whoa, like... This is legit. Yeah. You want to be a star. I'm going to sing.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I just remember that feeling. Like, this is the shit. This is the only thing in life is music.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think that's the whole lore. I think that's what... I wish I could like go back and be like, oh, it was an earlier pinpoint, but really it was Disney Channel.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


No, I was still making it.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That was one that like my brain was forming. And I was, that was, I was watching that every day being like, Alex and Mrs. Waverly Place is my personality. Hannah Montana is my life. And I'm going to go do Camp Rock with Joe Jonas. Like that was like my whole like, this is going to be my life.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Oh, YTV is like a channel.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


My family had Disney Channel.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I remember YTV. Yeah, no.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, she was. She was.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Very formative years in your life.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


How did I meet current boyfriend? I have known him for three years. We've been friends. And it wasn't until last year I was in Cabo and he happened to be in Cabo at the same time. And we have never had one good interaction. We're in the same friend group. So we have the same like... And we hang out all the time. And we had never had one non-awkward experience. Really?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like a little bit. He's like, we weren't enemies. I'm like, yes, we were. Wow. We just had this feeling where like every time we would say something to each other, it was just like not what we planned to say. Yeah. Like the most social suicide moments of all time. Yeah. Like I would trip every time I'd see him. I'd like try to dap him up. I'm like, why the fuck did I just dap him up?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


So weird. I wouldn't dab up anyone else. No. Literally, I'm like, what was that? Like, I was so out of character. And I remember he used to be like, why do these friends like Tate? And I'd be like, why do my friends like Leroy? And how do we all get along?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And he texted me and he was like, are you here? And I was like, yes. And then we...

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Got together.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thank you.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think I'm so about personality. Like if we have like a funny connection or like you like get me, that's when I'll really get a crush on someone.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It's never from like first glance.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. Cause we actually had good conversations that trip and like, yeah. It felt like we finally clicked. We finally got each other.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


You were like, who's single? I was like. Oh, that's so funny. I was like, I was like. I was really in my single era.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


There was no one at that party.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I was sitting beside some people and I was like. Yeah. We're not hitting it off.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Because I've heard it's like can be the craziest thing on earth. That night it was like... It was like mid-level.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Right? Yeah, yeah, sure.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thank you for having me. I didn't know when to come in. I was like, should I sit back?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


They weren't working.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


But that was tough. I really don't like looking for guys. Like, it's so exhausting.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I'd much rather be natural. It just happens. Totally. It's like friends to lovers. I'm like that. That vibe.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That was that vibe for sure. Which felt way more natural.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I'm not like a big flirt up front.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That's not me.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It is so funny. The Tate on stage is like so polar opposite to my actual personality.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Hannah Montana. I'm going to get dragged for like.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


We all wanted to be her and she's an icon. But yeah. Yeah. So I don't know this like person that I am on stage. My mom is always just like.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like, I'm like, I don't know. She's like, you're too sexy or you're too like, it's too much. Like the eyes are too intense. I'm like, it's not me. Like, cause I have like these like lock in eyes. Like when you're on stage, it's just like, it's happening. But it's just like very different from my actual personality. So it's like shocking sometimes to my family.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


We're locked in.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


In conclusion.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I felt like it was like a closed conversation.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


She's so locked in. My daughter's too locked in.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


My alter ego kind of?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Literally. I've made it into like a joke. So I talk about it like way too much. Like probably way more than I should. But it's... I call her Tatiana.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, Tatiana. And it's just... When I go on stage, I black out. Like, I don't actually remember that much. We just, like, perform.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Right? Like, you feel like you're... It's now just, like, a thing with your body and God. Like, in the universe. And it's just, like, you get possessed. And that's the best performance. When I become too aware of, like... I always say this is like the craziest example. When you're on stage and you become too aware and too in your body, it feels like you're like manually breathing.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


You know, when you're in bed and you're like, And you remember that you have to breathe. And then you stop breathing because you're like, this is really, this is an automatic thing.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay, don't think about it before bed.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


If you think about breathing before bed, you will stop breathing. Because it is so automatic.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


They'll be fine. They're sweet. They're sweet.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


You're just, it's, and then when you're on stage and you have people watching you and you're like, you forget how to like walk and move.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I have to. Otherwise I become way too aware. Right. And then I could like do nothing normal. Like nothing is, it's just like, you have to be in a different body or a different space.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. It's bizarre.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It's like, it's crazy. That's crazy you wrote a song and then you had to perform it.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It's really crazy. No, but that's where I get like all like the, that's where I feel like the universe is just like planning everything out because I'm like, cool. These coincidences and these things happening, like aren't, aren't just like random. Like they're just meant to happen.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It does.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, they're great.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like, and I think that like, yeah, I feel like, I feel like you like know that from a young age, you kind of like know what you're going to do.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Well, the forum will be fun. The forum is going to be great. Doing a couple nights there, which will be fun. And MSG again.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I love.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I know. MSG is just special. Just New York. I just bought a place in New York. Good for you. Thank you. New York is just like my place. Yes. New York is the best. It's so magical there.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I try. I'm just like on tour a lot.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yes, I did.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I saw that at the forum.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


They're terrifying. All stans, I think, are a little terrifying. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think so too.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, that was wild.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yes, I did.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


What'd you think? We just went to Tokyo for the first time. We ate so much steak. Yes. I turned into a grain of rice. Oh my God.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like we just like, but we had like the best time ever. Like Tokyo is one of my favorite places.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. It's, I've never seen it. We, we played with pigs.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Honestly, I think the closest fangirl I've been is to Ariana Grande. I've just been obsessed with her for a very long time. She's the closest I think I've gotten, and then maybe Rihanna. I feel like those two are the girls that I'll die for.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


We did. That was like number one. Micro pig? Yeah. They're, they're like, well, they're maybe not micro. There's some big ones.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


They're macro pigs.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, those are crazy.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, and they like sit in your lap.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


No, it was perfect. And then they all stack on top of each other. So there's like eight in your lap at once.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I don't know, but...

