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The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


We started at right around $100,000 and then... We had the numbers there for 23, and it was like 219 at the end of 23, and then I finally did the taxes last week. We made it over 250. All right.

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


The most progress? Probably the single biggest year was last year in 24. Just because the income went up? Income went up and there were some changes with some pay time off with work and all that that

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


they ended up cashing out both of ours so we had like two extra months worth of income just come in pto and they switched over to a different plan so didn't lose out on any available time off for us so that was a big one because yeah our final payment was like 46 000 and change that we just did all at once that was a really rough two weeks of just like no one can get sick no one can get injured everyone has to be very cool for these two weeks until we get hold your breath hold your breath like

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


I mean, we were saying for the last couple of years, this is finally going to be the year, but there is something different coming into 24 like this. This is finally going to be time for this to happen. And I knew I was going to have to cash out some PTO to make that goal by the end of 24, but I didn't know it was going to take all of my PTO and all of hers at the same time.

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


But ended up being that with the workings that everything else with work that if I had done it earlier in the year, it wouldn't have worked out. We had to wait on them to make the changes that we weren't in the place for them to even make those changes. So God really worked it out for us to make this come together at the end, because when it all came in.

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


to the checking account, it was less than $200 that was in the checking account, more than what we had left to pay. It was a total God thing. And we're done. We can be done tonight, but then we have $200 for the next two weeks.

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


It can always be done. So, I mean, what can't be done?

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


Probably just the length it took. Yeah. Just staying focused for that long. Yeah. And just how little progress was being made early on. Yeah. Just knowing, no, just got to keep with it. Keep going. Was it worth it?