Stan Shambling
Health Chatter
So the the. The patients that you have seen that have this tendency, how long does it take before they seem to be getting
Health Chatter
He's a wonderful colleague, got wonderful background, and hopefully he can give us some insight into this subject of narcissism. So let's start it out, Brandon. Thanks for being with us. So let's start first by defining for our listening, what is narcissism?
Health Chatter
So we were talking about particular professions, I can imagine people in the entertainment industry could also embrace some narcissism. All right, so what feeds narcissistic behavior?
Health Chatter
Hello, everybody. Welcome to Health Chatter. Today's show is on the issue of narcissism, which is an interesting topic that's got some interesting thoughts behind it all. And we'll get to our guest in a second. We've got a wonderful crew, Maddie Levine-Wolf, Aaron Collins, Deandra Howard, and Sheridan Nygaard do all our background research for us and do a wonderful job. Thank you to them.
Health Chatter
Yeah. So let me ask you, are there, you know, you think of like a, a chronic disease, for instance, if you think about heart disease, you can think about it in it's mild heart disease. It's or severe heart disease. Are there levels of narcissism or once you're not, once you have any kind of narcissistic behavior, you have it, or are there some real severe cases or are there mild cases?
Health Chatter
So give me the positive spin on it then. You said you liked it. So far, it kind of seems negative to me, but go ahead.
Health Chatter
So it seems to me that, um, part of it for a, um, a narcissistic personality is helping them learn how to be more tolerant. Right. Of themselves. Of themselves. And then hopefully that'll play out, you know, in how they interact with others as well. So let me ask you this. Are narcissists personalities, are they more extroverted or introverted?
Health Chatter
That would be hard because I would think that, you know, when they reflect on, um, you know everybody being you know dumber than they are they they have to sit down and and and think about that that kind of maybe puts them more into an introverted um component as opposed to dealing with people all together right right kind of an interesting so tell me um What about medication?
Health Chatter
Is there medication? I don't know if there, from what you're saying, I don't know if there necessarily would be medication for narcissism, but maybe the things that come from it might have to be treated with medication of sorts.
Health Chatter
So, you know, I'm thinking, you know, highs and lows too. Um, you know, you think about, um, Well, let's just take politicians, for instance, where they go through elections and there's this, you know, there's incredibly high level of activity and then they lose. OK, you know, they lost the election and all of a sudden, shoop, they aren't that.
Health Chatter
enter of attention or yeah we would call it back to reality but but what you know what then you know that real high and low high and low yeah you know entertainers might might go through that as well you know where they're really high you know in front of audiences etc then all of a sudden they aren't doing it yeah um so anyway yeah clarence
Health Chatter
Yeah. One last question before we end our show with you is, do you think that people oftentimes just have narcissistic moments? It's like, I can think of, You know, kids, for instance, you know, they're on the soccer field and all of a sudden, you know, one of them gets this great goal. OK, you know, this extreme happiness or this extreme whatever gives us that perhaps that narcissistic moment.
Health Chatter
Good, good, good, good clarification. Final thoughts, Clarence. Brandon, thank you.
Health Chatter
If you write a paper, my final thought is if you write a paper on introvert, extrovert and narcissism, we're going to have you back on the show.
Health Chatter
Thanks so much. So for our listening audience, we've got great shows coming up. We have a show actually that could be linked to this down the pike on loneliness. So you wonder whether or not, you know, narcissistic behavior oriented people are more lonely because of the type of behavior that they have. But that's coming down the pike. We also have organ donation. Great shows on Health Chatter.
Health Chatter
So, Brandon, thank you so much for being with us today. And to everybody out there in our listening audience, keep health chatting away.
Health Chatter
Matthew Campbell is our production director. manager gets all the shows out to you, the listening audience, and also Sheridan does our marketing as well. So it's a great crew. Thank you to all of you. You're second to none. Clarence Jones is my partner in crime on this podcast. We have a heck of a good time doing it. We chat a lot, not only online with our podcast, but offline too.
Health Chatter
So I've got two questions here. Are people who are power hungry, are they typically narcissistic?
Health Chatter
So are there particular professions that tend to be more narcissistic? Like, you know, just that comes to my mind are like politicians. Are politicians more narcissistic? Do they kind of have a narcissistic tendency?
Health Chatter
So he's a great colleague. Clarence, thanks. You're absolutely wonderful. Human Partnership is our sponsor for our shows. Wonderful community health organization. Check them out at Check us out at I'm Stan Shambling, co-host along with Clarence. And here we go. Today we've got Brandon Jones with us, who is the Executive Director of
Health Chatter
So can narcissism, first of all, I can't, you know, people come, let's say to you as a therapist, do they come to you knowing that they have narcissism or do they come to you knowing that they have particular issues and then narcissism is identified as the problem?
Health Chatter
of the Minnesota Association of Children's Mental Health. His background is in sociology, community psychology, marriage and family therapy, psychotherapist, professor, and behavioral health consultant prior to his leadership in the Minnesota Association of Children's Mental Health.
Health Chatter
So as I hear you speak about this, it seems to me that maybe narcissism per se is not curable, but all the sidebar issues that come from narcissism can be dealt with. Is that a reasonable...