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yours is a micro pig?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


What do you think yours is? What are your guys' is?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I don't really see that.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay. I could see that.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. Why are you laughing? I'm not laughing. I'm just like picturing it.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I feel like you're more of like a koala or something.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I feel like I would be a... Hmm... Don't look at him. I feel like you're. I want to be a cheetah, but I'm not a cheetah. You are so a cheetah. No, you're absolutely a cheetah. What are you talking about? You don't think you're a cheetah? I don't think I'm that fast.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Right. You have a cheetah energy. Really?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


She's a cheetah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I could be more of like a rhino or something.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I feel like they're like, ugh.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay, I'll take it.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, together. We're a cheetah. Because a cheetah writes, too. Just a little slower.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like a little slower than a cheetah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. Okay.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I call her Tatiana.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That was Tatiana for sure.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I've actually never committed a crime. Never? I'm a big goody two shoes.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I don't. I really do not cause any trouble. I will say.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I am good. I'm pretty wholesome.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay. Yeah, I'm pretty good at tissue. So, like, that arrest scene was funny. My parents were on set, too. Oh, they were? Was it giving a pasty vibe? I don't know. It wasn't even naked. It was a two-time. Okay, yeah. Let me say this. Set the record straight. This, like, the editing was so good that it looked like I was super naked. I was in, like, full-on, like, a workout set. Just beige.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


So I was sitting there, and I'm just doing my acting.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like, whatever. So it wasn't even that intense. Yeah. And so my parents were like, woo!

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


We're so down.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


They're like, this is pop. Yeah, this is pop. My dad was like, yes.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like, they were just like, this is really cool. And then the editing came back.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


so realistic it was giving girls gone wild it was giving like whoa like they did too good sure they did too good and the final edit wasn't until like two days before so we had been all the edits everyone was like oh this is great it was like and the final edit was like so realistic. So real. That all of us were kind of numb to it.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


So when I was like, when the internet became like shocked, I was like, oh, like I didn't really like think too hard about this.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


So that was, that was funny because it wasn't actually like, it wasn't that like naked on set.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It's okay.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I didn't take any offense to it.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay, so I can pick up pretty fast, I would say. Like, I can learn it right before, memorize it, and perform it. Like, for when we premiered, it's okay, I'm okay. Like, we learned it the day before. Wow. And then did it. Once I do the performance, it's out of my head.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I don't remember. Unless we rehearse it for weeks, and then it, like, sticks.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I have, like, no memories.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Of all time?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I need to think.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That's a hard question. And to think on that for a second.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Because that's a big one. That is a big one.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I'm still thinking. It's a commitment when she says it. It is a big commitment. I know. That's a huge. I mean, I would say like Single Ladies by Beyonce. Well, yes. Like, I just think that that was big for me.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I don't think I did. Yeah. But I just remember watching it a lot.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. I think comparisons are just hard because like obviously every person that comes onto the scene, they instantly get a comparison. People just like familiarity. But I think it's just hard because like you can't create, like recreate great art like that. Like it's a new thing.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I don't know what move you're referring to.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I'm trying to remember the choreo.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


This is cool. This one? Yes.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Do that. Do it again. Yes! Because that's getting car. That's a dancer's hand. It's like the hip wave. And then you like drive the car.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It's like giving like hip wave and then car.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yes! Yes.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


You should. You should.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay. You'll be on tour.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Of course I want to have a Halloween. Yeah. So November, because we just announced new dates.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


For now.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. So now it's November and I don't get a Halloween.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I actually haven't moved in yet. Oh, okay. I put the offer in like two days ago. Congrats.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I hope so. Sometimes they pull out.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think so too. I think I'm going to really enjoy there in the next year in New York.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I gotta.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Wait, didn't I say single ladies?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, exactly.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Cancer vibes. Well, I think... Your hand in this award right now? I know.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Uh-huh. Where?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Well, do you need some help? Like how to learn it?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I can help. If you're going to, if it's like, we should learn from you.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


This is so ambiguous.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I approve.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like zero.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Literally. Zero years old. Zero years old. Baby vibes. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


A little bit.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Is it in culture or it can just be in life?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Being that naive is a nice feeling.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


When he was in Jane the Virgin.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I like your hair right now.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, it looks really good.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It does. Do I have a good skull shape? You have a really good skull shape.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That's hard because a lot of people don't have a naturally good skull shape.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


They're frying.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


No. I don't think so.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I don't think I could buzz.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I feel like I have a strange head shape.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


What's tummy time?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Oh, I don't know. I feel like they must have forgot. Mine was a little flat.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Want to tell you about that? You know what's a tip for babies is my mom says that your hips form before you're two years old. So if you stretch your baby's hips before you're two years old, she did this to me. She would stretch my splits before I was two. Wow. And so my hips are naturally open because she formed my hips that way.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


So that's a trick. If you want to have it.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think that's most babies nowadays. It's crazy.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I did get it from my mama.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Meng flopped.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Is your hips?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Well, but then I used, you just stretch. I did really gymnastics when I was younger too. I was going to say, so they would, they would take your like first leg on a chair, your back leg on a chair and they'd sit on your knees.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


it's no that's crazy and you just be sobbing for like just like why is this happening and they're like so you can one day become the queen of the dance break literally like you like actually this is for your own good tate mccray yeah maybe that hole of pain is from that is from the tears from this thing sitting on you so you are that girl who could just whip out a cartwheel Yeah, always.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


