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Tara Stewart


Global News Podcast

'Peace must not mean a surrender of Ukraine,' Macron says after talks with Trump


It's a bit like a hearing aid for the nervous system. What the stimulation does is it basically amplifies the nervous system's ability to send signals and to recover. It sort of reactivates that dormant tissue, if you like. That then sort of gets everything moving and with the exercise alongside it helps recover what functions can be recovered.

Global News Podcast

'Peace must not mean a surrender of Ukraine,' Macron says after talks with Trump


From a participant point of view, incredibly simple and totally non-invasive. What happens is they put electrodes over your spinal cord on the outside of your skin where they wish to stimulate your cord below wherever you've had your injury. And then they just turn the machine on and program it. to deliver the stimulation.

Global News Podcast

'Peace must not mean a surrender of Ukraine,' Macron says after talks with Trump


And as a participant, you can barely feel it, actually, it's not painful at all. And then what you do is you do very specific tasks, which are function based to help recover the functions that you want to regain, like the hand grasp or stepping or sit ups or something like that.

Global News Podcast

'Peace must not mean a surrender of Ukraine,' Macron says after talks with Trump


Certainly, I didn't recover quite the function that some participants did, but I did see improvements in my breathing function and in my torso function. But what has also been interesting, as happened with me and some of the participants, is we've also seen the gains continue after the trial. So I am starting to get movement back in my legs and starting to be able to move my legs forward.

Global News Podcast

'Peace must not mean a surrender of Ukraine,' Macron says after talks with Trump


So that's incredibly heartening as well. And so this is a fantastic start and the first, you But we do have lots of other therapies that can pair with it because it will have a different effect on different people because the amount of spare tissue left will vary from person to person. You know, for those people that need extra help, we're looking at plasticity enhancing drugs.

Global News Podcast

'Peace must not mean a surrender of Ukraine,' Macron says after talks with Trump


We're looking at intermittent hypoxia as another therapy, all of this sort of thing. But the big thing we need is the investment to get it to the next stage.