Richard Bigg
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
It's important that we find ways of keeping you informed of progress, but also we really need to understand, while we've got this opportunity, what we do going forward and we want your input on that. And that's why that October engagement session has been done. It may be an evening, it may be over a weekend, we're still working on it.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
But we want as many people as possible to come and tell us what they feel the future of live theatre arts culture in our borough would be.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
I'd urge every member of the public to write to the government and the Arts Council to ask them for funding, because the more funding we can pull together, we know we're going to need money. There is no question. It's going to cost money.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
Myself and all the executive have been pushing for the survey. We want to know what we're dealing with and what the cost implications are. I think it's well understood... Sorry. Sorry. We've been pushing for the survey. We obviously haven't got a survey yet. As soon as we've got... Sorry, if you keep in track, I will have to ask you to be quiet, please, while I'm speaking. Please.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
What the cost implications are. I think it's well understood that we are not the owners of the theatre and that we lease it from the owners. This has necessitated discussions as to who and how should pay for both surveys and ultimately the work to rectify the issue. The motion that was put forward in July wasn't costed.
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And therefore, rather than rejecting the motion, as stated in the papers, I'm proposing that we defer it until we have that information for better and more meaningful discussion about the motion when that information is available. And that will be both the survey and the business case. And I'm therefore recommending that Recommendation 5 on the paper is reworded
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to defer the council motion of July 23rd 2024 until the appropriate information is available as set out in paragraphs 24 to 29 of the report.
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We actually have an opportunity now to evaluate what we need for the next 40 years and how we provide that. We have more and more groups looking for dance studios, rehearsal space, as well as businesses looking for conference venues. Now seems to me to be the time to discuss how we deliver this. That's why we have the consultation event in October.
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We want to provide the best we can for all our residents. It's important all the way through this process that we do everything we can to ensure a long-term future for live theatre and the performing arts, whilst obviously ensuring value for money for all our residents across the borough.
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Firstly, they wholly own the theatre. They also have a contractual obligation to the providers of all their events in the theatre. Their part of the contract is to provide a space. To meet that obligation, the cost of their temporary theatre was £2.7 million. Work has started on repairing the roof.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
It's a fairly simple roof structure and therefore has made the job easier and they're planning to complete the work sometime nearer the end of 2025. The planned works and upgrade to the Orchard Theatre have been planned for a number of years and had already been budgeted for within the council's budget. The cost of the works to the Orchard Theatre is between £10 and £11 million.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
I also understand there's been some comparisons between the library and the theatre. Whilst there was some rack in the library, I understand in a plant room, the construction of the library ceiling is fundamentally different to that required for an auditorium roof, and the cost implications, again, are different.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
It's also worth mentioning that Surrey had also budgeted for refurbishment, similar to Dartford, and therefore already had money available within existing agreed budgets.
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I will continue to do everything I can to ensure we secure the very best provision for arts and culture, for live theatre, for performers, for musicians and for backstage technicians, not just for the medium term, but long into the future.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
I would ask everyone here to take part in that process to form the future and make sure the youth of the future have got lots of opportunities within this borough.
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As you know, the pop-up has got to close, and we're not sure exactly when that will be. It's under... different circumstances and unfortunately not able to be discussed at the moment, but I've had with Councillor Michalowski a meeting with the belfry to find what other opportunities we can use when that one closes.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
So we have started those discussions and hopefully that gives us some opportunities with the belfry working together.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
The medium-term plan will be a plan based on not having access to the theatre and having access to the theatre. We've got to have both of those because at some point in that medium term, but long term, we may well need a much bigger theatre. We may well not need a cinema. We may well need more dance studios, more performance space, more art gallery space. All of those things we may need.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
in the future, in the long term. And that's a lot more. But they need to be started, as Councillor Terry asked me earlier, they need to be started at the same time, those conversations, so that we can provide and we can adapt while that medium term's going on. And that's what I expect us to be doing.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
As we explained at the beginning, when you don't own the building, it's always more complicated because there's costs involved. If you're living in a rented flat and there's a major problem, you don't go and pay for it. You ask the landlord to pay for it. And those sort of conversations have to go on. So I am going to actually turn to our head of property, Dan Jones.
