Sue Braykane
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
We haven't put together necessarily straight up figures. Every field's going to vary enough. As we look at doing our in the fields, the efficiency of the field and how you're set up. So we're in wide, flat, open area up here where you can run a half mile through very easily. You get into down south, we get into some cut up acres that roll up and down the hills.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
Northwest you've got some really steep banks up as you get towards Ryan and Danny's backyard where all this started at and the ability to go through those fields on the drone screen when you're mapping a field out there's a big efficiency and I can knock out the waterways, I can take out the terraces so the drone knows to stop and start within different areas of the field and make sure you've got a buffer zone for the outside edge of the field depending on what you're spraying or get away from tree lines so you don't hang the drone up if you're running your own or one of our guys is running.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
So the efficiency to me is I think there's some savings on chemistry. We can take out those waterways and some of those terrace lines that are not traditionally taken out when you're doing, whether it's a flyover or whether it's a ground rig, everybody can run across those with the booms if they're able to drive it or up in the air.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
So I think the efficiencies and the savings is the chemistries and how the operator effectively maps out that field to run in it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
Oh, it is. And you look back at the imagery, you can try patterns across a lot of fields. We had a guy call and he's looking at the manure application. It was custom done, nothing wrong with custom done, but you can break on your own equipment too. Not every sensor feeds back to a cab to know that you've got a blocked line or you've got something going on. So what do I do? There's an application.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
If you're widening a spot, you could do something with a drone to maybe pick up and feed some of those spots, but you don't want to mass produce nitrogen across the acres. That's a lot of volume. but there's ways to treat areas as you go across or know the area that it affected from a perspective of the acres too.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
So my background is completely agronomy. We farm in southern Iowa, mix the cattle country and row crop and alfalfa for our own operation, but I played in the seed industry for several years and worked in and out of that. I got a chance to work with an equipment company. I love the new equipment, wondering what can you do with it, what can be next.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
I like the technology perspective, and so for me it was an intrigue of, hey, we're looking at growing and we've got this company going, would you be interested? And I thought, you know what, this is It's a new thing. I like to learn it. It's intriguing to me to see what else you can do with things.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
Okay, so I'm Sue Braykane. I'm down out of Winterset, Iowa, and I'm actually the economic director for the company. So we're working on Different applications, what can you do with the drones from imagery sources to, and taking imagery in the field, learn about your cropping system that's going on, and then what do you do with it? Can we seed, spray, prescription map? What are we working with?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
A lot of opportunities are presented to us because you couldn't get a ground rig in the field and a lot of places where you had way too much water consistently, how many ponds you get, what can we do with those, you know, can I seed over the top, can I spray, what just a lot of opportunities we weren't planning on.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
But we got a chance to get in the field where a lot of times they couldn't with other equipment, so it worked out well for us.