The little, these ones?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Oh, 100%.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I was that bitch.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


You were like, Tate's flipping in the back. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Are you calling these the slutty glasses?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It's that.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Is that a weird question? I wish it was that easy. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Maybe that's what I should start doing.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thank you.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


A little giggle at the end.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thank you.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Really? Yes! I think it made my face look a little long.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That's the voice in my head. I felt like I needed a layer or something. We didn't have enough time to cut a layer, though.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


He was super nice, actually. He was really cute and sweet.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I'm allergic to horses, but I do love them.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I'm allergic to horses.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thank you. I love the slutty glass. I think it's really nice.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I had a ball routine. Yes. Where you like put the ball in between your back and you'd be like. He's like literally like do a somersault with it. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I have no idea. And I also don't understand the reason for it. Like I don't understand why I trained that hard to like fit a ball between my back and do a somersault. It's crazy.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It is, but it's such an interesting thing because it's the same with dance. Like I did a music video yesterday. I'm like, I am literally dying for dance right now. And then dance.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I'm just like exhausted, bruised, like literally killing myself and just for a dance break.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I didn't think it really fit the fit. Today is a classy day.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like that is such a weird concept.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I have bruises everywhere. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I did.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


We sat here, we were like... Yeah, it was cold.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay, okay.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Okay, so I'm only doing this because my mom just came into town. And it's just a frustration I've had... with CarPlay in my, in my car. So whenever my parents, so it's a little finicky, like the USB and the Bluetooth switches on and off a little bit, but then I get to a point where it's pretty consistent and I walk in, it clicks, whatever.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


My parents come into town and every single phone hooks up all of a sudden. And they're like, I'm like, guys, turn off your Bluetooth. And they have no idea how to turn off the Bluetooth. 30 seconds. So it's just like swipes. I'm like, mom, dad, I like grab their phones. I'm like, it is the most frustrating.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, it's a classy day.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And it's just really hard because I feel like I lose ownership of my car when they come into town because I can't listen to my music. I can't, my navigation is off and it is just really frustrating.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I don't think so, honey.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It also should just be better. I don't understand why it's not better.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


My turn isn't, yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Of course.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, exactly.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, it's not.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


No, that's scary. That is really scary.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


No, I haven't. Really? Okay, let's call her.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think so too.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Apple Maps.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Why are you guys Google Maps?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think the complete opposite.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think it's just a cleaner layout. I think that it's just less clunky. You have to zoom in on Google Maps. Apple Maps is just automatic.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Big chunk of the podcast.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thank you.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like this?

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It does feel good. It feels great.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Thanks guys.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I mean, Dangerous Woman was like my shit. I just think that Into You is the best pop song ever created.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


With love.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Please come.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That would be so fun.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think there is for that dance.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I don't think you really can.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


You can just post stuff.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And if it trends, it trends. Because it wasn't...

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That was good.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


That was good.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. That's what you want.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


To have someone else create the Apple dance. This is a marketing meeting now.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Have a glass of wine. Listen to the album. Sit back.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I think so. And like a chill.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Don't think too hard. I mean, but think hard.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Think harder. Think later.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, just completely contradicting myself. Every album.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I actually don't think so.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I truly think it is one of the best of all time. And I think it didn't at first get the recognition that it deserved.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I do think it was actually pop perfection. And I remember talking to Ilya about it, who produced the song. And he was like, we crafted it over such a long time. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, it's a perfect song. So I think Dangerous Woman was like... My favorite. There's also just like little album cuts that when I was younger were just like my shit. Just like in the car, like really feeling them, like thinking about you. I love thinking about you. And Touch It are just like.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I fully agree. Yeah. Yeah, it's like serotonin.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I've worked with him a couple times.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I've worked with him like a couple times, but we haven't released that many records together. I write all the time.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


But this was like one of my first ones I wrote with him.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Kelly Clarkson rendition of it.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


a equal passion or is that something that you discovered when you realized like recorded music could be a thing well i started off as a dancer yeah so trained super intensely since i was eight years old like 40 hours a week like wow i was at a ballet school i was gonna say your ballet train that's intense like six hours of ballet a day like very intense at one point i like literally went to berlin to become a ballerina like wow

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And then I was like, this isn't for me. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. I mean, I was 12 at the time. I was like competing in ballet. Like, I was just like, I need to, I was so creative. I just needed to like not do the same thing every day. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, I did something you could dance at age 13. Uh-huh. And then when I was 13... So yeah, I was competing my whole life. Dance was like everything to me. I was like, this is the only thing I'm going to do in my life is dance. And then I went on So You Think You Can Dance and moved to LA for two and a half months. And then got back home to Calgary and I was... I was just like, I am so bored.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like I was just on TV. You came third place? Yeah. It was, it was a really crazy two and a half months.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And I was like the only Canadian on this like American voted show. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. It was, it was weird. Like none of my friends or family could like vote in the show. I'm like, well, fuck this sucks. Yeah. But yeah, so I got home and I started this YouTube channel and I was like, I'm going to choreograph dances every week and post them every Friday and post them on YouTube. And then one day my camera broke and I was like, fuck, my camera broke. Like this is ruined.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like my Friday posting isn't happening. So then I locked myself in my bedroom and I was just like, I'm just going to write a song. And so I taught myself how to play the chords of Tequila by Dan and Shay. Wow.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Great song.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And I started playing these like C chords and then wrote this song in like two hours and then showed my parents. And they were like, absolutely not. You cannot put this on the internet.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Because there was like this.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


is like not good like they didn't get it at the time but you were in the zone you were locked the in i was locked in two hours you wrote a song i was locked in they were like can you please shut up i was like singing so much and then like blew up overnight and just became that song that song blew up overnight like got called by like 14 record labels within like two weeks