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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more
Thank you. The business that it brings in to Redhill, £618 per £1,000 of ticket sales. So for Redhill, that's £618,000 of business that is potentially affected. What that figure doesn't take into account is the additional business that the rise with the light has brought into Redhill. So it's a little bit of a different balance.
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They're two very different buildings. One is an auditorium. It's a very large, very large expanse of roof. The library isn't that. It's a lot more complicated with the plant because all the plant is sitting on our roof and it's not in the library, so there are a lot of factors that make the difference as to where we've got to, and as to the library refurbishment and the timeframe,
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that's been set by Surrey County Council and I know Dan has been in regular conversation with them.
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The temporary theatre in Dartford costs £2 million per year, so five years is £10 million. That's a lot of money and they spent £11 million on refurbishing the theatre as well. So I don't think it's a cheap option. I did speak to Trafalgar and the reason that they had for temporary theatre was because they had a very tight contract with Trafalgar that they had to meet and deliver.
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And one of the conversations I had with Trafalgar was because of the nature of the temporary space, they had to cancel and compensate some of the pre-booked projects that should have been going on at that. So it wasn't a perfect solution either, and it was a very expensive solution, but they had contractual obligations to do that. I want to find the most cost effective
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because my priority is bringing the Harlequin back, not providing a temporary theatre of 500 seats. It's much more important to get the Harlequin back.
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The council were contractually obliged to provide the space and Trafalgar provided the content with agreements for community use during the course of the 12 months, each 12 months. So, yeah, it was a council obligation. As far as insurance is concerned, I'm afraid I can't answer that. That would have to be either finance or our chief exec.
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it's become very clear that both we have lease obligations we have community obligations, and we have obligations to arts and culture, all of which will come up at the executive. But I think it's fair to mention now that I've already had meetings with officers to ensure that we find a way of allocating within our funds £10 million for the refurbishment of the Harlequin.
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It will have to go to full council, it will be debated, it will be a recommendation that the executive will put forward, but the plan is to find a way to allocate the funds to alleviate many of the fears that people are showing.
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So what's coming to the executive is a number of options to provide temporary space while we rebuild for over three or five years the Harlequin. So no, absolutely not. There will not be no provision. We're hoping that provision will be available very, very quickly. And some of it is already available. So it's not about waiting for five years. It's three to five years to get the Harlequin back.
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But there will be options coming to the Executive on the 30th to meet those needs of the community as much as we can within the borough.
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A lot of this will come to the executive on the 30th and I think let's not presume those sorts of things until we've seen the papers on the 23rd. I think that will answer a lot of the questions from now chair and hopefully councillors will bear with us while we sort that out.
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I haven't seen all the recommendations coming through yet. They'll be in the papers on the 23rd. I have said consistently that at the moment we haven't found any suitable temporary venue. we have to consider the cost. I know people think that there's a money tree somewhere, there isn't.
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My priority is to get the Harlequin back up and running, partly because of our lease obligations and partly because I genuinely believe that it's a huge asset for Redhill and for the borough and for the wider area. And I've met lots of people over the past year that have expressed the importance.
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Groups like Seability, and I know the importance of the theatre to them and the fact that they've got one space that they can get used to and understand where they're partially sighted. So there's lots of reasons to get it back up and running as quickly as possible. and I want to make sure that we're concentrating on the right thing.
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I have to say that it was fantastic that we put up a big top, but it took a huge amount of resource for five months that we lost, that that resource could have been working on the Harlequin. Those sorts of things, we have to balance them out. So for me, the most important thing is to speed up as much as we can the return of the Harlequin. And that's what we'll be concentrating on.
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But obviously, we want to provide temporary provision in the meantime. And we're doing everything we can. The team have been working fantastically hard to find solutions. And all those solutions will come. And there's still time for them to find a 500 seat option. But I haven't heard from them yet that there is one. And the priority must be working on the Harlequin.
