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The Game with Alex Hormozi

Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840


So first of all, thank you. You and your team for the things that you are doing.

The Game with Alex Hormozi

Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840


Yeah, my name is Paulos. This is what I'm doing that you said already. And for the, I guess, three or four years, it seems like I just kind of lost something. Like why or... stuff like this, because two and a half, maybe already three years ago, we planned to go from what I have right now, because it's a one man company, just a few team members.

The Game with Alex Hormozi

Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840


Now it's 416 revenue the last year, and the goal was 2.3 million. Maybe this is the why. I lost this on the way. So I just wanted to know what's your why, why you are doing what you are doing.