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And then all of a sudden, I was like, okay, maybe I should start songwriting more. Wow. Yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah. So, so then after eventually when I released, you broke me first at age 16, I was still in high school, finishing homeschooling and finishing everything and then doing dance on one side and then singing on the other side. And my career started to like pick up a little bit and, but I was stuck at home and COVID. So I started this like singing career, but I was like, dance is just so separate.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Like this isn't a thing that should be mixed. And so I just never knew how to connect the dots. I was just like, this will be the one side of me. And then the other side of me is just a thing of the past. And then obviously as I grew up, like 17, 18, 19, I was just like, something is like really missing. And then I ended up like being like, I want to do pop more intensely. And yeah.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And so then I feel like I've like finally found a perfect mesh of like dance and singing.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Yeah, what happened? I want to know your perspective.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It was fun.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)



Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


I was going crazy.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


Really? I was so nervous.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


It also just feels like on that stage is so small. It's so tiny. That like doing a dance break, I was like, is this kind of weird? I didn't know. I really didn't know because I was just like, oh my God, is this like a little extra to like be doing a full dance break on like a little box.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Locked In" (w/ Tate McRae)


And also the sound in there is very like

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


He didn't say anything about it. He was like, oh. He's perfect. He was like, oh, cool. Yeah. Yeah, but in nostalgia, in that line, I manifested you, we'd leave, so the day you did, I had you beat, is like a weird thing. When I write songs, sometimes it feels like I manifest the future when I write it. Yeah.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Because sometimes I won't relate to a song, and then six months later, the song ends up turning into a reality, which is really weird. Really?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I think it's like an actual form of manifestation is like writing down music. Or predicting the future because I'm a fucking psychic. Did you see that? Oh, yeah. Did you guys see that?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, I woke up and I'm like, what is happening? My dad goes, the internet thinks you're a witch. I'm like, what?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


That was crazy.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


What? You know what, though? I will say, I think I have psychic abilities.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Because before I got into that car crash, remember? Remember seconds before, I was like, we're about to get into a car crash.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And then, bang. Like, that happens, like, all the time.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Like, maybe?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I don't know. I don't really think too hard about it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Did it work? Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Aw, Jake.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Cheers to that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


They're still a little iffy on it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


No, they appreciate the songwriting.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


That, I think, is one of my most, like,

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


personal songs though it's so personal um it was like kind of based off a conversation I had with my dad just about I was in Barcelona with my dad and my mom and I was playing that like game of questions I was like drilling them like what's your biggest regret what's your biggest we're not really strangers it was that and then I started yeah I started asking a lot of questions um and then I was I was just like what's your biggest regret or like what do you wish you could have done right and he was like oh I wish I was an architect

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It was a lot simpler than this. Yes. You've grown.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And I was just like, oh my God. And he was like, yeah, I would have preferred to do that. Oh my God. Like I got so sad. Cause I'm like, you just went through like 25 years of your job and was never an architect. And he was like, but that's why I raised you to always follow your dreams. And I know he's like to follow your passions. Cause he's like, I don't want you to ever live with that feeling.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And I was just like, oh, I have really fucking good parents. But it started from that being like, oh my God, that's a lot of people. Yeah. I think because sometimes you're scared or your situation or things in life, you just go through your whole life and you're like, oh, I wish I could have done so many things. And that was really sad to me.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I like that. Well, cheers. To life.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Super Bowl weekend.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Thank you. And friendship.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Aw, Jake.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I'm really excited to perform it live, too. I think it's going to be very fun.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, we're doing arenas for the first time. It's going to be a totally different show, I think. I mean, I feel like there's way more of a story to tell. There is. It feels like that. Yeah. Last year felt a little more disjointed, I feel. I feel like this year feels like way more of like a through line.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


You know, I did say that I was, like, sports car, everybody in the arena whisper.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I like that, too. I thought about it, and I'm, like.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And I'm, like, speak up. I'm, like, maybe I shouldn't have said that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, we'll see what happens.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Chug it down. I needed that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Do you like that song?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Okay, good.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Thank you. I wrote that actually the last week when I was in New York. That was like one of the last albums or tracks I added to the album was Blood on My Hands.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Well, yeah. So I saw a healer after the leak and I was like, what do I do? And she was like, everything happens for a reason.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, she was like, this was meant to happen. And I was like, really? She was like, this was meant to happen. And she was like, now go do your thing. And I kind of like, I was like, let me get back in the studio. Let me write a couple more songs. And I actually did feel like it filled a hole in the album that needed to be filled.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yes. Yeah. I did Like I Do, Blood on My Hands, and that's it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And then, that was so cute of you. Because I'm obsessed. That was so soft.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, it was really funny. Yeah, we just, honestly, we were in New York when we finished this song, but. It was really interesting just, like, watching him do his process. Yeah. And then, like, I was really nervous. Like, getting on the mic, I was just like, close your ears.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


No. I was just like, don't listen to me.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


But he was, it was fun. Like, we just had a, it was, I've never really collaborated with someone in the studio like that. All of my past, like, kind of collabs have been, like,

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And yours were Signs and Purple Lace Raw.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Means I Care.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