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Those sorts of options may well come to the executive. But I think you do a little bit of a disservice to all the community groups that are providing those services and have worked to find solutions to obviously a difficult situation to make sure But those are provided for the residents of the whole of the borough and are going on. You talk like there will be no provision.
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I have not said at any time this evening that there will be no provision for five years. I've said exactly the opposite. But this constant talking about one particular size venue... when actually the community groups that use our space require all different sizes. So we must do the cost-effective thing to provide for our community groups. That's what we'll be doing.
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That's what will come to the executive.
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So I think let's not do a disservice to all the fantastic groups that provide all those services to many of our children all the way across the borough and will continue to do while we go through this very difficult situation and I think that's the most important thing that the service is provided and we will do everything we can as a borough to help provide that and that's what we're doing and that's what will come to the executive in January.
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So I thank you Chairman, that was a bit of a rant but... Thank you.
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Thank you. We had to get the full survey done to get a full understanding of the situation. And because it's not an individual ownership building, it was, to be honest, complicated and took some time. And we regret the time that it takes. We've said that at the August meeting. We said at the July meeting. What I can do is work as fast as we can going forward to get things sorted.
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And now we have the full report. Now we understand. the obviously quite serious nature of the RAC that we have in the theatre and in the auditorium, we can move forward. So, yes, it's not perfect, but we did need all that information before we can move forward. Now we've got that, we move forward at the quickest pace we can. So, thank you, Chair.
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to help with the Hunt for a Temporary Event? A great suggestion, Councillor Green. Thank you very much. And yes, absolutely. The more we can do, the more we can help these groups. And they all have, and that is one thing I realised in my conversations, was they all have different needs. And so there's no one-size-fits-all.
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And I think we have to remember that the Harlequin wasn't just a theatre event. It was a lot more than that. There was rehearsal space, there was office space, there was the bar, there was the cafe, there was meeting rooms. All of those things, all used by the community, but all were quite different.
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And they don't have to be in one place, but we have to meet the needs of as many of those community groups as we can for all different reasons. And I spoke to one that's a group of 20 people that meet once a month to have coffee and have a chat and talk, and they're in a church at the moment, and the church has accommodated them just over the road, and they're carrying on with their meeting.
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But absolutely, that venue and more like that can make a difference. So absolutely, I appreciate your comment. Councillor Walsh?
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I understand the strong feeling and interest in resolution of the situation with Harlequin, as demonstrated by the public attendance today and at previous meetings, and also through feedback received at last October's public engagement sessions and the numbers who attended the public meeting organised by the Reigate and Redhill Society in December.
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I think we can all agree that none of us wanted to be in this situation, but the safety risks associated with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete are paramount. I would like to draw your attention to a few points. The critical red nature of the RAC panels means that this is going to take some time to resolve.
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The papers include indicative costs of 10 million pounds to tackle the RAC and reinstate the Harlequin broadly as it was. However, we will need to consider whether our ambitions should be bigger and be mindful of the uncertainties which surround the cost of RAC removal, both of which could result in a larger capital budget requirement.
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At the 30th of January Executive, we will consider specific recommendations relating to supporting previous community hirers and investing in arts development, with further Executive reports required regarding the future of the Harlequin in the Warwick Quadrant and the potential for an interim fixed venue.
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I do feel it's important to acknowledge the competing pressures and priorities for how large amounts of public money are used and the importance of ensuring that we only pay for what we are responsible for. Finally, I would also like to note the representations I have received directly from members of the public, and I'd like to thank them for that.
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And also to reassure them that as an executive, we will take their views and ideas into account when considering the way forward at the end of the month.
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I think I said at that meeting optimistically to three years and possibly up to five years to get it back. I don't think that's changed from the conversations that we've had so far, but we need to get further down the road and then we can start putting proper dates on things.
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The other thing that we're looking at is the opportunity as to how the theatre is actually managed and the method of delivery. I mentioned Trafalgar earlier. They run 22 theatres, many for councils across the country. They arrange the shows and everything else and obviously the staff are Trafalgar staff.
