Patricia Wimmer
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Who is that Wesley Ernest? That's a Wesley Ernest going through midlife crisis. And yes, he did have a lot of money. He had that lake house. Realtors had valued it at close to $3 million.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Wesley would have taken pride in being able to go by sometime and say, I designed and I built that house. Do you think he's capable of burning down that house? I wouldn't think so, no.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
A partial fingerprint in a place he called home for over 10 years. Excuse me. Where's his DNA? Yes, he committed adultery. Okay. Being an adulterer does not make him a murderer. Do you think Wesley's capable of murder?
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Wesley would never end sentences in prepositions. Some of the punctuation in there is wrong. No, he would not write a suicide note.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
I can't speak for that tire expert, but all I know is Wesley, if he thought that they were damaged and needed to be changed, he would change them. Changing the tires does not make him a murderer.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
When you look at him now, what do you see? I see an innocent man that's behind bars that was convicted by a jury that I feel had preconceived ideas.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Both of them would be laying on the middle of the floor watching the ball game together. Wherever you saw one, you saw the other.