That's what it's called, I think.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It's Means I Care, I swear.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I think so.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I feel like there's I think I really wanted a lot of vocal layering throughout the album, which I feel like I've never done. I've always done just like one straight vocal pass and that's it. A lot of vocal layering. I feel like I'm singing in, like, falsetto in my higher range a lot of the album, which I like.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


But, yeah, it feels like a mix of, like, really hard production and, like, really airy vocals. And that's kind of what I wanted, like, taking some reference from, like, Lana, taking some reference from, like, some early 2000s records. Obviously, like, Nelly Furtado. Like, just, like, those kind of songs. But then also... Yeah, what else did I take reference from?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Hi, Taki. Hi, Tati. How are you?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, of course. But I do think like sonically I was pulling from... Yeah, I was listening to more like R&B music this year, which I think influenced it in a way. Yeah.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I mean, I listened to SZA all year long. And then I went back and listened to Drake's Take Care again.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It's one of the best albums ever. It's so good.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yes. I love that song. I know. That album is so good.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I'm good. I'm so happy to be back.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, okay. I think the one of them that I really love was, and I manifested you would leave, slid day you did, I had you beat. Love that one.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It is a very, like, visual song. I feel like that song was so fun to write with another female, like Amy Allen.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I can't believe I was your first guest. I can't believe that you've been doing this for like a year and a half now. It's crazy.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


She's amazing. Yeah, it was me, Amy, and Emile Haney. And it was just interesting because we were dancing on like a fine line of it feeling like sensual and sexy and like pretty. But then also like being a really heartbreaking song about how I was feeling. But it was like a really weird line that was like teetering. And I just...

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I remember we were like talking and we were like, oh, like in a relationship when a guy is like not hearing you. It's like, would you hear me more if I talk to you like sex?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And I was like, oh, that's such a crazy thing. Like they're willing to watch, but they're not willing to listen. Yeah. And so we were like, that could be, it felt very like relative to my dancing and my singing and. my relationship with that. And then also just like some people's relationships as girls, just like not feeling heard unless you're like, you know, appealing to somebody else.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I'm a little nervous. I think I just don't know. Like, like some of these lyrics are a little crazy for me.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I've just been writing songs since I was 13. Right. They've started at age 13 lyrics, like...

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Like, there's a girl and she's heartbroken.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, like, I have songs called, like, So To My Ex-Best Friend. Like, I literally have songs like that on the internet. So to watch, I think sometimes seeing, like, a jump like that, like, I'm always just like, are they going to stick with me? Like, are you going to stay with me? Because they have until this point. But it's just, like, progression.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I was really nervous about Purple Lace Bra because of the lyrics.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I don't know what version of the bridge you have.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I'm not going to say it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Um, but, uh, that song, I think I was a little nervous for, um, I'm like forgetting the whole album. Yeah. No worries. Like I was a little nervous for sports car. I was terrified for sports car. Yeah. Because I usually like a really melodic chorus and also the whisper was really freaky to me.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I was just like, this is like a coin toss for me.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And also my mom was like terrified for me to release that song.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


She, you know, my mom, she was just like, are you sure? Like, this is straight. I was just like, mom, it's like, I'm like, it's a metaphor. Think about it that way.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. think of a sports car um yeah i think i was really excited for the visual of sports car and i was really nervous for the song and i think people will like it i loved that music video yeah that was the most amount of looks you did in one day right yeah 12 looks all archival like it was those looks were like me playing dress up all day was there a favorite look you did

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, the cheetah corset was one of my faves. I loved that look. I thought it was so chic. And then there was also this pony look that was so cute. And I just thought my hair was blown out.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


No, that's the horse look.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


No, there's a pony look.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It just looks like a pony.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I'm so tired.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And now I know... Jake has no idea. No, I do.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I'll show you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


My phone is gone. I don't know where it is. But I love the horse look. I love it. That was a Versace look, which is really cute.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


All the time.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Tom, Allie.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


So, no. I don't know the dances yet. Um, the only, yeah, I don't know that we only, we only have like a couple of weeks before rehearsal.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, it is really quick.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, we were freaked out for that. That show was stressful because I, A, was nervous about our bit because I'm like, my grandpa was standing right in front of you and I'm like, oh my God, if he blocks the shot and gets in front of Jake.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


He would have. He was so confused the whole show. He got it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And then I was like, oh no, like on stage, like what if he blocks Jake and then Jake can't see me? Yeah.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It was nerve wracking.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It was also just like you having a mic in the crowd and us having an interaction. Like, I was like, this could like be really bad.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


We nailed it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. And then I left. And then we did good.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


But when I was doing Grave, that show, I just remember I was like singing this ballad. And the whole time I was like. Like, because I was just practicing in my head. Oh, no way. Because I had... We just, like, were like, if I forget this choreo on stage, like, I'm fucked. Yeah. Like, we just learned... It hadn't, like, cemented in my brain yet.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It was so intense.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


If I messed up, the whole thing would have been thrown off.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I know. And that was such an exciting moment for me. Like, I was, like, premiering a song, like... If I mess this up, it was all like on video too. So I was like, if I mess this up, I'm going to cry.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Headsets are so complicated.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


You have to like tape down your head. It's so much easier to hold the microphone. Yeah. It really is. Like headsets are just a lot.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh my God.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