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So I think we're going to take this opportunity to look at the best delivery method for the maximum amount of arts and culture that we can deliver through the theatre and find the best solution. And obviously we now have that opportunity to do that locally while we do that. So that conversation will go on.
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None of the groups run all-year-round events. There's a comedy club that is on a monthly basis, but most of them need a specific time. So the amount of time was about, off the top of my head, and I haven't got my paper with me, About 12 or 13 weeks that community groups use the Harlequin. So it's what you do with the other 39 if you're providing a temporary venue.
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So at the moment, as far as temporary venues are concerned, we're looking for a mix that suits certain groups. And that work is continuing. And a lot of that information will come to the executive on the 30th.
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We know for a fact that not just one facility will cover the needs of the community based on what we know the needs are and also what's available within the borough. It's going to be a mix and part of that mix will be available all year round, and part of that mix will be available at certain times. So it's not one or the other because it's not one building.
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The likelihood is that initially there is no availability within the borough for that big. So unfortunately 500 is not practical at this stage with the facilities that so far we've looked at as a temporary measure.
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And at the executive, we will find out exactly what the officer's final thing is, but I'm trying to give you some early advice that the likelihood at the moment is that we haven't found a suitable arrangement for something of that size and the cost. And if we've got to spend the money, I want to spend it straight on getting the Harlequin back and up and running, to be honest.
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We have got a limited team as well, and so I really want them concentrating on getting the 200, which is already built, the 200 potential CETA there, and getting the Harlequin back on its feet as quickly as possible. And there's every chance that if we're focused, that five years, which I always said was worst case scenario, could be four years or three years.
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But let's concentrate on the things that we can do quickly and efficiently and not be distracted by something else that, as we've already said, the actual site that was looked at and potential actually doesn't work for a number of reasons.
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I would think as it's financed, that would be Councillor Lewinsky that would answer that one.
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We've just started on local government reform, and we don't know in three years' time what the priorities will be of a potential unitary authority. So our job as a council at the moment is to try and secure as much of the non-statutory services that we provide, as Rygate and Vance did, for long into the future.
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Absolutely, as a council we would support, but long term we must make sure that it's there as long as it can be, and that means making it as self-sufficient as possible, which then takes away any potential risk. So that's where my ambition is, it certainly won't be guaranteed, three, four, five years time, we need to make sure that it's not coming up on the radar of any future unitary authority.
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It's a rebuilding process that we've got to go through. My personal view is, yeah, if we can make it bigger, better, stronger and still keep the timelines that we're aiming for and costs that we're aiming for, then obviously that probably adds some advantage to the flexibility of the space and therefore the potential of income generation as well.
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But I think it would probably be better if I asked Dan Jones to give a more detailed answer to that.
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I would ask all visiting members just to be conscious that some questions could be regarded as part two exempt. So I would ask you very carefully to consider your question before you ask it.
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I think it depends on the layout that is approved, which we can't do until this meeting has agreed whether that's the right way forward. Is that correct?
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I know some of the equipment has already gone out and is being used in different areas across the borough, and I would hope that we would be very wise and very prudent in using that equipment in any temporary space that we did, providing it's safe to remove it from the building.
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We don't want to buy new if we're going to throw away perfectly good stuff that's already sitting either in the weller or in the main theatre, for example, or the foyer or anything else.
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I think we've addressed an awful lot of what you've brought up already this evening. We've also addressed the fact of the temporary theatre and let's be honest, we've mentioned two or three times in the past about the cost of the temporary theatre and the plans that I've seen had about £2.8 million to put it up, £400,000 to run it each year and no guarantee of...
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input on that and no cost for taking it down and restoring wherever it was put afterwards. So there was a lot of elements within that that I think would have taken our eye off the ball and I'm not sure how many times we have to say we are going to rebuild the Harlequin before someone says, oh, you actually said you're going to rebuild the Harlequin.
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I feel that I've been saying it constantly for months and months and months, and it appears to have fallen on deaf ears because people are still telling me we're not committing to it. We have process. I have to say on the report, the report I know that Dan Jones will work extremely hard and quickly with the team that he's already put in place to provide that report.
