Simon Armitage
Global News Podcast
Dismay in Ukraine as Russia and US reset ties
If you're feeling upset about something or want to express yourself, it's quite complicated and expensive to stage an opera or throw a pot. But you do have access to poetry because for most people language is a free gift. It's something that they've learned before they even know it. And if you have that and something to write with and on, you're away.
Global News Podcast
Dismay in Ukraine as Russia and US reset ties
One of the things that's happened over the last few years is that we've become more and more isolated and solipsistic. And as an invitation in a center like this to gather for younger generations, it's absolutely imperative that we invest in places where people can communicate face to face and learn how to disagree and be accepting of each other's opinions. Why Leeds?
Global News Podcast
Dismay in Ukraine as Russia and US reset ties
This is my part of the world. I'm a professor of poetry at Leeds University. And there's been a great appetite and energy for this idea shown from Leeds right from the beginning. There's also something of a drive in Leeds towards making it A city of language and literacy. Beyond that, it's roughly in the middle of the country. It's very well connected.
Global News Podcast
Dismay in Ukraine as Russia and US reset ties
We've already got a huge number of national institutions in our capital. But I think of late there's been a sort of philosophical move towards decentralization, which reflects really what's happened in poetry as well. And I think it's just more reflective of a plurality within the art form.
Global News Podcast
Dismay in Ukraine as Russia and US reset ties
Yeah, exactly. And the area of Leeds that we're talking about is typically diverse. So yes, when we talk about...
Global News Podcast
Dismay in Ukraine as Russia and US reset ties
und wir sprechen über Sprachen, sprechen wir über dieses große Wachstum, das die Poesie in unserem Land wirklich genutzt hat und von dem viele, insbesondere jüngere Menschen, eine Art Ausdruck finden, um über ihre eigenen Leben zu sprechen und was die Welt für sie bedeutet, durch ihre eigene Sprache.
Global News Podcast
Dismay in Ukraine as Russia and US reset ties
Es gibt wirklich keinen besseren Weg, mit deiner Identität in Kontakt zu sein, als durch deine Grammatik und deine Syntaxe. The UK Poet Laureate Simon Armitage.
Global News Podcast
Dismay in Ukraine as Russia and US reset ties
If you're feeling upset or want to express yourself, it's quite complicated and expensive to stage an opera or throw a pot. But you do have access to poetry.