People thought I was, like, foreshadowing the head mic. Like, they thought I was, like, foreshadowing it. I'm like, fuck the mic.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I mean, I'm not great at titling things. The problem with titles is like... It's hard to capture a whole body of work in like three words or one word. I think... I just felt like at some point in the album, I always have to have some sort of epiphany about life. I need to have some sort of reason for why I'm doing anything. Otherwise, I feel like I'm driving towards nothing.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It was so sick. Well, I think someone bumped my arm, and because I had, like, because I put on, like, lots of, like, lotion. Yeah. It was, like, oily on my hands. Yeah. And someone bumped my arm, threw it at me, and I was like, fuck. Like, of course tonight is the night that, like, this happens.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I was nervous.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I was nervous. I think it was because of It's Okay. I was really stressed about that. And then that happened, and I was like, Jesus Christ. Like, there's nothing I can do.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, it was fun.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It was a milestone. And, like, my whole family was there.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I know you did.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


With Grandpa. My grandpa kept leaving in the middle of the show to go grab, like, the never-ending sushi bar.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


There was so much sushi there. He, like, got, like, because we were there, I was just like, oh, you can sit in, like, I think he was in the owner's box or something. Then he kept, my mom was like, Papa, stop leaving. Like, he kept leaving the show to go get sushi.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


He did.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, he took videos of like every single one.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I know.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, how do you watch and take videos at the same time?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I wonder if he's, yeah.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Go for it, Jake.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It was so fun. Haley is such a badass person. Honestly, one of, like, the coolest women on set. Like, she was so supportive the whole time. She was watching the whole shoot. She knew exactly what she wanted, the poses exactly. And it was really cool to watch her do her thing. Like, she really, like, is the mastermind behind that whole operation.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And that's the thing is like it's just cool to see someone work that hard and put that much effort and time into something and actually do so well.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. It was really fun. It was great.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Thank you. Of course. Jake knows everything already.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I didn't. You didn't.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I know. I know. Well, yeah, what should we talk about now?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, you did. You did egg me on. And...

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It's not good enough.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


But it is funny, because it's the first time, because I feel really bad about saying mean things in songs. You do. But I think we channeled something that day.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Where I was really mad.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. That was funny.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yes. Can I go pee first?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And then I came up with So Close to What, which is exactly how I was feeling. I was driving towards nothing. I was like, this strive for perfection, this strive for the next thing, this strive... for just like finding like who you are is like a never ending loop.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh my god, Kate, tell me what's wrong.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, what I'm a therapist about?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Okay. You know what? Let me see.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


There's a few things.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Like the feeling when your mom comes into town and she's like, I'm going to drive your car. And then she doesn't unlock the door and you're stuck like pulling on the door for like five minutes. That's really annoying.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I do, though. Like, a little bit. Like, it's... It's there.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Right. I'm trying to think of something that makes me angry.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


But then one of the other worst things is when your parents come into town and then your car play connects to their phone.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And I felt like this in my career, like I was just on tour, like, you know, you make music, you, you feel proud of something and then there's, you don't feel satisfied enough with yourself and then you keep going, going and going. And it's like, when's the point that it like, when's the finish line? When's the point where you feel like you've like are, are fully satisfied.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Then you're like, turn off your Bluetooth. I'm like, I don't know how. And so she's like trying to turn off her Bluetooth and I'm like driving. It's just such a frustrating.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. It's just like chaos because all you want is music in your car. Like the last thing you want is for your Bluetooth. So it would not work.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


In my car, with my speakers.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I always forget you can't drive. Are you ever going to get your license?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I don't know your skills. You could be good, like, silently good.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I feel like it is, too.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


That would be your car.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Jake, this needs to happen.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Aw, that's perfect.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Did you learn how to drive a little bit?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. It is a little scary at first.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. Yeah. It is a little scary at first.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I failed my driver's test three times the first time. And then when I got to L.A., another three times.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It's because it's this thing. It's this thing that happens when, like, I get nervous. Like, for example, like, when I'm going through customs, like... I'm always convinced that I'm, like, going to lie to them. What do you mean? Or, like, I'm doing something bad or I'm, like, a criminal. And I'm, like, going to, like, walk through and they're going to, like, catch me.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It's the same thing with driving. Like, I'm always, like, convinced, like, if it's just, like, a situation like that where it's under pressure, like, I will just do bad or lie. Right. Because it just really stresses me out.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I know. And that's what happens on my test. I just, like.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I can't do it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Um, and so that was like kind of where the idea came from.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Like in what sense?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Right. Hmm. I feel like I feel like a lot has changed and like nothing has changed.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. Yeah. I feel like we've grown as people.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Right? No, we definitely have. Yeah. So, like, we definitely, we have.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I think so, too.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


We have.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I think you're buffer than last time. Right. Yes. I think, I think you're, yeah, I think you're slimmer. I think you're buffer. I think you got arms now. Like that's changed.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I remember telling you. Yes. I feel like, I mean, Jake and I, obviously, we still work out together. Every day. Every day. But I like, you're like very specific points in the process where I'm like, okay, well, this might be happening. This might not be happening. I'll show him songs. Like, this is the next single. It's not the next single. I'll be like, so it's just, it's funny.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, okay.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, I was a bit more apprehensive.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


True. You know what? Okay, then I'm going to give a real answer for you. I feel like you are way better at dealing with your business. Like I feel like you've become quite the businessman. Like you know your shit. You know what I mean? Yes, I do. You've built quite the, like, enterprise. Like, you've, like, your start, like, it's pretty impressive.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And also a year ago, like, you were just starting your podcast. You're like, maybe I should get outside of TikTok. Maybe I should whatever.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Me and Jake just gassing each other up for one hour. Sometimes we need it. We do.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Cheers again.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I'm so proud of you. Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Is she developing feelings?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


What are you going to prescribe?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


If I cut you off, it just means I care.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, she said she's scared. She said, she said.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yes, exactly, Ashley. That's what I'm saying.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


