Salama Ramia
Global News Podcast
The rebels turned rulers providing law and order in Syria
The search just began today. France have sent the plane study coming for the flight with the help with medicine, with everything. So the searches are just starting today. But we think that there will be many people. We told people before the cyclone that if they were not safe in their house, they could come to those houses. But most of them didn't come.
Global News Podcast
The rebels turned rulers providing law and order in Syria
And so as we don't see them today, we're supposing that most of them, unfortunately, things happen to them.
Global News Podcast
The rebels turned rulers providing law and order in Syria
Today, the one officially is 11 people. But the problem is that we are a Muslim island. So in the religion, people must be buried as fast as possible. But we're supposing that, like you said, the government is supposing more than 1,000. But those are suppositions. We're waiting.
Global News Podcast
The rebels turned rulers providing law and order in Syria
The urgency for me today is water and food. And then, of course, is electricity, because we are in the dark. We don't have any water, water to drink first, but also water for the houses, for everything. So people came from France, so they're helping to open the road. Security, we have the army who are starting to arrive. So those two things are okay.
Global News Podcast
The rebels turned rulers providing law and order in Syria
Today, we don't have no water, no electricity, and even no connection. No one in Mallorca can reach anyone else. The phone is not working. Mine is working because I have one from France.