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It then has to go through the procurement process. And the procurement process for a local government, just in case you're not aware, takes a minimum of 12 weeks. So that's three months. So we can't do much about that figure because that's set as a process that local government has to go through. So by the time you take that out, we're actually only giving Dan and his team...
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about six or eight weeks, about 240 hours, to produce a very complicated brief, ready for getting the right people in to rebuild the Harlequin, which we've said we want to do.
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Maybe I should stop there and let you come back.
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I do feel, Councillor Essex, you probably answered your same question there. Apart from throw loads of resources and get a second team, all the time we're actually focusing on sorting out... a temporary venue, we're not concentrating on getting the harlequin back.
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And with the threat of local government reorganisation coming up in two or three years time, the last thing I want to do is spend money and time doing a temporary venue and we get to the point where the minister has locked the safe and we can't deliver the theatre that I've promised.
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And I want to keep to my promises. I try to keep to them all the time. And therefore, I think our focus must be... particularly as as you said we don't know under a shadow authority and everything else what potentially can happen so we need to make sure that we've done everything possible to keep our eye on the goal really which is to reopen the Harlequin Theatre.
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That's what we said right at the beginning we would aim to do and that's what I want to do. But I'm certainly happy to sit down and talk the options through but I genuinely do not want our team directed the wrong way when we have a goal. We need to meet that goal and everybody I've spoken to right from the early days of closing it has been quite clear
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that their aim, what they want us to do, is reopen the Harlequin. So now, I've said we'll reopen the Harlequin, and we've put 10 million pounds in, they've now said, oh, now we want a three million pound temporary venue. You know, the focus has always been on getting the Harlequin reopened. That's where I've asked the officers to concentrate.
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We have got the potential of doing a temporary option that could well become an additional performance space for the borough going forward. So I think there's a lot of positives in this and I really feel that this is constant on the temporary. We are looking at other options. We've already We've found another option for a 300 seat performance space that groups have been invited to.
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73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
Unfortunately, they haven't been able to make the visits that we've put on so far, but we'll continue to do that, and we will continue to investigate other options, but investing Two, three, four million pounds over two, three, four years when our actual aim is to deliver the Harlequin again seems to me to be taking our eye off the ball somewhat and I don't want to do that.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
So I have been listening but I also listened to what people were telling me at the public consultation and well before. They want their Harlequin back. So that's what we will be concentrating on doing.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
We hadn't had all the surveys done in the summer of 24. They weren't done until September, October 24. But I think the other two questions, and I think we've touched on it about procurement procedures, but I will ask Dan if he could just come in and clarify it.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
It definitely was on the long list, Jonathan, sorry. It was on the long list, I'm sure.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
No, no, no, no. The long list was produced.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
You asked us to commit. Always committing to me sounds like a promise. And the only thing I can say is we will do our absolute best. The LGR decision on whether Surrey are in the first phase, which will be rushed through, or the second phase.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
So perhaps on Tuesday I can come back to you and tell you the likelihood of doing that. But we will do our absolute best. That's all I can say at the moment to make sure everything's signed up and running before any sign of a shadow authority because we want to get it open.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
We said a performance space at Christmas. I think we did a big top the year before that was, I can't remember the total number. So if we were talking about a temporary performance space for the winter, that would have been around those numbers.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
Thank you very much, Councillor Harrison. So I take on board what you're saying, that the number wasn't in there, but the performance space that we'd already done before for the Panto was an option and was considered.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
I appreciate and take on board the fact that the figure wasn't actually in there, but we would have assumed that.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
Councillor Essex I apologise when you listed 150, 200, 250 I thought your focus was on the numbers. I didn't realise your focus was actually on the all year round so I apologise for my interpretation of your comment. With respect it's both.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
I appreciate what you're saying. I think, you know, we need to move this on. We have a lot to do tonight. We've already said that I'm happy to talk to people about the temporary, but at this stage and at this meeting, that is not an option on the table. So I think, you know, it's been mentioned many, many times, we've put in lots of other options within this paper to try and...