That's what I'm saying. Yeah, you know what? Yeah, that's sweet. I think, actually, no. No? Well, she's asking if she should, like, kick him out or not.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, maybe some space. Make him, like, miss you for a second, and then pull him back in if you're developing feelings.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Wait, so you guys are going to like ski down a hill?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Hello, Jake. How's New York treating you? Your place okay in LA? Hey, hey. Jake. Hey, hey. Sorry you messaged me during a crazy time, but I'm back. How have you been? All good. Been good. Are you coming to Aspen at any point this season? I am. You know what? I actually am. In two weekends. Okay, that's brilliant news. Let's do ski, do drinks. Are you coming with friends? Okay, he's into you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Message me close to the top and I'll plan something. Perfect. Work, Jake. Right? No, it's good. It's going to be fun. You guys are going to have a great time.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Aw, that's sweet.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Really? I was going to say the opposite.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


But, yeah, I think... I was going to say focus on school. Don't worry about a girlfriend.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


That was back in August or something.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Did you guys talk?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


That's crazy you remember that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Okay, so you say focus on a girlfriend. I say focus on school.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


So what do we beat in the middle? Is there a song called Balance?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


No. Okay.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Pilates is great for you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Well, that's the thing. It feels quick, but also I've been writing all year. Even when I sent you Greenlight, it was a totally different album.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, it feels like you're, like, doing something.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, it's, like, the toning of your body. I would say get into it. It's not that hard.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yes, it's a little therapeutic. It's very therapeutic. It's, like, nice. You're, like, working out. You're stretching. I think it's really good for you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


My favorite... My best body is when I'm doing a lot of Pilates. Yeah. In my opinion.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It is hard.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Me completely. I'm like, it's not that hard. It's hard.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


You have. I have. But I think that's also your shit. Like you like that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, you were going at it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


But you're also really strong.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. Yeah.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I don't know. Don't get back together with him?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Like... I don't know.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, you're just, like, reflecting on your past. Like, I think you're just...

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


remembering faces like your your dreams are just a production of all the things that your brain has accumulated in your life and your subconscious replaying it back and like sometimes it doesn't have to have like meaning or it's not like a message it's just you thinking just because you're thinking about that person doesn't mean you miss him no or you need the back in your life

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Okay. I'm down.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


That's great, Jake.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, exactly.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I think it's not embarrassing at all. I think it's sick.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. I think it's like. Having an in to one of your teachers is great.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Okay, I will.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yes! I was in the middle of the night the other night and I was like, it's Entourage!

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I forgot.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Entourage. Because you said it was a thriller. You were like, it was a thriller. And I was like, oh, what thriller? So I told you to watch. And then I was like, fuck, it's Entourage.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Have you seen Entourage? No. Have you? Guys, you have to watch Entourage.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, my God. I would never talk to her again.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Are you fucking kidding me? Is diabolical work. Are you serious? I would never forgive them ever, ever, ever.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It's definitely not.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Ew, what the fuck?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. You know, stop being friends with this girl. She sucks. Yeah, she threw away your pet hamster. I'm so sorry.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh my God. Oh my God. I would never speak to them again.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I would be devastated.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, I would definitely like.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, this is interesting because you should try and figure out why you have anxiety. Like your friends should be the people who comfort you the most. Right. When you're going out, you should want to, I feel like, yeah, whoever you're going out with should be like your comfort person and you should be able to go anywhere with them.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


But I don't think it affects anything. I don't really go out that much and I have a lot of friends that do go out and it doesn't change anything.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, exactly.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


You also don't want to hit a point where you're, like, five years from now and be like, oh, I wish I didn't, like – I wish I did more or I wish I went out more. I wish I experienced more. Like, it doesn't hurt to try.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, it feels different this time. I don't know why. It just feels, like, different.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


No, because then you kind of miss college.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


But you don't have to go out every night. Like, it's not a – A thing you have to do.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It's getting weird, I think.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I don't think...

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


What? He's more weirded out than he should be. That is weird.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Like, you know what I mean? Biting your toenails?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Or is it fingernails?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Biting your toenails? You should stop doing that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Healthy. Like, that's not hygienic.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I saw that, too.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I think so. It was a lot more bold. I think the things that I was, like, if I was beating around the bush before, I wasn't beating around the bush this time.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I feel like I've given horrible advice.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


We have contradicted each other at least three times now.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I have given no prescriptions... I've given lousy answers.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And no solutions.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I'm disappointed in myself. No.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. Aww.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Right. Wait, what did you just say? Sorry. Repeat that. What did you just say there?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, you should be able to tell your best friend anything. Right. There's an episode of this in Sex and the City. Prescription. Prescription. I don't know what episode it is, but there is an episode where they talk about this. Like, they're all just talking about boys and they realize that it's not about boys. It's about their friendship.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. I need to re-watch the episode to really get the gist of it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


If you watch Sex and the City, there's usually a solution for every girl situation.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


You have to watch it, Jake. I wish we had more prescriptions.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Anything else?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I wish you had more prompts. It's like four.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I had some shit to say.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


What time is it?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Okay. Eyebrow piercing. Okay.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Um, no, because I don't think she really cares about piercing. So, but I feel like if it was like a tattoo, I'd be nervous.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Me too.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, same actually.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, I think my mom would be like, why would you get that? And then I'd be embarrassed.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Exactly. You can take it out, feel good about yourself.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, I mean, 1989 is just my shit.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Like, Wildest Dreams and Style are perfect songs to me.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Style and Into You by Ariana are the two best pop songs.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. Those two, I think, are actually perfect.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I knew you were going to say that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


