The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
Yes. So when I was 18, I'm 20 now. When I was 18, I went to get my first credit card from the bank and they made it aware to me credit cards out in my dad's name. He made me a cosigner and they were destroying my credit. I think my credit card was like 500. So I made that clear to them. or aware to them. My parents, they apologized. They took them off. And then I've been real busy.
The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
I got married, had a baby, and just kind of haven't been too worried about my credit. I decided to look at my credit today and realized that the one card they said they took me off of, they didn't. It was an Amex Delta card. And it's maxed out at $1,000, $1,000 limit. It's maxed out at like $1,300. So they're over their limit on it. And it's been destroying my credit.
The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
So I wanted to see if you thought it was wrong of me to mark it as fraud or what route you would take in this. Can you get it all off my credit history?
The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
Right, right. So as far as telling them to get my name off of it and then marking it as fraud, with them taking my name off of it, it's still going to affect my history though, right?
The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
All right. So this market was fraud and tell them to get my name off of it?
The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
Okay. So one more time, what is the name of one of those three agencies you said I have to go to?
The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
What's up? Good, good. I am so, so excited to talk to you guys. Um, I recently got married three months ago to my beautiful, beautiful wife. And we found out, uh, what, four days ago now that we're expecting our first child. That is awesomeness. Way cool. We're super excited and scared to death too.
The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
Oh yeah. It's both crazy emotions right now. Um, Anyway, and my mother-in-law loves to listen to your show, and I've listened to your show for a couple years now, so that's how she's going to find out. We're going to listen to the show together, and it'll be awesome.
The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
That's so cool. Thank you for that honor. Thank you for that honor. Yeah, thanks for letting me. My question involves health insurance. I want to get my wife health insurance as soon as I can. And I just don't know anything about it. So I wanted to know what you think.
The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
Yep, we're kind of on our own looking for options.
The Ramsey Show
Quit Letting Broke People Give You Financial Advice!
Yes, we do, yep. How much? We have an emergency fund, and we have about $6,000 in house savings.