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
help as many of the groups as possible and as I've said and repeated I really want to concentrate on getting the main theatre done and I do not want anybody distracted from that.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
So I think I'd really like to move on from that because it's not on the option, it's not on these papers, it's not a recommendation and I think I've given visiting members quite a lot of latitude tonight because obviously of the importance And the fact that we have public guests here as well, I think I have given it quite a lot of latitude.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
But I really think we need to move on because we're not going anywhere. We're going around in circles. So can I please move on now to part two?
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
It's now recommended that members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business under section 100A, open brackets, four closed brackets, of the Local Government Act, 1972, on the grounds that one, it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph three of part one of schedule 12A of the Act, and two, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
We're now back in part one, which is public. Because there's eight recommendations, I'm going to do them one at a time, just so that the executive are comfortable. So to the executive, recommendation number one.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
is support previous community hirers with alternative rehearsal performance space solutions where appropriate through small enabling grants subject to annual budget approval. Do we agree? Agree? Thank you very much.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
Number two, to support the expansion of the council's existing arts development offer, supporting arts development opportunities in Redhill and Boroughwide subject to annual budget approval. Is that agreed? Agreed. Thank you. Agreed to maintain the Harlequin Services net revenue budget for 2526 at £360,000. Is that agreed? Thank you.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
Agreed to allocate up to £10 million for the Harlequin Theatre and cultural offering in the borough. Is that agreed? Thank you. Agreed to receive a further report on the future of the Harlequin in the Warwick quadrant in June 2025 with the report seeking budgetary approval
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
and authority to appoint a client design team to work up costed implementation plans and delegating discussions with the head leaseholder of the Warwick quadrant in order to agree costs and responsibilities and timeline to the director, property services manager, legal services manager and chief finance officer in consultation with the leader of the council and the portfolio holder for finance and assets.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
Is that agreed? Agree to receive a further report in June 2025 on the detailed costed feasibility and potential operator analysis for around 200-seater Redhill performance venue, which could cater for commercial and community hires, including capital and revenue budgetary recommendations. Is that agreed? Agreed, thank you.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
Item 5, the Harlequin Theatre.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
To delegate decisions regarding the operational implications to the Strategic Head of Communities and Wellbeing and Head of Green Spaces, Leisure and Culture in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, the Leader of the Council, the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Sustainability and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Assets. Is that agreed?
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
And finally, number eight, that we note the motion that was deferred by executive at their meeting on the 15th of August, 2024, and conclude that where possible, the principles of the motion are being addressed in the recommendations set out in this report. Is that agreed? Thank you very much. Thank you. And thanks to visiting members for their input on that item.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
It was important that we discussed it in depth. I move on to Item 6, Council Tax 2526, where Councillor Lewanski will be supported.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
It can't be put in the capital programme. until the actual amount is known and a lot more work's got to go on before that, which is why it's an allocation rather than that.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
Some may have seen a sketch in there of a potential layout to Unit 5, which is literally an artist's impression. I've been asked by Surrey County Council to highlight the fact that although the picture showed the word library on it, there is no intention of the library moving from where they're rebuilding it to this unit. So it was a little bit of artist's...