That's so funny.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I'd also play the one.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I love that song. When I went through a breakup, like that was the song I played on repeat. Like that song made me sob.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Like I can't get over it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. Puss in Poems.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Um... What did we learn?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


We are awesome. Once again, we're perfect.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


We changed this year. We grew.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. We also learned.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, like why are we such, why did we become such lightweights?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


What did you learn, Jake?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


What did you not know?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I mean, yeah, it does sound like a relationship song.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yes, for sure.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah. That's what I learned. I love that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Shut the fuck up. Stop.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, yeah. That felt like a good intro, especially because the tour is named Miss Possessive, but. I also just – I felt like a lot of this album was focused on, like, stepping into my 21-year-old, like, woman self.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I love you, Jake.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


We'll do this again next year.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I love you too.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Bye, pussies.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Got you on the hook.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And so I feel like this album felt a lot more feminine than previous albums, especially Miss Possessive, because I kind of like the fact of just, like, owning – the fact of being, like, back the fuck up from my man. Like, you don't usually want to say that, but I'm like, yeah, fuck yeah, I'm going to say that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Okay, yeah.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Okay, what did you think it meant? I thought... I mean, because it can be a couple different meanings.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I'll explain. Well, so yeah, it can be interpreted as a relationship as well. But I remember I was actually on vacation. I remember when I went to Bora Bora this year.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Right after your tour. Yes. And I had like a week off and I was just like, I was just like writing things in my journal and reflecting on life. And I kept writing like, would you hear me more if I acted like this? Or would you hear me more if I talked like this or if I wrote like this? Feeling like sometimes I just like wasn't being like heard.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And then obviously like I dropped a couple of music videos and It was just interesting. My relationship with the media this year was kind of like what this song talked about. It just kind of felt like, you know, I would feel confident one day and empowered one day and feel like in my own skin and then it would be completely misunderstood the next day.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And as a girl who's trying to figure out, you know, try to feel comfortable in your skin for the first time, that's such a conflicting thing to go through. It would just fuck with my head because I'm like, okay, Am I feeling confident and sexual or am I feeling sexualized right now? I really don't know the difference. Right, right. And that was, like, really weird.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


So I think this song was kind of just, like, my conversation to the media being, like, I don't think you're, like, really listening to what I'm saying.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Or what I'm doing. Like, at the end of the day, like, even if the video is a video, like, it's okay, I'm okay, which is a pretty... crazy, like, video, you know what I mean?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It's, like, for me, it was about, like, the art of it, like, the pop of it and the culture of it. And I think sometimes, like, that can be just, like, misinterpreted a lot. Yeah, all the time. Which is a frustrating thing to go through.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, and it's weird, too, because, like, just, like, getting that many opinions, you know, I'm just, like, some days I walk in, I'm like, oh, my God, like, I feel crazy.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Um, cause I would know. Yeah. You nailed it. That's exactly how it feels sometimes. But it is, it is conflicting because you're like, I am like me and you are like, we are putting ourselves on display.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Right. Yeah. It's, it's weird. Sometimes it's hard to separate like the art of it and yourself because you feel like it's sometimes always a personal attack. Sometimes you're just like, oh, my God, am I a bad person like for doing this or for like getting one hate comment? You just feel like the worst person alive. And sorry. No. And then you like that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


I mean, I wasn't going to really say anything. Yeah. I was just talking.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Oh, the problem is I search for it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


My therapist actually told me the other day, she was like, you are addicted to finding the hurt in situations. She's like, you dig for it. I look for it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And that's so not good.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Until you find it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, it's very masochistic.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It's like, what is it? Like you like love the toxicity of it. You enjoy the torture of it. Oh.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And I really was like, text my managers. I'm like, we should get on this. And I, like, didn't really feel like I was that affected by it until, like, an hour later. I was just, like, sobbing for 10 hours straight. Because I was just like, oh, my God. I didn't really realize how much I cared about this. Like... This is my whole life. These aren't just, like, songs. Right.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


You start to realize, like, there's a lot of shit that gets put into these songs and real stories. And then for it to not be delivered the way you want it to is a frustrating thing as an artist. And also because, like, things weren't done... It was five weeks until the release, which is crazy. And it kind of just, like, you feel like you kind of just get...

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Like, just sobbing. I'm like, let me just talk to my therapist real quick. I'd, like, walk out on the street, be, like, shivering. It was, like, so cold.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


She's great. Yeah, she's amazing. She's really great.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Shout out, Debbie. But we were... I was, like, called her, and then I came back in. I was like, I'm good now. Like, I feel like a different girl, and then... 30 minutes later I'd like start crying again because there's just nothing you can do.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


And you, and I think especially as like someone who, what you do with like art is you, if something sounds off, you go in and fix it. If something is weird, you go in and fix it. And I'm very, um, if there's a problem, I find a solution immediately. And I was just like, Oh my God, I can't find a solution to this because I literally can't do anything because they already have it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


So I think, yeah, that was frustrating. And there's, I mean, it's okay.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


That means so much to me. I'm just like, fuck the leakers. You suck. What else are you doing with your life? Nothing. Nothing. It just, it was just, yeah. I don't understand how people would do that, but that happens all the time and it's fucking weird.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Yeah, I did.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


Forgot to leak this.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


It was sick.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 58: Tate McRae Returns


mean yeah that's what science is right that's literally what i'm like yeah that is such a good um description of it actually i fucking love that song and the note change at the end is so everything to me yeah the key change oh yeah that one that one is fun i think it's just so funny being like can't you just read my mind like when you played that for leroy was he like lol You know what?