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Special Agent Ted Hallow



Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


I'm Special Agent Ted Hallow with the FBI. On March 29th of 2012, Special Agent Jolene Godin called me up and said that they were working on the Samantha Koenig disappearance and that they had made an arrest. And that this individual was Israel Keys. My partner at the time was Special Agent Colleen Sanders.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


We would listen to the interviews of Israel Keys, usually in the morning, because some of the topics are just so dark and grim, you don't want to go to bed with that in your head. One point during our interviews with Israel, he makes a comment after his daughter was born in October of 2001. He didn't want to do anything that messed with kids.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


It left us wondering, well, does that mean that he would do something prior to that that messed with kids?


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


Julie Harris was a big media story at the time in rural Colville, Washington, and that was right where Israel was growing up.