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
interpretation and a bit of license from the artist. So I just wanted to put that on record. The work continues from the conversation I had with the portfolio holder today. The work continues on the library site. So I just wanted to clarify that.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
I'll go to Councillor Moses to answer that first.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
The level of interest we've had for the smaller space and the potential of it wiping its face as a facility means that there's every chance that we can continue it long after the Harlequin is reopened and we then end up with the potential of two performance spaces. which will cater for even more opportunities. So whether that's comedy or music or performance arts in one way, shape or form.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25
So I think it's really promising and I hope that we can do it. It's certainly, I think, the ambition of this council to do that.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more
All right, let's do this, Critical Math. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? All right, good morning and welcome to Critical Math 3.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more
Thank you all for being here on this lovely, sunny Sunday morning. This is going to be amazing. We're going to have a brilliant, brilliant ride together. We are taking over the roads, Critical Math. We are taking over Red Hill this morning. I know all you kids are amazing bike riders, but we need the adults to stay with the kids. So we do ride on open roads, and the other lane will be live.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more
The pace of this ride is slow. Please don't think you need any energy drinks or bars. It is a slow five kilometers. We set the pace of the ride by the slowest people. We've got some small kids here, which is amazing. We stay as one group, we don't want cars in the ride at all. Marshals will be managing the junctions for you, managing the traffic.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more
We have a guest to start us off, it's Peter Stewart from the Planet Ridegate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more
Yeah, it's brilliant. The atmosphere makes it, Peter, it really does. You just see the joy on people's faces to be able to ride on the road safely as a massive group. And there's music and everyone's ringing their bells and the public are waving. It's just great.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more
We went through the middle of town, we turned right at the Belfry roundabout and did a big loop round past the Sun pub in the middle of town so we had all the people looking at us there and we did another lap back round past the station and then we headed south down the A23 and then into Earlswood and did a bit of a lap of Earlswood.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more
I can just see delight on people's faces. The really small kids, this would have been their biggest ride they've ever done. And it's an achievement for these really small, only four or five, for them to ride a proper bike ride like this. You could see it in their faces, the joy and the achievement. And for families to be together and to be able to ride on the roads is a real treat, I think.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more
It's a great cause. It's brilliant to make it happen. In these times of division and argument that we see in the world, it's great to bring people together and do something that's fun and free and gets people outside moving, being active. Yeah, I'm really, really proud to be involved.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more
Yeah, brilliant. So a huge thanks to Earlswood Infant School and the PTA for hosting us, Friends of Earlswood. Also a big thank you to our sponsors, Suez Earlswood Recycling Centre. Big cheers for the Marshall team, please. That's the reason we keep you safe. People have told me already how slick it was.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
in the community and continues to explore options to provide alternative ways in which opportunities for engagement with the arts can take place.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
And Mr Wade, I make an offer to you this evening as leader of the council that we diary a regular meeting so that I can update you as Harlequin support group, maybe on a monthly or six weekly basis so that I can keep you fully informed of where we're at and the progress. It will be slow, but we are going to keep working.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
and I can assure you our support for the arts and culture in this borough is unbounded.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
We have a meeting with the surveyors at the beginning of August. We will know then the extent. It is very intrusive, the survey that's got to be done. So there's a lot of work to go on. There's a lot of support work goes inside the building to support the structure and everything else. So we will know more probably at our first meeting in four or six weeks time.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
I will be able to tell you the result of that meeting, but that's just at the beginning of August.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
I really appreciate and take on board the level of support that our theatre has, and I can assure you it will be properly discussed with the report at the Executive, which is also a public meeting. I know it's in the middle of the summer, but you are more than welcome to come.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
i think what is important is to let you know our commitment to the arts and culture in this borough is without doubt more now than it has ever been and will continue to be and i want to grow it as leader of this council so i make that commitment tonight that one i can make and we will work as fast as we can with Aviva, with the surveyors, and everything else.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
So, although the motion won't be debated, I really wanted, Mr Mayor, just to let everybody know our commitment to this tonight, and I wanted to wish everybody...
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
a good summer holiday and I hope that they take full advantage of all our play areas all the way across the borough including the ones that we've recently opened at West Vale Park and taken over so thank you very much for coming tonight I appreciate your concern I appreciate your support and I will continue to meet with Mr Waite to make sure that you're kept fully informed so thank you
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
Since closure, teams from across the council have been working alongside many stakeholders and partners, including undertaking initial surveys to establish the facts and investigate the situation surrounding the rack. these inquiries are still ongoing.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
However, given the significant levels of RAC and the unique implications and complexities this has for operating an auditorium or theatre, the venue is expected to remain closed for some time. We opened a pop-up space in the Belfry Shopping Centre we have continued to deliver an outdoor summer season and we moved the planned pantomime for 2023 into a big top in the Memorial Park.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more
Our main priority above all is safety to our users and our staff. And for that reason, the closure remains the safest option while all parties continue to work together. I and the council recognise how important the Harlequin is The Council recognises the value of the arts, the role that the Harlequin plays,