Sabrina Limon
Deadly Mirage
You keep saying it's God's plan. What? I tried to figure that out. I have no idea how could he be gone. So I have to put my faith in God.
Deadly Mirage
I mean, there's no way that Jonathan's the one that murdered Robert. I mean, there's just, there's no way.
Deadly Mirage
Our friends, friends were having a party and they were fire department people. And I said, are you going to that party kind of thing? And then he's like, well, maybe I'll see you there. Like, what's your number? And I had never given out my number to like a stranger before. And I did. I instantly like felt guilty, like, oh my gosh.
Deadly Mirage
But then he called and messaged me and I was just like, oh my gosh, like I got myself into it. So I didn't answer it or respond. And he apologized. He was like, are you married? I'm so sorry. And then I put, yeah, I thought that you knew that.
Deadly Mirage
You know, the funny thing, after I told him I was married and he was sincerely sorry, I didn't feel that bad. Because I'm social, I talk to a lot of people, and Mom and I were open. Like, Rob was, he was pretty casual with me.
Deadly Mirage
And we have had open relationships, parties, and just kind of like that kind of a lifestyle. More like, now the kids weren't exposed to that firsthand.
Deadly Mirage
That's where the door opened. I hate to talk about him, Ellie, you know, because I don't want to dishonor him.
Deadly Mirage
Robert had found my phone. Tell me about that. He's like, who's this dude? And he'd seen him out once before. So he was just like, you know, what's up? How did this go down? And I just kind of told him, like, I don't know. It just happened.
Deadly Mirage
Jonathan apologized to Robert. Talked to him. He apologized to him. And we felt bad. And Rob and I just kind of kept going. And Jonathan and I stopped talking.
Deadly Mirage
I'll say yes, they have. I think I've explained just like times we went up there and the building, how the building was, you know?
Deadly Mirage
I don't. I don't know why I told him that. It was in conversation. I don't know.
Deadly Mirage
Yes, after seeing the video and conversations, it could have been me, but it could have been planted. We could keep going over all these things. They could say this, we could do this, you know, kind of thing. We went over a lot of that kind of stuff, like a lot.
Deadly Mirage
He Said, She Said
I never wanted to believe that Jonathan was the one that did this. Ever.
Deadly Mirage
He Said, She Said
He was like nobody I'd ever met before. He was very, very intelligent. I felt like I was with the human dictionary.
Deadly Mirage
He Said, She Said
He knows what he's doing and everything that he does. Jonathan controlled me through carrying his Bible with him everywhere that he went and using that to guilt me, but also make me feel safe and secure and like I was doing right, I guess, even though I knew there were definitely things I was doing wrong in my life.
Deadly Mirage
He Said, She Said
Yes. I played into dreams and life with this guy, but had a life of my own as well. So it's hard to explain today, that's for sure.
Deadly Mirage
He Said, She Said
Because I was embarrassed, and I just felt like that was an embarrassing, personal, private lifestyle that I didn't want known.
Deadly Mirage
He Said, She Said
Along with my own, because that's not how I wanted Rob to be known at all.
Deadly Mirage
He Said, She Said
He had told me that, you know, just the dangers of what could happen when an affair is exposed, how the police think and how they work. So he kind of, he just started scaring me, I guess, with how it could be portrayed.
Deadly Mirage
He Said, She Said
I guess my guilt of being in a relationship with him. I didn't want it to be him at all. I don't know.